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Chapter 6 Replay of the game

 "Winning is a good thing, but it's not worth being so happy."

Li Ziqiang said straight to the point.

"Because our opponents are inherently weaker than us, it is natural for us to defeat them. Winning does not mean that we performed well. In fact, you did not play well in today's game. Guo Ping."

He called someone's name.

The player whose name was called quickly stood up from his seat. He was a tall player. After two days of shooting and observation, Lin Xueyi knew that he was the team's main central defender.

"Three times in this game, when faced with pressure from the opponent's players, you chose to drive directly from the backcourt to the frontcourt. Tell me what you thought at the time?"

Li Ziqiang stood leaning on the tactical board, folding his hands on his chest, looking at Guo Ping and asking questions.

"Uh... I, I was a little worried about losing the ball, so I chose to kick forward..." Guo Ping explained.

"Worrying about losing the ball... is good." Li Ziqiang nodded. "Then have you ever thought about other ways besides driving forward with your big feet?"

Guo Ping quickly said: "I have thought about it, Li Zhi. I wanted to pass the ball to a nearby teammate, but the other team had already rushed to me at that time. I didn't have time to find the gap..."

Li Ziqiang took advantage of the situation and asked: "Then why do you wait until the ball is at your feet and the opponent has already pounced on you before you look for someone else?"

Guo Ping opened his mouth, but no words came out this time.

"If you had already observed the surrounding situation in advance before catching the ball, how could you wait for the opponent to come up to you before looking for your teammates? Then why didn't you observe in advance? These three hasty long passes were...

It shows that you were distracted at least three times during the game. You are a central defender and you know the consequences of being distracted during the game."

Li Ziqiang said in a stern tone.

Guo Ping lowered his head.

"I'm not saying you can't pass long passes, but active long passes and passive long passes are two different things. When you face the opponent's pressure and can only pass long passes, it means you didn't concentrate or use your brain during the game.

, so we chose the laziest way - to pass the long pass directly to the front. The result? These three long passes were all errors without exception. What should have been our offense became the opponent's counterattack. Of course, this is not you

One person’s problem…”

Having said this, Li Ziqiang turned to others: "This is the problem of our entire team, or the entire midfield and backfield. When teammates face pressure, no one steps forward in time to respond to him. You are just doing it yourself

Look at it from your seat... just yell twice and that's it. Are you here to watch the game? Ah? Why don't you go to the stage to watch the game? That has a better view!"

Everyone else also lowered their heads under Li Ziqiang's scolding.

"Play football with your brain, play football with your brain." Li Ziqiang pointed to his temple and said, "What is football with your brain? It's not football based on imagination. You must keep observing on the court. There are not enough observations.

, you won’t be able to collect enough information. Without this information, it won’t be able to help you make correct judgments. Guo Ping, if you can observe more before catching the ball, you can know that the two opposing players are moving towards you.

, but there was space on your right side to pass the ball out. What about you? You waited until the ball reached your feet and looked again, but it was too late! Then you made more adjustments, and there was no space on the right side, and in the end you could only blindly pass the ball.

With his big feet, pass the ball to the feet of the opponent's players...

"In this game, the opponent is not strong. What if the opponent is stronger? These three mistakes are enough for the opponent to score. You don't even have a chance to kick, and the ball is intercepted."

Having said this, Li Ziqiang gestured to Guo Ping to sit down.

Then he turned around and used magnetic chess pieces to place the formations of both sides on the tactical board behind him.

After setting it up, Li Ziqiang pointed to the chess pieces of different colors on the tactical board representing the players of both sides and said: "This was our counterattack in the fifty-ninth minute of the game, but it failed. Zhang Shicong, you are the organizer of this counterattack.

, tell me why it didn’t work out?”

It was only after Lin Xueyi saw the chess pieces laid out by Li Ziqiang that he recalled the failed counterattack...

After all, there will be many attacks during the game, but not every attack will be successful.

He didn't expect that Li Ziqiang would even mention the failed offensive opportunities in the game.

And Zhang Shicong was the creator of this counterattack - if it weren't for his successful steal in the midfield, Dongchuan Middle School would never have had such a counterattack opportunity. Although it didn't succeed in the end, at least it prevented the opponent's attack.

But from what Li Ziqiang meant, it seemed that he wanted to criticize Zhang Shicong.

If it were another coach, he might have to praise Zhang Shicong for his aggressive tackling...

The situation at that time was that Zhang Shicong suddenly stole the opponent's ball player in the midfield, took the ball and then dribbled the ball across the center line. There was a forward from Dongchuan Middle School on the right side closest to him, but he was following the opponent's defense.

Players have no chance to pass the ball.

At the same time, on Zhang Shicong's left, there was a forward from Dongchuan Middle School who was advancing at high speed. He was already stuck in front of the opponent's player, and there was a huge open space in front of him.

However, Zhang Shicong did not pass the ball - he was focused on the football at his feet and did not see his teammate who was advancing at high speed on the left wing.

In the end, he chose to pass the football across to his teammate who was advancing from the midfielder position.

As soon as the defensive midfielder receives the ball, he is faced with a double attack from two opposing players.

He could not move forward, so he could only stop and slow down suddenly, and then pass the football back to his teammates who came up to meet him. His teammates were also faced with the opponent's continuous press and did not dare to stop the ball. They moved the football to the right wing and gave it to the forward player.

Right back.

At the same time, the opponent's players quickly played back and Dongchuan Middle School lost the opportunity to counterattack. They could only back and forth to look for opportunities again.

In fact, this is not a big problem. In a game, there will always be counterattacks that are unsuccessful.

Lin Xueyi looked at the formation diagram that Li Ziqiang reviewed on the tactical board. The situation at that time was clear at a glance. I believe other young players could also see that there was a better choice than cross passing.

Sure enough, Zhang Shicong replied: "I shouldn't pass the cross, but I should pass it to Rong Yi who is on the left."

"Then why didn't you pass it to Rong Yi immediately?" Li Ziqiang continued to ask.

Zhang Shicong lowered his head and said: "I didn't observe the situation over there in time..."

"Oh, that's right." Li Ziqiang said, "I didn't observe in time. In fact, if you can suddenly steal the ball, your performance is already very good. But from good to excellent, the only problem is to observe this step in time. Because your sudden steal destroyed the

For an opponent's attack, I can give you a 60-point score, which is a pass. But if you can observe in time and pass the football to the space on the left wing, then I can give you a 90-point score."

After saying that, he motioned for Zhang Shicong to sit down.

He then said to the players on the team: "Observe, observe. After all, it is still observation. I always emphasize observation to you, because observation is the basis of football. When you can't observe on the court, you won't make decisions.

, If you don’t make decisions, you will never make progress. Have you watched the Chinese team and Syria’s World Cup preliminaries?”

Everyone nodded.

"You all remember the goal that Chen Xingyi scored, right? At that time, the Chinese team was still kicking back and forth in the backcourt, but the goal was scored a few seconds later. How did it score? It seemed very simple. Xia Xiaoyu received the ball from behind

The ball came from the field, turned around and kicked it through. Then Chen Xingyi sprinted in the ribs, successfully countered offside, received the ball and hit the far corner, and then scored. It's very simple, isn't it? But have you ever counted the number of goals?

In the past ten seconds, how many times did Xia Xiaoyu observe the surrounding situation?"

These words not only stunned all the players in the locker room, but even Lin Xueyi looked confused.

What kind of tricky question is this?!

Of course, no one answered.

Li Ziqiang announced the answer: "Five times."

He extended a slap.

"When the Chinese team was still in the backcourt, he started to look back and observe the situation in front, so he was able to see the space in the Syrian defense and noticed Chen Xingyi's forward penetration. In this way, when he received the

When he reaches the ball, he doesn't have to stop the ball to observe, he can turn around and pass it directly. In the past, we always said that Chinese team players like to make meaningless kicks in the backcourt, and even regarded backcourt kicks as a common problem of Chinese players. But

Whether it makes sense to step back in the backcourt depends on what the players do when they step back. If they just pass the ball to each other, it really doesn't make sense. But if every player can observe the surrounding situation when they step back,

Then the kick is a preparatory move to paralyze the opponent and tear apart the defense."

The players all showed expressions of admiration. They are indeed our seniors from Dongchuan Middle School! They are really awesome!

Seeing their expressions, Li Ziqiang asked again: "Do you think five observations in ten seconds is too much? Then let me tell you, in the European professional leagues, very good players have to observe seven or eight times. Ordinary players

It has to be done four or five times. In other words, if Xia Xiaoyu is placed in Europe, it will only be an average score for ordinary players. But such a player can play like a midfield master in the top 12. Now

You know why the Japanese and South Korean teams were always able to participate in the World Cup, right?"


After commenting on the mistakes made in almost all positions, Li Ziqiang named the last player.

"Rong Yi."

Rong Yi stood up nervously when his name was called and looked at Li Ziqiang nervously.

Lin Xueyi was very concerned about this person and roughly knew why Li Ziqiang called him.

Because he made two mistakes with the ball during the game, not only did Dongchuan Middle School's counterattack fail, but it also gave the opponent a chance to counterattack.

Lin Xueyi guessed that if Li Ziqiang called him up, he might criticize him for not being too independent and that he should pass the opportunity to teammates in other positions.

Rong Yi himself knew this, which is why he was so nervous - he was obviously frightened by Li Ziqiang's attitude of criticizing the players one by one just now.

But what surprised Lin Xueyi and Rong Yi himself was that Li Ziqiang did not criticize him, but praised him:

"I played well, especially when I dared to make moves on the field and break through. I have to keep it up. Although I made two mistakes, it doesn't matter. Compared with the fear of losing the ball, the fear of facing the opponent is worse."

When facing Rong Yi, Li Ziqiang was unexpectedly amiable and tolerant.


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