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Chapter 2057 Rely on yourself

 When Zhou Zijing once again pulled out of the penalty area to meet his teammates, he quickly looked back.

London Bridge center back Jens Keating, who was originally stuck with him in the penalty area, did not come out at this time, but still stayed in front of the goal.

So Zhou Zijing raised his hand decisively and asked his teammates for the ball.

Pete Williams, who was getting the ball, didn't hesitate and immediately passed the football to him.

When the football rolled toward him, Zhou Zijing looked back again and found that Jens Keating was still in his position and had not come up.

He had already made up his mind.

He raised his left foot, used the instep of his outside foot to stop the football to the outside of his body, and then turned that way.

Jens Keating, as the main center back of the Dutch national team, and Danny Drew, the "first defender in the world" to partner with him, are naturally of good quality.

When he saw that Zhou Zijing did not stop the football in front of him, but stopped it to his side, he guessed what Zhou Zijing was going to do next.

But he did not immediately abandon his position and rush towards Zhou Zijing.

He hesitated.

Because after Zhou Zijing completed his turn, what if he didn't want to shoot?

Then if you rush forward to block the eye-catcher, wouldn't it mean that you will leave a gap behind you for the opponent to take advantage of?

When the time comes, Zhou Zijing can easily push the pass into space and create murderous intent.

After all, Leeds City had made several consecutive attacks before, and the last pass was made by Zhou Zijing.

Everyone mocked Zhou Zijing because he failed to score in nine consecutive games, as if this was something unacceptable.

But they forgot that Zhou Zijing did not occupy the main position in Leeds City by being good at scoring goals.

He is an excellent tactical center and his fulcrum role is very obvious.

He has physical fitness that is much higher than the average level of East Asian players. At the same time, he also has very delicate and excellent skills compared to a high center forward, and his vision is also wider than other forwards.

Therefore, he is often able to control the ball near the opponent's penalty area and then create opportunities for his teammates.

In the league this season, Zhou Zijing only scored a total of twelve goals, but he had thirteen assists, one more than the number of goals, which explains the problem somewhat.

Not to mention that many of his key roles cannot actually be reflected in the two statistics of goals and assists.

Jens Keating is an excellent central defender who knows the characteristics of his opponents well.

It was precisely because he knew these characteristics of Zhou Zijing that he did not rush to block it immediately.

He always felt that Zhou Zijing, who was currently having trouble with his feet, might choose a safer way so as not to make any mistakes.

How could he have thought that Zhou Zijing wanted him to think so?

Zhou Zijing, who turned around, did not continue to observe, but used the power of turning to directly lift his right leg!

This posture, this power...it doesn't look like he's going to pass the ball, does it?

Only at this moment did Jens Keiting hurriedly abandon his position and pounce on Zhou Zijing!

But it's too late!


A loud noise exploded in Kaiting's ears, and the football was firmly hit by Zhou Zijing's instep!

Then it flew towards the London Bridge goal like a cannonball!

London Bridge goalkeeper Guillermo Manu also didn't expect Zhou Zijing to choose to shoot, and he shot so decisively.

His reaction was half a beat too slow like Kaiting's. By the time he saw the football coming out and jumped up to save it, it was already too late...

He was in mid-air, but before he could pounce, the football pulled out a white light and rushed into the goal!

"Wow! Wow!! Zhou!! Zhou! Zi! Jing!!"

The England commentator exclaimed again and again.

"He scored! He scored! He actually scored! Unbelievable! This is a very, very beautiful kick in the world! Oh my god! Who would have thought that Zhou would break his nine-consecutive streak in this way?

A goal drought! This goal... this is not an ordinary goal! This goal is so crucial! Not only for himself, but also for the entire Premier League championship this season!"

Amidst the shouting of the England commentator, Southfield Stadium, the home ground of London Bridge, fell into a strange noise.

The Leeds City fans who came with the team were cheering, some of the London Bridge fans were scolding, some were booing, and more people put their heads in their hands, looking into the stadium silently and with dull eyes.

Under their dull gazes, Zhou Zijing, who had scored the goal, pushed away Dutch center back Jens Keating, who came up to block his shot, and rushed towards the corner flag.

Then a sliding kneel!

When he knelt down, he kept his upper body straight and raised his hands in a salute gesture.

And behind him, three obvious marks were left on the turf of Southfield Stadium!

Under the noise and shaking camera, the commentator was still shouting hoarse: "2:2! Leeds City equalized the score! London Bridge, which had already been promoted to the first place in the league, was dragged back by them! It's so exciting! This season

The Premier League title is still in suspense!"

Along with his roar, the TV broadcast once again showed the real-time standings.

London Bridge, which was previously ranked first due to goal difference, is now back in second place.

Because when both teams were tied, Tramed regained the top spot with a two-point lead.

In other words, Tramed can take the lead in the title race without defeating Liverpool United at home!


The red-top stadium became a sea of ​​cheers. Tramed fans were shouting in the stands, waving their scarves, singing and dancing.

They already know what happened at Southfield Stadium.

Since the game had already entered stoppage time when Zhou Zijing scored, there was actually very little time left for London Bridge to score another goal.

As long as London Bridge can't win the game, Tramed will be ashore successfully.

Because even if Tramed loses to Liverpool United, they can still maintain a one-point lead over London Bridge in the standings.

With this one-point lead, as long as Tramed can win in the final round, he will win the Premier League championship trophy again after four years.

This is the initiative to win the championship, and they have firmly grasped this initiative in their own hands!

The entire atmosphere of the red-top stadium took a 180-degree turn in this minute.

The stadium stands, which were filled with an atmosphere of anxiety and pain before, are now filled with singing and cheering.

The television cameras swept past, and all of them were home team fans with their hands on their chests, or covering their faces with their hands, feeling excited about the aftermath of the disaster.

The ups and downs of life are condensed into this short one minute, and it is difficult for most people to calm down.

Even Tramed's players on the court couldn't help but shift their attention from the game to off the court, frequently casting their glances at the bench and the big screen on the sidelines.

It seems that he hopes to get the news of the end of the London Bridge game from his teammates on the sidelines or the big screen.

In their view, as long as the game between London Bridge and Leeds City ends with this score, Tramed's Premier League championship will be secure!

But not all Tramed players think so.

Taking advantage of a dead ball opportunity, Luo Kai found Ricardo Barea who was wearing the captain's armband.

"This won't work. We can't expect to win the championship with help from others."

Barea nodded: "I agree with you, Luo. If we rely too much on others, then we may lose goals again..."

"So we cannot be satisfied with a draw." Luo Kai said, "We must continue to attack, strive to score another goal, win this game, and win the league championship completely."

Barea continued to agree: "You are right, Luo. But we must first make our teammates aware of this..."

After saying that, he turned around and clapped his hands hard. After successfully attracting the attention of his teammates, he shouted loudly: "Concentrate! Concentrate! The game is not over yet! We can't trip over the same stone again."

Oh! Then we will become everyone’s laughing stock!”

He was reminding his teammates not to forget how the ball was thrown just now.

Isn't it because everyone has relaxed their vigilance?

Are they going to make the same mistake again now?

Many teammates were awakened by his repeated shouts, and they looked away from the court.


Tramed head coach Jason Leslie, who saw this scene on the sidelines, turned back and returned to the coaching bench.

He shook his head to his assistant and said, "It seems like I don't need to remind them what to do."

The assistant coach sitting on the chair nodded.

Previously, they were worried that their players would make the same mistake again and be successfully attacked by Liverpool United because their minds were not in the game.

So head coach Leslie was going to the sidelines and yelling to remind the players to focus on the game.

The team's previous performance had given him a smell of danger.

As a result, after Luo Kai and Baria chatted for a few words, Baria woke up his teammates.

The assistant coach originally wanted to say with emotion that Luo Kai is really a good player.

But when the words came to his lips, he remembered the coach's attitude towards Luo Kai, and wisely chose to keep his mouth shut.

As an assistant coach, he knows the grudge between the two people very well.

When Leslie first came to Tramed, it happened that Luo Kai was affected by an injury and performed poorly.

So naturally, Leslie didn't put Luo Kai in his plan.

As he gradually stabilizes and adapts to his new tactics, his results are getting better and better. Of course Leslie will feel that there is no place for Luo Kai in his team.

He originally hoped to sell Luo Kai last summer.

Because at that time there was still one year before Luo Kai's contract with the club expired. Since he did not plan to renew his contract, last summer was the deadline to sell him.

Unexpectedly, Luo Kai was very stubborn and would rather sit on the bench than leave the club.

Even if the club tells him bluntly that it is impossible to renew his contract, he is not at all in the head coach's plan for the rest of the season. He may not be able to play in the entire season before the World Cup... and he doesn't care at all.

It's like fighting with the club.

At that time, many people felt that Luo Kai had lost his mind because of the club's approach of forcing him to leave, and wanted to fight to the end with the club.

It even attracted the attention of the national team.

After all, the World Cup will be in a year. If Luo Kai really cannot guarantee game time during this year, it will greatly affect his condition.

Even the head coach of the Chinese team called him and wanted to persuade him to change to another team.

But the end result was that Luo Kai didn't go anywhere and stayed in Tramed.

It doesn't matter if you can't play in the game, you still train seriously every day.

In the end, with his persistence and opportunities, Leslie had to send him to the court again.

It is also his outstanding performance in the second half of the season that allows Tramed to still compete with London Bridge for the league championship, instead of lying flat early...

The assistant coach glanced furtively at Leslie.

He can understand that a new head coach needs to establish his authority within the team after he just takes office.

If we only look at last season and the first half of this season, he seems to have done nothing wrong.

It's just that life is as unpredictable as football.

Who would have thought that a player who was almost "alienated" a year ago would now become the team's hero?

No matter what the final result of this season is, the assistant coach feels that based on Luo Kai's performance in this half season, he has enough capital and confidence to ask the club for a big contract again.


This chapter has been completed!
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