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 When Lisa, who seemed to have a cool aura, walked in, she didn’t say a word, she just looked at everyone with a straight face, and the leader overwhelmed the whole audience.

Just when Lisa, who has her own aura, looked at Hu Qiang, Lanny Fu behind her suddenly burst out with fake power:

"How do you do your job? Huh? You can actually be complained by so many departments at the same time!"

"Stop yelling." Lisa looked at Hu Qiang and said calmly, "It sounds like I have a headache! Also, things ended up like this..."

After a brief pause, Lisa glanced at Lanny Fu with a cold face: "How did you become your boss?"

Lanifu quickly lowered his head with a serious expression and stood there without saying a word. This is called being taught with an open mind, and that is called sincerely admitting his mistake.

At this moment, Lannifu vividly displayed the image of a good subordinate who sincerely admits his mistakes and does not talk back or quibble.

"Don't always think about blaming your subordinates when things happen." Lisa continued to look at Lenny Fu and said coldly, "As a leader, you must take leadership responsibility!"

"Yes!" Lanny continued to lower his head and said, "Understood!"

Lisa then turned her head, put her hands behind her back and said coldly to Hu Qiang: "Johnny, I really didn't expect that you would make such a big mistake at work!"

"No, Lisa!" Hu Qiang said quickly, "Actually, I..."

"No need to say it!" Lisa gently raised her chin and continued in a cold tone, "I don't want to know the reason. I only know that something is wrong now, and as the leader, you must take on the leadership responsibility.

Don’t always think about passing the blame!”

Speaking of this, Lisa took a breath and said in a slightly slower tone: "I'm going to catch a plane soon and attend a very important meeting. Please discuss with Lanny how to deal with it later, and you must tell the matter to

I'll take care of it!

Here, I will only talk about one big principle.

It is your responsibility, you must be brave enough to bear it!

But if it’s not our business group’s problem, we won’t take the blame!

Do you understand everything?"

Hu Qiang, Jin Ruoyu, Sha Lele and Tang Haixing nodded at the same time.

Lisa then turned to Lannifu and said, "I'll leave this to you."

"Don't worry, Lisa." Lannifu said with a serious face, "I must remember your teachings!"

Lisa nodded, turned around and left the conference room.

Lannifu kept bowing slightly towards Lisa's back and waited until Lisa left completely before straightening up again and turning around.

After turning around, Lannifu immediately changed from a serious face to a hateful face. He raised his hand and pointed at Hu Qiang, and said sadly: "Johnny, Johnny, let me tell you what's good about you."

?Okay, how could such a big mistake happen? I am very disappointed in you!"

Hu Qiang frowned, walked over and said, "Lanny, that's not what happened!

Even if my subordinates did something wrong in the previous meeting, you have also seen that our emergency department has such a big energy, no power, no power and no backing. If we say that we have corrupted the group's son's project, this


"That's too much!" Lannifu suddenly said, "For such an important meeting, your department only has so few people, and not all of them can show up? How did you become a manager?"

Before Hu Qiang could say anything, Jin Ruoyu explained with a smile: "It's not Mr. Dilani. I don't blame Manager Hu for this. It's actually Ajie, Xiaobai and Murphy. The three of them are attending other important meetings. It's not intentional.

Not coming.

But Lanny doesn’t have to worry, at this time, they should break up the meeting soon and be there soon.”

Tang Haixing straightened his chest and raised his head and said with an upright expression: "I believe there is justice in the world, and temporary setbacks cannot prove anything."

I don’t believe it. They did something wrong themselves, and they collectively blamed us?

It's too much, it's too shameless!

For such people, we must not tolerate adultery!

Otherwise, it is disrespectful to the company and the chairman!

Please wait a moment, I will go to other departments, confront them face to face, and seek justice for us!"

After saying that, Tang Haixing was about to take steps and leave the conference room.

"Stop!" Hu Qiang suddenly shouted, "Tang Haixing! Don't you think it's not chaotic enough? Don't you think our blame is not big enough?

Stop right here, don’t go anywhere!”

After drinking to stop Tang Haixing, Hu Qiang said to Lanny Fu with a serious expression: "Lanny, I already understand the situation. Tang Haixing did not do it properly in that brainstorming meeting before, but he only raised one point.

personal opinion.

Given his authority and energy, it is certainly unreasonable to say that he can veto the decisions of all leaders of all other departments.

Also, in fact, before that, Xiaobai and Ajie of our emergency department had been targeted by other departments. It was me who had used all the strength of the nine cows and two tigers before and finally managed to settle the matter, but I didn’t expect Ajie.

Just after settling things down with Xiaobai, something happened here again.

With so many departments blaming our Ministry of Emergency Affairs at the same time, I feel that the matter is not that simple and there must be a conspiracy in it!"

"Conspiracy? Of course I know there is a conspiracy." Lanny Fu looked at Hu Qiang calmly and said.

"With so many departments complaining against you at the same time, even a fool knows there is a problem."

But the problem is that something has gone wrong now, and the source of the problem is your Ministry of Emergency Affairs!"

Hu Qiang frowned: "What do you mean, you want our Ministry of Emergency Affairs to take the blame?"

Lanifu shook his head: "I think so too, but unfortunately, you alone cannot bear the responsibility for this incident!

In other words, you are insignificant at all, you are just a breakthrough they use to deal with us, do you really think you are important?"

"Them?" Hu Qiang continued to frown, "Lanny, what do you mean?"

Lanny Fu sighed: "Don't you understand? Their target is not your affairs department. Of course your affairs department cannot bear the responsibility of disrupting the pornographic hot pot project. Not to mention that one, even you, the manager, are not enough."


"That's right!" Hu Qiang spread his hands.

"Let me just say, even if Tang Haixing's words were a little too much, his behavior was a little out of line, and his brain was a little stupid at that brainstorming meeting.

But how could he, an insignificant little employee, influence the decisions of a group of big bosses, veto everyone's proposals, and stall the entire project?

This is completely unreliable!

If our emergency affairs department is really so capable, would it be so insignificant that we have to work on the mezzanine?

Therefore, we recognize our responsibilities, but it is clear that we only ate a bowl of noodles, but we must say that we ate a pot of noodles. Isn’t this deceiving people?”

"Johnny." Lanny Fu said with a livid face, "Is this the fans' problem? This is your problem!"

"Ah? My problem?" Hu Qiang was stunned, "What problem do I have? What does this have to do with me?"

"Of course it does matter!" Lanni Fu said, "You clearly know that these are extraordinary times, you clearly know that it is a black shop, and you don't have time to hide, but you actually take the initiative to get in and eat fans? Isn't this your problem?


Hu Qiang frowned: "But, this isn't me, it's Tang Haixing..."

"Don't shirk responsibility!" Lannifu interrupted.

"He is your subordinate, and if something happens to him, of course it is your fault as the leader!

If a child does something wrong, should he go to the child? Of course he should go to the guardian!

How do you usually manage your subordinates? How do you avoid pitfalls and avoid dangers without explaining it in advance?

If something goes wrong now, if I don't look for you, who will I look for?

Don’t you know what the manager does for a living?”

Hu Qiang blinked: "So, you still want me to take the blame? What's going on? If you take the blame, you have to make it clear to us?"

"You're overthinking!" Lannifu shook his head, "I told you, you can't bear the blame this time alone!"

"What do you mean?" Hu Qiang asked subconsciously.

Lannifu raised his chin and made a serious face: "It's very simple. This matter is obviously directed at my... boss, Lisa!"

"Ah, I understand!" Jin Ruoyu clapped his hands.

After seeing everyone looking at him, Jin Ruoyu narrowed his eyes slightly, gave a habitual mocking smile, and then said:

"Other departments have long wanted to pass the blame to Lisa, but they have never had an excuse or opportunity.

This time, taking advantage of Tang Haixing's excuse at the meeting, they quickly put the blame on him, saying that he represented the Ministry of Emergency Affairs and vetoed all their proposals, blocking the entire project.

Of course, they also know that it is just a small department of our emergency department and cannot shoulder this responsibility. No one will believe it if they tell it.

Then they followed the clues and framed us, saying that our emergency department was leveraging Lanny's, no, Lisa's influence.

This gives people the illusion that Lisa is in office and is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the previous vote of the Ministry of Affairs, Lisa was the representative.

In this case, the person who takes the blame becomes Lisa.

If Lisa were to take the blame, the weight would be enough.

Therefore, their real target is not our emergency department, but Lisa!

They’re out to get Lisa!”

"That's it!" Shalele nodded in sudden realization, "What a break from office politics!"

Jin Ruo smiled stupidly: "Of course! I haven't thought it through before, but this time, I have it all figured out."

Speaking of this, Jin Ruoyu looked at Hu Qiang and said, "Manager Hu, do you still remember Richard?"

"Richard?" Hu Qiang was stunned, "You mean, the former deputy director of the Pearson Department who resigned voluntarily because of... that incident?"

"Yes!" Jin Ruoyu nodded.

"Well, I found out later that Richard was able to parachute over in the first place thanks to Charlie, the director of the Fourth Business Group. In other words, Director Charlie is Richard's backstage.

The purpose of poaching Richard was to install his own people so that he could better deal with Lisa.

Then, you also know that we have not had a vice president for a long time. Lisa has always been the acting vice president. And Charlie has always coveted the position of vice president and is one of Lisa's biggest rivals.

I also heard that Charlie took over the previous small hot pot project. Unfortunately, Charlie messed up the project and made the chairman very angry, so he handed it over to Lisa.

Think about it, if you really let Lisa take care of this project, wouldn't it show that Charlie is incompetent?

By that time, Charlie will have less and less status in front of the chairman, and Lisa will become more and more popular with the chairman.

As long as the chairman is happy, if Lisa is promoted to vice president, then everything will be over!

Therefore, Charlie must have spent a lot of money this time and united various departments to create obstacles for Lisa.

All we need to do is let Lisa drop the hot pot project, and then everyone will be on the same starting line again."

"Oh, I understand." Hu Qiang said, "Now I understand everything."

Immediately afterwards, Hu Qiang said: "But what does it have to do with us when they fight among gods? Why do they want to cause trouble for us?"

Shalele frowned and said, "Is there a possibility that it's because our emergency department is the weakest? The easiest to bully?"

Hu Qiang glanced at Sha Lele calmly: "That makes sense! But Lele, next time you talk about this, don't say it when there are many people. It's too shameless."

"I understand, Manager Hu." Sha Lele nodded, "I will tell you quietly next time."

Hu Qiang shook his head, pushed up his glasses, and then turned to Lannifu and said: "Since this is the case, what should we do next?"

The corners of Lanny Fu's mouth turned up slightly: "What should I do? Of course I have to lose my horse to save my handsome man!"

"Throw your horse to save your handsome man?" Hu Qiang was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand?" Lannifu said, "If Lisa is handsome, I am at least a car, and you are at most a horse!

At this critical moment of life and death, of course I have to give up your horse and keep my car, so that I can protect this handsome Lisa!"

Hu Qiang blinked, then spread his hands and said, "So, you still want me to take the blame?"

Lanifu shook his head: "No, no, no, I've told you so many times, you can't bear the responsibility this time alone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and then Pang Xiaobai and Su Kejie hurried in from the outside.

As soon as they entered the door and saw Lanny Fu, they immediately stood up straight and stood aside without saying a word.

Lanny Fu looked at Pang Xiaobai and Su Kejie, and nodded: "You're just in time, we can listen together."

After saying that, Lanifu turned to Hu Qiang and said, "Since everyone is here, I will tell you my decision!"

Shalele subconsciously said: "But..."

As soon as he said a word, Jin Ruoyu suddenly held Sha Lele's hand, glared at him, and immediately swallowed back Sha Lele's words, "There's still Murphy."

Lanifu continued to put on a poker face and said: "My decision is that all the people in your emergency department will bear the responsibility this time!"

"Ah?" Hu Qiang frowned, "Lanny, didn't you say that I can't bear this responsibility alone?"

"That's right." Lanifu said, "You can't bear it alone, so let all of you bear it together. This is barely enough."

After squinting his eyes slightly, Lanifu continued:

"This time, everyone in your department will take responsibility, collectively deduct performance bonuses, and then publicly apologize to each department.

You must have a sincere attitude, and you must make a good gesture so that everyone can see your sincerity.”

Speaking of this, Lanifu looked at Pang Xiaobai and Su Kejie: ​​"You two, go to the design department to apologize."

Then Lannifu pointed at Tang Haixing and Jin Ruoyu: "Then who and that one, you two go to the sales department to apologize."

Finally, Lanny Fu looked at Hu Qiang again: "As for you, Johnny, take the rest...then who, go to the brand department to apologize to the marketing department in person."

Speaking of this, Lanifu looked at everyone: "Are there any questions?"

Pang Xiaobai suddenly raised his hand: "There are so many questions, I don't know where to start."

Lanny Fu looked at Hu Qiang and said: "Since there is no problem, let's execute it like this!"

Hu Qiang frowned and said, "Lanni..."

"Don't be stupid!" Lanifu waved his hand, interrupting Hu Qiang's words.

Immediately afterwards, Lani Fu frowned and looked at Hu Qiang and said: "Of those departments that complained against you, which one can you afford to offend?

Hurry up and apologize, make the most of your gestures, be as sincere as possible, and as pitiful as possible.

It's best to hold their thighs, beg hard, shed more tears, and show off the old and the young.

In this way, maybe the heads of other departments will relent for the sake of your pity and let you go.

If they are willing to let you go, then I and Lisa will be able to make things right for you afterwards and not be so passive."

After taking a deep breath, Lanifu said with a serious expression: "Also, after apologizing, everyone should go back and write a complete report to deeply analyze and reflect on their own problems.

Remember, farts are not only caused by you, but you also need to write down why you farted. The writing should be profound and touch the soul!"

After saying that, Lanifu breathed out: "Okay, that's it. Next, you all have a meeting to discuss how to apologize and how to allocate your respective responsibilities."

After saying the last sentence, Lanifu looked at Hu Qiang and shook his head, then turned and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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