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Chapter 2060 Already a legend

"Breaking news: Luo Kai announces his departure from the team!"

"... After leading the team to win the championship, ESPN conducted an exclusive interview with Luo Kai. However, before the interview was completed, ESPN had already released a separate clip of the interview. In this clip, Luo Kai said personally in front of the camera

He will leave Tramed when his contract expires at the end of the season!

"This decision caused an uproar on the Internet. Because just before, many Tramed fans thought that he would choose to renew his contract with the club after helping the team win the championship... Although the two sides had previous dissatisfaction, head coach Lai

Sili has publicly tried to retain him, and the club is very active in renewing his contract. The biggest obstacle has been lifted... So Luo Kai's sudden announcement of leaving the team at this time caught everyone off guard!

"Luo Kai didn't explain why he wanted to leave the team, he just said 'to look forward'. But some people were not surprised by his decision. After all, many Chinese fans wanted Luo Kai to leave last summer. At that time, Luo Kai

The choice to stay on the team may not be because of his relationship with Tramed, but just to hold his breath. His performance like a god in this half season is probably not to win a new contract for himself, but to prove

Those who mocked me at the beginning were all wrong...

"Look at the praise that Tramed received from the media and the Internet after he won the championship. Since the goal has been achieved, why is there any need to stay? Although there is no shortage of praise and praise around him in this half season,

Even the head coach bowed in front of his performance...but maybe he never felt real happiness in this half-season..."


"Are you also here to persuade me to reconsider?"

Luo Kai looked at Ricardo Barea in front of him and asked. During today's training, too many people came to persuade him to retract the idea of ​​leaving and reconsider renewing his contract with the club, and every time Luo Kai responded gently but firmly.

was refused.

The Portuguese shook his head: "No, I know your temper, Luo. Once you make a decision, no one else can convince you. I actually knew you wanted to leave."

"Is it so obvious?" Luo Kai asked with a smile.

"Others don't understand you, don't I understand you? How deep your feelings for Tramed were before, then how disappointed you would be last summer."

Faced with Ricardo Barria's words, Luo Kai remained silent.

Seeing this, Ballea sighed: "Two years ago, when the King of Madrid invited me, I rejected him. What did I say to you at that time?"

"You said you wanted to stay here and become a legend... you can definitely do it, Ricardo."

"You also said the same thing to me." Baria looked into Luo Kai's eyes.

Luo Kai did not avoid his eyes: "Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory, and the same goes for football, Ricardo."

Barea was silent for a while and then asked: "Will you leave the Premier League?"

Luo Kai shook his head: "I don't know. I plan to wait until the World Cup is over before considering where to play. But... I will not refuse invitations from other Premier League teams. So we may be opponents in the future."

Baria laughed instead: "That's good, Luo. You will be a good opponent. If possible, go to the team in London. Your wife is there anyway, so you don't need to be separated in two places."


Then he said seriously: "The club will hold a farewell ceremony for you during the championship celebration."

Luo Kai shook his head: "Actually, it's not necessary. My career is not over yet, and I don't need any farewell ceremony."

Ballea smiled and teased the club: "You don't need it, but the club does."

Luo Kai also laughed.

Since he announced his free will to leave the team, in just two days, the club has been scolded miserably. Under the official social media account of the Tramed Club, all Tramed fans rushed in to criticize the club's shameful operations. In

In China, Tramed's official social media lost 300,000 fans overnight.

Tramed's fans believe that if the club had not decided not to renew Luo Kai's contract, how could what happened now happen?

Although head coach Leslie was the one who made the decision, after all, Leslie is the meritorious head coach who led the team to win the league championship. It is not easy for fans to criticize directly.

As for scolding the club's fat-bellied executives, the fans don't have any psychological burden at all.

"Whatever." Luo Kai said after laughing.

"Actually, you have become a legend of the club, Luo." Ballea said with emotion. "You have written your name forever into the history of Tramed. I believe that many years later, everyone will still remember this season.

How did we go from being nine points behind London Bridge to winning the title a game ahead of schedule."

This time Luo Kai didn't laugh or respond to him, he just fell silent.


"Aren't you going to talk to Luo Kai?"

After seeing Qin Lin again in London, Ding Gaoyi couldn't help but ask.

"No. What are we talking about? What's there to talk about?" Qin Lin asked in a surprised tone.

"I thought you would talk to him about future plans..."

"It's not necessary. What do I, the head coach of the national team, have to do with player transfers? I'm stretching my hand too far," Qin Lin explained.

"Then why didn't Zhou Zijing meet him?"

"Didn't he score a goal? What else is there to say?"

"Okay... then why do you have to go to Barcelona to talk to Zhang Qinghuan?" Ding Gaoyi asked.

"Because I'm not sure. I'm sure about Luo Kai and Zhou Zijing, but I'm not sure about Zhang Qinghuan..." Qin Lin suddenly sighed, "Let's go to Barcelona."


Hearing the sound of the door opening, Sun Juan quickly got up from the sofa and walked quickly to the door, just in time to see her husband pushing the door in.

She couldn't wait to greet him and wanted to ask, but when the words came to her lips, she was suddenly choked back.

Before going out for training today, Zhang Qinghuan told Sun Juan that he would not come back for dinner at night because he wanted to treat the national team coach Qin Lin and assistant coach Ding Gaoyi to dinner.

The dinner invitation was just a name, but Sun Juan actually knew that it was the head coach of the national team who wanted to have a good chat with her husband.

So her husband didn't take her there.

Sun Juan could more or less guess why the head coach of the national team came to see her husband.

It is said that he did not go to find Luo Kai and Zhou Zijing in England, nor did he go to Hu Lai or the others in Spain, but went straight to Barcelona to find his husband.

Why else?

World Cup!

Sun Juan knew that it would be difficult for her husband to be selected for the national team based on his performance this season.

First of all, he spent most of his time recuperating from injuries and did not play many games. Secondly, even after his comeback, his condition was not good, with ups and downs, and it is difficult to describe in a word.

From an objective and neutral perspective, it is indeed difficult to find a reason why Zhang Qinghuan should be selected for the national team to participate in the World Cup.

But Sun Juan is not an objective and neutral critic. She is Zhang Qinghuan’s wife and fan. How could she be indifferent to this possibility?

So during dinner, Sun Juan was restless, anxiously waiting for the moment the door was opened.

As a result, when she saw her husband come back, she suddenly didn't have the courage to know the answer.

Seeing his wife's worried look, Zhang Qinghuan gave her a handsome and warm smile.

Then he came up and hugged her.

Feeling his heartbeat in her husband's arms, Sun Juan finally plucked up the courage to ask: "How were you... talking?"

"I didn't say yes."

"No... ah? You didn't say yes?" Sun Juan broke away from her husband's arms in surprise, turned around and looked at him with wide eyes. "What do you mean you didn't say yes?"

"Brother Lin told me that he didn't know if I could participate in the World Cup."

"This..." Sun Juan was obviously disappointed with this result.

Zhang Qinghuan laughed when he saw this: "What is your reaction? Do you expect Brother Lin to tell me that I can definitely participate in the World Cup? Based on my performance this season, isn't this a normal result now?"

"That's what I said, but I still hope you can participate in the World Cup..." Sun Juan pouted.

"Brother Lin didn't say that I would definitely be able to participate in the World Cup, but he told me that I would be selected into his 50-man training squad."

"It's just a training list of fifty people..."

The so-called 50-man training list is actually a training camp for domestic players, not a serious World Cup training camp.

It is an "audition" that starts two weeks before the official training camp. The participants are basically players who play domestically, or play in low-level overseas leagues, or even those who have not yet played in the first team.

of young players.

Because when the training camp begins, the European leagues have not yet ended, and those who have finished have to rest first, so the main overseas players cannot participate.

The official training roster consists of thirty-five people. Except for the well-known overseas players, the remaining participants were selected from the "audition" of fifty people.

They met with overseas players for real World Cup training.

The final twenty-five players who participated in the World Cup were selected from these thirty-five people.

If it had been a big training camp for fifty people, Zhang Qinghuan would not have had to participate at all. He would have just participated in the final training camp for thirty-five people.

But now he has to go through one level after another starting from the "audition".

Sun Juan really didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for her husband.

After all, although the 50-man training camp is dominated by domestic players, the level of domestic players is not bad now, and most of them are young people. They are more ambitious and will work harder in the training camp.

Let Zhang Qinghuan, an old guy who has just recovered from injury, compete with a group of stupid young people...

Sun Juan is no longer worried about whether her husband can participate in the World Cup, but is worried that her husband will be injured in the first stage of training.

Seeing that Sun Juan was not in a high mood, Zhang Qinghuan patted her on the back gently: "I have some confidence in your husband."

Then he added: "But since I am going back to China to participate in the first round of training, I have to speed up my packing..."

When he said this, he and Sun Juan both looked towards the living room.

A lot of space has been freed up in the huge living room, and there are many packed cardboard boxes piled in the shadow of the corner, which contain the memories of the two of them in this city over the years. They took advantage of their recent rest time, one by one

Click to sort it out and pack it up, ready to be shipped back to China after the season.

"I can take care of you when you go to train, don't worry." Sun Juan said.

"It's better not to be too tired..."

"It is true that I had to take good care of myself in the first three months, but now that I am four months old, proper exercise will not only be fine, but also good for my body." Sun Juan shook her head firmly, "Let's continue to clean up now, I have rested


After saying that, she turned around and wanted to leave, but she didn't.

Because she was hugged from behind by Zhang Qinghuan.

The husband didn't say anything, and Sun Juan didn't continue to move, just nestled in her husband's arms with peace of mind.

The last ray of afterglow gradually disappeared in the horizon, the room fell into darkness, and the two people gradually merged into the darkness.


This chapter has been completed!
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