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Chapter 950 Zhang Xiaoping

However, Zhou Wen still felt that he could give it a try.

What if?

If you can really snipe and kill the Japanese commander, you can at least cause chaos to the Japanese for a period of time. Isn't this an opportunity?

There was no chance, so Zhou Wen wanted to create an opportunity.

After the plan was finalized, a problem arose.

But who to send?

This became a focus of debate within the mercenary group.

Based on the current conditions, there are two long-range strike modes for carrying out beheading operations.

One is artillery, and the other is sniper-gun sniping.

The first thing that was ruled out was shelling.

It is not that easy to penetrate the enemy's heavily guarded outer positions. It is unrealistic for you to sneak with a cannon.

And how many cannons are appropriate?

In a Dazhuangzi with countless houses and courtyards, how do you determine which courtyard is the Japanese headquarters? And how do you determine which room the Japanese commander was in when you bombarded it?

Unless you have the ability to completely destroy a village with a few rounds of bombardment, using artillery will only serve to alert the enemy.

Then you can only use a gun, and only if the Japanese commander happens to walk out of the village and is seen by you can you kill him with a sniper.

This condition was really harsh, but Zhou Wen still insisted on giving it a try. It was because he always felt unwilling to passively wait and accept the challenge.

He firmly believes that opportunities are always created by people. If you don't think about it or do it, you will never have the opportunity.

Originally, with Zhou Wen's super perception and sniper skills, he considered himself the most suitable sniper candidate, and whether he could successfully snipe or not, he was confident of escaping unscathed.

He believed in his own abilities. As long as he was not greedy or reckless, it would be difficult for the Japanese army to keep him in this vast mountain.

However, his proposal was opposed by all the officers of the mercenary group, even if he was willing to take Zhang Xiaoping with him.

Just because of Miaohua's words, she blocked him back, "Who are you bluffing? Didn't Xiaoping go with you last time? Can he stop you from being a bait? Can he stop you from wandering?


Zhou Wen was depressed because he couldn't act arbitrarily and violated everyone's opinions.

Of course he knew that this was all caused by being chased by the Japs last time, and now Senior Brother Miaohua was watching him like an old hen guarding his chickens, not giving him any chance to take risks.

Then, Zhou Wen can't go, and the only candidate is Zhang Xiaoping, the second sniper of the mercenary group.

Seeing the excited light in Zhang Xiaoping's eyes, Zhou Wen regretted his decision.

All along, no matter how outstanding Zhang Xiaoping's abilities were, Zhou Wen always regarded him as his little junior brother, protecting him and cultivating him with care, but never letting him take on a stand-alone role.

It’s not that Zhou Wen looks down on Zhang Xiaoping’s ability, nor is it that Zhou Wen doubts Zhang Xiaoping’s ability.

What does this mean for a master who has already entered the Qi Jinjing at the age of less than 20?

It shows that he is extremely talented, and that his mind is firm yet flexible. It is impossible for a person with an unstable mind to become a master of Qi Jinjing. When martial arts reaches a certain level, it requires the cooperation of mind, understanding and other aspects to be able to cross that path.


For example, in the current mercenary group, there are several people who have reached the peak of Jin Shengqi and Qi Shengjin. Basically, they have reached their current level with the help of Zhou Wen's Prajna Qi, but strictly speaking, they are cheating and cheating.


If your martial arts has reached a certain level, but your cognition and mentality cannot keep up, and your understanding cannot keep up, you will naturally not be able to get in. You can only wait for opportunities and opportunities. This is no longer something you can practice hard.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaoping has another advantage, that is, he understands in his heart but never talks too much. He is smart and smart, but his character is not out of the ordinary. When he first joined the mercenary group, he still had the spirit and youthfulness of a young man, but

Now he has become completely restrained.

But Zhou Wen was used to keeping this junior brother with him all day long. Because he loved him so much and felt closer to him than his own brother, subconsciously he was unwilling to let him take risks.

However, the young eagle will always spread its wings and fly high. Everyone has his own way to go. There will always be a day when everyone has to shoulder heavy responsibilities. The better the person, the heavier the burden and responsibility will be, unless you yourself

Think of yourself as a salted fish.

Zhang Xiaoping did not want to be a salted fish. Although he respected Zhou Wenyan as much as he respected his father and brother since his master passed away, and he usually obeyed Zhou Wenyan and never disobeyed him, this did not mean that he did not have his own pursuits and thoughts.

So this time he really wanted to carry out this mission, and he was also very sure that he was the one to be chosen as the sniper this time.

Because he has the same views as Miaohua and the others, he cannot allow his senior brother to take risks easily again.

In the previous mercenary group, everyone's martial arts and military skills were still in their early stages. Many things had to be done by the senior brothers themselves, and I could only follow behind and learn silently.

But now, many people in the mercenary group have grown up and are able to share some responsibilities with their senior brothers. I am the one who has grown the fastest, so there is no reason to hide behind my senior brothers.

When it comes to the person in the mercenary group who cherishes the current life the most, who can’t let go of the big family of the mercenary group the most, and who can’t live without Zhou Wen the most, it has to be Zhang Xiaoping.

Because he was abandoned since birth, he didn't know who his parents were, and he grew up in an environment with only his master. He had no playmates, no children, and no process of cuddling in the arms of his parents to act coquettishly and cutely.

Although he didn't know what it felt like, there was always an inexplicable emptiness in a certain corner of his heart.

Although Zi Qing Lao Dao also tried his best to protect and raise him, Zi Qing Lao Tao was ultimately a cultivator, and it was impossible for one person to replace his parents.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiaoping got to know his mother later that he finally realized the warmth and affection of maternal love, just like the land that had been dry for many years was moistened by rain and dew, making him particularly obsessed with and cherished it.

But the good times did not last long. Before he could fully appreciate his mother's care and love, his mother suffered a tragedy and left him.

Immediately afterwards, the master who raised him passed away not long after.

These experiences had a very fatal impact on Zhang Xiaoping's spirit and psychology. If he had not met Zhou Wen, I don't know whether he would have had a mental breakdown and become a madman or a cynical murderer.

You know, he was not yet 17 years old at that time, which is the age when a person's thoughts and personality are most susceptible to change.

Therefore, there is a lack in his life, and this lack causes him to always yearn for someone to rely on or rely on.

It was at this moment that Zhou Wen broke into his life, not only saving his life, but also bringing him into the big family of the mercenary group.

This chapter has been completed!
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