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Chapter 2081 Who is Chen Xingyi?

 "Well, can you say whatever you want?"

Hu Lai was wearing the training uniform of the Chinese national team, standing on the green grass training field, facing the camera and asking questions.

A voice outside the camera answered him with an expectant and excited smile: "Of course, tell your truth, Hu Lai. This is truth or dare!"

At the same time, a chuckle can be heard outside the screen.

Hu Lai in the camera also smiled, and then he lowered his head slightly, looking thoughtful.

However, this state did not last long. Soon he raised his head and looked at the camera lens. His eyes focused again, as if he could directly penetrate the lens and see the people outside the lens.

He said:

"Looking forward to the future, I have a dream. I dream that one day I can wear the Chinese team's jersey and win the World Cup!"

The chuckle off camera disappeared.

All sounds disappeared.

Even the picture gradually darkened, and the young figure wearing the training uniform of the Chinese team gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Until the black screen appears and the picture freezes.

The lights in the screening room were turned back on.

"Playing this video of the interview at the end is really the finishing touch!"

Someone praised.

Zhang Chao, who was responsible for interviewing Hu Lai and inducing him to say this "bold statement" at the time, was also very proud: "I actually just wanted to make big news, but I didn't expect him to give such an answer. At that time, I


However, some people have raised objections to the arrangement of this shot: "The documentary we released before the World Cup, and the final selection of this shot... will it ruin the character and establish a FLAG?"

When he said this, some people in the screening room nodded in agreement.

It can be seen that this idea is also very marketable.

The closer we get to the World Cup, the more cautious everyone becomes.

The news they are most afraid of seeing during this period is the news that someone was injured during the national team training and someone withdrew.

In the past, the Internet was always full of voices like "If you don't reach the semi-finals of the local World Cup, it will be considered a failure." But now these voices have disappeared a lot, and instead, the saying "I will be satisfied if I can qualify in the group" has become popular.

Do Chinese fans really have no confidence in their national team?

Of course not, they are afraid of establishing a flag and are trying to build character for the team.

But now Goal.com's documentary openly quoted Hu Lai's famous scene in the last scene. Are they not afraid of publishing it and being scolded for their character?

If this documentary was released after the World Cup, it would be okay.

If we didn't win the World Cup, everyone will feel very sorry when they watch this video. No matter how unhappy they are, they won't put the blame on Goal.com.

But if the "Goal" website released this video before the World Cup, then if the Chinese team really did not win the World Cup, maybe the disappointed fans would really be angry...

This is a very practical concern, and even the pride on Zhang Chao's face has subsided.

Sun Yonggang smiled and said: "It seems that everyone is very confident in the strength of the Chinese team and has begun to seriously consider whether the team can win the championship. Ha!"

After laughing, he continued: "I personally think it doesn't matter. Whether the Chinese team can win or not, it has nothing to do with what we are doing now. Besides, if we want to lose character, shouldn't Hu Lai be the first to lose?

Taste it?"

Hearing what the editor-in-chief said, everyone in the screening room looked at each other.

That being said...it seems to be true!

After all, after Hu Lai returned from the last World Cup, he bluntly said in front of so many fans and media that he would work hard to win the World Cup. In the past four years, he has mentioned it on various occasions.

I've been there three times. If anyone is worried that our documentary will put a lot of pressure on the national football team, they are really worried. The players themselves don't care."

Finally, Sun Yonggang made the final decision: "I think this ending is very good, so I will use this plan. If you keep it in mind, there will be repercussions. If you don't forget your original intention, you will always succeed. Hu Lai has never forgotten his original intention for a moment, and we should reflect this."

Regardless of whether the national football team can win the championship in the end, I think this is the key factor for Hu Lai's success. You can't have any scruples just because you are afraid of unwarranted things."


"... As the World Cup is approaching, Goal.net has launched the national football documentary "Dreams as Horses". There are many precious video scenes in it, some of which have even appeared in public for the first time...

"The documentary begins with a somewhat funny campus interview, but no one expected that three future international players would appear in this seemingly informal interview..."

In the picture, the young Luo Kai's face is still a little childish, but he can no longer hide his aggressive handsomeness.

He was wearing the jersey of the Dongchuan Middle School football team and was being interviewed while standing on the side of the field.

Just behind him, a young boy bounced the ball from outside the frame and then stopped behind him.

The audience could clearly see that the camera moved a bit, as if to avoid the intruding young man from behind.

But in the end, I still didn’t escape...

So Luo Kai and the future famous "" Hu Lai appeared in the same picture at the same time.

Some people are very curious:

Why does the promotional release say that there are three international players in the same frame? There are obviously only two of them! Where is the third person?

Luo Kai in the camera looked confused, frowned and asked:

"Who is Chen Xingyi?"


"Dear leaders and guests, thank you all for taking the time to come..."

On a sunny morning, the Dashun Football Plaza was packed with friends and people.

"Next, let Chen Xingyi's father, Mr. Chen Hantang, speak on behalf of the players..."

As the applause rang out, Chen Hantang stood up from his chair in the first row, strode towards the host, and took the microphone from her hand.

Next to him is a "mysterious object" shrouded in a huge red cloth.

Although the specific image cannot be seen clearly, everyone can guess from the outline of the red cloth that this should be a human sculpture.

After standing still, he faced the audience below and said: "I'm sorry, my son is still participating in the national team training and can't come to the scene. So he asked me to thank our Dashun City Government and Dashun Golden Arrow on behalf of him.

Football Club. He never forgot that he embarked on the path of professional football here..."

"He met very good teammates and coaches here, and he also went to Europe from here. So in his heart, Dashun Golden Arrow has always been his home team.

"I still remember that when he and I first came to this city, we visited this football square. Facing the statue of the hero of Dashun Football in the square, Chen Xingyi told me that he

I hope that I can leave my name and image on these football sculptures in the future and become part of the glorious history of Dashun football...

"Actually, at the time, I thought it was just a 'big talk' that young people said many times. But now I have to thank the Dashun City Government and Dashun Golden Arrow Football Club for making my son's 'big talk' a reality!"

After speaking, he nodded to Chai Shun, the general manager of the Dashun Golden Arrow Club next to him, to thank him.

Chaishun returned the gift and said on behalf of the club:

"...The club is very grateful to Chen Xingyi for his contribution during his time at the club. The Golden Arrow Club has always aimed to cultivate talents who are useful to Chinese football, so we are very happy to see Chen Xingyi playing for the European and international arena.

Chinese football brings glory... He is the first Chinese player to participate in the Champions League final after Hu Lai, the first Chinese player to score in the Champions League final, and the first player to score twice in the Champions League final...

"Just last night in the warm-up match against Spain, Chen Xingyi also scored a goal and helped the national team defeat Spain. He performed very well. So making a statue of him is actually an honor for Dashun Golden Arrow. We will always regard him as

We are proud of such an outstanding player like Chen Xingyi! At the same time, the club also calls on our players to follow Chen Xingyi as an example, constantly hone themselves, always maintain sincerity for football, and contribute their own share to the sustainable development of Chinese football.


"Okay, thank you to General Manager Chai Shun for your speech. Now comes the exciting moment. Mr. Chai and Mr. Chen are invited to unveil the statue of Chen Xingyi for us!"

Chen Hantang and Chai Shun each grabbed a corner of the red curtain.

Host: "One, two, three!"

The two of them used force at the same time to pull down the corner in their hands.

As the red curtain was torn down, a life-size bronze statue was slowly revealed in front of the crowd and the camera.

The statue opens its arms and leans slightly, as if running.

This is Chen Xingyi’s iconic celebration after scoring a goal.

Amid the warm applause, Chen Xingyi seemed to be running towards the crowd, with his hair flying and his jersey fluttering.

After Chai Shun, there is finally a new player in Dashun’s football square.

Chen Hantang applauded with everyone, and at the same time looked back at the statue of his son.

That early summer evening thirteen years ago seemed to flash before his eyes.

His son pointed to the statues and said to him enthusiastically:

"Dad, just watch, one day, 'Chen Xingyi' will become a famous name in the history of Dashun football!"

Son, it is not just the history of Dashun football, the name I gave you has now become a famous name in the history of Chinese football!

He just looked up at the statue of his son and grinned.


This chapter has been completed!
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