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Chapter 994 Despicable Sneak Attack

While the two sides were arguing, a Japanese man in a suit walked into the conference room with a gait typical of a soldier. Under the surprised eyes of the Chinese representative, he whispered into Fujita Nobuyoshi's ear.

A few words.

Wang Shiqi looked at Fujita Sueyoshi, whose eyes were gradually brightening, and his heart sank, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

Suddenly, I saw Fujita Nobuyoshi standing up, pointing to the map on the table and saying: "Wang Jun, I'm sorry, the actual line of control between our two sides may have to be revised again. Now our request is that you must within one day

All the people in the area withdrew from the Great Wall defense line and retreated to the area west of the Luanhe River."

"What? Mr. Fujita, are you kidding me?" Wang Shiqi stood up and said loudly in anger.

He felt that the Japanese in front of him were not crazy. You had concentrated heavy troops to attack the Great Wall defense line for two whole months, and at the cost of countless casualties, you could not take it back. Now you are asking us to give it up with just one word, and you are saying so.

You are so confident, is it because you have lost your mind and gone crazy?

And he is still very angry now. How could these Japanese people suddenly tear up the terms that had been confirmed by both parties before? Isn't this blatant unreasonableness and betrayal?

Is there still such a child's play negotiation in this world? Are you little Japan still so shameless?

However, the short, stout Japanese major general officer in front of Wang Shiqi, who was as short as a winter melon, did not have any sense of shame on his face. Instead, he had a look of self-satisfaction blooming on his face.

He said in a joking tone: "I'm sorry, just two hours ago, our Imperial Japanese Army's 10th Division had breached the Yiyuankou and Jielingkou of the Great Wall. Your army's Great Wall defense line no longer exists.


"You..." Wang Shiqi was so shocked by this thunderous statement that he was so dizzy that he almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the assistant beside him supported him.

Wang Shiqi's head was sweating and his lips were white. With trembling fingers, he pointed at Fujita Sueyoshi, whose face was filled with a smile of success, and said: "You... you... are too despicable!"

He didn't understand at that time that peace talks and armistices were all Japanese conspiracies.

Little Japan must have quietly mobilized new reinforcements under the guise of armistice peace talks, which is the 10th Division that Fujita just mentioned.

This was a despicable and shameless sneak attack.

He has now sobered up in an instant. He will not think that Fujita Nobuyoshi is bragging, but if there are changes on the front line, the Peiping Military Commission should call him as soon as possible.

Why doesn't he know this news until now?

There is only one possibility: the Peiping Military Commission has been kept in the dark so far.

A trace of cold sweat ran down Wang Shiqi's back. He quickly winked at an official under his command and asked him to quickly report to the headquarters for verification.

Wang Shiqi was a lieutenant general after all, and he certainly knew that if a Japanese division were deployed at any pass along the Great Wall defense line, it would form an overwhelming advantage over the previously balanced Chinese defense line.

Moreover, they knew that the military situation was very strong. Once Yiyuankou and Jielingkou were lost, Lengkou's troops would soon face a pincer attack by the Japanese 6th and 10th divisions.

In fact, his guess was quite good. After the Chinese side agreed to the armistice and peace talks, the Japanese army mobilized heavy troops to encircle and suppress the mercenary group, and secretly dispatched more than 20,000 troops from the Japanese 10th Division as reinforcements.

The Japanese 10th Division was stationed in North Korea, but after they received the dispatch order, they did not use railways and roads to march with as much fanfare as the 6th and 8th Divisions did before.

The base camp of the Kwantung Army and the North Korean Garrison Command mobilized all the Japanese ships and fleets in the Yellow Sea, secretly transported the 10th Division directly to Liaodong Bay for landing by sea, and passed through Shanhaiguan without entering. They walked for two days and two nights.

Traveling on mountain roads day and night, through mountains and ridges, we managed to elude all Chinese spies and intelligence personnel.

Moreover, the 10th Division also used superior forces along the way to wipe out all the anti-Japanese volunteers operating in the mountainous areas.

Among them is the volunteer army team that Takashi Wanda belongs to.

The purpose of the Japanese army is not only to clear out the anti-Japanese armed forces along the way and ensure their own logistics supplies, but also to shield the battlefield so that the Chinese army has no idea that such a huge attack group has come under their noses, thus achieving an offensive

of suddenness.

Sure enough, at 2 o'clock at noon on April 18, when the third round of negotiations between China and Japan had just begun, the Japanese 10th Division suddenly appeared at Yiyuankou and Jielingkou, and immediately concentrated

All artillery launched an attack on the two passes at the same time.

Stationed here is the 53rd Army led by General Wan Fulin of the Northeast Army.

The 53rd Army was also a Northeastern Army unit that performed relatively bravely in the Great Wall War of Resistance. Their previous enemy was the Japanese army coming from the direction of Shanhaiguan and more than 5,000 Japanese soldiers who formed the 33rd Brigade.

After more than a month of bloody fighting, the officers and soldiers of the 53rd Army firmly held their line of defense after paying thousands of casualties.

However, in the past few days of the total armistice between China and Japan, the officers and soldiers of the 53rd Army got a rare respite. They removed part of the main force to rest and let some volunteer troops who had taken refuge rotate up to defend.

Originally, this kind of rotation was normal, and they learned from various intelligences that the Japanese 33rd Brigade was also shrinking its troops for rest and recuperation.

As a result, the officers and soldiers of the 53rd Army generally believed that the Sino-Japanese armistice was imminent and the war was about to end, and the tension in their hearts was mostly relaxed.

When the Japanese 10th Division suddenly launched an attack, everyone in the 53rd Army was stunned by the sudden and fierce artillery fire.

When they saw thousands of shit-yellow figures appearing in front of them, most of the officers and soldiers lost their courage.

First, part of the volunteer army of the left-wing garrison at Yiyuankou retreated to the northwest of Shimenzhai without fighting, causing the front-facing garrison to become isolated.

Seeing the Japanese troops outflanking them, the 116th Division of the 53rd Army, which was guarding the main position at Yiyuan Pass, had no choice but to abandon its position and retreat.

Only half an hour after the Japanese 10th Division launched the attack, Yiyuankou, which had been held for more than a month, was breached.

An hour later, Jielingkou, located east of Yiyuankou, was also captured by the Japanese army.

Since then, the nearly 300-kilometer Great Wall defense line defended by China's 200,000 defenders has been opened up by the Japanese 10th Division in the west.

At this time, the weakness of the Chinese army's front-line defensive formation was undoubtedly exposed. If it was broken, there was a danger of the entire line collapsing.

What is even more speechless is that after the 53rd Army lost two crucial Great Wall passes in a row, it is unknown whether it retreated hastily or deliberately concealed military information for fear of being held accountable for its faults. It did not report to the Peiping Branch of the Military Commission in time.

It was only after Fujita Keiyoshi directly revealed this shocking news at the negotiation table that China learned of the bad news, which was hours late.

This chapter has been completed!
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