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921 Great Appetite

Zhou Wen's original intention was that after being discovered by the Japanese cavalry on purpose, he would run into the woods first and then attract the Japanese into the mercenary group's fire net.

Therefore, he has been strictly ordering Miaohua and Chen Wanli not to send troops to respond. If they scare away the Japanese, all their efforts will be wasted.

As a result, it was a bit embarrassing now. He and Zhang Xiaoping were being chased by the Japanese in such a panic. I was afraid they would be laughed at by their brothers for the rest of their lives. It was really too much.

Fortunately, there was no danger. Now he would leave the following matters to the brothers. He believed that no Japanese cavalry could come within 10 meters of the small dirt bag where the two of them were hiding.

But at this time, Miao Hua, who was observing with a telescope in the woods, hated Zhou Wen with itch.

He was well aware of Zhou Wen's nature. This junior brother appeared to be far-sighted and calm in character, but in fact, he had a heart that wanted to be wild from time to time.

So he had the foresight to have the second team arrive at Qinglong Mountain Pass in advance to lurk, and sure enough, they received an order from Zhou Wen to prepare to ambush the pursuers.

When he saw Zhou Wen and the others being chased by Japanese planes and jumping around like rabbits, his heart was almost torn out and he was so anxious that sweat broke out on his head.

Because the distance is too far, the machine guns ambush in the woods cannot hit the Japanese plane, but sending people out to respond is not a good idea. You can't just have hundreds of people swarm out and run wildly in this open field with machine guns, right?

At that time, it is possible that the response will not be successful, and instead the brothers will be sent under the enemy's machine gun fire as targets.

So instead of sending anyone, he suppressed Xu Dacheng and Ti Jing, who were a few anxious team members who were eager to go out for rescue. At this time, only he could restrain these kings of soldiers who were eager to go out for rescue.

Only those who are mentally retarded would fight airplanes on the plains. This is not called bravery, it is called risking death.

He just concentrated all the precision shooters in the straight direction where Zhou Wen and the others were running. He had no choice but to rely on Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping, two masters of Qi Jingjing, to fight for a way out. What he was preventing was the Japanese.

of cavalry.

It wasn't until Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping jumped to the mound not far away that everyone, including him, breathed a sigh of relief. They all let out a long sigh and quickly wiped the cold sweat from their heads. It was so thrilling!

At this moment, Zhou Wen was about to do something again. He immediately used the earphone to notify Miaohua that he would wait for his order before firing.

This order made Miaohua furious again, and she decided that after this incident was over, she must find an opportunity to beat Zhou Wen into a happy face, otherwise she would be angry to death from this cheap junior brother.

Just because Zhou Wen's order was simply the word "bang".

This is the weird scene where Zhou Wen's Six Meridians Divine Swords all come out and 7 Japs are killed.

Of course, Miaohua also knew that Zhou Wen meant not to alert the Japanese cavalry, but to wait until they got closer before firing with full force.

But Zhou Wen's childish behavior still made Miaohua very dissatisfied.

At this time, Chen Wanli admired Miaohua endlessly, not because of Miaohua's commanding ability, but because of Miaohua's familiarity with Zhou Wen, which was called a tacit understanding.

This is called tacit understanding, this is called foresight.

Otherwise, if according to his previous deployment, a detachment 5 kilometers away rushed in in a hurry, the rapid march of thousands of people would not only be easily exposed, but they might not even have time to dig a position. How could they be as calm as now?

Now, eighteen artillery guns and six Schneider mountain guns are in place. Two machine gun companies and two infantry companies with a total of 60 machine guns are ready, waiting for the cavalry attack formations in the distance to show off their power and fight.

The devil, who was galloping on horseback, ran a little further.

Today, Chen Wanli has a big appetite. He not only wants to ambush the Japanese cavalry, but also wants to eliminate them all without leaving any one behind.

At the same time, the captain of the first platoon of the Japanese Cavalry Squadron had discovered something strange ahead. He did not think that the two Chinese soldiers knew anything about the Six Meridian Divine Sword and the Demonic Art, but he immediately judged these.

All of his men fell to the ground after being shot, and the bullets were fired from the woods 100 meters away. However, the Chinese used silenced weapons and could not hear the gunshots.

His first reaction was that there was an ambush in the woods.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart. If there was a large Chinese army ambushing in the woods, the current three-row charge formation of the cavalry would be very dangerous.

Of course, at this time, he was not aware of the impending destruction, but subconsciously felt that it was necessary to spread the formation further to expand the width of the battlefield, which would be more conducive to the cavalry's galloping.

So, he immediately ordered his troops to disperse, and then ordered the messengers to quickly signal to the troops behind them to spread to the left and right.

However, it was no wonder that captain Kuroda Mori had given the order to speed up the charge before. Hundreds of cavalrymen let go of their speed and sprinted. The horses galloped down with all their strength. How could they hold back their speed for a while?

In addition, the cavalry formation was broad, and the Japanese in front had to rein in their horses and slow down after seeing the signal, while the Japanese behind were still running wildly. Not only did the formation not spread out to both sides, but the front and rear rows got closer. There were even a few cavalrymen.

The unskilled Japs tightened the reins a little too hard, causing the horses to stand upright, but the men fell to the ground. The Japs behind quickly got out of the way, and the formation became somewhat chaotic.

The most important thing is that the speed of the Japanese army's horses invariably slowed down, and some Japanese soldiers even stopped and watched.

This time, Chen Wanli finally got the chance.

At this time, Hirota Masatomo, who was flying a plane in the sky for observation, saw that he had nothing to do, so he loudly shouted to the observer behind him: "Shimokawa-kun, let's prepare to return."

While he was speaking, there was suddenly a flicker on the ground that he caught sight of as he was about to retract his gaze. He looked at it again curiously, and saw a scene he had never seen in his life.

Nearly a hundred tongues of fire suddenly flashed out in the woods, which looked so obvious and dazzling in the dim light in the woods.

"There are enemies in the woods."

This was Masato Hirota's first reaction, and then he saw those mighty imperial cavalry from before, falling one by one as if they were swept across a wheat field by a strong wind.

Immediately afterwards, countless green smoke rose from the woods. In his sight from the air, dozens of indiscernible black spots suddenly passed under the belly of his aircraft, and with a heart-stopping scream, headed straight towards the aircraft.

Go to the center of the cavalry formation.

"Cannonball!" Hirota Masatomo screamed with his face turning pale.

Countless flames rose from the ground, and Masato Hirota witnessed the bodies flying up in the flames, as well as the frightened horses running wildly.

The whole person was stunned for a moment, forgot to control the plane, and let the plane fly towards the woods.

This chapter has been completed!
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