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Chapter 184: The arrogant soldier will be defeated

 Meng Xi stood on the training ground, holding a pergola between his eyebrows, looking into the woods on the side of the field.

"What are you looking at?" Hu Lai said when he saw his appearance. "No reporters will come to interview today. How can they come here every day? Can't they train?"

"What? I'm not looking for a reporter." Meng Xi continued to look around and waved to Hu Lai.

"Then what are you looking for? Are there anyone squatting in the grass?"

"Hey, I'm really looking for anyone squatting in the grass!"

Hu Lai was stunned for a moment: "Then when our training is over, shout out Demacia and jump out of the grass?"

"What!" Meng Xi looked away and looked at Hu Lai helplessly, "Don't you even care about it?"

"What do I care about?" Hu Lai was confused.

"Care about whether there are any scouts from professional teams to observe you!" Meng Xi rolled his eyes angrily, feeling that Hu Lai is simply an adou who can't afford it. "You have already let out your big words, in case it doesn't happen.

If a professional team scout comes to observe your performance, isn't that a mistake?"

"You're kidding, who's going to watch this kind of training that keeps you in shape!" Hu Lai sneered. "What can you tell by watching this kind of training? Just watch the game!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Xi suddenly turned serious and said behind him: "Coach!"

Hu Lai also jumped up suddenly and turned around, and sure enough he saw the straight-faced head coach Li Ziqiang behind him, who was staring at him with a straight face.


"Why, you look down on my training arrangements?" Li Ziqiang raised his eyes slightly.

"No, no, no, absolutely not, coach. Your training arrangements are very good, scientific, reasonable and impeccable!" Hu Lai waved his hand quickly.

Li Ziqiang did not continue to pay attention to him, but said to all the players: "Today's training we mainly conduct set-piece and penalty kick training, and we are just letting you find the feeling. Ensuring your physical condition is the most important thing

Although Chongwen Middle School was the team that eliminated us in the last national competition and is also a traditional strong team, it does not need to make any targeted arrangements - we do not have the time to adjust our tactics just to target them, which will instead

We have made ourselves at a loss. So we still have to play at our own pace in the semifinals. Let’s start warming up now!”

The players rushed to warm up.

Li Ziqiang began to place training equipment on the court and prepare for a while of training content.

He really doesn't plan to make any targeted arrangements for the team, but he will show everyone the video clips of Chongwen Middle School's game in this national competition the night before the game, so that everyone can understand what this team is like.

's team.

What style of play do they play, what tactics are they good at, whether the offense is launched from the wing or the center, whether they attack strongly on the left or defend weakly on the right, who are the core figures in their offense, and who do they need to pay extra attention to?

, what are their shortcomings in the defense, and how their goalkeeper performs...

It's enough to know this.

Today's Dongchuan Middle School is no longer the Dongchuan Middle School of last year. It can only rely on the extraordinary performance of one or two people to compete with its opponents.

Facing Chongwen Middle School again, Li Ziqiang was very confident and stayed with him until the end.


The whistle soon came from the stadium.

When Dai Zetao heard this voice, he slowly backed out from behind the grass, almost using his hands and feet to go around behind a tree.

When he leaned his back against the tree trunk, he let out a sigh of relief.

He originally planned to come to see the training of Dongchuan Middle School, and wanted to observe Hu Lai through the training. But considering that the semi-finals were approaching, he was afraid that Dongchuan Middle School would regard him as a spy of Chongwen Middle School, so he simply squatted in a

Behind the group of relatively lush grass, I secretly observed.

As it turned out, the goalkeeper of Dongchuan Middle School was looking around at this very moment, so he was so frightened that he didn't dare to get up.

He just kept squatting behind the grass, and his feet were numb, which is why he could only crawl back using his hands and feet...

Hiding behind the woods, Dai Zetao was still secretly observing the training of Dongchuan Middle School.

Then after watching it for a while, he sadly discovered that Hu Lai had been right. Such training content had no observational value at all...

So why do I come here to squat in the grass?

Dai Zetao frowned and sighed softly.


"Have you seen the report of Hu Lai's interview?"

"Look, that kid actually said it was impossible to lose to us and that we must win...why does he have that?!"

Just after training, the players from Chongwen Middle School sat on the lawn to rest, and then naturally talked about the topic they cared about most - the exclusive interview with Dongchuan Middle School that had been reported.

If the media had just reported how this team used their training breaks to practice extra celebrations, the players at Chongwen Middle School might not have even looked at it.

But Hu Lai faced his opponent in the semifinals, Chongwen Middle School, and said, "It is impossible to lose, you must win."

"Why? People have said that they want to be professional players, but don't they have to beat us?" someone sarcastically said.

"Oh, what does being a professional player have to do with winning against us? In that case, we can prevent him from joining a professional team!"

"Hey, it suddenly occurred to me that maybe even if they lose to us, he can become a professional player... Think about it, they lost to us in the national competition last year, but Luo Kai was eventually recruited by a professional team

Got it?"

"That's different. You must know that Luo Kai scored a very beautiful goal..."

Having said this, many players from Chongwen Middle School have set their sights on their captain and main goalkeeper Marin.

In the last national competition, Luo Kai's beautiful goal penetrated Marin's fingers.

Marin, who was being watched by everyone, curled his lips: "What do you think I am doing? Luo Kai is really good. But Hu Lai is different. He is not the kind of forward with outstanding personal abilities. As long as we do our part in defense,

If you don’t give him too many chances, it will be difficult for him to score goals.”

Hearing what he said, someone among the teammates immediately echoed: "The captain is right. He is just an opportunist. How can he score goals if he has no chance?"

This statement amused the players, who burst into laughter.

But it also attracted the attention of the team's head coach Xu Fengjiang.

He said angrily: "Why are you laughing! You are laughing at an opponent who scored five goals in a single game!"

As soon as the head coach got angry, the laughter disappeared. The players from Chongwen Middle School closed their mouths in embarrassment.

However, Xu Fengjiang did not intend to let the players go so easily. He even had the idea of ​​using the situation to correct the bad mentality of the players.

"Marin is right. In defense, everyone does their own thing. If you don't give the opponent a chance, it will be difficult for the opponent to score. But look at your attitude, one and two are smiling so happily, so what?

Can you do your job well on defense!?”

Everyone found that the head coach was really angry. Everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

"Don't you remember the lesson when you were eliminated in the first round of the national competition? It's only been a few years? Have you forgotten?! How did Chen Xingyi and Shuguang High School rise? Didn't they just step on the head of our Chongwen Middle School?

What! How did we, as the defending champions, lose that game? Wasn’t it because we underestimated the enemy? What? Now you are going to underestimate the enemy again?! How can you underestimate the opponent who is the top scorer with five goals in a single game? Are you?

You want to die!" Xu Fengjiang stood in front of the players and spat.

The leading teacher and other members of the coaching staff nearby also hid far away when they saw this, and no one came to interfere.

"And Marin, what did you say in the interview after the game? The semifinals haven't even started yet, and you're already thinking about Chen Xingyi? Is Chen Xingyi the only one on your mind? Ah?!" Xu Fengjiang

He scolded the entire team and suddenly pointed the finger at the team captain.

As the captain, Marin was initially recognized by the head coach. Marin was a little lucky, feeling that the head coach was scolding his teammates and not himself.

But now it's clear he didn't run away either...

"No, coach, I didn't... I'm sorry, coach, I was wrong!" Marin tried to defend himself, but after seeing the fierce look in the coach's eyes, he immediately changed his mind. "Coach, don't worry, each of us

They will never underestimate the enemy, and they will definitely fight with their lives in the competition!"

Xu Fengjiang snorted: "Don't promise in front of me. Anyway, you are already in your senior year of high school. This year is your last national competition. Can you defeat Shuguang High School and win the national championship? This is the last time. If you are proud and underestimate the enemy,

I lost the game and didn’t even make it to the finals. I’m not the one who regrets it for the rest of my life! I have to bear the mistakes I made! Now we’re disbanded!”

The players quickly dispersed as if they had been granted amnesty, and soon there was not a single player from Chongwen Middle School on the court.

At this time, the team's leading teacher slowly walked up, stood next to Xu Fengjiang, and looked with him in the direction of the players leaving: "Old Xu, are you going too far?"

"What's going on?" Xu Fengjiang seemed to have not yet recovered from his anger, and his tone of voice when speaking to the team leader was still a little stiff.

He himself was also aware of this problem, and sighed and explained: "Mr. Yang, our process of reaching the semi-finals this time can be said to be very easy. The team has been in trouble for a long time. If we don't take advantage of this moment to hammer it,

If they really reach the semi-finals, there will be big problems, and the arrogant soldiers will be defeated."

"That's not true...Although that Hu Lai scored a lot of goals, he did it by grabbing points in front of the goal and resisting offside. The method of scoring goals is still very simple. As long as we put up the fence ourselves and don't give him a chance, he will threaten

Isn’t it much smaller?” The team leader, Mr. Yang, is obviously someone who understands football, otherwise he would not be able to say such a thing. “Furthermore, five goals in a single game is a matter of luck, and it is also due to the cooperation of the opponent Qingyang Yigao. This is a special case.

It cannot be used as a reference.”

"Mr. Yang, you are right. But we can't let the players really feel that way, otherwise their tails will be raised to the sky? If they really don't take their opponents seriously, they will relax too much, and they won't even think about it during the game.

We can't be tight anymore. Thinking about our opponents being more powerful will only do us good and not bad. And taking this opportunity to change their mentality and make them take it seriously will also be of great benefit to the final." Xu Fengjiang said.

"That's true..." Teacher Yang nodded thoughtfully, and then smiled, "Today we finally filled up the last possible loophole, which is also a good thing."

Xu Fengjiang nodded lightly and said no more.

This chapter has been completed!
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