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Chapter VIII Explosive Discovery

 Li Ziqiang lifted his huge suitcase onto the luggage conveyor belt, while his daughter Li Qingqing checked in her luggage at the check-in counter next to her.

After one box was tagged and sent inside on a conveyor belt, he lifted a second large suitcase up.

After doing this, he stepped aside and watched his daughter go through the procedures.

After all the luggage was checked in, Li Qingqing carried a small backpack and walked to the security checkpoint with her father.

"Remember to call when you arrive," Li Ziqiang, who was dragging his suitcase, warned from the side.

"Okay!" Li Qingqing agreed readily.

“I went there and took the time to learn the language.”

"Don't worry, dad. The agency hired a language teacher for me. Besides, I still have this." Li Qingqing patted her backpack.

Li Ziqiang knew what she was referring to, the translator endorsed by Hu Lai.

Nowadays, the development and advancement of AI technology has made things like translators much more usable than before. If you are just traveling abroad or on a short-term business trip, and you don’t understand the destination language at all, you can just use this translator.

"No matter where you are, you should still focus on playing football." Li Ziqiang said meaningfully.

"I know dad, I know it in my heart. After all, I have grown up!"

Li Qingqing was as happy as if she was not traveling far away from home, but going on an outing for the weekend.

Looking at the bright smile on his daughter's face, Li Ziqiang sighed in his heart.

After handing her the suitcase in his hand, he stood next to the security entrance and said goodbye to her: "Okay, be careful on the road."

Li Qingqing nodded vigorously: "I will. Then I'm leaving, Dad!"

Li Ziqiang waved his hand: "Go ahead, go ahead."

Li Qingqing said goodbye with a smile, turned around and dragged her suitcase into the security checkpoint.

After showing her passport and air ticket, and about to pull her suitcase into the security check, she turned around and glanced back. Her father was still standing there looking at her.

So she waved her arms again and said goodbye again.

After Li Ziqiang watched his daughter enter the security check area, he stood there for a while, until even the shadowy figure was completely invisible, and then turned and left.

It was a wonderful feeling, as if he had released a canary with his own hands, and the bird was singing and flying to freedom...

At this time, how can the daughter still have her poor old father in her heart?

I'm afraid it's all nonsense!

Otherwise, why not take the twice-weekly direct flight to Madrid and choose the weekly route via Frankfurt?

It only takes twelve and a half hours to fly directly from Jincheng to Madrid. It takes even more time to transfer to Frankfurt, because just flying to Frankfurt takes ten hours, not counting the transfer time and the flight from Frankfurt.

Madrid time…

So why choose the far away instead of the near?

Li Ziqiang knew very well:

It's not because Hu Lai and Leeds City are training outside Frankfurt!

Do you think I won’t know if you don’t tell me?

Do I look that stupid?


"...After there were rumors that Leeds City Club was open to selling Hulay, the progress of Hulay's transfer seemed to have reached a deadlock, and no latest news has been released. It is said that on the one hand, Leeds City Club seems to be still trying

To retain Hulay, on the other hand, there is no agreement on the transfer fee. The current "transfer window" price for Hulay is 90 million euros, and Leeds City is unwilling to sell Hulay at a price lower than this...


Deng Wencong was lying on the sofa, scrolling through the transfer news about Hu Lai on his mobile phone.

As a Chinese football fan, this is naturally what I am most concerned about during this period.

Although Hulay has achieved great success in the small and medium-sized team Leeds City, it proves that you don't have to be in a wealthy club to achieve success.

But I believe every Chinese fan still hopes to see Hu Lai enter a wealthy club one day.

Deng Wencong is one of them.

After swiping through the pages, I found that they were still the same old rumors and there were no latest trends or developments.

He put down his cell phone and stood up to see what his girlfriend was doing. Since just now, she had been sitting cross-legged on the sofa next to her, holding her cell phone and poking at her cell phone without saying a word.

He quietly walked up to see who his girlfriend was chatting with... but he saw that his girlfriend was typing a long message on her mobile phone...

"What are you writing?"

His girlfriend turned around and saw him and smiled slightly: "I am writing my travel notes in a little white book."

"Travel notes?"

"Well, travel notes about Disneyland."

“Mountains and Seas Disneyland?”

"Where? It's in Paris."

"Paris?" Deng Wencong frowned, "When have we been to Disneyland Paris? Why don't I remember it?"

"Hey, it was the summer before last year. I didn't even know you at that time!" said my girlfriend angrily.

"Ah, I've never been there..." Deng Wencong pretended to be disappointed.

Sure enough, his girlfriend kissed him on the mouth: "It's okay, let's go together next time!"

Deng Wencong felt happy after successfully getting a kiss, and then he quietly watched his girlfriend writing her travel notes.

My girlfriend selected a photo from the mobile phone gallery and put it into her travel diary.

It was the afternoon float parade at Disneyland.

A float carrying Disney cartoon characters passed directly in front of the camera, and my girlfriend took a picture of the float, including the tourists on the other side of the road.

Deng Wencong glanced at it and suddenly exclaimed.

My girlfriend, who was about to type under the photo, asked: "What's wrong?"

"Can you enlarge the photo?" Deng Wencong asked.

"what do you want to see?"

"I seem to have seen two familiar people, but I don't dare to confirm, so I want you to zoom in and take a closer look..."

After hearing this, his girlfriend switched to the photo album, opened the original picture, and handed the phone directly to her boyfriend, asking him to enlarge it for himself.

Deng Wencong used two fingers to zoom in on the photo where he positioned it, and then zoomed in again until he could no longer zoom in.

My girlfriend was using a 2025 flagship mobile phone. Thanks to the advancement of technology, the flagship mobile phone at that time could be said to have surpassed mirrorless cameras in taking pictures, with more powerful hardware facilities and more complete digital photography technology. This

Even if the photo is enlarged to such a multiple, the people in the photo are still not blurred into one piece, and they still have some facial features for identification.

Deng Wencong looked at it again and again, zooming out for a while, then zooming in again...

The frown never relaxed.

The girlfriend noticed that her boyfriend was really studying the photos carefully, and she became curious: "What's wrong?"

Deng Wencong pointed to the magnified pair of men and women holding hands on the mobile phone screen and said: "These two people look like Hu Lai and Li Qingqing!"

"Who?" His girlfriend looked confused.


Tian Zhiyong, who was chatting with friends on the Goal website about spanking posts, posted a post:

"Can someone help me confirm whether these two people are Hu Lai and Li Qingqing?"

Tian Zhiyong clicked in to take a look:

"The original poster's girlfriend went to Disneyland Paris the year before last, that is, on May 14, 2025. I looked at her photo today and found that the two people on the far left of the photo looked familiar...especially Hu Lai and

Li Qingqing, can anyone help me find out if it's the two of them?"

Two pictures are attached below the text of the main post, one is a photo, and the other is an enlarged partial screenshot of the photo.

What is enlarged is exactly what the poster mentioned on the left side of the photo.

When Tian Zhiyong clicked in, some forum friends had already replied.

"It does look a bit like..."

"It's hard to say, it's too vague."

"They don't have the same body shape. They are both too fat. Hu Lai and Li Qingqing are professional players. How could they be so fat?"

"Look carefully upstairs, that's not fat, it's stretching caused by edge distortion of the wide-angle lens... The main cameras of mobile phones are actually 24-28mm wide-angle lenses, so if you take a group photo, the people on the edge of the photo will be stretched

Stretch out of shape. This is why you should try to stand in the middle when taking photos..."

"Thanks for the popular science. To put it this way, it seems a bit like the two of them..."

"I downloaded the photo, put it into the software to slightly correct the distortion, and then put it up for everyone to see. I think it's Hu Lai and Li Qingqing."

Tian Zhiyong stared at the modified photo for a while and thought it was Hu Lai and Li Qingqing.

But he has no evidence, so how can he prove that it is Li Qingqing and Hu Lai?

He thought for a while, opened the browser on his mobile phone, and started searching.

After studying for a while, he returned to the "Goal" website and began to reply:

"The poster said that his girlfriend went to Disneyland Paris on May 14, 2025, but the 2024-2025 Ligue 1 Women's Football League ended on May 4. Logically speaking, there is no need for Li Qingqing to stay in Paris for that long.

Even if she wants to go to Disneyland, she can definitely go there on May 5th, May 6th, or even May 7th after the league ends. There is no need to wait until May 14th... So from now on

At this point, it is unlikely that the girl in the photo is Li Qingqing. But...

"However, I found a piece of news. On May 11, Li Qingqing signed a contract with Champion Legend Sports Agency in Paris and officially became a player of the company. This news illustrates a very important thing: Li Qingqing will not be until May 11

The capital is still in Paris. After finishing the league on May 4, it is a bit unreasonable to wait until May 14 to go to Disneyland. But if you postpone it until the 11th because you have to talk about work matters, you still stay in Paris.

, then it will be much more normal to go to the amusement park from the 11th to the 14th.

"In addition, since everyone thinks that these two people are a bit like Hu Lai and Li Qingqing, let us assume that these two people are really them, and they really went to Disneyland Paris together... Then the time must be satisfied with Hu Lai's side

Conditions. After all, if Li Qingqing goes to Disneyland after the French Ligue 1 Women's Football League ends, there is really no need for her to go again a few days later. If she and Hu Lai have made an appointment to play, then after she signs a contract with the agency

It makes sense to wait until the 14th to go...

"Then why is May 14th? The last round of the 2024-2025 Premier League season is May 11th. On this day, Leeds City defeated Hudes 1:0 at home, and Hulay scored the only goal. After the game

The next day, that is, May 12th, the entire Leeds City team went to the Red Chili Pepper Dinner. There was news. I remember that we had a heated discussion in our forum at that time about what the Red Chili Pepper tasted like... If anyone doesn't believe it, you can read it again.

Check the post to see if it happened on May 12th.

"On May 13, the day after the Red Chili Peppers dinner, Hulay took a flight and left Leeds. At that time, everyone thought he had returned to China, but now it seems that there is also the possibility that he went to Paris. After all, he went from Leeds to Paris.

It's very convenient. I checked that it takes about an hour and a half to fly direct. I will go to Paris on the 13th and show up at Disneyland with Li Qingqing on the 14th. The time is reasonable.

"To sum up, I think the possibility of the man and woman in the photo being Hu Lai and Li Qingqing is very, very high! If you look closely, they are still holding hands... they look very close. If this is really the two of them, it would be explosive news

Ah! Owner, you have discovered something amazing!"

This chapter has been completed!
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