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Chapter 106 He does not belong to any system

 When the Leeds City players returned to the dressing room, someone pulled the tape off their bodies in frustration and threw it on the floor.

Someone threw the dry towel that was used to wipe them with water on the ground. It was drizzling in the first half, and there was no dry place on anyone's body.

It's not bad during the game, the heat generated from exercise is enough for them to resist the cold.

But during halftime, if you don’t dry yourself dry as soon as possible, you can easily catch a cold.

Wipe the water off your body and take off your wet jersey, socks and shoes.

Then put on dry clothes so that they can get enough rest.

But now a Leeds City player smashed the towel on the ground.

This action tells a lot about their mood at the moment.

Unwilling and angry.

It was clear that they were the ones who scored the first goal in the first half and took the lead. However, after forty-five minutes, not only did they not take the lead, they even failed to maintain the 1:1 score.

This is really frustrating.

"Okay, guys!"

Head coach Tony Clark was the last one to enter the locker room. After he walked in, he closed the door and said loudly to the still angry players.

"There's no point in venting your anger on the shin guards or tape. We made some mistakes in the first half, but it wasn't a big problem. Because you all know, that's our style. There is no such thing in this world. There is no tactical arrangement for a losing team that has absolutely no weaknesses. We have our weaknesses, and so do the Pirates."

While talking, Clark walked up to a 100-inch "TV".

In fact, strictly speaking, this is not a TV, but a computer monitor.

At Clark's insistence, Leeds City upgraded the multimedia system in the dressing room.

He is holding an ordinary-sized tablet computer in his hand. This computer is connected to the monitor, and all his operations on the tablet computer will be reflected on the monitor.

In the past, physical magnet chess pieces needed to be placed and moved on a real tactical board to explain tactics to the players.

Now there is no need, he only needs to open the corresponding program on the tablet in his hand, and a huge tactical board will appear on the large monitor linked to the tablet.

Clark just needs to drag the virtual chess pieces on the tablet with his hand to explain the tactics to everyone.

At the same time, it can also allow the coaching staff to store the opponent's tactics and formations in advance and retrieve them with one click, which is very convenient, greatly saving time in "arrangement" and improving work efficiency.

He quickly adjusted the formation of Madrid Pirates in the first half of this game.

This is Matt Down's actual formation based on his own observations in the first half. It is different from the formation officially announced by the Champions League before the game, and is not so dogmatic and rigid.

In this formation, the Madrid Pirates play 442, with Hulay and Dikunzo as double forwards, but their positions are not parallel.

Hulay is in the center and slightly forward, while Di Kunzo is in a deeper position to his left.

"DiCunzo was placed on the left in this game to concentrate the Pirates' offensive advantage on the left. That's how they scored the equalizer. It was precisely because DiCunzo suddenly caught the ball here that our goal

There were holes in the defense... We all know that the Pirates' strongest side is the left side, so most of their attacks in the first half were launched from this side."

As Clark explained, the Leeds City players in the locker room were also staring at the electronic screen intently.

"The Pirates seem to be very strong in passing and controlling, but they have a weakness. That is their lack of creativity in passing and controlling. So we can see that the Pirates rely more on Di Kunzo instead of Hu when attacking.

Because DiCunzo has the ability to control the ball and dribble, he can provide changes to the Pirates' passing and control. He is the engine of the Pirates' offense. Therefore, we must strengthen our defense against DiCunzo in the second half to limit his ability to get the ball and break through.

Don't give him any time or space to control the ball... Morikawa."

Morikawa Junpei stood up from his seat and looked at his boss.

"Your main task in the second half is to limit Di Kunzo and follow him. Even if he enters the penalty area, you have to follow him."

Morikawa Junpei nodded vigorously: "I understand, boss!"

"Then it's offense." Clark continued to assign tasks. "The Pirates will press high, so we don't have to deal with them in the backcourt and directly play the football to the frontcourt. And remember, don't pass the ball too complicatedly, just go straight."

Break the Dragon Gate!"

Then he named Kamara, Lasky and Soleberg.

Gu/span> "You are all very fast, and speed is your advantage. When facing the pirates, don't think about using any delicate coordination to outwit their defense, just use your speed to tear them apart.

Their defense. Remember what we do best and do it to the best of our ability!”

"Then there's Pete. When you attack, you have to press forward as much as possible. Your role is not to organize the pass. You have to run without the ball and press into the Pirates' penalty area...bring Ramirez in! Then Jay...


Clark turns to Jay Adams.

"If Pete brings Ramirez into the penalty area, you must appear at the top of the free throw arc outside the penalty area. On the one hand, you are preparing for a long shot, and on the other hand, you are preparing to control the second landing point and directly launch a second attack...


As Clark spoke, he used his hand to slide the chess pieces representing each player on the tablet. All his operations would be displayed on the large screen in an intuitive way, telling the players how to move.

After laying out the specific tactics, he stood in front of the big screen, looked at his players and said: "You did a very, very good job in the first half, and I am proud of you. The outside world always says that I am a 'madman', 'bet

As if I am a fool without a brain. But I know that I have never been. Why do I dare to bet? Because I have you. You are my biggest trump card. This has been the case in so many previous games.

The same is true for today's game. So just like you have done countless times in the game, don't have other messy thoughts... When we attack, we attack! Only attack and use what we are best at to defeat


After boosting morale and letting the players leave and return to the court, Clark and assistant coach Sam Landill were at the back.

Randall looked at the players who had rekindled their fighting spirit and whispered to Clark: "You didn't mention how to defend Hu."

Clark explained: "The key to defending Hu is to contain those who can pass the ball to Hu. At present, the most threatening person is Di Kunzo. As long as we can contain his performance, Hu will have fewer opportunities...


Randall interrupted Clark: "You know that Juhu is a forward who is very good at catching opportunities. He does not need too many opportunities. Even if there are not many opportunities, he may still score goals..."

Clark shook his head: "You are right, Sam. So what can we do?"

Facing Clark who spread his hands and asked him, Randhir didn't know how to answer.

"We have no means to guard against him. He is not in any tactical system." Clark shrugged. "Those idiots always like to say that Hu has no tactical effect, and they are half right. Hu seems to have no tactical effect. That is any current situation."

Some tactics cannot define him. He is just a forward who puts the football into the goal. No matter what tactics are used, isn't the ultimate goal also to score goals?"

Sam Randall was speechless.

Because he knew Clark was right.

After two and a half seasons of cooperation, Leeds City's coaching staff can be said to be the coaching team that knows Hulay best in European football at present, even better than the coaches of Madrid Pirates.

It was precisely because of this understanding that Randhir knew the meaning of Clark's words.

In other words, no matter whether your team adopts defensive counterattack tactics, high pressure, or pass control, whether it is 442, 433, 352, or any other tactics or formations, the ultimate goal is to score goals and win.


Therefore, in all tactics there must be a role responsible for scoring goals. This role can be one person or several people.

Even if it is a "forwardless formation", it does not mean that the team does not pursue goals. It just means that the task of scoring goals is handed over from the forwards to the midfielders or backcourt players.

But what if the team has a striker who is particularly good at scoring goals?

Should we still play without a striker?

Every team needs players who can score goals, no matter what tactics these teams use or what formation they are used to.

So Hulay can be integrated into any tactic and team.

Therefore, it can be said that Hu Lai will not be defined by any tactical system, and has a feeling of "jumping out of the three realms and not in the five elements".

It's just that Westerners like Randhir don't understand this sentence, but they know the truth.

Seeing that the assistant coach remained silent, Clark stopped talking and walked towards the court outside the tunnel.

He has made every effort he could.

In fact, he himself had no idea what the second half would be like.

There is no way, who made his opponent Hu Lai?

As the head coach of Hu Lai, he happens to know this proud disciple best.

This sharpest knife is pointed at myself...

This chapter has been completed!
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