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Analysis of billion points

 The transfer matter has been settled.

Because of the discussion these days, I will briefly say a few words.

The following are my views from the author’s perspective:

First of all, the transfer to Madrid Pirates is not a temporary move or a sudden change.

It was finalized when I was conceiving the content of the second half of this book.

I will definitely go to the Pirates. For this reason, Li Qingqing transferred to the Madrid Kings because I want two people to be in the same city but not in the same team. Why not be in the same team? Because I don’t want to write like that. I don’t think that’s the case.

What do you mean, no drama.

※※ ※

Second point, since you decided to become a pirate, why didn't you prepare the plan in advance and make it look like a surprise attack?

In fact, I laid the groundwork, but not a lot.

The first time Madrid Pirates appeared as a team name was in Volume 4, and the first time it was related to Hulay was after Hulay beat Tramed and helped Leeds City reach the top of the Premier League. Pirates fans online

He left a message saying that he was very happy that Hulay did not go to Madrid Kings, otherwise he would not be able to see this wonderful goal now.

At that time, I remember that some readers wondered whether Hu Lai was going to be a pirate.

I think at least from that time, not many people thought that Hulay would definitely go to Madrid, which is completely different from the public opinion these days that "if you don't go to Madrid, you are a big drug".

In addition, during the World Cup, pirates were mentioned.

Before the Europa League final, it was also mentioned that Pirates were the last champions.

There must be some foreshadowing, but judging from the reactions of many people, it is just that there is not enough foreshadowing and the meaning is not clear enough.

I have a problem with this, but I also want to explain why I do this.

Because I didn't want to show the intention from the beginning that "Julay will definitely go to Madrid Pirates".

I just expressed the possibility that he would definitely not go to the King of Madrid through the rivalry between him and Melli. Everything the King of Madrid did in the later period was like an old general on the stage, constantly planting flags for himself...

Why don't I want it to be clear from the start which team Hulay will go to?

Because I think Hu Lai himself doesn’t actually know where he is going next, he only knows where he is not going.

Even if he now moves to Madrid Pirates, it does not mean that the Pirates are his "right one."

I will write about this later in the novel: that is, he himself was not sure whether it was right to go to Madrid Pirates. At the beginning, he was not sure whether he could definitely succeed in this strange and wealthy team.

Of course he will work hard to achieve success, but everyone knows that football matters cannot be determined by the efforts of your players alone.

So it’s actually normal for him to think this way. Of course, as the story progresses, he and the Pirates of Madrid will gradually complement each other. But I don’t want to write a story where everyone can see the future path from the beginning and there will be no fluctuations.

Julay will definitely succeed in Madrid Pirates, but this success is finally achieved through his own efforts and through ups and downs. Rather than making everyone think from the beginning that he went to a team like Leeds City, the whole team

Around him, everyone from the owner to the fans takes special care of the team.

Therefore, before the transfer to Madrid Pirates is confirmed, Hulay can theoretically go to any giant club in Europe.

People in the world of the book don't know which team Hulay will eventually choose, and the Madrid Pirates themselves don't know either. They also don't pursue Hulay persistently like Leeds City did at the beginning, as if Hulay is their "real destiny"

Just like "the Son of Heaven", he will not give up until he catches him.

I haven't written any of these things.

In fact, if I really want to pave the way, according to my habits and routines, I should arrange for Leeds City and Madrid Pirates to meet in the Champions League. Then Hulay led the team to defeat the Madrid Pirates after two rounds of hard battles, leaving a deep impression on the opponent.

The impression conquered the top management of Madrid Pirates Club, team coaches, and players.

Seeing this, everyone must know that Hulay is going to Madrid Pirates.

In the end, it was natural to transfer to Madrid Pirates.

Just like the previous book "Greenery".

Although the routine is repeated, it is indeed a very mature routine. There is no fault, no controversy, and no problem in writing.

But I really don’t want to write it like that.

The approach I have always insisted on in this book is to describe as little as possible the teams that have nothing to do with the protagonist or the protagonist's group, as if they were hiding in the shadows before exploring the map. And as the protagonist

The group's exploration of the world, their relationship with the protagonist group, gradually surfaced, and they came to the stage one by one.

Why do this?

Because no matter how many people complain about me, I just changed my name, but I did reconstruct a lot of things in this book. Unlike the real football world, once there are new characters and new teams on the scene, I have to introduce them in detail

There are enough of them to let readers know what it is.

But if it's real football, I just need to throw out a name and everyone knows the rest.

For example, when I wrote about Hu Lai and Li Qingqing watching Leeds City's away game against Warship Harbor at home, I wrote about the history of Warship Harbor in detail.

I wrote about Leeds City's Europa League challenge to London Bridge, and also wrote in detail the history of London Bridge's home stadium.

For me, this is information that must be written down, because if it is not written out, people will really have no sense of involvement. In other words, I personally feel that this world has not been completed, and it is an unfinished project.

But in fact, after I wrote this, someone said in the comments, "Why are you writing this? Are we here to see the history of London Bridge's home stadium?"

So obviously, there are some things that I think are necessary but are actually thankless.

Therefore, in order not to overwhelm the golden mountain, I adopted the principle of "write what the protagonist group comes into contact with, and write as much as they come into contact with".

Some people will say: You can make this into a setting set and release it separately for us to see.

I won’t tell you how many people read the character list that is included in the work after each volume is written. I will tell you a very practical reason why I still haven’t listed the names of all the teams in the five major European leagues.

, jersey color, home field information are all completed.

If the protagonist group has never been in contact with those teams, then there is actually no need to finish them all.

Because the workload is really too much, and for a naming waste like me, I have to scratch my head every time I come up with a name for a team.

Not to mention that I have to figure out the past and present lives of each team, and at the same time, I have to try not to completely copy the real teams. I can only learn from them, and then incorporate other content according to the needs of the plot.

Take the King of Madrid as an example. Some people say that even a fool can see that this is Real Madrid. Why don't you describe Villarreal as a wealthy club?

But the problem is that most of the wealthy teams are born in economically developed areas and important cities.

Madrid is the capital of Spain, the political and economic center, and its GDP accounts for 17% of Spain's total. How could there not be wealthy families in such a city?

When a wealthy club appears, will it be associated with Real Madrid?

But what I’m writing about is not Real Madrid. I can’t choose my origin. I can only add details in other places to distinguish it from Real Madrid in reality.

For example, highlight the attributes of top wealthy families and highlight the ruthless characteristics.

And Tramed, and Stan Park Rangers.

One of them is in Manchester and the other is in Liverpool.

Anyone who knows football will know the prototype at a glance.

However, one is an industrial city and the other is a port city. They are originally good places for the birth of football teams. With a developed economy, it is natural for a wealthy team to appear.

But we cannot say that one is that and the other is that.

For teams in the lower leagues, such as the team coached by Tony Clark before, Hammond Castle, I can completely make it up and make it out of nothing, because there are not many scenes and it will have no impact on the entire European football pattern. So such a game

You don’t need to set the team carefully, you can just give it a name.

But when it comes to the top leagues, the five major leagues in Europe, you can't just choose the name, and no other settings are done.

The difficulty of this project can be imagined.

So I haven't finished it yet. I followed Hu Lai and the others, finishing it bit by bit and setting it bit by bit.

If you have a friend who knows European football well and is good at and likes to make settings, you can also try to do this work in the book review area. If it is suitable, I will choose it directly to save myself the trouble.

In fact, not only the Madrid Pirates, Turin Bulls, Blue and White Munich, Insoubre, Ruhr Rhein and other wealthy teams have no role in my previous article, they have played very little. The reasons are basically the same and they have nothing to do with the protagonist.

It's big, so I won't mention it in detail.

If Hulay did not go to Madrid Pirates in the end, but went to Turin Bulls or Insoubre, then I would start to introduce the history, current situation and other information of this team in detail.

Therefore, people say that I have few foreshadowings and insufficient foreshadowing, and I admit it. This is partly due to my obsession with writing, and partly due to my lack of careful consideration.

But if you have to say that this is zero foreshadowing, a divine twist or something, I absolutely cannot accept it. You have to say that I have never even mentioned the name "Pirates of Madrid" once before. In order not to go to the Kings of Madrid, it suddenly popped up

The Kings of Madrid and the Pirates of Madrid, the sworn rivals of the same city, would accuse me of being blunt, and I would admit it if it was just for the sake of a slap in the face.

This is not the case now.

There is some foreshadowing, but for the reasons I mentioned before, there is little foreshadowing.

Of course, with Hulay's transfer to Madrid Pirates, more information about this team will naturally be revealed to everyone.

In fact, in my own setting collection, I have done a lot of setting work about this team.

For example, the origin of the team, team culture, home court, training base, jersey color, famous players, team anthem, fan composition, specific grievances with the King of Madrid... etc. But there is no need to throw them all out, but follow the story.

The progress of the plot is gradually revealed to everyone from Hu Lai's perspective.

So when you see the introduction of Pirates of Madrid, don’t say “just round”.

※※ ※

The third point is, since I didn’t go to Madrid Kings, why did I write so much about Madrid Kings before?

Because I want the King of Madrid to make waves...

Since it is a big wave of SS, how can we describe it without spending a lot of pen and ink? Is it enough to just say "Kings of Madrid is a top wealthy family"?

Note, it's the SS, not the villain.

For example, I wrote about the King of Madrid's pursuit of Julay, which reflects their sincerity. From the perspective of the King of Madrid Club, it is impeccable.

Even though he was rejected by Hu Lai, he didn't say harsh words and still maintained the magnanimity of a wealthy family.

I just write this because I don’t want to write Dabo SS as a buffoon. I really don’t want Hu Lai to go to Madrid Kings.

Hulay decided not to go to Madrid Kings when he went to Leeds City.

As for what made Francis contact him, it was just a dramatic way of handling it. Everyone thought that the King of Madrid was determined to win Hulay, and they made the King of Madrid confident, but the result was nothing.

Writing this way, on the one hand, it can reflect the importance that the King of Madrid attaches to Julay, and at the same time, it can also highlight Julay's current status and strength in European football.

On the other hand, it can also show the behavior of this top giant, which is domineering and tough. "Any player we like, there is no one we cannot win!"

As they say themselves: "The best players should play for the Kings."

Some people also say that if you want to compete with Melli, you can also compete with each other on the same team.

It makes sense. Maybe I will write a plot similar to this in my future novels. For example, two people are good friends and join a wealthy family at the same time. Then they realize the cruelty of competition in the wealthy family, change from friends to competitors, and then fight it out.

Male and female...etc.

It also happens in real football. The battle between Neymar and Messi for the top spot in Barcelona ended with Neymar leaving Barcelona. Who would have thought that Messi would be forced to leave by Barcelona and become teammates with Neymar again? This is basically the plot of a novel.


But that’s not how I plan to write this book.

Hu Lai is not the kind of person who wants to be friends with Meili. At least in the current part of the plot, he simply regards Meili as his opponent, and has never thought about becoming teammates with him and competing to save the country.

There are many types of competition, and competition within a team is one type, so why not compete directly with your rival?

Is it acceptable to go to the king, but not to the pirates?

There is actually no right or wrong between these two paths. You can think that going to the Kings is better, but you cannot think that going to the Pirates of Madrid is bad.

For example, you said that there was not enough preparation for Hulay to go to Madrid Pirates and it was uncomfortable to watch. I understand that and there is no problem.

But if you want to say that Hu Lai didn't go to the King to win the championship, but to go to the Pirates to challenge the King, it's a big poison, and it's useless. Then I think you are talking nonsense. Who stipulates what you think is right?

There is an audience for winning as a team, and there is an audience for challenging the king.

If I wrote about Hu Lai going to Madrid to team up with Melli to win the championship and crush Europe, believe it or not, many people would come out and express their disapproval?

Some readers have expressed before that they do not want Hu Lai to become the king.

Then who should I listen to?

Otherwise, you guys have a fight first, and whoever wins will I write according to whose writing?

Is that true?

This is a novel written by me, and how I write it is for my consideration as the author.

I don’t want to write the King of Madrid as a buffoon, so the image of the King of Madrid is quite positive. But it doesn’t mean that Julay must go to the King of Madrid. If he doesn’t go, he is a poisonous person.

There is no such thing as forceful buying and selling.

Then does the protagonist have to go to all the teams in my book that have a favorable impression of the protagonist?

Let's just go through the five major leagues...

Every character and every team in the book has its own temper and character. They are not tools attached to the protagonist.

The club pursuing the protagonist is not a stallion in heat either.

After they express their position and attitude, they have no control over the outcome. They can only accept it no matter what the outcome is.

Just like in the real world, isn’t this principle easy to understand?

Others say that Hu Lai looks down on wealthy families.

Sorry, there really aren't any.

I never wrote in the entire article that Hulay looked down on the King of Madrid. He just didn’t want to be teammates with Melli.

Besides, human pirates are also from wealthy families. After Hu Lai left, why did he look down on wealthy families?

The only wealthy family in the world is the King of Madrid, right?

Yes, the Kings of Madrid are the "richest among the rich", but that doesn't mean that other teams are ants and can be manipulated by the Kings of Madrid.

They are just not as glorious as the King of Madrid in history, but in the present, they are not necessarily inferior to the King of Madrid.

※※ ※

Finally, the above is a little explanation about this transfer and my thoughts when writing.

I hope it can help you understand this novel.

Of course, if you really can't understand it, you can't accept that Hulay went to Madrid Pirates. If you don't want to see it, I accept it.

Just like a reader cannot force an author to write a book according to his wishes, an author cannot force readers to read his own book.

Good to get together and good to go.

But if you still want to criticize me for "it's just poisonous, it's just poisonous and it's useless", then I'm sorry, I can only delete the post. After all, I don't want to affect my own writing and the mood of other readers reading the book.

Finally, to those readers who are still willing to stay:

Entering a new environment, in order to write everything I want to write clearly, and in order for these new characters to stand up, I will spend a lot of time writing daily, and I will not enter the competition quickly.

So please be patient.

More than four million words have been written, and I already know the style of this book, so there is not much time left.

I am an old-school person, and I still believe in "slow work, careful work"...

Thank you everyone!

Please read the book.

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