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Chapter 11 Thank you for participating

 After the recess exercises, the students returned to their classrooms one after another. Many people gathered in the corridor of the teaching building, and they were all discussing the scene that just happened in the stadium.

"The person who was called by the dean during recess today was the one from the class next to us..."

"Hu Lai! I heard that he is a famous figure in their class. Everyone knows his name..."

"Is he so famous?"

"Because there are always embarrassing things!"


"I really didn't expect that there would be people who could perform radio gymnastics tricks..."

"I saw him being called to the office by the dean. I guess punishment is inevitable... I really don't know what he was thinking. Is there any benefit to doing this?"

"Hey, you don't understand this weird world!"

"I understand, don't I just feel weird?!"

"That's right! Hahaha!"

Such comments filled the corridor until Hu Lai appeared at the stairs. The nearest comments became quieter after seeing him, and everyone turned their attention to him.

Hu Lai heard the comments about him and noticed the glances, but he didn't pay attention at all and walked through the crowd with his head held high.

People on both sides of the corridor cast their gazes one after another, and the chatter decreased. It wasn't until he left that the chatter started again.

"That's Hu Lai..."

"Yes, yes, he is Hu Lai..."

"Look, it's him, it's him..."

It was like walking in a corridor equipped with sensor lights. As he walked, the lights lit up one by one in front of him and went out one by one behind him.

He just walked into the classroom of Grade 1 and Grade 2 with everyone watching.

As soon as Song Jiajia saw Hu Lai, she stood up from her seat and greeted him: "How about it? Write an inspection of several thousand words?"

Hu Lai rolled his eyes at him: "What kind of inspection should I write?"

"That's it... report the criticism?"

"I do exercises seriously and work hard to exercise. What's the crime?" Hu Lai spread his hands and asked his deskmate. "On the other hand, people like you do perfunctory exercises every time. This is not good for your body."


As soon as Song Jiajia heard what Hu Lai said, she knew that he was in trouble, so she spat: "Bah! If you have the ability, you can continue tomorrow!"

Hu Lai shook his head: "Everything that is good in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. The more serious I am, the more perfunctory you will appear. No, no, I can't trap my classmates in injustice for my own sake!"

"Bang!" Song Jiajia gave her deskmate a look.

When Hu Lai and Song Jiajia were talking, many people in the classroom were staring at them, but most people's eyes were filled with joking and gloating. When they heard Hu Lai's last words, everyone burst into laughter -

- Hu Lai, this kid obviously doesn’t dare to do it anymore, but he still insists on being tough.

Hu Lai was not angry amidst these obviously unfriendly laughter, and still had a happy smile on his face.

Amidst the laughter, Li Qingqing, who was also looking at Hu Lai, curled his lips when he saw this, but his frown did not relax.


The reason why Hu Lai is not as familiar as his classmates is because he is anxious to receive the mission reward in his mind.

Now the shining golden treasure box appeared in Hu Lai's mind, waiting for him to open it.

The reason why he did not open the box in front of the dean was that Hu Lai was afraid that he would be too excited and be misunderstood by the dean. In the face of the dean's reprimand, Hu Lai was honest and had a particularly good attitude.

Hu Lai subconsciously gave the command to open the treasure box. As the treasure box lid opened, a brilliant golden light poured out, almost filling the entire system space.

After the light dissipated, several things appeared in Hu Lai's consciousness.

The first one was a glass bottle filled with liquid. When Hu Lai paid attention, he automatically got detailed information about this thing in his mind:

[Marrow Cleansing Potion], after taking it, it can slightly improve physical fitness, including speed, physical fitness, strength, jumping, and coordination.

Seeing this introduction, Hu Lai's eyes widened - it turned out to be this reward!

Improve physical fitness!

Just as the name indicates, this is simply the marrow-cleansing sutra, a magical weapon in martial arts novels!

Isn’t it always like this in martial arts novels? A young man with extremely bad bones becomes a genius with excellent bones through the I Ching.

I didn’t expect that something like this could actually appear in reality. It’s truly a system!

Although the instructions say that it only "slightly" improves various physical qualities, physical fitness is extremely difficult to improve. Even if you use a special targeted training program, the effect will be minimal. Now as long as you drink this potion, you will be able to

You can improve your physical fitness, so what else do you want?

And the most important thing is, this physical quality includes coordination!

He still remembers what the girl said about him yesterday - his physical coordination is too poor...

And now a potion that can improve his coordination ability appears in front of him, as if it was tailor-made for him...

Hu Lai rubbed his hands with some excitement and decided to wait until get out of class was over, go to the restroom to find an empty cubicle and drink the potion. Then he turned his attention to several other things.

[One thousand points] can be used to purchase lottery tickets in the official mall. Five hundred points can be exchanged for one lottery ticket. Points can be obtained by scoring goals, winning games, and completing tasks.

[One lottery ticket] can be used to conduct a lottery in the system, and the rewards are random.

"Is there a lottery?" As soon as this idea popped into Hu Lai's mind, he saw a big lucky wheel appearing in the system. There was a circle of marquee lights around the wheel, which kept changing colors. As soon as he saw this thing, Hu Lai

Lai couldn't help but think of "Macau's first online store..."

It would be better if there were two bunny girls next to the big carousel...

However, this time the system did not make any changes according to his thoughts. The big turntable was still the same big turntable. Except for the change of lights, everything was as usual.

Hu Lai thought of the reward he had received, a lottery ticket, and one thousand points. Five hundred points were drawn once, which meant that he now had three chances to draw.

He wanted to try it and see what he could come up with.

He went to the mall first. The interface of the official mall was so simple and sad that it was just an empty shelf with the only product on it...

At first glance, it looks like everyone went to the supermarket to buy supplies during a typhoon. All the instant noodles have been emptied out, leaving only the instant noodles with the flavor of marinated tomatoes and eggs standing stubbornly on the shelves (note).

Seeing such a rudimentary official mall, Hu Lai wanted to complain that it looked like there was a 20-year technology gap between this and the lifelike virtual self outside.

Thinking again of the big turntable that doesn't even have a bunny girl, Hu Lai thought to himself, are all the technical capabilities of this system used to show off? After tricking people in, deal with them as long as you can...

Does this have the nerve to be called the "official mall"? Hu Lai thinks the name "official canteen" is more realistic.

After complaining about the system, Hu Lai went to see what was the only thing available for sale in the official mall.

It's a lottery ticket.

The price is also marked below - 500 points.

Since this was the only thing he could buy, Hu Lai chose to spend all the thousand points in his hand and exchange them for two lottery tickets.

Then he exited the mall, came to the big carousel, and used a lottery ticket.

The large turntable began to rotate rapidly, and the colored lights on the periphery flashed rapidly, just like a windmill with colored lights.

After a few seconds, the windmill began to slow down until it slowly stopped. After stopping, a light flashed, and something jumped out of the light and appeared in front of Hu Lai's eyes.

[Stamina Potion]: It can restore the physical strength consumed in the previous game, allowing the user to be full of energy for the next game. Note: One bottle at a time, drinking more will not be effective, because the physical loss caused by injury cannot be compensated.

Seeing this thing, Hu Lai was stunned for a moment - there is still this thing?

Then he became excited.

It is normal to feel tired after playing a game. If there are many games in a short period of time, the players' physical strength will naturally not be able to keep up, and there will be some risk of injury.

This is also the reason why European giants have multiple lineups for rotation - multi-line operations with only one lineup will collapse, because players are not robots, and their physical fitness will become less and less when they are not fully rested.

It will be unable to cope with continuous combat.

There was an analysis in the Premier League before, saying why Premier League players have the highest probability of injury around New Year's Day. This is because halfway through the season, the physical fitness reserved before the season is almost used up, and the Premier League schedule during the Christmas period is the most intensive, and after New Year's Day

Then came the FA Cup, which caused the Premier League teams to compete on multiple fronts, with double matches a week, or even three matches a week. The players' physical fitness could not keep up, and their movements were easily out of shape, which naturally increased the chance of injury.

But if there is such a stamina potion after each game, drinking it will directly replenish all the physical energy consumed in the previous game, doesn’t it mean that there is no problem of insufficient physical fitness at all? The risk of injury is also

Will it be greatly reduced?

This potion is obtained through lottery, which means it can be obtained repeatedly. When the time comes, collect dozens of bottles and use them after each game. After a season, you will not fail to participate in the rotation and maintain perfect attendance. It is simply

A must for model workers!

Of course, Hu Lai is not needed yet, but the demand for this thing is huge, the more the better, so it is always good to have it ready now.

You know, the modifier of the famous football game "Football Manager" has a function that allows players to replenish their physical energy. This is a very practical function...

Moreover, this lottery system even has such things, which aroused Hu Lai's curiosity and wanted to see what other magical treasures he could draw.

So he used another lottery ticket.

The big windmill started spinning crazily again with its colorful lights flashing.

Hu Lai's eyes reflected the light of the flashing lanterns, as well as his hopes.

After the windmill slowly stopped, there was still a flash of light——

Hu Lai's eyes widened and he stared at the light. Although the light was a bit dazzling, he did not blink or look away.

He longed for another Pokémon to jump out of the light in front of him.

If another [Marrow Cleansing Potion] comes, he will make a lot of money, but if [Physical Strength Potion] is not enough, he can still accept it...

Under his gaze, something did pop out of the light, but it wasn't anything specific, but... four big characters:

Thank you for participation.

These four words were reflected in Hu Lai's eyes, and the smile on his face gradually solidified.

"'Thank you for participating'?! What the hell is 'thank you for participating'!" Hu Lai was angry. If there was a bunny girl in front of him, he would definitely go up and grab the other person's chest and ask her to explain to him what "thank you for participating" means.


He doesn't show mercy at all.

But unfortunately not.

So did the system anticipate such a scene and didn't equip the big turntable with two bunny girls?

What a bastard!

Hu Lai cursed angrily in his heart.

In the face of his dissatisfaction, the system did not respond at all, and the mechanical sound never appeared from beginning to end.


Song Jiajia noticed something moving around him. He turned around and saw Hu Lai lying on the desk with his teeth gritted and his hands reaching into the desk. The movement seemed to be caused by the hands in the desk: "What are you doing, Hu Lai?"

Lai? Still have to write a check?"

Hu Lai glared at him very fiercely and did not answer.

"Ah, then you think about how to write the inspection, I won't disturb you anymore..." Song Jiajia was frightened by Hu Lai's expression and turned her head back.

Li Qingqing, who was sitting diagonally behind Hu Lai, saw this scene in her eyes. She thought to herself that no matter how heartless the young man pretended to be in front of others, he must still be very unwilling deep down...


Hu Lai looked at the last lottery ticket left in his warehouse and gritted his teeth: "I still don't believe it!"

He used this lottery ticket.

The big windmill started spinning again with its colorful lights flashing.

Then slowly stopped.

Flashing out in the golden light...

Four big words:

Thank you for participation.


Note 1: I have only eaten braised tomatoes and eggs once in my life. It was sold at the canteen next to the guest house when I was in Beijing in 2005 to participate in the recording of the Real Madrid event of CCTV Sports Channel's Rich Banquet.

It seemed that I had just taken the train to the hotel, missed my meal, and went to the canteen to sell instant noodles.

At that time, I was used to eating the Lao Tan Pickled Cabbage Beef Noodles from Qiao Noodle House in Chengdu, but I found out that the store in Beijing didn't have it.

There is an instant noodle with tomato and egg braised flavor.

Out of curiosity, I bought it.

I regretted the result - I really didn't expect this flavor of instant noodles to be so unpleasant...

I have only eaten instant noodles with this flavor once in my life, and that was the first and last time.

Speaking of that video recording, unfortunately there are no online resources for the program at that time, otherwise I would like to download it and save it for my children to watch in the future.

I was still in the guest house when it was broadcast, and I watched it with two other Real Madrid fans who were participating in the competition. Now I can’t remember my performance in the show at all. I just remember that I fell in love with Beckham’s wife.

On the obscure question of what is the name of Victoria's new album...

Well, I still don’t remember the name of that album.

This chapter has been completed!
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