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Chapter 993 Delay

These Japs have never seen the fighting style of a mercenary group. They are used to fighting armies with relatively backward tactics like the Northeastern Army and the Volunteer Army.

They have become accustomed to maintaining a combat distance of more than 200 meters with the Chinese army. At this distance, they can make full use of their precise rifle shooting, machine gun fire suppression and grenade precise strikes to inflict huge damage to the Chinese army.


When the Chinese army was fighting the Japs at this distance, in addition to the threat of machine guns, the shooting of rifles could be said to be lackluster and basically inaccurate. Instead, because they were fixed on the position and did not move, they became a living target for the Japs.

So after Zuo Mingqing and the others opened fire, these Japs continued to fight with the mercenary group on the same spot. This was obviously a case of asking for death.

In the battle doctrine of the mercenary group, the most important central idea is to preserve yourself so that you can destroy more enemies.

Therefore, how to hide and disguise in battle so that the enemy cannot detect you in a short period of time is the most important part of the training outline formulated by Zhou Wen.

Just like now, Zuo Mingqing and several other precision shooters are not only camouflaged and concealed, but also have suppressors on their rifles. Not only can the Japanese not hear the sound of the gunfire, but they can't see the muzzle flame. At a distance of more than 200 meters, the Japanese army

Even if no one can see one, how can you ask them to fight back?

The other members of the volunteer army who use rifles always change positions immediately after firing a few shots. They are never willing to fight. What's more, they are all veterans who have been fighting for a long time. Anyway, there are a few masters who are doing powerful damage, so they don't ask for merit.

Just try not to do anything wrong, just don't make trouble for others.

This is also the rule that the mercenary group has always emphasized in training, that is, everyone should perform their own responsibilities.

In the medium and long range of 200-400 meters, that is the combat distance of artillery, machine gunners, snipers and precision shooters. Assaulters and other riflemen should just stay hidden and protect themselves first.

When the enemy approaches within 200 meters, that's when all the firepower will be output.

But now, they all know that the Japs can't get within 200 meters. It's impossible for them to move forward even if they want to, because the narrow mountain road is already covered with Japs' corpses and wounded.

Only then did the Japanese commander wake up. They had encountered a tough enemy they had never seen before. If they didn't run away, they would become easy targets for them.

This is also because these Japs have never fought against a mercenary group and do not know that a small pot is made of iron. If the Japs from the 6th Division who have suffered enough from the mercenary group are here today, I am afraid that they will be killed as soon as they fight.

He hurriedly retreated.

Seeing the little Japs starting to carry the wounded back, Zuo Mingqing sneered in his heart. These Japs were really dogmatic and wanted to carry the wounded back. Don't you know that this was exactly what he had done for them, so just keep more of them.

Come on people.

By this time, there was no suspense in the battle. Zuo Mingqing would not be stupid and lead the team to hunt down the Japanese army. They would just kill a few more within shooting range. As long as they guarded this trail, they were not afraid that the Japanese could overturn it.

The sky is gone.

But the news that this life trail has been exposed must be reported to the headquarters as soon as possible.

So he sent the fastest music star back to report the news.

After listening to Qu Xingxing's report, Gao Xiaoshan not only did not feel relieved, but frowned.

It wasn't that he was still worried that the Japs would invade this secret trail.

With Zuo Mingqing and dozens of others guarding the intersection, it's a narrow path that only one person can pass through. Even with thousands of troops, you can't even hope to get through.

What worried Gao Xiaoshan was that, according to previous intelligence analysis, hadn't the Japs already been deployed to encircle and suppress Zhou Wen and the others? Then where did this group of Japs come from?

The more Gao Xiaoshan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Especially tonight, the Model Brigade and the 32nd Army had to act in unison to go out to meet Zhou Wen and the others. However, a group of Japanese soldiers appeared out of nowhere and were right in front of them. I'm afraid the situation was different.

Good change.

Gao Xiaoshan was different from Zuo Mingqing and others. He had always grasped the intelligence on the front line, and he immediately smelled something unusual.

He immediately ordered: "Star, you have to work hard again. Go back and tell Mingqing and the others that as soon as the people from the Model Brigade Guard Battalion arrive, they will hand over the defense task to them. You will come back immediately to rest and wait for my order."

After he finished speaking, he asked the soldiers from the hospital's security platoon to lead a horse, and he got on it and galloped towards Phoenix Mountain.

However, what Gao Xiaoshan didn't know was that the situation had taken a turn for the worse and was even worse than he had feared.

An hour ago, in a conference room at the Gordon Hotel in the British Concession in Tianjin, the third round of negotiations between China and Japan was still going on.

"Fujita-kun, you and I have reached consensus on most of the terms. Why do you insist on not giving in on the last one? Now our domestic and international public opinion is staring at this Central Party Headquarters Teaching Corps.

It is impossible for us to give up on them, please understand."

"Haha, I'm sorry, I don't agree with you, Wang Jun. This so-called Central Party Headquarters Teaching Corps has never been part of the official establishment of your country's Military Commission. In other words, they are not regular troops. They are a group of people who do not respect international ethics.

The thugs are the main culprits in destroying the friendship between Japan and China. We, the Imperial Japanese Kwantung Army, must destroy them."

This issue has been the focus of dispute between the two sides since today's negotiations, which made the Chinese negotiator Wang Shiqi feel a little anxious.

According to his experience, a small force of no more than a thousand people should not be the reason for the Japanese side to be entangled.

Because looking at the overall situation of the armistice between China and Japan, shouldn't the focus of the two sides' competition be the actual line of control between the two sides? Territory is the reason why you, Japan, start the war, right?

Moreover, in previous negotiations, Wang Shiqi, on behalf of China, had made major concessions and shelved the issues of Jehol and the three northeastern provinces. In fact, it was a temporary recognition of the fact that Japan actually occupied the above-mentioned areas.

Now both sides have agreed to use the Great Wall as the dividing line between the control areas of both sides. This is already the biggest concession for China, but the Japanese side turns a blind eye and instead insists on the withdrawal of the Central Party Headquarters Teaching Corps to the customs.

In Wang Shiqi's view, this was just a trivial matter. He really didn't understand why Japanese representative Fujita Nobuyoshi insisted on not giving in on this issue.

He noticed a bad sign from it, as if Japan was deliberately delaying time.

So, what are they waiting for?

This chapter has been completed!
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