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Chapter 170 Please prove that you are better than them

 In the end, Hu Lai did not play the "toilet" thing by himself, after all, he couldn't play it alone.

Instead, three players formed the toilet. One person acted as the seat of the toilet, one person acted as the toilet seat, and the last person acted as the water tank that flushes the toilet...

When a goal was scored, the three people quickly formed a toilet bowl, just like Transformers, waiting for the hero of the goal to enjoy the special treatment of sitting on the toilet.

After everyone finally successfully rehearsed the new celebration move of "going to the bathroom" after spending an hour, the players from Dongchuan Middle School returned to their dormitories under the night.

Hu Lai entered the dormitory and got into the toilet.

Then sitting on a real toilet, he entered the system.

In fact, on the way to the training ground, he was not thinking about celebrating as he said, but he suddenly received two tasks issued by the system.

Yes, two tasks.

This salted fish system actually released two tasks in one go.

At that time, because he was outside and surrounded by his teammates, he was afraid that someone would find out any clues, so he didn't look carefully. He only knew that they were two new tasks. What was the specific task content and what were the rewards? He didn't see it.


Now after returning to the dormitory, of course I have to hide in the toilet as soon as possible to see what's going on.

"Task: Use iron-clad facts to prove to Zhou Zijing that you are the one who can challenge Chen Xingyi. Reward: Points x5000, Intermediate Training Scroll: Catching the ball x1."

"Task: Use practical actions to prove that you are better than Chen Xingyi. Reward: Points x20,000, Advanced Training Scroll: Shooting x1."

Seeing these two tasks, Hu Lai, who was sitting on the toilet, was stunned for a moment.

It’s not like I’ve never experienced being given two tasks in a row, but it’s rare to be given two vague tasks in a row like this.

In any case, previous missions would have specific mission goals, such as scoring a goal in a game, or getting a chance to play.

But this only asked Hu Lai to prove that he was stronger than Chen Xingyi, and only asked him to prove to Zhou Zijing that he was the one who could challenge Chen Xingyi... The goal of completing this kind of task was so vague, but it made Hu Lai

Feeling caught off guard.

With such a mission with vague goals, Hu Lai thought over and over again and it seemed that the only mission he had been given during the last national competition was to face the provocation from Wang Le of Xizi Middle School and ask him to fight back and boost the morale of his team.

But it still can't be compared with the current two tasks. After all, it still gives some hints, such as boosting morale.

But now these two tasks...

What are the “iron facts”?

How can I prove that I am more qualified than Zhou Zijing to challenge Chen Xingyi?

What can you do to be more powerful than Chen Xingyi?

Chen Xingyi has already won two national championships, the top scorer, and the best player. Does he have to win three national championships, three top scorers, and three best players to complete his mission?

This is obviously unrealistic.

It is impossible for me to study in high school for five years just to complete this task...

Moreover, when the system publishes this task, it is certainly not intended to be completed in this way. Otherwise, what is the point of publishing a task that is destined to be uncompleted?

Hu Lai sat on the toilet and fell into deep thought.

Until Meng Xi, who was in the same room, started banging on the door outside: "Hey, Hu Lai, did your kid fall into the toilet?!"

He then exited the system.

"What are you doing?" When Hu Lai opened the door, Meng Xi poked his head in suspiciously, and then took a sniff, "There's no smell, aren't you playing in the tub?"

"Which size should I choose? I am studying the structure of the toilet, and then thinking about whether there is any room for adjustment in the details of our new celebration." Hu Lai said and planned to walk out of the bathroom.

"Really?" Meng Xi didn't really believe it. "Haven't we already learned all the training moves? What details do we need to add? Besides, it's just a rough imitation, so what details do we need to pay attention to?"

As he spoke, his eyes were still glancing into the garbage basket next to the toilet to see if there was any new toilet paper...

How could Hu Lai not know what dirty thoughts this bastard was thinking when he saw this?

If you don’t explain clearly at this time, I’m afraid you won’t be able to explain it clearly later, so he quickly explained: “Why can’t you pay attention to details? Let me ask you, will the flush button of our toilet be on the side of the water tank or directly above it?


Meng Xi was stunned for a moment, looked at the toilet with the flush button above the water tank, and asked: "Put it in the middle of our celebration...what difference does it make?"

"Of course there is a difference! If it were directly above, our celebration would have to change from shaking our arms to pressing our heads! Do you think this is true?"

Meng Xi stared at the toilet, then frowned and nodded, as if this was true...

But he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain why.

At this time, Hu Lai ignored him and took the opportunity to squeeze out of the toilet.

When he threw his body on the bed, he had already figured out how to complete the task.

Obviously, the second task should not be completed in the next game, but the first task that can be completed in the next game is to prove to Zhou Zijing that he is the one qualified to challenge Chen Xingyi.

How to prove this?

Since everyone is a forward, of course it is better to score goals.

In this game, I scored more goals than you, so I must be better than you and more qualified than you to challenge Chen Xingyi.

So as long as he scores more goals than Zhou Zijing in the next game, he will have completed this task.

After understanding this, Hu Lai also had a plan on how to complete the second task.


"Big news, big news, Chen Xingyi personally admitted that there is someone stronger than him in this national competition!"

As early as when Hu Lai led his teammates to rehearse the celebratory move of going to the toilet, this news began to circulate on the Internet.

On the "Goal" website forum, in the corresponding post bar, and even on Weibo, the news spread rapidly in the high school football circle and fermented.

Although all the players present at the time were players from the participating teams, there were always some meddlers among the players, or people who liked to gossip.

So this matter that should have been limited to insiders quickly spread to the outside and was known to the majority of fans who follow high school football, or to put it another way, to the wide range of Chen Xingyi fans.

At first, fans of Chen Xingyi thought that this must be a random fabrication by a certain netizen to gain popularity. Others thought that it was Luo Kai's fans who made up rumors to disparage our star.

But when more sources confirmed this, Chen Xingyi's fans ranged from disbelief to confusion.

Why do our stars say that Hu Lai is a more powerful person than him?

This makes no sense!

Why would our star, who is so proud, admit that someone is stronger than him? Besides, it is impossible for anyone to be stronger than our star in the national competition!

Later, as more detailed information about this incident came out, Chen Xingyi's fans suddenly realized that there was a man named Zhou Zijing who stopped our Xingxing very rudely and said that he would defeat him...

…Isn’t this funny? Our stars can be defeated by a nobody like you?

Under such circumstances, Chen Xingyi said that Hu Lai was more powerful than him.

Everyone then understood that it must be our Xingxing who didn’t want to be exposed to such a villain, so he randomly found someone to divert this person’s attention.

After all, our Xingxing family is cool, calm, and approachable. How could such a good-tempered person be as knowledgeable as an unknown person who appeared out of nowhere?

So what he did was obviously self-sacrifice, not hesitating to taint himself, so as to avoid conflict with his opponent and embarrass him...

The results of it?

As a result, the guy named Hu Lai was so ignorant that he didn’t understand the painstaking efforts of our Xingxing family!

How could he be so brazen, shameless and shameless in admitting that he is better than our star?

Where is he strong?

He is so strong!

If our stars are modest, don’t you realize how high the sky is and how high it is?

Our star said you are better than him, but you really think you are better than him? Who do you think you are?!

These extreme fans of Chen Xingyi may have forgotten who Zhou Zijing is, but they firmly remember Hu Lai.

Under normal circumstances, even if Chen Xingyi said that someone was more powerful than him, shouldn't this person immediately wave his hand and refuse? On the one hand, it is a virtue of modesty, and on the other hand, isn't it because this is a fact? How could someone be more powerful than Chen Xingyi?

In the end, Hu Lai didn't do this, and he admitted it openly.

What does this make Chen Xingyi’s fans who are dedicated to protecting the Lord think?

This is simply a humiliation of the king and the death of his ministers!

Our idols are so popular, should we fans remain indifferent?

Just like this, there were many posts criticizing Hu Lai in the forum of "Goal" website, Weibo, and Tieba.

"Who is Hu Lai?"

"Where did this Hu Lai come from?"

"Who is Hu Lai?!"

It's quite mild like this.

"Hu Lai? Hu Lai? What a funny name! What did his parents think? They must have been confused when they chose the name! Hahaha!"

"Hu Lai, your mother is dead!"

"Hu Lai's whole family goes to heaven!"

These are more vicious, directly cursing Hu Lai's family.

"To put it bluntly, Hu Lai also scored three goals in this national competition, which is considered an outstanding performance, but that's it. I don't know if he was fascinated by the two goals scored by Renmin Middle School.

I feel so confident that I can challenge Chen Xingyi, which is a bit disgusting..."

"I have one thing to say, this call Hu Lai is really rude. I think the most important thing in high school football is the quality of the football. Before playing football, you must learn to be a human being. With this person's performance, it is really difficult to call him a good person.

Be a human being'..."

These are basically pretending to be reasonable customers and pretending to be neutral. They seem to be unrelated passers-by, but in fact they are all fans of Chen Xingyi.

"You guys know nothing! Our Hu Hu is the most powerful! We don't care about Chen Xingyi or Luo Kai!"

"Why are you talking so much? That's it for 'Hu Lai is awesome'! You see, Chen Xingyi has admitted it himself. Is there anything else that you Chen Xingyi fans shouldn't recognize?"

As for this, either Chen Xingyi's fans are turning against him, or those who can't stand Chen Xingyi's idiot fans are using Hu Lai's name to disgust them.

In short, the Internet is in a fuss over this matter.

As for Zhou Zijing, who initiated this matter, it seemed as if he had been forgotten. No one mentioned his name in the audience...

This chapter has been completed!
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