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Chapter 1868 History That Never Happened

"I asked Luo Kai and he said that although there was a sprain in the preliminary examination, the ligaments were not injured."

Chen Xingyi said in the group.

"This is good news."

"Yes, as long as the ligaments are not injured, it is a major benefit."

Others in the group breathed a sigh of relief.

After Luo Kai was injured, Hu Lai and his friends were discussing this issue in the group.

Most of them were watching the live broadcast, and when they saw Luo Kai injured, the group went crazy.

At that time, everyone was worried that Luo Kai's injury would be serious.

Although the relationship between most of them and Luo Kai is quite average, like Hu Lai and Luo Kai, they still don't deal with each other, but this does not mean that they will take pleasure in Luo Kai's injury.

After all, they are a whole, and they are all members of the "China National Men's Football Team".

It can be said that "when one is prosperous, both are prosperous; when one is lost, both are harmed."

Hu Lai: "Little Xingxing, have you made it clear? It's a sprain, not a strain?"

Chen Xingyi: "Nonsense! Could your ankle be strained?! Are you out of your mind?"

Hu Lai, who was in front of his cell phone, sighed inwardly when he saw this sentence sent by Chen Xingyi.

If Luo Kai was destined to be injured, he actually hoped that Luo Kai would have a thigh muscle strain rather than an ankle sprain.

Because for strains, there are medicines in his system store!

[Recovery Ointment]: Applying the ointment to the area of ​​muscle strain can slightly reduce the sequelae of muscle strain and greatly shorten the recovery time. Note: Use one bottle at a time, the effects cannot be superimposed. It can be used by others.

It's just that this thing can only treat muscle strains and has no effect on other injuries.

Regarding this, he has already tested it.

When captain Ramirez sprained his knee during the game, he gave it to the captain to try on the pretext that it was a topical plaster passed down from his family's secret recipe.

The result is of course useless.

Hulay was very disappointed at the time, but Ramirez only thought that Hulay was trying to comfort himself in this way, so he thanked Hulay for his kindness.

In fact, Hu Lai was somewhat mentally prepared for this result. After all, the instructions clearly stated: "Apply to the area of ​​muscle strain"... They specifically said "muscle strain". If it can be effective for other injuries,

, then why not just say "apply the ointment to the affected area"?

If Luo Kai had a strain, he would definitely find a way to give the ointment to Luo Kai for him to use.

Of course, whether Luo Kai was willing to use his "Three Nothings" ointment in the end was none of his business. But at least he tried his best to do everything he could.

Now that it was not a strain, his ointment was of no use, and he had absolutely nothing to do. He could only hope, like everyone else, that Luo Kai's injury was not serious and would not affect the World Cup.

Wang Guangwei: "I haven't injured my ligaments, so I should be fine in time for the World Cup... Hu Lai, you have to be careful too."

Chen Xingyi: "***Old Wang, don't be so talkative!"

Wang Guangwei quickly explained: "I don't have a crow's mouth. I just reminded Hu Lai to pay attention."

"Don't worry, I'm the best at protecting myself!" Hu Lai sent a thumbs up expression.

Wang Guangwei: "Well, hide if you can. It's better to fall than to be seriously injured."

Hu Lai: "No, that's not called diving!"

Wang Guangwei: "It's all the same. Anyway, pay attention to safety!"

Hu Lai: "...Okay."

"Shocked! Luo Kai is reimbursed for the season!"

"The latest news is that after a hospital examination, Luo Kai confirmed that there is no problem with the ankle ligaments. This means that his recovery period will be greatly shortened. Tramed's team doctor predicts that he will be absent for two to three weeks. Because Tramed

Germany has been eliminated from the Champions League semi-finals, and there is only one round left in the Premier League, so this result means that Luo Kai will be reimbursed for the season... But missing two to three weeks will not affect the World Cup at all, so Luo Kai

He probably won’t miss the World Cup…”

"Damn it! The country should really strictly control the marketing accounts of self-media now! How dare you say that you are a self-media even if you don't even have a professional qualification certificate... I just came across a self-media article with the title "Luo Kai Season"

Reimbursement. I was shocked, so I quickly clicked in and took a look: It’s the league reimbursement!”

"I'm not wrong. The club's season is canceled. [Funny],

"This is nonsense from the self-media. The World Cup matches are also counted in the 2029-2030 season, so as long as Luo Kai can participate in the World Cup, it cannot be counted as a season reimbursement."

"Fortunately, Luo Kai will only be absent for two to three weeks, so he can just rest and relax. He can go back to China directly after resting... But Hu Lai, he should be careful too!"

"Speaking of which, Hu Lai seems to have never suffered any major injuries in his career.

"What kind of major injury? No injuries at all. This is incredible luck!"

"This is not luck. Hu Lai played smart. In his own words, he did a good job of self-protection."

"No matter how well you protect yourself, you can't stop someone from committing a malicious foul, right? It's better to be careful and don't place your hopes on illusory luck..."

"I really don't care if Madrid Pirates can reverse Ruerrhein at home now. I just hope that Hulay can be safe. If the Madrid Pirates can be eliminated in exchange for Hulay's health, I will definitely choose to be eliminated!"

Luo Kai's injury caused many Chinese fans to suffer from PTSD.

Although the final result was pretty good, Luo Kai has not completely lost hope of participating in the World Cup - if he can follow what Tramed's team doctor said and only need two to three weeks of rest to recover from injury...

But everyone believes in the conservation of character." Since Luo Kai got "good" luck, if Hu Lai is really injured, can good luck favor Chinese players again?

No one dares to bet on this probability.

So the best thing to do is to keep Hu Lai from getting hurt.

But how can you not get hurt?

Tomorrow morning will be a life-and-death battle between Madrid Pirates and Ruhr Rhein. Such a match will definitely be fierce.

As the top scorer of Madrid Pirates, Hulay will definitely be marked and targeted by the opponent.

What can be done to avoid injury?

That is unless you just avoid kicking for the whole game and lose your ability to work.

But the lack of effort will be a huge damage to the Madrid Pirates, as well as to Hulay's image.

But many Chinese fans don't care about this. They care more about the national team's performance in the World Cup.

For this reason, Hu Lai had to be scolded...

In fact, no one was so extreme before, but now they are all stimulated by Luo Kai's injury.

After Luo Kai is injured, if Hu Lai is also injured, then Chinese fans really have nothing to look forward to in this World Cup.

Unlike Chinese fans who care about whether Hu Lai will be injured, major European media and fans are still focused on the game itself.

Tramed was eliminated at home by Catalonia United. The same news means completely different meanings to people with different positions.

What Chinese fans saw was Luo Kai's injury, so they were worried that Hu Lai was also injured.

What the European media and fans saw was that Tramed was eliminated from the game, which seemed to indicate the final fate of the Madrid Pirates.

Because since the beginning of the 21st century, no team has ever been able to make a comeback and advance to the final after falling behind by two goals in the first leg of the semifinals.

Yesterday's game between Tramed and Catalonia also proved this.

Although Tramed performed very actively and well in the game, he was still eliminated. And Luo Kai's injury seems to be ironclad proof of this law.

Even if the statistical time range is expanded to after the Champions League was restructured, only one team has done it - Stan Park Rangers in the 1996-1997 season.

Coincidentally, one of the parties involved is also Catalonia United.

Stan Park Rangers lost to Catalonia United 0:3 in the first leg of the semi-finals. However, after they returned to their home court in the second leg, they defeated their opponents 4:0. In the end, they advanced to the final with a total score of 4:3 and then won the

won the Champions League that year.

At that time, the Stan Park Rangers team, which had completed a shocking comeback, was full of morale. In the Champions League final, they simply blocked and killed the gods.

This is normal, after all, we can lose three goals in the first round of the semi-finals

Even under such circumstances, it is a miracle that it can be reversed.

It's just that the Stan Park Rangers in the 1996-1997 season were an "isolated case" after all. They were the only team to do it in nearly 40 years, and it cannot be used as evidence that the Madrid Pirates can do it as well.

Strictly speaking, falling behind by two goals in the first round and coming back in the second round has never happened before in history.

Even Ruerrhein head coach Leroy Kuhn seemed to think he had a chance to win. He said in an interview

"La Liga has won the Champions League for two consecutive seasons, but this season they will not have the chance to win the Champions League for the third consecutive season."

This is a double entendre.

If the Madrid Pirates can reverse Ruerrhein and join Catalonia in the final, then this season's Champions League championship will definitely belong to La Liga again.

If Ruerrhein can eliminate Madrid Pirates and advance to the final, Catalonia still has hope of retaining the Champions League title for La Liga.

What Kuhn said was actually saying that Ruhrlein will definitely reach the finals and will definitely win the Champions League - good guy, he is no longer thinking about the second leg of the semi-finals, but the final!

Under heavy pressure, Madrid Pirates head coach Parotti said frankly: "We have no secrets. The whole world knows that we will attack hard at home. So yes, we will attack with all our strength in this game.


Hulay also accepted interviews with Spanish, German and Chinese media before the game. He first talked about the issues that Chinese fans are most concerned about recently:

"The World Cup is very important. It is my dream to represent my country in the World Cup."

Then he changed the topic

"But the Champions League game at hand is also important, and the final round of the league this weekend is equally important. I treat all games equally, and I will give my best no matter what the game is."

This is what he said about the history of teams that lose two goals in the first leg of the semi-finals being unable to reverse the progression.

"Losing two goals in the first round? It's just two goals. It's not so big that we can't catch up."

In the interview video, Hu Lai, who said these words, raised his head slightly, pointed his chin at the camera lens, and looked sternly.

This chapter has been completed!
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