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Chapter 1951 No more suspense

"Oh, God, God."

When Ramirez broke into the penalty area, he suddenly lost his balance and finally stumbled to the ground. Spanish commentator Alvarez Sanchez in the commentary box couldn't help but exclaimed.

Then he suddenly lost his voice.

When Ramirez fell to the ground and looked up at the football, commentator Sanchez was silent.

On the one hand, it's because he doesn't know what to say when faced with this situation, and on the other hand, he's not in the mood to say anything.

Although the game was not over yet, Ramirez's fall to the ground seemed to arouse an earth-shattering reaction in his heart. His inner world was filled with roars and smoke that lingered for a long time.

He stood in this collapsed world, feeling the chill spreading from head to toe.

The "cornerstone of the championship" collapsed like this, which seemed to be a very terrible sign for Sanchez.

The Spanish national team looked like they just missed a good scoring opportunity.

But in Sanchez's view, the spiritual totem of the entire Spanish team collapsed. He was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Spanish fans in front of the TV need comfort?

He himself also needs comfort!

He was just sitting in the commentary box, leaning down and looking down at the figure lying in the Italian team's penalty area.

That figure did not get up. It did not always get up from the ground immediately and continue to fight like before.

Now Juan Ramirez, the tireless warrior, fell to the ground but did not get up.

Under everyone's gaze, he just turned over and hugged his right knee.

"Ramirez is injured again, it seems to be his right knee," the Italian commentator said, his tone not very encouraging.

Kily Borja, the head coach of the Spanish national team, was standing on the sidelines. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but uttered a curse word.

No wonder he broke through the defense.

Fate was really too cruel to him.

The score is behind. The main defensive midfielder and the team's spiritual leader have relapsed from an old injury. I don't know if they can continue to play.

As a head coach, Borja really can't think of what else he can do to bring this team out of the quagmire.

There was really nothing he could do.


"Juan Ramirez should have relapsed from an old injury. His right knee was injured in the second round of the Champions League quarter-finals this season against Manchester United. Because of this injury, he missed all the rest of the club.

"But now it seems that the impact of his injury is far more profound than initially thought."

In front of the TV, the England players looked at the close-up shot of Ramirez clenching his teeth and looking in agony, but no one said a word.

As professional players, we all feel the same thing about injuries. No one will gloat because others are injured.

After a period of silence, Pete Williams suddenly jumped out of bed: "Pack your things and get ready to go."

William Sutton was a little surprised: "Don't you want to read it?"

"Well, I won't read it. I don't want to read it," said Peter.

Jay Adams also agreed: "The game is no longer in doubt. Spain has been eliminated."

William Sutton turned to look at the TV screen, which showed the current game time.

The game lasted 77 minutes.

If Spain doesn't want to be eliminated, they have to score two goals in the remaining ten minutes to turn defeat into victory.

Otherwise, even if it is just a draw, you will be eliminated.

And can Spain score two goals in the remaining time?

After watching the first 77 minutes of the game, William Sutton found it difficult. This team seemed to have lost the chance to turn defeat into victory.

of confidence.

So he got up and packed his things.

Jay Adams and Jimmy Stokes, who had already packed their things, continued to look at the TV screen, waiting for their two teammates to pack their things.

The game has not resumed yet.

The Spanish national team doctor has appeared in the Italian penalty area and is examining Ramirez.

Ramirez shook his head, as if rejecting something.


"No, I can still continue playing!"

Ramirez sat on the ground, shaking his head and said to Ruben Fernandez, the Spanish national team doctor who came to check his injury.

"You can't continue playing. I suspect your knee ligament has been torn again, Juan!" Fernandez's attitude was equally determined.

"I can close it." Ramirez still insisted on his opinion.

"It's not as simple as playing closed or not. Your ligaments may be torn. If you insist on playing, it may cause a major injury that will make you miss the game for a whole year!" Fernandez held down the puller with both hands.

Mirez's shoulders seemed to be afraid that he would forcefully stand up and continue to participate in the game.

"The game is not over yet, Luven. We still have hope! I will continue to fight!" Ramirez was still unwilling to give in.

Ruben Fernandez shook his head at him: "Your battle is over, Juan. You did a good job, you can't do better."

"But we haven't won yet."

"This is no longer your mission, Juan." Ruben Fernandez said very firmly. "Now you should have a good rest and trust your teammates."

Ramirez opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing. He just lowered his head and raised his hands to cover his face.


"Borja replaced Ramirez, he couldn't hold on anymore." "Spain is finished."

After hearing the news from the other side, although the game was not over yet, the coaches of the Chinese team felt that there was no suspense in this game.

The Spanish national team not only lost a main defensive midfielder, but also lost their spiritual support.

Anyone who knows the Spanish team and Juan Ramirez knows what Ramirez means to the Spanish national team.

Even the commentator for the match between the Chinese team and Nigeria shifted the focus of his commentary work to the other match at this time.

"Ramirez was replaced. The Spanish team is still one goal behind. They are in trouble."

"Although the game is not over yet, the defending champion may really be eliminated in the group stage!"

"This is simply unbelievable. Before this World Cup, how many people could have imagined that Spain, the defending champion and host country, would not even qualify for the group stage?"

Commentators from all over the world are lamenting and marveling at the fate that the Spanish team may face.

On the Chinese Internet, Chinese fans were also shocked.

After all, the defending champion couldn't even advance to the knockout rounds, which is really unbelievable.

For a time, no one even cared about the ongoing match between China and Nigeria.

There's really nothing to pay attention to.

After leading Nigeria 3:1, the Chinese team shrank its defense and launched a defensive counterattack. Facing such a Chinese team, what Nigeria could do was actually very limited.

Their forwards are very fast, so they are better at defensive counterattacks. It is indeed difficult for them to engage in positional warfare.

The Nigerian team lacks an excellent midfielder, and their offensive organization is too simple and crude. When they encounter the stubbornly defensive Chinese team, they really don't have many options.

This is also their old problem. In the first group match, facing Italy, which was very defensive, Nigeria dominated the ball possession rate but failed to break through Italy's goal.

After Qin Qi experienced the initial adaptation and hardship,

After practicing, he gradually adapted to the rhythm of the game. With the help of Wang Guangwei and other teammates, his performance was remarkable and very stable.

The most important thing is that Jorge Dillon has not replaced Hulay so far.

Instead, he continued to stay on the court, which provided a strong deterrent to Nigeria's defense.

Looking at it this way, if Nigeria wants to score, they have to press from all fronts. But pressing from all fronts will allow Hulay to seize the opportunity to score.

Nigeria is caught in a dilemma and has no better options.

The suspense of the outcome of this game is getting smaller and smaller, and the Chinese team is getting closer and closer to participating in the World Cup knockout match for the first time in team history, only one step away.

In comparison, the fate of the Spanish team is of course more interesting and puzzling.


Mantorez Alvared and his fellow Pirates fans sat in the stands, staring blankly at the field.

A few minutes ago, Juan Ramirez, the captain of the Spanish national team, had just been replaced. After that, the Spanish fans fell into silence.

Because they know that everything is over.

Although the game is still going on, any fool can see that the Spanish national team is unable to recover.

It is difficult for them to break through the layers of defense built by Italy. There is almost no possibility of reversal.

If this score remains until the end, defending champion Spain will be eliminated.

This disturbing silence spread throughout the stands of the Crown Stadium, leaving almost only the cheers of Italian fans in the sky above the stadium.

After an unknown amount of time, Alvared let out a long sigh:

"From now on, we can wholeheartedly cheer for the Chinese team and Hu. Because there is no longer our home team in this World Cup."


PS, order updates will resume tomorrow, thank you all for your understanding and support!

This chapter has been completed!
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