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Chapter 920 Six Meridians Divine Sword

Kuroda Mori only left a detachment of cavalry and a few radio soldiers on the hillside to report to the rear. He arranged the remaining 600 cavalrymen into three horizontal lines and spread out on the vast fields rarely seen in the Yanshan Mountains.

A cavalry formation with a width of nearly one kilometer was formed. People were like tigers and horses were like dragons. Hundreds of people and horses actually stepped out of the momentum of thousands of troops and came rolling in like a tide.

Even Hirota Masatomo, who had always looked down upon these army cavalry, could not help but secretly praise in his heart when he looked down at the neat and majestic cavalry team from the air: "The military might of the Empire of Japan is true."

And Colonel Kuroda Mori, who was in the first platoon of the cavalry, was even more proud and looked forward to his glory.

I have the impression that under my iron hoof, all the troops are just chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow.

At this time, without the guidance of an airplane in the sky, Kuroda Mori had already seen two figures fleeing in embarrassment in the distance. He looked back from time to time, and then accelerated and ran. However, his body was shaking and his steps were staggering. He could see that he was at the end of his strength and exhausted.


Kuroda Mori pointed his long sword forward and said loudly: "Warriors, speed up the charge and capture Naona alive."

The Japanese cavalry around him all shouted, and they all stretched out their right arms, pointing their sabers straight ahead, then clamped their legs under the horse's belly, and the horses snorted excitedly and galloped like the wind.

Suddenly, the horses' hooves were like thunder and the shouts were loud. More than 600 cavalrymen from a whole cavalry regiment launched an indomitable charge.

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that there was an entire Chinese army on the opposite side, but you didn't expect that it was Kuroda Mori who formed such a large formation in order to show the military power of the cavalry to the Army Air Force pilots in the sky.

Of course, Kuroda Mori and his men also regarded this charge as an opportunity for practice. It would be easier to just scare the two trembling Nao Natos in front of them to the point of peeing and paralyzing them. It would be easier to rush over and catch them.

At this time, Hirota Masatomo, who was hovering in the sky, did not dive and shoot again. When his own cavalry arrived, these two exhausted little rabbits had already spread their wings and could not escape. If they dived and shot again, they would easily cause damage.

Inadvertent injury, just wait and see.

Now Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping are indeed running out of physical strength as Hirota Masatomo guessed.

Zhou Wen didn't know how long it had been since he had difficulty breathing and numbness in his legs and feet.

Even his first encounter with bandits in the Taihang Mountains after time travel was not as embarrassing and exhausting as he is now.

There was no other way. Not to mention the long trek until dark yesterday, just avoiding the enemy's plane fire just now had already made him and Zhang Xiaoping use all their strength, which was equivalent to walking 100 meters more than ten times in ten minutes.

Sprinting, whether it is internal strength, physical strength, physical skills, or mental exertion, has reached a limit.

But now, when the Japanese cavalry appeared, he and Zhang Xiaoping were really turned into dogs by the Japanese, as they joked before.

But it’s impossible not to run! On such a flat field, even if two people are in the best physical condition, it is impossible to fight against the cavalry, let alone there are still hundreds of cavalry. No matter whether you are strong in martial arts or invincible in marksmanship, as long as

A row of cavalry rushed over. Even without the use of sabers, they relied on hundreds of kilograms of war horses and huge impact force. Once they were hit, their bones and muscles would be broken.

Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping were less than 200 meters away from the woods at the foot of Qinglong Mountain. However, as the sound of thundering horse hooves behind them became clearer and louder, they knew they had to run before the cavalry caught up with them.

Going into the woods has become impossible.

The two brothers were sweating profusely, but their faces showed no signs of panic. Zhou Wen looked at a small raised bump in front of him and pointed at it. The two of them mustered up their last strength, ran a few steps and jumped up.

After rolling and jumping into this earthen bag that was only a few dozen centimeters high.

At this time, more than 150 cavalrymen from the first squadron of the Japanese Cavalry Regiment were galloping in front. When the captain saw two Zhina soldiers hiding behind earthbags more than 100 meters away, he signaled his men to outflank them, but he himself

It's because he slowed down his horse speed a little.

He had already seen that these two Zina scouts had almost no resistance, so he could just let his subordinates rush over and catch them. There was no need for him, a dignified captain, to step forward and take action himself. He also reminded: "

Don't use the saber, catch them alive."

A Japanese soldier, Captain Cao, took the lead bravely and led a few of his men on horseback to rush up to the bungalow. He saw two Chinese soldiers in strange clothes lying on the ground gasping for air.

Captain Cao saw that neither of them had weapons in their hands. One of them, a young soldier with sweat stains on his face and thin eyebrows and big eyes, raised his hand with difficulty and made a shooting gesture with his index finger at him.

With an inexplicable smile, he imitated the sound of a gun and said one word: "Bang!"

This Japanese soldier, Captain Cao, was both angry and funny. He just thought that this Chinese soldier was frightened out of his mind. How could he act like a child? He was about to move forward when he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing against his face.

When I came, I felt a sharp pain in my forehead, and then my vision went dark, and I fell backwards and fell under the horse.

At this time, the other six Japanese who followed were all confused. They didn't react for a moment. Why did Mr. Cao flip over and fall when someone pointed his finger in the air? Is this an act or is this a Chinese?

Black magic?

If these devils had read the novels of later generations of Master Jin, it is hard to say that they would blurt out: "Holy crap! Six Meridians Divine Sword."

But at this time, Zhou Wen was pointing his fingers at several Japs with a face full of jest, and kept clicking, Shao Shang Sword, Zhong Chong Sword, Shang Yang Sword, Guan Chong Sword, Shao Chong Sword, Shao Ze Sword, etc., the six swords were all at once.


"Puff puff……"

The six Japanese soldiers on horseback fell down at the sound, with blood splattering on their foreheads. They fell to the ground and died instantly.

This is not because Zhou Wen insists on pretending to be a ghost, but because he and Zhang Xiaoping are really too tired to even lift their guns, so they might as well just lie down completely and tease the Japanese a little bit.

They already knew that in the woods more than 100 meters away, there were countless guns aimed at them. These approaching Japanese were already meat on the brothers' chopping boards. There was no need for him and Zhang Xiaoping to hold on any longer.

A broken body is shot with a gun.

Long before Zhou Wen attacked the Japs checkpoint in Dushan, he had already contacted the brothers of the mercenary group who had arrived at Qinglong Pass, and then deliberately exposed himself to attract the Japs to pursue him.

He had already expected that the Japanese would definitely send cavalry to chase him, because the distance was too far and the infantry would not be able to catch up.

However, he did not expect the Japanese to send planes, so he wasted a lot of time and energy in the battle between manpower and mechanical engines, and was almost exhausted by the Japanese cavalry.

Another unexpected thing was that the Japanese actually sent out so many cavalry to pursue them.

Originally I only wanted to collect some interest, but now it seems that I can collect both the principal and interest.

This chapter has been completed!
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