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Chapter 416 Respect

"May I ask Caesar, what do you think about the fact that Becker is only one goal away from your record? Do you think he will break your record? If he really breaks your record, what do you think?"

"Records are meant to be broken from the moment they appear. So I don't have any special opinions, and I don't think my record back then will ever be broken..."

After Albertazzi finished training, he saw reporters surrounding Serius Caesar outside the training ground and asking him questions.

Facing the reporters, Caesar put his hands behind his back and answered their questions in an upright manner.

But this scene made Alberta furious.

In his opinion, those reporters were not interviewing the captain, but interrogating him.

Just because the team was eliminated from the Champions League, the Italian media targeted the captain.

Someone sarcastically said: "If I were Caesar, I would announce my retirement immediately after being eliminated from the Champions League!"

"Why did Cerrados choose to retire at the age of 35, but Caesar still wanted to renew his contract with the club for another year at the age of 37?"

Someone else criticized bluntly: "I think Caesar has become an obstacle to the team's continued progress. I know that some people have to say something, but there are always people who dare not say it, so for me. I thank Selius Caesar

He has made great contributions to the team before, but it is obvious that his era is over. If it is for the good of the team, then he should have a decent farewell..."

"It must be pointed out that the poor performance of the Turin Bulls this season has a lot to do with Caesar. He has changed from the team hero in the past to a cancer... All problems originate from him!"

The cacophony is really sad as they all target a legend in the club's history.

You must know that the people who say these things are not just ordinary fans, but also a large number of professional media reporters and celebrities.

These people have extremely high influence, and their evaluation of Caesar will also affect more fans, eventually making everyone think that Caesar seems to have really become a trouble and problem for this team.

In fact, such a trend of public opinion has indeed formed. After being eliminated from the Champions League, Caesar has been subjected to online abuse almost all the time.

But in fact, after being eliminated from the Champions League, many people in the Turin Bulls should be criticized, but Caesar should not be. Because he scored the team's only goal.

It can only be said that a big tree attracts attention, because Caesar is a superstar, so scolding him will attract traffic.

Albertazzi really can't stand this kind of public opinion. He knows that in the football world, if you perform well, you will be praised by the sky, and if you perform poorly in a game, you will be criticized. But for some people, this cannot be done.


For example, a football hero like Serius Caesar who has led his club to win the Champions League and led the Italian national team to win the World Cup should still have basic respect and not be too "ungrateful", right?

So when he saw the reporters "besieging" Caesar, he didn't care about anything else and rushed directly between the reporters and Caesar, assuming a guarding posture to protect the captain behind him.

At the same time, he shouted angrily at reporters:

"Is this the attitude you should have when facing a legend? Please pay attention to your words and tone! In front of you is a three-time World Footballer and a three-time European Ballon d'Or winner!"

When he said this, he moved his body slightly to the side, revealing the figure of Selius Caesar, and at the same time, he drew three fingers.

Then he continued to question reporters: "When you ask him those questions, please remember who he is! Remember he is the greatest player in the history of this country's football! You can't humiliate him with questions like that! Respect

!Respect! Still respect! Respecting others is also respecting yourself, gentlemen!"

The reporters were stunned by Albertazzi who suddenly rushed out.

By the time they came to their senses, Albertazzi and Caesar had already left.

A group of people looked at each other:

"What just happened?"

"I thought I heard Albertazzi say 'respect' three times?"

"So Albertazzi cursed the media?"

The reporters' tone became excited, and they felt as if they had captured a big news.

They actually don't care if they are scolded, they care more that being scolded can become news.

After being eliminated from the Champions League, there was nothing left in Italian football to attract the attention of the whole of Europe.

Now that something like this has happened, Italian football has another chance to show its face in Europe!

They asked each other excitedly: "Did anyone record what just happened?"

"I filmed the whole thing!"

"That's great! Awesome!"

The excited reporters dispersed one after another to rush for the news.


"Actually, you don't need to do this, Mauro. You have offended many reporters, and you should be very clear about what will happen if you offend them."

On the way back to the locker room, captain Caesar was trying to persuade the impulsive Albertazzi.

"I don't care about offending them, captain. I just can't stand them treating you like that." Albertazzi still couldn't stand it. "Now you are still the record holder, but they have begun to ask you questions after the record was broken.

, this is naked humiliation!”

Caesar smiled: "Anyway, it will be broken sooner or later. I can't decide this kind of thing, so why not be more generous?"

Albertazi was speechless.

Because in a sense, the captain is right.

Whether his record can be maintained or not is not something he can decide now.

Although he understood this truth, Albertazzi still felt unhappy.

He was unhappy that the reporter used such a question to humiliate Caesar, his legendary Italian football hero, and also unhappy that Caesar, a once particularly domineering and tough player, now behaved so... "weakly" in the face of the malicious media.

Yes, weak.

You must know that Caesar was not such an easy talker in the past.

Previously, Hu Lai broke his "active player record" of 70 goals in a natural year. Some reporters also interviewed him about his views on this. His answer at the time was very "Caesar":

"He did a great job. I know how difficult it is."

The understatement of congratulations gives the impression that it is not so much congratulations to Hu Lai as it is telling everyone how difficult it is for him to achieve 70 goals a year. At the same time, you can also hear his hidden "unhappiness" - after all, his own record

It was broken.

But now?

Before his record was broken, a reporter came to interview him and asked him how he felt after his record was broken. This is simply a provocation!

If it were the old Caesar, he might just fight back.

Now he is serious and answers reporters' questions honestly...

Albertazzi felt that the captain in front of him was very different from before.

There is a sense of déjà vu as if an idol has collapsed.

So after thinking about it, maybe he wasn't dissatisfied with the reporters, but he was dissatisfied with his captain.

He cannot accept that his idol, the hero of national football, behaves indifferently when faced with the humiliation and provocation of others...

After thinking of this, Albertazzi fell silent.

Because he can confront reporters, but he cannot express dissatisfaction and disappointment with his captain.

I can only hold it in my heart.

Caesar thought Albertazzi was complaining about himself, so he patted him on the shoulder: "I no longer need to prove anything for myself. Compared with my own record, I care more about the future of the team.

And Mauro, you are the future."

Albertazzi nodded with mixed feelings.

He could no longer change the fate that happened to Caesar.

The only thing he can do is to strive to control his own destiny and become a future legendary hero of Italian football.

And he swore that no one would have the opportunity to humiliate him in front of him and still escape unscathed!


Just when Albertazzi was thinking this, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind, shattering the glorious scene he had just imagined.

Along with this scene, his heart began to beat violently.

Albertazzi uttered the Italian curse in his heart:

Why the hell did I even think of him?!

Damn it!

After saying "You are the future", Caesar originally thought that the young man Albertazzi would be very happy, but in the end he felt that the other man's mood became depressed.

Then he asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing..." Albertazzi shook his head in denial at first, but soon he asked: "Captain, you have so many opponents in your career, how do you get along with them?"

"Get along?" Caesar wondered why Albertazzi asked this.

"Is this how you handle your relationships with the other three of the 'Four Heavenly Kings'?"

"Ha, you're talking about this? At the best time of my career, they and I were both competitors. We rarely communicated in private... Of course, we would all make ourselves appear to be related to others in front of the media and the public.


"Yes, yes. I remember there was a classic photo of you and Grimand Aylmer before the Golden Globe Awards. You were both smiling very happily..."

"That was just for the media and fans to see. But actually when I took the group photo, I was cursing Aylmer for not getting the Golden Globe. I guess Aylmer was also cursing me for not getting the Golden Globe.


In the selection of that European Golden Globe Award, Selius Caesar and Grimand Aylmer were direct competitors. Before that, both of them had a European Golden Globe Award. If anyone could win it again,

, you can surpass your old rivals.

Before the award ceremony, the two met on the red carpet, and then at the strong request of reporters, they stood side by side and took this photo.

"But I remember that you didn't win the Golden Globe in the end, but Aylmer got it... How did you treat this matter at the time?"

"How to deal with it?" Caesar thought for a while, "I locked myself in the room and stayed there for eight hours."

"And you figured it out?"

"No, I didn't. When I came out of the room, I didn't think about it. I just cursed all the curse words I could in those eight hours and vented my emotions. Then I

I could get back on the road with a relatively calm mind. But that didn’t mean I thought Aylmer should beat me and win the Golden Globe that year. I vented my emotions, but gained a firm goal—

—I wanted to beat Aylmer. So the next year I beat him and won the Ballon d'Or. Ha!"

At the end of the sentence, Caesar laughed.

After listening to Caesar's story, Albertazzi was thoughtful and did not continue to speak.

The two people walked into the locker room side by side.


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