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Chapter 431 Mad and good people

 Seeing Mark Becker score, Parotti leaned back on the coaching bench and leaned his whole body hard on the back of the chair.

Then he sighed to the coaches around him: "Mistakes in, mistakes out, chaos!"

Blue and White Munich's goal came from their constant pressing on the field.

At the same time, it also took advantage of the Madrid Pirates' mentality of "rushing for success" after scoring a goal.

The game on the field was indeed a bit chaotic during this period.

But Parotti has not made adjustments because the Madrid Pirates have a greater advantage in the chaos, and he also hopes that the team can take advantage of the chaos to score another victory.

If they can lead Blue and White Munich by two goals in the first half, the next game for Madrid Pirates will be much easier. As a head coach, he can also be more calm when arranging tactics.

Chaos does tend to lead to goals, but it was the blue and white Munich who scored.

"The tactics of the Blue and White Munich are actually very targeted." After sighing, Parotti said to the coaches around him.

"They use such high-post pressure and foul tactics in the hope that our ball control will not operate smoothly. When we encounter this situation, we will give up the cumbersome passing and control in the middle and go directly to the two wings. But in this way

Come on, then we will play the way Hantcek is familiar with, and he can beat us with his rich experience... He really knows us very well."

While Parotti regretted conceding the goal, Bjorn Hantcek was celebrating the goal wildly in the coaching bench next door.

It's another "famous scene" that Madrid Pirates fans are used to...

"It's obvious that Hantchik didn't appreciate your kindness." Han Shuyu said to Li Qingliang next to him upon seeing this.

"We don't expect him to appreciate it..." Li Qingliang was a little depressed, not because of Hantcek's celebration, but because he lost the ball.

Most of the Madrid Pirates fans in the stands fell into silence.

It wasn't until the Blue and White Munich players ended their celebrations, returned to their own half, and the game restarted that the Madrid Pirates fans became active.

They cheered loudly for the team.

Because the Blue and White Munich who equalized the score were very active after scoring the goal, their pressing in the midfield and front made the Madrid Pirates fans in the stands frightened, fearing that the team would lose another goal in a short period of time.

So everyone was making noises loudly, cheering for their teams so that they could withstand the offensive of Blue and White Munich.

Fortunately, when Becker scored, there were only five or six minutes left in the first half.

The Madrid Pirates finally withstood the offensive of Blue and White Munich and maintained the 1:1 score until the end of the first half.


In the visiting team's locker room, although Blue and White Munich equalized the score at the last moment of the first half, Bjorn Hantcek did not praise the players' performance, but instead replayed the goal conceded in the first half for everyone.


"We must not give them too much space in the game. That goal was lost because after Van der Stern went to follow Carey, Gribusch failed to return to the defense in time to fill the gap in the middle..."

Gribusch, who was criticized by name, could only accept the criticism honestly and could not show off his temper or put on airs.

In fact, his performance in the first half was very good, except for this conceded goal.

The return to defense was a little slow and I didn't make up for the damage in time.

It's not a particularly big responsibility. At least Jean Cron and Gueye, who were hesitant in the penalty area and didn't dare to attack Kamara, are also responsible.

But as he is the captain, he naturally has to bear more responsibilities than ordinary players.

"It can't be like this in the second half. All of your yellow cards have been cleared before this game. What else do you have to worry about? Kyrie is a player who has been seriously injured. He has a shadow on physical confrontation. As long as he can be given enough

If there is a lot of pressure, he will definitely make mistakes. So we need to continue to put pressure on him in the second half!"

According to the rules of the Champions League, after the quarter-finals, all yellow cards on all players will be cleared.

This is to prevent a player from receiving a yellow card in the semi-finals from accumulating three yellow cards and being automatically suspended and missing such an important game as the final.

It also allows many players to have a free hand, and coaches will have fewer worries when formulating tactics.

Now Hantcek asked the whole team to continue to exert pressure on the Madrid Pirates players, which is what benefited from this.

"In the second half, we will continue to fight them in every corner of the court! We must not let the game get into their rhythm. They like to pass the ball, so let the game become fragmented! In short, no matter how uncomfortable they are, we will do it!"

Seeing him showing his teeth and claws like this, it's hard to imagine that this is the meritorious coach of Madrid Pirates.

But people who know Hantcek will be indifferent to this and are not surprised. Because Hantcek is such a person.

He will never hold anything back in the game out of consideration for feelings.

He must be going all out to pursue victory.

When he was coaching Madrid Pirates, he was famous for "doing whatever it takes to win."

He once publicly stated that he would not let his attacking players kick the football off the field just because the opponent's player fell to the ground for the sake of so-called sportsmanship.

"Who knows if he is pretending?" These were his exact words.

An uproar ensued, but Hantcek did not apologize and still stood by his views.

But when it's his turn to direct his players to stall for time on the court, he can also express his anger at the opposing players who don't kick the football out of bounds.

It seems particularly "double standard".

But actually, if you think about it carefully, he has always had only one standard - victory.

As long as it can bring victory, he is willing to do anything.

This is the style he had already formed before coming to coach Madrid Pirates.

This was the case when he was coaching Arminia in Bielefeld. At that time, he was not very famous and was criticized by many. But he still went his own way and silenced many people with his results in leading the team.

Almost all Bielefeld Arminian fans are on Hantcek's side, supporting him and supporting him.

How comfortable it is when you are in the same trench with him, but how unhappy you will be when he stands on the opposite side of you.

vice versa.


"In the second half, the opponent will definitely continue to press high for a period of time, but they will not keep pressing like this forever. Because their physical fitness is not enough to support the rhythm of the whole game. But it does not mean that they will switch from high pressing to defensive counterattack. I guess

They should still maintain a certain intensity of pressing and interception in the midfield and frontcourt to cause us trouble. In short, don't think that the second half of the game will be easy, it may be just the opposite."

In the home team's locker room, Parotti was also analyzing his players.

Completely different from Hantcek, who was full of passion and always waving his arms. Parotti stood in front of the multimedia tactical board, calmly explaining the possible situations in the second half to his players with a calm tone and expression.

His calmness and calmness will give the players a sense of confidence, as if nothing can panic the head coach in front of them.

"In response to their pressing, our midfielder needs to control the ball better. Maxi, you have to go deeper and get closer to Vukovic. As for Vukovic, you have to control the rhythm.

Blue and White Munich know that they are pressing high and everyone behind them is open, so they will be very worried about our counterattack. As long as they lose the ball in the midfield and frontcourt, they will defend as quickly as possible. This kind of

Sometimes, if it’s not a particularly good opportunity, don’t hit the ball forward. We can definitely pass it back and kick a few shots in the backcourt..."

With the touch screen, Parotti drags the chess pieces representing the players on the multimedia tactical board, so that everyone can know the head coach's thoughts more intuitively.

"We can take this opportunity to consume more of their physical energy and break their high press in advance. We must always control the rhythm on our side. Whether it is offense or defense, we must be the active side and make Blue and White Munich exhausted."

Different from when he first came to this team, now Parotti talks about these things slowly, and no player expresses contempt or discomfort anymore.

At that time, his lukewarm behavior was often ridiculed and criticized by the media.

What about "having no independent opinion", "only following others' opinions", "having no personality and being very boring", "not having enough authority to convince others, and having to compromise in the locker room"...

At that time, such voices were rampant.

Public opinion is so harsh on Parotti. On the one hand, it is because compared with Hantcek, Parotti is indeed not a well-known and capable coach. On the other hand, it is because everyone is concerned about the performance of Hantcek by the Madrid Pirates.

After Ke didn't renew his contract, he was dissatisfied with finding such a transitional coach.

The media's propaganda caliber will naturally affect the players' evaluation of the head coach.

So actually there was quite a bit of criticism within the team at that time about this head coach who seemed to have neither fame nor personality nor strength.

Now the situation has changed dramatically.

Ettore Parotti led this team to win the Europa League, La Liga, Spanish Super Cup, and reach the semi-finals of the Champions League.

In terms of honor, he is not inferior to Hantcek at all.

After having achievements as a foundation, the advantages of his character were revealed.

The players are willing to get along with this low-key coach because there is no pressure with him.

Even Maxi Carey, who has a bad temper, has no complaints about Parotti, which shows how good Parotti's character is.

"Our offensive opportunities will definitely be reduced if we play like this, but it doesn't matter. We don't need too many offensive opportunities, we only need opportunities of high enough quality. So no matter what, don't rush, stay patient, and the opportunity will definitely belong to us.


When he said this, he looked specifically at Hu Lai.

Everyone knows what that means.

Because of Hu Lai, even if there are not many opportunities, there is a high probability of converting them into goals.

So there's really nothing to worry about.

Finally, Parotti clapped his hands: "I firmly believe that we can reach the finals, because I have confidence in you."

His voice wasn't loud and he didn't speak much, but it made every Madrid Pirates player straighten their backs.

This chapter has been completed!
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