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Chapter 141 New requirements for the new coach

  This is not the first time that all the players of the Chinese national team have met Jorge Dillon.

Even putting aside Dillon's illustrious achievements in Europe, when everyone played in the Chinese Super League, they all played against the Golden Arrow coached by Dilon. Not to mention that there are still Golden Arrow players in the national team now, so against Dillon

But it's more familiar.

 But except for the Golden Arrow players, the other international players’ understanding of Dillon is actually very shallow, and they are limited to knowing that he is a very famous and capable head coach.

After Dillon became the head coach of this team, the international players are also speculating on how Dillon will lead this team.

For example, what tactics will he choose, what are his criteria for selecting and employing people, what is his temper, what are his hobbies...etc.

 These are all related to your future and destiny in the national team.

After all, everyone knows that "one emperor, one courtier". Some players were not welcomed by the previous head coach, and they might not even be able to serve as substitutes. As a result, when the head coach was changed, they were transformed from substitutes.

Became the main force.

 Has your ability suddenly improved?

Of course not, it can only be because this player's ability meets the requirements of the new coach.

 Or just because his personality and temperament are very appealing to the new head coach.

 We are all professional players, and we have seen situations like this before. We are used to it when we see it, and we even take it for granted.

So if you can be more in line with Dillon's taste, wouldn't it be easier for you to be in the national team?

 Especially the older international players.

  During this time, they have been looking for players at the Golden Arrow to find out who the new coach is.

Then they combined the information they learned and came to the conclusion that Dillon liked Chen Xingyi very much.

 When seeing this conclusion, some people wanted to overturn the table. What kind of result is that?

However, some people followed this result and further speculated that perhaps Dillon not only likes Chen Xingyi, but also likes Chen Xingyi's group of young people...

 This makes the aging international players even more aware of the crisis.

 They can almost imagine that a cruel overhaul within the national team is about to begin.

  Previous performances in the national team cannot be used as capital for them to stay.

With this uneasy feeling, everyone was informed during dinner: After dinner, they went directly to the conference room of the hotel to gather. The new head coach Jorge Dillon was going to hold a meeting for everyone.

This has further intensified everyone’s worries, are they preparing to kill the chicken to scare the monkey?

Then who will be the chicken that is killed?

Thinking about it this way, some people think that Yao Huasheng was not selected for the national team due to injury, maybe it is a good thing...

Now they are watching the video highlights of the Chinese team’s Asian Cup match on the projector.

This is the "dessert" specially prepared for them by the new coach Jorge Dillon.

“After watching this ten-minute video, what do you think?”

 After the video played, Dillon’s voice sounded, followed by translator Yu Jintao’s narration.

 What do you think?

 I have a lot of thoughts, but I don’t know if I should say them...

 Everyone looked at each other and no one said a word.

Dillon didn't seem to care whether the team members answered or not, and he began to talk endlessly. Every time he said a paragraph, he would stop and take a break until Jin Tao had finished translating for him, and then he continued.

"Through the game video highlights and combined with your experience in the Asian Cup, you should easily come to such a result. That is, you will find that the opponents you encountered in the Asian Cup seem to be stronger. But this will make

You have doubts. Because you have basically played against opponents in Asia. You should know each other's level very well. How can you suddenly improve in a short period of time? Besides, which one is more difficult to win, the Asian Cup or the top 12?

, you should also know very well...

"So there is another answer to this question, and that is that you have become weaker. After all, you were able to draw with Russia and Brazil in the World Cup. Now it is so difficult to defeat the Philippines and Iraq. Have you really become weaker?

?But if this is really the case, how can you explain your beautiful defeat of the Japanese team?"

  The players of the Chinese team recovered from their initial stunned state, put aside their random thoughts, and began to immerse themselves in the questions raised by the head coach.

 Have we become stronger or weaker?

After the World Cup, so many teammates have gone abroad to study, and the media is saying that this will be the strongest Chinese team in history.

Why was the Asian Cup so stumbling? They lost to Iraq in the first game.

The fight against the Philippines is not going well, and even the fight against Syria can result in conceding goals...

Dillon gave the players a moment to think before continuing:

"Actually, it's not that you have become weaker, or that your opponents have become stronger. It's very simple. Our opponents' attitude towards us has changed, and our status in Asian football has also changed. From now on, you must get used to the mentality of a strong team.

Competition, look at yourself. To put it simply, whether you admit it or not, in the eyes of others, you are a strong team.

"That's why you encounter so many pressing and bus-like defenses in the game. These are topics you have not studied before, so when you encounter them in the game, you will inevitably be a little at a loss.


In order to let the players of the national team understand this, Dillon also analyzed for them why they did not encounter such a situation when they played in the top 12 games before.

  Simply put, in the past they were not a first-rate team, or a third-rate team. Most of their opponents were not very afraid of the Chinese team. When facing the Chinese team, they did not have the mentality to face a strong team.

 So they won’t shrink their defense.

Dillon actually told Yu Jintao about the specific content in private, but now he told it to the international football players, and he even told it in more detail than he did to Jin Tao.

 Some of the content is even like talking on a wheel, turned over and over again.

Break it apart, mash it up, and explain it to the international players in detail, as if they are afraid that they will not understand.

From the positioning of the Chinese national team in Asian football, to why Shi Wuyin adopted the trident offensive tactic composed of Hu Lai, Luo Kai and Chen Xingyi as the core offensive tactic, the advantages and disadvantages of this tactic and why it cannot be adapted to today's

The Chinese team has won the championship, where will the Chinese team go next...

 And he not only talked about it verbally, he also explained it in combination with edited game videos, using a more intuitive way to let the players understand.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would definitely find it ironic that the top group of people in Chinese football should be like ordinary fans and need to be "popularized" in such a complicated way.

 Is this the highest level of football in our country?

Can Chinese football still get better?

 Just disband!

 But this is the current situation of Chinese football.

Some things seem to be understood by the fans and sound logical, but it is not so easy for the players to implement these principles into the game.

Let’s just say the simplest one:

 After passing the ball, continue running to reach your teammates.

This can be considered common knowledge among fans. Who still stands still and plays football these days?

 But in a specific game, is it always correct to run forward after passing the ball?

Obviously not.

 Sometimes running forward will lead the team's offense to a dead end.

 "Open up the space" are just these four words. It needs to be done concretely in the game, and it is not easy to do it correctly.

 Sometimes you need to run forward after passing the ball, sometimes you need to retreat after passing the ball, and sometimes you need to pull laterally, and sometimes even staying put after passing the ball is the right choice.

 When and how to move and pull, this is where ability is tested.

 And this kind of pulling and running is often not a matter of one person, but requires the team as a whole to work together in a certain area.

If, as a coach, you only tell the players to actively run after passing the ball to open up space, but do not tell them specifically how to open up the space and what to do in different situations, then the players will still be confused.

  So during the game, you can still see that some players are not active enough in the game, and they do not open up the space in time, causing their teammates to have no safe route for the ball, etc.


"...In order to avoid encountering such problems in the future, our next focus in training is how to organize offense when facing pressing pressure, and how to break through dense defense. You must change your mentality and habits during training

... This kind of training will not be easy, and my requirements for you will not be low, but you must know that your performance in the game will not live up to the hard work you have put in in training!"

 Jorge Dillon concluded his tactical meeting.

 The players walked back to their rooms one after another, everyone looking worried.

 They know that their national team careers will undergo earth-shaking changes.

 The head coach has put forward his requirements, and those who cannot keep up with the requirements will be eliminated.

 Four years later, how many of the players in this conference room will be able to catch the plane to Spain or Portugal?

This chapter has been completed!
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