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Chapter 162: The sea is wide and the fish leaps

 After the second half of the game started, Renmin Middle School launched a fierce offensive in the half of Dongchuan Middle School.

Dongchuan Middle School, which had long expected this, shrank its defense and continued to destroy the opponent's offense from the midfield. Xia Xiaoyu was almost the same as Chen Rui at this time, becoming a midfield engineer.

It is said that when Xia Xiaoyu was watching the Anton Cup final between Jiaxiang High School and Dongchuan Middle School in the stands, he felt that if he went to Jiaxiang High School, he would be trained as an engineer by head coach Feng Yuanchang, which was not in line with his football philosophy and style, so

I was reluctant to attend Jiaxiang High School.

But now that he has come to Dongchuan Middle School, he is actually still entrusted with a lot of defensive tasks by the head coach. He is not the kind of midfielder who just organizes the offense and then confidently leaves everything behind to others.

Sometimes he will even be assigned some very heavy defensive tasks, like now.

However, Xia Xiaoyu did not feel that it was against his own football style, but he was unhappy in his heart.

On the contrary, he was quite happy and worked hard to complete the tasks assigned to him by the head coach.

Is it because the head coach has such a charismatic personality that he is willing to do it?

of course not……

The reason why Xia Xiaoyu is willing to do this is that after seven games of the Anton Cup, he gradually realized the necessity of this tactic. At the same time, he himself benefited a lot from this tactic.

Although he had defensive tasks, it did not delay him from organizing offense, and he also became the assist leader in the Anton Cup.

The reason behind this is naturally because there are people in the Dongchuan Middle School team who are worthy of him.

As the saying goes, a scholar dies for his confidant. Xia Xiaoyu may not have the grace of the ancients, but he certainly understands this truth.

In Dongchuan Middle School, although he had to shoulder some defensive tasks, his football style was still of great use and was even carried forward.

The reason is that there is a forward named Hu Lai in Dongchuan Middle School?


As soon as Song Yu picked up the ball, Chen Rui slammed into him from behind, making it impossible for Song Yu to turn around - it's not like he had never tried to forcefully turn around before, but it was like he hit an iron plate.

In the same way, people lose their center of gravity and lose the ball.

If Wang Xun hadn't been nearby and snatched the football away again, Dongchuan Middle School would have launched a counterattack.

So now Song Yu is very cautious and does not try to challenge Chen Rui alone.

Although he is the core organization of Renmin Middle School, Song Yu's ability to break through with the ball is actually not strong. What he is strong in is his passing ability, vision and overall situation.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Chen Rui, he passed the football back to Wang Xun.

This is also the way he will handle the ball after being targeted by his opponent.

After all, Wang Xun also has certain offensive ability.

When Wang Xun got the ball, Hu Lai watched from a distance and found that it was exactly what the head coach said. This kid would habitually control the ball more often, even if he made a move to pass the ball.

He would pull the football back with a fake move and then adjust again. He didn't know if his artificial move was just a fake move, or if he really intended to pass the ball, but when he looked up, he realized that something was wrong, so he had to pull the football back again.


Xia Xiaoyu rushed forward to grab the ball, so he controlled the football and turned around, using his height advantage to block Xia Xiaoyu from behind, preventing Xia Xiaoyu from touching the ball.

If Xia Xiaoyu pounces harder, he will turn around again, leave Xia Xiaoyu behind directly, and face the attacking direction again. At this time, he will pass the football out again.

Since the beginning of the second half, Hu Lai has observed Wang Xun like this several times and found that it is basically the same every time.

This man seems quite confident in his ability to control the ball.

And he does have good control. Xia Xiaoyu really can't do anything with him...

Coupled with his height and long legs, even if the football is temporarily out of his control, he can still use the advantage of his long legs to reach the football back.

He did send a few good passes, but his teammates failed to grasp them.

Although he is so tall, he always takes the ball first and then observes the situation in front of him, instead of observing first and then catching the ball...

No wonder he always wants to control the ball more.

Hu Lai complained in his heart.


"The offensive of Renmin Middle School has begun." In the stands, Chu Yifan's roommates discussed.

"After all, we were fourth in the last term, but we were led by Dongchuan Middle School in the first half. I must have been scolded by the head coach when I returned to the locker room at halftime, right?"

"I think Dongchuan Middle School may lose the ball if it continues to suffer like this..."

Chu Yifan looked at the frowns on his teammates' faces and knew that they were really worried about the future of Dongchuan Middle School.

In fact, let alone them, he himself was a little worried.

But after seeing the performance of his roommates, he certainly couldn't lose the prestige of his alma mater's team. No matter what, he must support his alma mater in front of outsiders.

So he laughed: "I think Dongchuan Middle School is going to score a goal. Do you want to make a bet, brothers?"

As soon as they heard that he wanted to bet, the roommates all got excited: "Okay! Whoever loses will get a treat, it's Guangfeng Building outside our school!"

Guangfeng Building is a restaurant outside the east area of ​​Nanshan University. The per capita consumption is slightly more expensive than the surrounding small restaurants, and the environment is better, so it has become the designated restaurant for many Nanshan University students to treat guests.

"Hey, if I win, three of you will treat me. If I lose, if I treat three of you alone, won't I lose money?" Chu Yifan said.

"Don't worry, Da Chu, I will never let you suffer. If you win, how about a meal for each of the three of us?" The speaker looked at his other two roommates.

Naturally, they had no objection and agreed wholeheartedly.

"That's okay. As agreed, don't be a slut when the time comes." Chu Yifan said.

"Ha! Da Chu, are you so confident in your junior brothers?"

Chu Yifan actually didn't know if he could win, but when it came to this, could he still give in?

So he could only smile pretending to be profound: "Of course I have confidence."

At the same time, he set his sights on Hu Lai.

My next three meals will all depend on you, the "Chosen One", Hu Lai!


When Wang Xun got the ball again, he still habitually caught the ball and then observed the situation.

At the same time, he opened his arms to resist Xia Xiaoyu's attack, and at the same time moved the football to the side away from Xia Xiaoyu's feet.

After doing this, he looked up again to observe the situation ahead.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard Song Yu next to him shouting: "Be careful over there!"

He reacted suddenly, turned around and saw that the skinny No. 14 player from Dongchuan Middle School was already close to his side!

How did this kid...

Wang Xun didn't have time to think about this problem carefully when he saw the opponent stretching his foot and stabbing the football on the side of his foot!

By the time his feet wanted to react, it was already too late...

The football was stabbed away by Hu Lai and rolled to the side.

Chen Rui, who was originally defending Song Yu, suddenly rushed forward and caught the ball!

Counterattack successful!

But this is just the first step to success!

Seeing Chen Rui take the ball, Xia Xiaoyu immediately dropped Wang Xun, retreated to widen the angle, and at the same time opened his arms, signaling Chen Rui to pass the ball to him.

In fact, Chen Rui had already passed the football without him having to signal at all. After all, when he could pass it to Xia Xiaoyu, Chen Rui would always give priority to passing the ball to his midfield partner...

He is different from Wang Xun, a player who is both offensive and defensive. He knows what his strengths and weaknesses are, and his coach also knows it, so the offensive task given to him is very simple - after getting the ball, pass it to Xia Xiaoyu. If

If Xia Xiaoyu is not around, then pass it to the nearest teammate.

Chen Rui knows that passing is not what he is good at. Passes longer than 15 meters will basically be missed, so he has never thought of showing off his footwork. Although this makes him only an engineer who sweeps the midfield, there is no other way.

What kind of limelight?

But Chen Rui himself doesn't care about this. He just needs to concentrate on completing the task assigned to him by the head coach and being a bodyguard for Xia Xiaoyu. As long as the team can win, what does it matter if he can't shine personally?

When Xia Xiaoyu received the ball from Chen Rui, Wang Xun finally pounced on him - the ball was lost to him, so he naturally had to snatch the ball back quickly. Only in this way could he make up for the mistake.

Seeing Wang Xun rushing towards him so fiercely, Xia Xiaoyu did not pass the football to him immediately. Instead, he used the toes of his right foot to lift the football up!

The football flew over Wang Xun's head!

"Beautiful!" the commentator shouted excitedly.

The neutral fans in the stands also let out huge cheers at this time.

Wang Xun, on the other hand, did not expect that he would be passed by Xia Xiaoyu in this way. He rushed past Xia Xiaoyu with a look of shock on his face, unable to stop the car...

He stretched out his hand in a somewhat futile attempt to catch Xia Xiaoyu, but Xia Xiaoyu dodged and calmly avoided it.

Then, before the football landed from the air, he kicked the ball forward and passed it to Shen Yulin, who was retreating to meet him!

Seeing Shen Yulin get the ball, Tang Yuan immediately ran diagonally to the side, and at the same time reminded Shen Yulin loudly: "Pass the ball to me!"

Shen Yulin did not hesitate. With his back to the attacking direction, he moved the football sideways and gave it to Tang Yuan, who came up to meet him.

But Tang Yuan did not stop the ball, but took advantage of the situation and pushed the football forward, speeding up to catch up!

Dongchuan Middle School made a quick counterattack after a midfield steal!


"Holy crap, no!" Chu Yifan's roommates exclaimed when they saw this. They just made a bet with Chu Yifan, why did the offense and defense suddenly reverse on the court?

Chu Yifan nervously tightened his grip on the iron railing, not daring to make any sound for fear that it would disturb the attacking students.

Tang Yuan on the court kicked the football about fifteen or six meters. The football passed by Wei Chen, the left back of Renmin Middle School who came up to try to intercept him, making him hesitate for a moment whether to turn around and chase the ball directly.

But before he could make a decision, Tang Yuan also followed the football style and rushed past him!

Now he didn't need to hesitate, turned around and ran directly to the penalty area - the reason why he didn't chase Tang Yuan directly was that he knew that he would definitely not be able to catch up. In this case, he asked the central defender behind to cover up the defense, and he himself Then returning to the penalty area to fill the gap left by the center back teammate is the right choice.

"Dongchuan Middle School's counterattack! Beautiful! Tang Yuan is so fast!"

A burst of cheers erupted from the stadium stands.

Neutral fans don't take it too seriously to watch the excitement. No matter who attacks, they will cheer anyway.

Amidst the cheers, Shen Yulin had already turned around after passing the ball and was sprinting towards the penalty area of ​​Renmin Middle School.

Although he is tall, his speed is not slow and he is almost rushing to the penalty area.

There are two central defenders from Renmin Middle School, and one of them, the left central defender, has rushed to the wing to defend Tang Yuan.

The other right center back will naturally come up to defend Shen Yulin.

When Tang Yuan was about to catch up with the football, he raised his head and glanced at the situation near the penalty area. Then he did not choose to continue to break through with the ball. Instead, after catching up with the football, he directly kicked off the ball at a 45-degree angle and made a pass!

Before Shen Yulin could reach his position, the football passed high in front of him and over the head of another central defender from Renmin Middle School.

Neither the offensive nor defensive sides were able to touch the ball. It seemed that Tang Yuan's pass seemed a little too hasty, too early...

But Tang Yuan knew that his kick would never be passed to Shen Yulin!

After he completed the pass, he saw a familiar figure appear on the edge of the penalty area, and that was the target of his pass!


"Hu Lai——!" It wasn't until the commentator exclaimed that the audience in front of the TV realized that Hu Lai, who had seemed to be invisible after stealing the ball, reappeared in everyone's field of vision, and he was already like this. Dangerous area!

Just now, everyone was excited about Tang Yuan's forceful breakthrough that relied on speed to eat up the opponent's defender. When they saw the football passing to the center, their first thought was to pass it to high center Shen Yulin.

Who would have thought that Tang Yuan's ball was going to be passed to Hu Lai!

When Hu Lai just stepped into the penalty area, he saw the football flying over from the side.

It was fast and had a wide arc, running in front of him.

Hu Lai had practiced this kind of cross ball many times in training, so he didn't even think about how to handle the ball. His body reacted almost subconsciously.

I saw him turning his head to look at the football while running. With one lunge and a hard kick, he shot out like an arrow from a string!

When the ball arrives, the people arrive.

Fish leap to the top!

Whether it was the right back of Renmin Middle School who retreated to the middle of the defense or their goalkeeper Lu Jiachen, no one expected that Hu Lai would leap forward as soon as he entered the penalty area.

What's more, I didn't expect that Hu Lai's header near the penalty spot would go straight to the blind corner!

Even if Lu Jiachen wanted to react, it was already too late - he just raised his hand, and the football had already hit the net!

At the beginning of the second half, Renmin Middle School bombarded Dongchuan Middle School in an attempt to equalize the score, but the goal was lost again...


ps, there is an Easter egg chapter at the end of this chapter, showing the whole process of Hu Lai's goal.

This chapter has been completed!
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