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Chapter 311 When I hit the navigator, I'm excited

"We actually did a good job in the first half, but we were just a bit unlucky. In the second half, we have to continue to put pressure on Vukovic's position. Although Jensen's ball was intercepted, it was the right choice to actively cut inside.

It is necessary to form a numerical advantage in a local area. It was blocked last time, maybe it will succeed next time?"

Sevilla Navigator head coach Pierre Brunt gives a morale boost in the dressing room.

He even specifically used the attack that caused the ball to be conceded as an example to strengthen the psychological hint to the players: conceding the ball is not a big deal, I don't care, don't take it to heart, just continue to play according to my requirements in the second half!

Hulay's goal came in the 37th minute of the first half. Not long after he scored, the first half ended.

Fortunately, the goal was scored during this period. Madrid Pirates had no time and opportunity to continue to expand the score, which gave Sevilla Navigator a chance to breathe.

Brent firmly believes that Vukovich will be the Pirates' weakness, even if his performance in the first half was actually okay.

But Brent still saw the hidden dangers of Vukovic - although he defended very hard, his defensive ability was there, and some things could not be solved just by working hard.

Therefore, Sevilla Navigator must continue to put pressure on Vukovic and cannot make him feel comfortable.

When the pressure exceeds the limit that Vukovich can bear, he will naturally collapse.

This is the most likely way to score against the Madrid Pirates goal.

There is no problem with Brent's strategy. Judging from the Pirates' current lineup, Vukovic is indeed a weak point and is most likely to have an accident.

But he neglected to consider another factor.

In fact, everyone knows this factor, and Brent must have heard about it, but he just doesn't want to admit it.

After all, it sounds too much like a joke...

If he really believed it and seriously considered it, it would make him feel like an easy fool.


After the start of the second half, the Navigators continued to attack the Madrid Pirates goal, hoping to equalize the score.

They passed the football from Vukovich's side to the ribs, and then passed the ball from the ribs to the goal.

Drew did not go to the ribs to defend this time because Ion Martinez was in the ribs and there was no need for him to go there.

He remained in his centre-back position, guarding Sevilla Navigator forward Rafael Herguerez.

The opponent was stuck behind him and was wrestling with him.

But it is obvious that in terms of strength, Hercules cannot beat Danny Drew.

Seeing the football flying over, he still failed to push away Drew. Instead, he could only watch Drew jump up and head the ball to clear the ball.

However, Hergures did not give up. Although the others did not jump up, they made small moves below to make Drew lose his balance and made a mistake in clearing the ball with a header.

But he failed. His little movement did not interfere with Drew, and the Dutch center back successfully headed the ball to clear the ball.

The football he pushed out allowed Ramirez to grab the second spot.

The Pirates captain jumped up like an alley-oop and passed the football to Vukovich who was not far away.

Also pouncing on Vukovich with the football was Navigator right midfielder Keely Tres.

Vukovic raised his foot instead of stopping the ball, but directly picked the football up in the air, just over Tres' head.

At the same time, Vukovich dodged the opponent again, used his chest to remove the football he jumped up, and then immediately passed the ball!

He passed to Maxi Carey who was pulling back from the front.

The Madrid Pirates not only prevented the Navigator's attack again, but also created a chance to counterattack!

There were thunderous cheers in the stands.

Amid the cheers, Maxi Carey turned around without stopping the ball. As he turned around, the football passed between his legs.

As the football moves forward, he also turns forward.

Navigators midfielder Victor Montero rushed up to block him.

After catching up with the football, Carey slowed down, turned his body slightly to the right, and at the same time raised his right leg as a gesture to move the football to the right.

Montero immediately stepped forward to block - in the previous match where Madrid Pirates defeated Los Angeles United 2:1, Hulay scored the goal with his first touch of the ball after coming off the bench. It was a long diagonal pass from the midfielder to the right through Carey.


As the main defensive midfielder of the Navigators, Montero knew about that game and was naturally prepared for this situation in advance.

He knows that he must not let Kyrie transfer the ball at this time!

But when he stepped forward to block the ball, Kyrie's right leg did not pass the football. Instead, it buckled to the left side of his body and he turned around at the same time!

Montero had already pounced and was completely helpless. He could only pass by Kyrie and watch helplessly as Kyrie shook him off and dribbled the ball forward!

"Kairi! So beautiful!"

The cheers in the stands continued to grow.

Kyrie's breakthrough not only set off a bigger cheering storm in the stands, but also attracted the attention of the Sevilla Navigators players on the field.

When he broke through Montero, he naturally became the focus of the Navigators players' subconscious attention.

It was at this moment that Hu Lai, who was in front, suddenly pulled away laterally and ran towards the blind spot behind Atul.

He pulled away horizontally without raising his hand or shouting. He was in the blind spot of Artur's perspective. He did this in order not to attract Artur's attention. Gu Yao

However, this also has disadvantages, that is, he cannot remind his teammates to pass the football in time... But such a thing did not happen to Maxi Carey.

Just when he pulled away, Kyrie, who was dribbling the ball straight to the penalty area, suddenly pushed the football diagonally with his left foot.

The kick was so powerful and the ball was so fast that the Navigators players had not yet reacted. By the time they turned their heads following the football, Hu Lai had already raised his right leg and was ready to shoot directly!


Sevilla Navigator's center back Arthur rushed back with the football, and saw Hulay raising his right leg while running, in a posture to shoot directly without stopping the ball.

He quickly slid over and raised his left leg high in an attempt to block the shot.

As a result, Hu Lai didn't shoot after swinging his right leg down, but instead dunked the football to the left!

A fake move!

Fake cum and real buckle!

Arthur really didn't expect that Hu Lai would not shoot the ball at the first time - he was the one who shot the goal in the first half!

He slid past Hu Lai, turned his head and watched with dismay and despair as Hu Lai raised his right leg again.


Not far behind his head, there was a muffled sound!

Hu Lai took a long shot from a little outside the top of the penalty arc!

The football flies towards the goal like a cannonball!

Navigator goalkeeper Marko Duric jumped into the air and waved vigorously, but he didn't touch the ball at all!

The football drew a white light in the Navigator's penalty area and hit the net!


"Wow! Wow! This is...this! Score twice! Hu Lai scores twice!" He Feng exclaimed repeatedly, "Forty-ninth minute! Just four minutes into the second half, Hu Lai scored again

Score a goal! Help the Pirates lead the Navigators by two goals at home!"

Yan Kang said excitedly next to him: "Ha! This is the first time Hu Lai has scored twice in a game this season! He has finally regained his scoring feeling in the Olympics. Those who say Hu Lai is not in good condition

People can shut up!"

Did the Olympics have any impact on Hu Lai?

Of course there is.

It's just that the impact is not on physical fitness, but on other aspects.

For example, I am used to seeing Hu Lai's outstanding performance in the Olympic Games and the deep impression he left on people by winning the gold medal. Although Hu Lai has been scoring goals after returning to the club, he can only score one goal in a single game.

For those fans who have been whetted by him, it can be regarded as "poor condition"...

"Hu!! Hu! Hu Lai!! Aha! He scored again! Facing the Navigators, he always seems to be in surprisingly good condition and fighting spirit! He is really not polite at all!" Sanchez laughed,

He sounded like he was just watching the excitement and didn't mind it.

As a neutral commentator, he certainly hopes that the game will be as exciting and intense as possible.

Hu Lai is in such good condition today. I don't know if it is really related to his "grievance" with the navigator. But he is obviously very happy to spread this grudge.

How can we give pirates and navigators more stories and materials every time they meet without using fire?

Therefore, he especially hopes that every time Hu Lai and Navigator meet, they can come out with something new, and the media will quickly follow up and hype them up after the game.

Then when the two parties meet next time, they can settle old scores.

While going over old scores, they clapped their hands nearby: "Let's fight, let's fight!"


When Hulay once again made his signature celebration, the thunder sounded over the Pirates Park stadium for the second time.

After the Thunder comes the Pirates of Madrid anthem.

During the song, the players of Madrid Pirates hugged and celebrated in the corner flag area.

After Hu Lai hugged everyone, he saw Kyrie in the distance - he did not come up to celebrate, but hugged other teammates outside the crowd.

Although Hu Lai scored the goal, Carey's pass was also very important.

It is completely a striker's instinct for Julela to open up space and move.

It doesn't mean that he can receive passes from his teammates every time he creates an opening.

In fact, most of the time his trip would be in vain.

But Kyrie passed the ball very timely, as if he had been waiting for Julelai to pull away... If you watch the replay carefully, you will find that Kyrie had already swung his leg before Julelai pulled away.

It was as if he had already decided to pass the ball there before Hu Lai made the move.

They are obviously two people who don't deal with each other. They don't even come up to celebrate when he scores a goal, but they can have such a tacit understanding on the court - Hu Lai didn't even use [Lingxi Card] on Kyrie...

It's really hard for Hu Lai to describe this feeling.

Forget it, let’s give him a thumbs up.

Hu Lai raised his arm to Kaili in the distance and gave a thumbs up.

There was no big change in the expression on Kaili's face, he just raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was as if he had just accomplished a trivial task and it was not worth mentioning.

This chapter has been completed!
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