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Chapter 951: Infiltrate

In the mercenary group, he had a brother, a sister, and later love...

He slowly made up for what was missing before.

The nurturing and teachings of the master are father's love.

Although the time of maternal love is short, it is buried deep in his heart. Whenever he feels lonely, it will automatically rise from the bottom of his heart, allowing him to recall and savor it carefully.

The brothers in the mercenary group became his little partners and little brothers. They usually played and communicated, but on the battlefield, they were partners and comrades who depended on each other for life and death.

Zhou Wen, on the other hand, brought him brotherly care and guidance and became the guiding light in his life.

So he cherishes it, so he is reluctant to let go, so he wants to hold up a sky for his brother...

The result of the internal discussion in the mercenary group was as expected. Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin teamed up to complete this seemingly impossible task, while Zhou Wen led a team of members to launch sniper attacks on the Japanese troops around their route.

Killing and harassing, diverting the attention of the Japanese army's peripheral defense and creating conditions for their sneaking in.

Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin secretly sneaked into their current location last night. It is less than 3 kilometers away from Liujiaji in a straight line. From now on, they must be extra cautious and cautious every meter they advance. The Japanese army has already entered here.

Inside the anti-counterfeiting circle, you may encounter patrolling Japanese troops or Japanese hidden sentries at any time.

At Zhang Xiaoping's current level, his most confident sniping distance is within 700 meters, and he only has the chance to fire one or two shots.

It should be emphasized here that not all Mauser G98 standard rifles have such good accuracy. Zhang Xiaoping used a sniper rifle specially manufactured by Mauser for snipers. The materials and processing of the barrel are more advanced.


More importantly, in order for this kind of sniper rifle to maintain a stable ballistic trajectory at long distances, it also needs special sniper rifle bullets. Such bullets are not for sale and cannot be bought with money.

It was when German engineer Hobert brought the design drawings of the semi-automatic rifle and anti-tank gun designed by Zhou Wen to the Mauser Company that he obtained 100 rounds for Zhou Wen.

As for such sniper rifles, the mercenary group only has 10 so far, and generally only Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping are equipped with them.

A dedicated sniper gun and bullets, coupled with a German-made Zeiss 6x scope, gave Zhang Xiaoping the confidence to kill a 700-meter target. As for how to measure wind direction, wind speed, humidity and adjust the scope density,

This is no longer a problem for Zhang Xiaoping, an experienced sniper.

So, the problem faced by Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin now is how to sneak within 700 meters of Liujiaji without anyone noticing, and then wait for the target to appear as if they were lucky.

The terrain around Liujiaji is very flat, and the nearest hilltop to Dushan is about 1 kilometer away. Setting up a sniper position in the forest would exceed the effective shooting distance, not to mention that these hills have Japanese warning positions.

The only way was to pass through the enemy's outer positions and lurk in the fields below.

This brings another problem. On flat ground, the sniper's line of sight will not be far enough, and an observation post needs to be set up at a high place to observe the movements in the direction of Liu Jiaji at any time.

This is the reason why Zhao Xiaojin was chosen to team up with Zhang Xiaoping.

As a senior Qi Jin realm master, Zhao Xiaojin has become extremely proficient in Wudang Kung Fu. The internal mental techniques he has practiced for many years have brought about not only changes in his body and internal strength, but also a large increase in his vision and perception.

In the current mercenary group, apart from Zhou Wen's perverted perception, Zhao Xiaojin has the strongest perception. And after experiencing several battles, Zhao Xiaojin's current sniper level and military quality have also risen to a considerable height.

He is the third sniper in the regiment after Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping.

This is the benefit brought by the internal mental method, and it is also the reason why Wudang disciples such as Zuo Mingqing and Zhou Mingyuan can quickly become qualified precision marksmen.

Neijia's mental method emphasizes calmness and inaction. Year-round practice will make it easy for people to enter a state of calmness and unity of mind and heart, which is very suitable for the sniper's mental requirements.

But the purpose of having Zhao Xiaojin come is not to ask him to replenish his guns, but to serve as Zhang Xiaoping's observer, providing him with the appearance, location, movement, etc. of the target.

With the observation hand, Zhang Xiaoping does not need to maintain a state of high tension at all times. He can relax his mind and body appropriately before the target appears, preserving his physical strength and spirit for the final sniper kill.

In other words, if they need to lurk for several days or nights, the observers will basically not be able to rest and will have to observe any changes in the village at any time, while the snipers can rest appropriately.

Therefore, in this sniper mission, the role of the observer is very important. It is a test for the body, physical strength, endurance, perseverance, etc. Non-Qi Jin realm masters cannot be competent.

The time soon came to noon, and the warm sunshine passed through the trees and was scattered in the woods. Zhang Xiaoping and Zhao Xiaojin still stayed in the woods and were not in a hurry to move forward.

Through a morning of observation, they basically grasped the pattern of the Japanese patrols on the periphery, and also discovered several secret sentries of the Japanese. They kept these in mind, but they still did not move forward. They were waiting, waiting for Zhou Wen and the others to attack the Japanese troops.

attract attention.

Zhou Wen on the other side is also waiting. He is waiting for time to slowly pass. He wants to start harassing the Japanese army near dusk and put great pressure on them, so that the already stretched Japanese army can attack from other directions.

Deploy troops.

This time, Miaohua no longer stopped Zhou Wen from leading the army in person. Apart from Zhou Wen, the detachment no longer had a suitable commander, because Miaohua herself had to train the newly transferred cavalry company.

Speaking of the newly established cavalry company, after careful discussion between Zhou Wen and Mo Dahai, they felt that it would be more appropriate for Delengtai to hold the position of company commander.

Why Zhou Wen discussed with Mo Dahai instead of Chen Wanli and Miaohua was because Mo Dahai observed the combat performance of these puppet cavalry from the perspective of a bystander. Who has more influence and tactical ability? With his

The eyes will naturally make a clear judgment.

As for whether Delengtai, who used to be a squad leader, could convince the public, Zhou Wen had no worries at all.

As long as you join the mercenary group, the old rules and customs of the previous army will no longer have a place to survive. In addition, the treatment is good and the officers and soldiers respect each other. It won't take long for you to feel angry.

This chapter has been completed!
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