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Chapter 177 Let's talk about it when the time comes

"Louis, did you gain anything from your trip to Leeds?"

When Francis returned to Madrid, he was quickly summoned by King Madrid's director of football Xavi Sanchez to ask for details.

"Sorry, Xavi. Because Leeds City eliminated Ferenc, the prearranged plan did not come in handy..." Francis explained.

"Yeah, I know. After all, no one thought they could win under such circumstances..." Harvey Sanchez nodded, not caring.

"But this also shows that Hu has indeed matured. If he can come to the Madrid Kings, he will be a strong addition to our lineup... You watched the game between him and Tramed live, how did you feel?


Francis said: "He is indeed very suitable for the King of Madrid because he has a super tough heart. But his importance to Leeds City is also self-evident. If we want to get him, I am afraid we have to pay a huge price...

That can't be done with 50 to 60 million, Harvey. It is said that Hu's contract with Leeds City does not include liquidated damages."

"Money is not the main issue, Louis." Xavi Sanchez waved his hand. "The key is the player's own wishes... Is he willing to come to Madrid?"

Francis shook his head: "I don't know. I didn't talk to him about any topics related to this when I went to Leeds City this time."

Hearing this, Sanchez was a little disappointed: "So we don't know his attitude at all?"

"It can't be said that I don't know at all..." Francis said, taking out his mobile phone from his pocket, opening it and finding a photo in the album, and then handed it to Sanchez.

"This is..." Sanchez glanced at a photo of Hulay and Francis in the locker room.

It can be seen that in the locker room after the game, Hu Lai was still naked from the waist up, wearing a pair of shorts, and his own wardrobe was in the background.

"He and I basically talked about some scenes, not too in-depth. After all, we were surrounded by other Leeds City players and Leeds City staff... But overall, the communication between me and him was very smooth.

Yes, the atmosphere was very harmonious and nothing bad happened. But at the end of the conversation, Hu took the initiative to take a photo with me."

Francis said, pointing to Hulay in the photo.

"Offered..." Xavi Sanchez keenly captured the key information in Francis's last sentence.

Who would offer to take a photo with Frances?

Most of them are fans and admirers.

Hu Lai is not an ordinary fan, but he took the initiative to take a photo, which shows... that he admires Francis?

Although he is a forward, Francis is a midfielder.

But no one stipulates that a forward cannot like the midfielder.

Besides, Francis is a legendary player in world football and the idol of countless young players... This is normal.

So from the fact that Hu Lai offered to take a photo with Francis, Harvey Sanchez can infer that Hu Lai has a good impression of Francis...

This will be a good thing for the future actions of the King of Madrid.

Sometimes, a good personal relationship is a key factor in determining whether a player can successfully join.

Sanchez, who understood, raised his head and asked Francis: "Do you two have each other's contact information?"

"Yes, we left each other's phone numbers."

"That's good, keep in touch, Louis. If he is willing to take a photo with you, it means that at least he doesn't hate you."

"Yes." Francis nodded. "I will continue to pay attention to Hu. Apart from the club, I am also very interested in him."


"I've always felt weird..."

In a bar, Matt Dawn said to Tony Clark at the table.

"What's weird?" Clark asked after taking a sip of wine.

"Francis has never been related to us, why did he suddenly visit?"

Clark glanced at him: "Can't you guess this? It's obviously for Hu..."

"Are you blatantly poaching people?" Matt frowned dissatisfied.

"That's not true. They just came to establish a connection with Hu Lai. We should talk about poaching people later."

"Alas..." Matt sighed. "Hu's hat trick made him once again the most popular person in the entire European football world... Those giants are like sharks that have smelled blood."

"It's inevitable, Matt. Good players will always have suitors wherever they go."

Matt glanced at Clark: "Why are you so calm?"

Clark spread his hands: "Because I can't decide this matter. Hu's future depends on the club and himself, and has nothing to do with the coaching staff. And, Matt. It's not just Hu, Kamara, Pete, Adams... they all

There is no shortage of buyers. So now we have to consider their replacements."

"It's hard to find a replacement for Hu. Forwards like him are as rare as giant pandas." Matt shook his head.

"Let's think about it differently. If we can't find someone like Hu, then we will find other outstanding forwards. Laski has grown up, and we will give him a partner..."

After the two discussed the team's next team building policy for a while, Matt still sighed: "We have reached the semi-finals of the Europa League. We should be very happy, but now I feel like parting is suddenly coming.

Right in front of you..."

"Ha, Matt, relax. Even if one day we really have to break up, it won't be now. The contract between Hu and the club was just re-signed last summer. Any giant...even the Kings of Madrid,

If you want to take Hu away from us, you have to pay a very, very high price. It's not that easy."

"Will you convince Hu to stay, Tony?"

Clark did not give an answer immediately this time, but pondered for a while, and then shook his head: "I won't. If he wants to leave, then let him go. I don't want him to stay in Leeds City for the rest of his life, that is meaningless.

He should showcase his talent and talents on a bigger stage."

"But Tony, we have also discussed that Hu's characteristics are not very consistent with the requirements of mainstream tactics..."

Clark smiled: "I'm not worried about this now, Matt. Because one day, when Hu leaves Leeds City, with his ability and status, he shouldn't need to embarrass himself to meet the coach's tactical requirements. Europe

There are so many capable head coaches, and I don’t believe I am the only one who can make good use of them.”

Matt nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.


Hu Lai sent a photo of himself and Francis to the group and added Zhang Qinghuan as a circle.

"Brother Huan, look who this is?"

"Let me go, Francis!" The first person who jumped out was Chen Xingyi, "Why did you take a photo with him?"

"He went to our home court to watch our game against Tramed, and then met with us in the locker room after the game." Hu Lai explained. "I thought it was funny at the time. Brother Huan is not a 'pirated copy of Francis'.

'Really? Now that I have met the genuine Francis, I just want to take a photo together and show it to Brother Huan, the pirated one..."

"Hu Lai, what the hell are you piracy?" Zhang Qinghuan jumped out, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I haven't even met Francis yet. You haven't asked me for an autograph or anything?"

"Brother Huan, you didn't tell me earlier. I didn't ask for it. I'm not his fan. Why do I want an autograph?"

"Ah, that's okay. I'll ask him for it myself next time I have a chance." Since Zhang Qinghuan is known as "Francis of China," he naturally has feelings for Louis Francis.

After he lost his explosive power, he was a little less good at breakthroughs. But because of this, in terms of passing, he became more and more like Francis who lost his speed as he got older in the latter part of his career.

If he could take a photo with Francis, for Zhang Qinghuan, it would be like meeting his idol when he was playing football and fulfilling a small dream.

While they were chatting, Wang Guangwei suddenly came out and asked: "Why did Francis suddenly go to watch the Leeds City game? Could it be that he is a lobbyist for the King of Madrid?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone thought it made sense.

After all, Francis and Leeds City are really inseparable - no one in this team knows Francis, and the team's head coach Clark does not have any personal relationship with Francis... Leeds City Club and Kings of Madrid Club have not had any relationship before.

What an intersection.

Why is he suddenly going to visit Leeds City Club?

"Francis said he was visiting in a private capacity. And he didn't mention the King of Madrid during the whole process..." Hulay said, "But what the hell? I'm not that easy to accept what others say."

Everyone believes this, otherwise Hu Lai would not have chosen to come to Leeds City in the first place, but would have gone directly to Madrid. Why make a big detour?

"Then will you really go to Madrid Kings in the future, Brother Hu?" Xia Xiaoyu asked in the group.

Hu Lai thought for a while and answered him: "Maybe now, let's talk about it later."

Chen Xingyi: "Oh, I guess this 'future' won't be too long. You have been so troubled in the Europa League, and now there are rumors everywhere about where you are going..."

"It's all nonsense!" Hu Lai sent an emoticon rejecting the three consecutive orders.

"But Hu Lai, you also know that you can't stay in Leeds City forever, right?" Wang Guangwei continued to ask.

Hu Lai was silent for a longer time this time.


Will he stay at Leeds City forever?

Although he is very happy playing here... but people always have ambitions.

And no one can tell what will happen in the future.

He originally chose Leeds City instead of Madrid Kings, not because he didn't like Madrid Kings or a wealthy club, but because he knew that it was most suitable for him to go to a small team at that time.

If another wealthy club comes to him in the future, will he still feel that with his strength at that time, it is most appropriate to stay in Leeds City?

After thinking for a long time, Hu Lai said in the group: "I don't know if I will leave. If I leave, where will I go? Let's talk about it when the time comes. We will talk about it when the time comes..."

This is not to be perfunctory, but he really doesn't have a clear answer yet.

Others could also understand Hu Lai's current state of mind, so they didn't rush to make suggestions.

Because you still have to plan your career by yourself. If you listen to others, if you fall into a trap, whose fault is it?

It is also the first time for these people to play football abroad, and no one is more experienced than the other.

In terms of experience, Hu Lai, who was the first to go abroad, has the most experience.

He doesn't even know how to take the road ahead, and others have no say.

Besides, these people don't have Hu Lai's worries. Hu Lai doesn't know where to go next, and they don't know when they can gain a firm foothold in their own team...


When having breakfast the next day, Morikawa Junpei said to Hu Lai seriously: "If one day you plan to leave Leeds City, leave, Hu San."

Morikawa Junpei usually only calls Hu Lai "San" when it's very formal. He usually calls him by his first name.

So when he heard this title, Hu Lai knew that Morikawa Junpei must be worried that his presence would make him hesitate when deciding to stay or go.

So he nodded: "Okay, Morikawa."

Morikawa Junpei stopped talking, lowered his head and continued eating breakfast.

Hu Lai said: "But I don't think about that now. We haven't achieved our goal for this season yet. We will wait until we win the Europa League."

All Leeds City players know that if they want to participate in the Champions League next season, they must win the Europa League this season.

Now they are three games away from that goal.

This chapter has been completed!
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