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Chapter 1981 To create a miracle, it’s all up to us

 In fact, when the England team's offense could not threaten the Chinese team, the Chinese fans in the stands could not wait for the game to end.

"It's been one hundred and twenty minutes, why haven't you blown the whistle yet?!" Xie Lan looked very impatient.

Hu Lixin was afraid that Li Qingqing would not be able to deal with his wife, so he took the initiative to explain: "If there is a goal or a red card or a foul, the referee has to make up for it as appropriate..."

"Tsk." Although Xie Lan was dissatisfied, he didn't say anything.

Li Qingqing comforted her: "It's hard for the England team to organize a decent attack anyway, don't worry..."

The substitute players of the Chinese team were already standing on the sidelines, waiting for the final whistle to blow.

As the coach of the Chinese team, Qin Lin raised his arm and pointed at the electronic watch on his wrist to remind the referee that the game time was up.

Finally, after a symbolic two minutes of injury time, the referee blew the whistle to end the game.

Pirates Park instantly transformed into a sea of ​​joy.

"The game is over! The game is over! We won! We advanced to the quarterfinals! After reaching the top 16 of the World Cup for the first time in history, we entered the quarterfinals of the World Cup for the first time in history!"

In fact, when they heard the first whistle, He Feng and Yan Kang had already shouted excitedly. They didn't hear the next two whistles at all...

"After a hard battle, we eliminated England! There were too many dramatic turns in this game! This was also the most difficult game for the Chinese team in the World Cup. But we gritted our teeth and endured and won! The country

The boys on the team showed us their tenacious fighting spirit, I think this is more important than anything else in the World Cup!"


China's substitute players rushed onto the court immediately and threw themselves at their teammates with open arms.

Head coach Jorge Dillon remained rational. He did not celebrate the victory with his players. Instead, he walked to the England coaching bench and shook hands with England head coach Ryan Jackson.

Ryan Jackson looked very sad after losing the game, but he still maintained his gentlemanly demeanor, forced a smile, and completed the post-game handshake with Dillon.

Dillon also comforted Jackson: "Ryan, this is your first time leading a team to the World Cup. You have done a great job. I think you should continue to coach this team. They are in good hands and will definitely do it."

There has been great progress.”

Jackson smiled bitterly and thanked Dillon for his comfort.

Then after breaking up, he suddenly remembered - this was also the first time Dillon led a team to play in the World Cup!

The old man seemed to have dazzled him unintentionally...

He shook his head and decided not to think about it.

At the same time, he walked onto the court to comfort the players who were crying because of the defeat.

Especially to comfort Pete Williams.

He was already kneeling on the ground, crying so hard that his body was shaking slightly rhythmically.

There were teammates around him trying to comfort him, but it was obviously of no use.

Until his mentor Ryan Jackson walked up to him, knelt down on one knee, bent his arms around his shoulders, and began to comfort him in his ears.

After saying a few words to Pete Williams, he helped him up from the ground.

But Pete Williams' mood still didn't improve after he got up. He covered his face with his hands and still cried very sadly.

The whole person leaned against Ryan Jackson, leaving speckled tear stains on the latter's suit jacket.

Seeing that Peter was still crying very sadly, England commentator Matthew Cox in the commentary box was very emotional:

"I know that after the game many media will criticize Peter for missing the penalty kick, but now I still have to defend him. It is not his responsibility that the penalty kick was missed. On the contrary, it was his credit for creating the penalty kick. He took the penalty kick

There was no problem. He hit the bottom corner of the goal very accurately and very tricky. The key is that the Chinese team’s goalkeeper performed so well, extraordinary! This is beyond Peter’s control, and after the opponent saved the penalty kick,

He immediately went to take a follow-up shot instead of standing still, which shows that Peter's mental state was fine at the time...

"The penalty kick was not scored. On the one hand, the opponent's goalkeeper performed too well. On the other hand, it also shows that we are unlucky. It's as simple as that... Before this penalty kick, Pete Williams' performance was perfect. He was completely

Deserving of all praise, his actual performance in this World Cup proved that he can be the core of England's midfield for the next ten years!

"After creating a penalty kick, under huge pressure, almost no one dared to take a penalty kick. Didn't Stones also escape? Peter was only 25 years old, and he dared to stand on the penalty spot at that time.

Just for this, he is already more amazing than countless people! Only heroes can have such courage! He is our hero, and heroes should not be criticized!"

Having said that, with Matthew Cox's understanding of his own country's media, he feels that it is almost impossible for Pitt not to be attacked by a group of people.

If there is anyone who can share the firepower for him, it can only be Wang Guangwei of the Chinese team...

After all, if Wang Guangwei hadn't deliberately handballed in front of the goal and blocked Peter's shot, how could everything that followed have happened?

He was not familiar with Wang Guangwei. From the perspective of an English commentator, he hoped that the media and fans would scold Wang Guangwei and not blame Pete Williams.

At the same time, he thought, maybe at this time, Chinese commentators, media and fans all regard Wang Guangwei as a hero, right?

While he was unhappy and angry, he was also a little envious...

He would rather be an English player who blocked the Chinese team's inevitable goal with his hand and was sent off with a red card. Then Tom Walker saved the penalty kick and then beat the Chinese team in overtime.

It doesn't matter that we were scolded by the Chinese media and fans for being "unsporting" after the game, because we won!

Isn’t that what football matches like the World Cup are like?

The winner is king.

The loser eats the dust.


It's not just England players who are crying, there are also Chinese players.

It's just that the former cried because they lost the ball, while the Chinese team players cried with joy.

After the referee blew the final whistle, Cai Shuyi collapsed on the ground, then lay down again and covered his face with his hands.

He was also under tremendous pressure in this game.

During the game, it was his hesitant clearance in front of the goal that put the Chinese team into a bitter battle - if he had been more decisive at that time and pushed the football out, there wouldn't have been so many things later.

Especially after Wang Guangwei was sent off with a red card for taking a handball regardless of his own safety, Cai Shuyi was made to look like an incompetent and cowardly coward.

If the Chinese team loses this game, then Cai Shuyi will not only be scolded, but it will also be difficult for him to forgive himself for his hesitation in making a clearance during the game...

Fortunately, they won.

All the pressure was relieved at this time, and Cai Shuyi felt like he was reborn.

I can only express my inner emotions by crying.

Lin Zhiyuan saw Cai Shuyi crying, and from the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the captain's armband on his arm, so he decided to go up and persuade him, just like a real captain.

"Lao Cai, wake up, you're crying... I thought we were the ones who were eliminated! It's so ugly!"

After Cai Shuyi was pulled up by him, he looked at his face and cursed: "Fuck! Didn't you cry too?"

Lin Zhiyuan touched his face with his hand and realized that he had really cried...

Huh, weird?

Why do I cry?

It's us who won...

He quickly found a reason for himself: "I am crying with joy!"

"Then how do you know I'm not crying with joy?" Cai Shuyi asked.

Then the two of them laughed at the same time to prove that they were both happy.

But the tears in the corners of my eyes kept pouring out.

I'm really happy.

But I really want to cry and I can’t help but think...


Wang Guangwei saw his teammates celebrating wildly on the TV in the locker room.

When the final whistle was blown, he jumped up alone in the locker room, raised his arms and shouted - this scene was captured by the camera left in the locker room by the CCTV documentary crew who accompanied him back home at the time.

The photographer in the locker room stayed and informed Wang Guangwei.

But his cheers didn't last long, and he didn't go back outside to celebrate with his teammates.

He just stopped and sat back down in his seat.

Because he recovered from the initial excitement and realized that the Chinese team had reached the quarter-finals and could play in the quarter-finals, but he would miss this game.

When he committed the foul, he didn't think about this issue at all.

Later, because I didn’t know the final result of the competition, I didn’t think about this issue in depth.

Now that the game is over, it is no longer just a possibility that he will miss the quarter-finals, but a real result before him.

As the team's captain and main central defender, he was not only sad that he could not participate in the quarter-finals, but also worried about the Chinese team's next game.

In the silent camera lens, Wang Guangwei was sitting motionless on the stool, looking up at the TV screen.

Inside, the excited Chinese players had already taken out a huge national flag that they had prepared, and all the players were holding it as they circled the field to thank the Chinese fans who cheered them on.

Amidst the huge noise, the familiar melody was vaguely heard:

"The five-star red flag flutters in the wind! How loud the victory song is!"

The captain of the Chinese national team pursed his lips tightly and had tears in his eyes.


"The boys of the national team raised the five-star red flag and waved to thank the Chinese fans who came to cheer them on! I am really proud to see this scene and see our country's national flag appearing on the World Cup stage in this way!


The shocking picture, together with He Feng's explanation, was transmitted to thousands of households in China through satellite signals.

Although it is already past one o'clock in the morning on July 3rd, China's domestic time, no one goes to sleep at this time.

Even if it were later, I'm afraid many people would still be unable to sleep.

At least at this moment, you can already hear the sound of firecrackers and the sound of car horns outside the window.

Instead, the room became quiet.

Everyone is gradually recovering from the excitement after the initial game.

They were a little tired from cheering and making noise.

Some people were standing in front of the screen, some were slumped on the sofa, and some were sitting on the floor, just looking at the pictures on the projection screen and quietly enjoying the scene.

He Feng’s commentary voice on the speakers was very clear:

"Before the game, some people said that given the strength gap between the two teams, the Chinese team had to pray for a miracle if they wanted to defeat the England team. There were indeed some miracles in this game. For example, Lin Zhiyuan's saving performance in the penalty kick was a miracle.

Hu Lai's final zero-angle lob was also a miracle, as was Luo Kai's cross from the line...

"But these 'miracles' don't come from prayer. You can't come by praying, and you can't come by waiting! If it weren't for Wang Guangwei's desperate efforts, if it weren't for Lin Zhiyuan's two consecutive attacks, if it wasn't for Luo Kai who didn't give up

Chasing the ball... If every Chinese team player didn't try their best, or even do more than their best, how could there be a miracle? This is not a miracle from heaven, this is created by ourselves, we did it

Yes! There has never been any fairy savior. To create miracles, it all depends on ourselves!"


PS, I wish everyone good luck, good health and all the best in the Year of the Rabbit!

The most important thing is to be healthy. Never get sick, even a small cold!

This chapter has been completed!
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