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Chapter thirteen life

 Hu Lai was sitting at the desk obediently. He felt the light next to him dim, and a hand reached out and placed a plate on the table next to him.

Hu Lai turned around and saw his mother.

After her mother Xie Lan put down the plate, she didn't rush away. Instead, she sat down on the bed next to the desk.

"Mom, is something wrong?" Hu Lai asked doubtfully.

In the past, when my mother came to deliver fruit or something, she would just put it down and leave for fear of disturbing her study, so my mother who sat down today seemed a little abnormal.

Facing his son's doubtful gaze, Xie Lan thought about it for a while and then said: "Mom knows you like playing football, but your study is the most important thing."

When the mother noticed that her son was dirtier than usual when he came back in the past two days, the sweat plowed the dirt on his face into ravines.

How could she not know what her son was doing these two days?

She had known before that her son was playing football secretly. Out of doting on her son, the mother didn't say anything and even helped her son cover it up. After all, she and her husband had different ideas. She felt that it was better for her son to have a hobby than anything else.

None, as long as you don't pursue a career path, playing football is no big deal.

But now it seems that her son is becoming more and more interested in football and is investing more and more. She is worried that if this situation continues, she will not be able to hide it from her husband, and it will also affect her son's academic performance.

"I know, Mom, I've been studying all the time." Hu Lai didn't expect that his mother came to him to talk about this.

At home, "football" is a forbidden language, and when he plays football outside, he secretly hides it from his family. He feels that his mother must have known about it, but she has never revealed it. He doesn't know why his mother suddenly did this today.

"Your father is opposed to you playing football. He hopes you will study hard. He has his reasons..." Xie Lan thought for a while and added, "He doesn't want you to follow his old path."

"Mom, with three hundred and sixty years of work, you will be the top scholar. Besides, I don't think there is anything shameful about being a security guard. Don't you just rely on your own labor to make money to support your family?" Hu Lai said with a smile.

His father works as a security guard in a high-end residential complex.

Hearing what his son said, Xie Lan glared at him: "Don't say this in front of your father! Of course, parents hope that their children will be more promising than themselves, otherwise why did we send you to Dongchuan Middle School in the first place?


Dongchuan Middle School is one of the best middle schools in Dongchuan City. It is not easy to get into it. You have to either pass the extremely high score of Dongchuan Middle School in the high school entrance examination, or you have to spend money to find a trusted person to put your child in.

Hu Lai didn't say a word, but it could be seen from the expression on his lips that he was somewhat disapproving.

Xie Lan also knew what her son was thinking. She sighed softly: "Anyway, don't be too crazy."

Don't be too crazy, she didn't say, but Hu Lai knew.

His mother got up and left. Hu Lai continued to sit at his desk, looking at the plate that his mother had brought over just now. On the plate were the apples that his mother had carefully prepared for him. The skins were all peeled off, and the core was not there. The flesh was cut into pieces.

I bought a small piece with a toothpick stuck in it, so that he could eat it directly without wiping or washing his hands after eating, which would not delay his study and homework.

Apples are red Fuji apples, which are very crisp, very sweet, and have a lot of juice. They are not easy to store. If you peel them and leave them in contact with the air for a long time, the surface of the pulp will oxidize and change color. You should eat them as soon as possible.

But Hu Lai didn't eat it.

He actually likes eating apples, but after hearing what his mother said, he doesn't want to eat them.

He knew that his mother peeled the apple for him for his own good. She prepared it so well for him because she didn't want to waste his time.

Just like when his parents borrowed money to send him to Dongchuan Middle School at a high price.

It is also for his own good that we send him to the best middle school to create the best learning conditions for him. Because the undergraduate admission rate of Dongchuan Middle School is as high as 98%, and the undergraduate admission rate is as high as 90%.

.In other words, as long as you can enter the door of Dongchuan Middle School, you will almost certainly be admitted to the undergraduate program.

For this reason, Hu Lai's parents did not hesitate to borrow money from everywhere and asked others to go through several connections before sending him to this provincial key middle school in Dongchuan City.

Because he owed a lot of debt, his father took the initiative to apply for two extra days of night work, just to earn more bonuses and overtime pay, and to repay the huge sum of 350,000 yuan that he borrowed from relatives and friends as soon as possible - this is nonsense

Lai's parents didn't tell him, but he overheard it. When he overheard it, he rushed in and had a big fight with his parents.

Originally, he didn't want to go to Dongchuan Middle School. He wanted to go to the high school section of the junior high school he originally attended. Although the middle school was quite average, with his academic performance, he could easily go straight to the high school section, where there were and

His junior high school classmates, who he has been with for three years, have his friends, are closer to home, and his parents don't have to go out and beg his grandparents to borrow money, and endure the looks of his relatives.

The most important thing is that after doing these things, his parents turned around and said to him in a serious and thoughtful tone, "We are not doing this for your own good!"

This made Hu Lai very aggrieved.

"But I didn't let you do this! I didn't ask you to borrow so much money for me! I didn't want you to spend everything to create good conditions for me! I didn't want to go to some bullshit provincial key middle school! It was you who made the decision for me without permission!


That day, when he shouted these words to his parents, his father gave him a hard slap in the face.

The quarrel was over, and Hu Lai rushed into his bedroom and locked the door. His father roared in the living room: "Look at him! Look at him! He still feels wronged?! He has no sense of gratitude at all! We do this

For whom! After raising him for more than ten years, he raised a fucking white-eyed wolf!"

"Okay! Say less! You drank too much!" The mother screamed and pushed her husband into their bedroom, and then with a bang, the door was closed, and the screams and roars were all trapped there.

in a room.

Hu Lai still clearly remembers his grievances and anger, which were clearly imposed on him by his parents, but in the end they seemed to be his own fault...



Hu Lai has never been able to figure this out.

But he knew that he would never mention this matter in front of his parents in the future.

So when his mother said that sentence again just now, he kept his answer in his heart.

Of course he knows that his mother is doing it for his own good, but he doesn't want her to be so good.

Ever since they were young, they have forced themselves to do many things they don't like under the guise of "it's not for your own good."

It's like playing football. He obviously likes it so much, but his father forcibly banned it on the grounds that "playing football is useless and delays study." When other children play football in the yard, he can't even watch it, let alone

Kicked. If you are caught secretly kicking the ball, you will be scolded at least, and beaten at worst.

They scolded me and hit me, saying they were doing it for my own good. But why are they doing it for my own good but not allowing me to do what I like?

Is this good for me?

Even if everyone in the world thinks that parents give everything to create good conditions for their children just for the sake of their children, Hu Lai does not accept this view.

Political correctness does not mean that it is truly correct.


Taking his eyes back from the plate of peeled apples, Hu Lai stared at the textbook spread out in front of him in trance.

Before his mother came in, he was sitting at the desk and was actually not reading a book, but browsing the system interface repeatedly in his mind.

It's not that there is anything new in the system - it's still the same as before, a virtual character of his, an official mall with only one product, and a lucky wheel with no bunny girl but a marquee.

He is just immersed in various beautiful visions of the future through the system.

In the past, he had no choice. Although he liked football, he really didn't have any talent in football, so he could only follow the path planned by his parents for him, even if he didn't know whether he could make it.

Although Dongchuan Middle School’s undergraduate admission rate is as high as 98%, what if unfortunately he becomes one of the 2%?

It's different now. I have a system, so why not follow the path I like?

He truly felt the effect of the [Marrow Cleansing Potion] given by the system, which showed that the system could really change his physique. Since it could change his physique, it could also change his life.

Hu Lai firmly believes in this.

He just wants to go this way, no matter how much his father objects, no matter how much he slaps himself, he will still go this way.

Having this system is definitely not to allow himself to follow the path planned by his parents.

My life... is about to be cheated!


ps. The book is not yet on the shelves. You can add the number of words at the end of the chapter. You don’t have to worry about overcharging everyone. Let’s talk about the protagonist, Hu Lai.

The original inspiration for this person came from a classmate of mine during my freshman year of high school.

We both have the same last name, and his name is only one letter different from mine. He wears glasses like me, and even his body shape and appearance are somewhat similar.

He likes football and the military.

Boys basically love both, so we took him to play with us when we played football.

But this classmate who loves football does not know how to play, and his performance on the court is very... poor.

The knowledge of football off the field is clear and logical, and when playing on the field, you can kick the football into your own goal.

His movements are funny, he can't kick the ball even if he swings his legs round, and using his toes to poke the ball is his standard operation.

If you like football, you really like it, but if you play badly, you really will be bad at it.

At that time, everyone was still laughing at him, but when faced with the ridicule of others, he just laughed and did not refute and did not seem to be angry.

Because he played so poorly, everyone gradually stopped taking him to play football with him.

Later, when the second year of high school was divided into liberal arts and science classes, I stayed in the original class and became a liberal arts student, while he was separated.

We met later when he was about to graduate from high school and he was buying military magazines at the newsstand outside the school. I met him and chatted with him for a while.

"Do you still like football?"

"I don't like it anymore." He smiled and shook his head, then took the military magazine and left.

After that, I forgot about this classmate, but when I was planning to write a new book, his image and his story came to my mind again.

I have to admit that when I was young at the time, I also laughed at this classmate, laughing at his poor football skills and laughing at his silly way of smiling in the face of our criticism.

Now think about it, might this be another form of school bullying?

At that time, no one cared what he was thinking about being laughed at, no one cared whether he was happy or not, and no one could see his embarrassment from his silly smile.

He likes football and speaks fluently about things and knowledge happening in the football world, but after three years in high school, he no longer likes football.

I felt sorry at the time, but now that I think about it, isn’t that normal?

People who like football but cannot find happiness in football, want to play but are ridiculed and ostracized by their classmates, how many people can continue this love without regrets and regardless of rewards?

So he doesn't like football anymore.

I never had contact with him again - that conversation became the last time we ever spoke.

But come to think of it, he must be very happy now that he is a military fan instead of a football fan? After all, our J-20 has gone to the sky, the aircraft carrier has gone to sea, the 052d has become obsolete since its debut, and the df17 has become a new favorite...

And what about Chinese football?

Feeling guilty about what I had done back then, I decided to use this classmate as the prototype of the protagonist and write it into the novel.

Let him love football and have a plug-in to help him when he is constantly being laughed at and ostracized.

It also made Hu Lai more stubborn and tough than before. Even if he was laughed at, he could still maintain a strong heart to deal with those malicious laughter.

I have written about too many high-spirited football teenagers who were embraced by the love of the people around them. Their stories are the experiences we dream of, my fantasies and fantasies.

But in this book, I want to write about a person who has been ignored by many people. He also likes football, but he is not lovable. He is a football boy who was intentionally or unintentionally hidden in my previous football stories.

Finally, there is such a Hu Lai who makes readers feel "reckless" and "indebted".

As the name suggests, he is very random, but his randomness is just his weapon, the only weapon, to face this world that is not very friendly to him.

When he faces the world with this weapon, he has no intention of surrendering and admitting defeat.

In the early spring of last year, I had dinner with Talking Elbow in Chengdu, and we talked about a story in my mind. I told him: "I want to write a story that goes against the whole world."

And Hu Lai is the person who is against the whole world.

This chapter has been completed!
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