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Chapter 1 Hot because of you

 "Quick pass from Team Chu!"

On the football field of Nanshan University, two teams are playing an eleven-a-side football match. A group of people wearing blue jerseys are attacking the goal of the team wearing white jerseys.

Along with this shout, Chu Yifan, wearing the No. 10 blue jersey, sent a through ball.

Just after the football was kicked, a blue figure suddenly shot out of the white team's defense.

The defensive players of the white team followed the football and turned their heads to change their eyes, only to see that the player of the blue team had appeared behind them.

Some people reflexively raised their arms and shouted: "Offside!"

But the blue team player didn't listen to him at all. After receiving the pass from Chu Yifan, he dribbled the ball into the penalty area. Then, facing the attacking white team goalkeeper, he sank his left shoulder and pushed the football far away with his right foot.


The football passed by the opponent's goalkeeper and easily entered the goal.

"Stop shouting, Lao Guo Hu Lai, this ball is not offside. Ha!" Chu Yifan smiled and said to the opponent who raised his hand to shout offside. From this tone, the two of them were already very familiar with each other.

"Damn! It's just a competition between two departments. You still invite foreign aid. Just invite foreign aid. You also invite people from the Poseidon Youth Team..." The person called "Lao Guo" pointed at Chu Yifan and cursed.

Chu Yifan chuckled: "Don't tell me that your number 30 is not from the South China Tigers Youth Team."

Lao Guo's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Everyone calls for foreign aid, except for the eldest brother, not the second brother. Besides, you call for foreign aid to win against us, but we don't call for foreign aid..."

"Damn, this is the most shameless thing I have ever heard. Why don't you call foreign aid to win?" Lao Guo said angrily.

"Of course it's to help Hu Lai stay in shape." Chu Yifan said goodbye with a smile, and then ran to find Hu Lai to celebrate the goal.

"...We called for foreign aid because we are temporarily short of people!" Lao Guo shouted angrily behind Chu Yifan, but Chu Yifan ignored him.

Chu Yifan hugged Hu Lai, who had grown a little taller, and patted his chest happily: "Hu Lai's cum is beautiful!"

Hu Lai said quickly: "It's Team Chu. You made a wonderful pass just now. It would be a pity if you don't go to the university team at your level and play in the college league..."

Chu Yifan shook his head: "Didn't I tell you before? My body can only play games of this intensity. If I really go to play in the college league, the old injury will relapse, and I might not even be able to play this kind of game."

"I know, Captain Chu, but I still feel sorry for you."

"Don't worry about me, it's you. What will you do with the Poseidon Youth Team if Director Zhao resigns? Don't tell me it won't have any impact. If it really didn't, you would have been excluded from the competition for three consecutive weeks.

Off the list?”

Facing Chu Yifan's question, Hu Lai did not answer.

Seeing this, Chu Yifan knew that he couldn't ask anything, so he patted his shoulder and said nothing.


"That No. 14 is so awesome! Is this the fifth goal in the game? When did the Huayuan have such an awesome person?"

In the stands of the university stadium, two girls gathered together, and one of them was obviously very interested in Hu Lai on the field.

The boy who had been paying attention to them quickly came over to help them solve their problems: "This classmate, don't you know Hu Lai?"

"Hu Lai?" The two girls looked at him doubtfully.

"Yes, this is No. 14. He is not a student of the Huayuan... He was the champion, top scorer and best player of last year's National High School Football Championship. Now he is a player of the youth team of our Lingnan Poseidon Club.

A professional club echelon player, of course he is awesome!"

"Wow, a professional player?!" The girl's eyes almost shone when she heard the other party's explanation.

"Uh, it's not..." The boy was a little embarrassed, "He probably only signed a youth contract with Poseidon Club now. Of course, he also has the opportunity to become a professional player in the future..."

"Since you are a player from a professional club, why do you want to come to our university to play football?" The girl was still very surprised. She frowned and looked at Hu Lai on the court.

The teammates of the blue team, that is, the football team of the School of Chemistry, have already gathered around him, surrounding him in the center, and are celebrating the goal.

"This...I don't know anymore." The boy shook his head. He also wanted to help the beauty solve her doubts, but unfortunately he really didn't know...


"Hu Lai, thank you very much. Please wait for us for a while. We will go to the dormitory to change clothes and treat you to a meal!"

After the game, Chu Yifan said to Hu Lai who was packing his things.

His roommates immediately echoed: "Yes, yes, you must stay for dinner!"

But Hu Lai shook his head and rejected their kindness: "No, Captain Chu, I still have to go back. It takes nearly two hours by subway from here. I'd better go back early."

"Don't, it won't take long to have a meal..." the roommates advised.

"I really don't want to eat anymore, let's do it next time, I will let you treat me next time!" Hu Lai shook his head with a smile, then put on his backpack and prepared to leave.

Everyone looked at Chu Yifan, hoping that Chu Yifan, as Hu Lai's old captain, could speak and maybe persuade Hu Lai to stay and have a meal before leaving.

But Chu Yifan nodded: "Okay, let's do it next time."

With a smile on his face, Hu Lai waved to everyone: "Goodbye, see you next time."

"Da Chu, why don't you persuade him to have a meal before leaving? I said you are not reluctant to treat, right?" The roommates looked at Hu Lai's walking back and complained.

"What's the matter, can I still be short of money for a meal? Haven't you seen that Hu Lai is not in a good mood today?"

The roommates carefully recalled Hu Lai's performance today and found that it was indeed different from usual.

"She seems to be worried..."

"Then shouldn't it be more important to treat him to a meal and take good care of him? If you have any troubles, wouldn't you just tell us?"

Chu Yifan shook his head: "I think it's better to let Hu Lai be quiet at this time. Based on my understanding of Hu Lai, if he really wants to tell us, then he will definitely take the initiative to say it, but if he doesn't

, that is, I don’t want others to know.”

"Hey, what else can you worry about? Isn't it just that after Zhao Kangming resigned and left, his future in the youth team suddenly became uncertain?" A roommate sighed. "When Zhao Kangming was here, Hu Lai was

Like Zhao Kangming's godson, as soon as Zhao Kangming resigned, Hu Lai was stunned in the youth team and couldn't even play in the game. Poseidon Club originally vowed to give Hu Lai a reasonable professional football plan, but this is how it turned out.

?The person in charge ran away and left Hu Lai here. This is to trick people into killing him..."

"You can't say that, Lao Li. Zhao Kangming is also a victim of the struggle among the club's top management." Another roommate advised. "He is definitely not willing to leave Hu Lai behind. What a good relationship he has with Hu Lai... Say something.

There's nothing wrong with the same father and son. But the club's senior management is changing their minds!"

"It's just that a few years ago, the rival South China Tigers in the same city used Jinyuan Football to recruit a lot of stars, won three league championships, and also won an AFC Champions League... They were so popular that everyone thought

There is only one Chinese Super League team in Lingnan called the South China Tigers. However, Poseidon, which was established earlier than the South China Tigers, has not had much improvement so far. It is normal for the club's top management to want to make changes..."

"That's right. Poseidon attaches great importance to youth training and has cultivated talents for our Lingnan football team in recent years. However, it is really difficult to defeat those wealthy local tycoons just by relying on youth training and a small amount of investment. Watching the South China Tigers win

How can it be said that Poseidon has no idea at all when the champion is given a soft hand?"

"That's it, if you want to spend money to introduce stars, then why are you using youth training? You have to force Zhao Kangming, the director of the team's youth training for eleven years, to resign..."

"Poseidon only has so little money. If he wants to spend more money to buy stars, doesn't he have to reduce his investment in youth training? Zhao Kangming also resigned because he was dissatisfied with this."

"Hey, let me tell you, the most grandson is the youth training director who took over from Zhao. I thought he was the head coach of the elite team of the former Quanshun Football School. I thought his level was very high. As a result, Hu Lai

He won't be able to play in the game. I suspect that he came to suppress Hu Lai on purpose, in order to eliminate the influence of Director Zhao in the Poseidon youth training system..."

"One emperor and one courtier, normal operations. How can one secure one's position without excluding dissenters?"


"Modern football's requirements for centers are getting higher and higher, and they are becoming more and more comprehensive. What's the use if you can only shoot? A center like you does not meet the requirements and definition of modern football... Let me be honest, I'm not saying

You have no future in Poseidon. I mean, even if you go to other teams, you have no future. Sorry, I am a straightforward person, but I am doing it for your own good. Rather than wasting everyone's time like this, it is better to find another way out...


This is what the new youth training director Sun He said to Hu Lai on the sidelines of the training field after training yesterday.

When he said this, he was in front of all the youth team players and coaches. Everyone heard what he said and turned their attention to Hu Lai.

Hu Lai never thought that this youth training director, who had only been in office for less than a month, would say such words to him in front of so many people.

Until now, a day has passed since the incident. As long as Hu Lai is willing to recall, he can still easily recite the full text of Sun He's words. He remembers the tone and expression clearly.

He went through a lot of hardships, from the school team to the professional football club echelon, even running away from home. He also received more rigorous training than others in the Poseidon Youth Team, and worked harder than other teammates in the youth team.

, and finally got such an evaluation?

This youth training director came from Quanshun Football School... When he first heard the news, he still had a glimmer of hope for his prospects in the Poseidon Club's youth training camp. After all, coach Li Ziqiang also came from Quanshun Football School. He thought that this

The youth training director and coach Li Ziqiang come from the same football school, so their level is definitely not much different.

The anxiety caused by the sudden resignation of Director Zhao has also stabilized.

Who would have thought that he would be given such a slap in the head by the other party!

After what others have said, I still imagine that I can get ahead in the Poseidon Club. Isn’t that stupid?

But I still have a four-year youth team contract with Poseidon Club. Even if I want to leave, where can I go?

For the first time, Hu Lai felt confused about his future.

He finally realized what coach Li Ziqiang told him about the cruelty and uncertainty of professional football.

On the plane from Andong Jincheng to Lingnan City, he imagined many unfavorable situations. For example, his teammates in the youth team did not like him, for example, he was not accustomed to the climate of Lingnan, and for example, his football style was not suitable for him.

Poseidon's football philosophy... He even thought about whether he would encounter the same thing as his father, so he had to be more vigilant and watch out for other people's seemingly dangerous moves in training. Of course, the most important thing is to be with his teammates.

We need to build a good relationship so that others don't regard us as a threat. Don't let others waste their time...

But he never expected that even though he had never encountered any of these things, he would actually be affected by the line dispute among the club's senior management.

Since he has been favored and taken care of by Director Zhao, he will naturally be responsible for the cruel cleanup of Director Zhao's direct lineage by the new youth training director - Director Zhao may have disliked him just as much as Director Zhao favored him at the beginning.

How deep...

In this regard, Chen Mo, the head coach of his youth team, has learned from the past - Coach Zhao had just resigned, and two days later, new director Sun Hesun came by air. Just one day later, coach Chen Mo took the initiative to resign.

Why did you resign? Because Coach Chen Mo is Director Zhao’s right-hand man and Director Zhao’s most trusted youth training coach. He has worked with Director Zhao for many years, and he almost has the label of “direct descendant of Zhao Kangming” on his forehead. If he hadn’t suffered

Under pressure from the new manager, can he voluntarily resign and leave the Poseidon Club where he has worked for nearly ten years?

Hu Lai wanted to curse the hometown curse "mmp" - he just wanted to receive training in the Poseidon Youth Team and become a professional player...

When he first joined Poseidon Club, he received a task issued by the system. The task required him to sign a professional player contract. After successfully completing the task, he would be rewarded with a [Marrow Cleansing Potion] and 50,000 points, and the system also

This will result in an upgrade.

These rewards are full of temptations for Hu Lai, but until now this task is still quietly lying on the task list, with no sign of being completed...


A voice announcing the station in dialect rang out in the subway car. Only then did Hu Lai come back to his senses and rushed out of the car in one stride.

Then follow the dense flow of people and stand on the escalator, slowly climbing up.

After exiting the station, there was an open square in front of a shopping mall. He needed to cross the square, cross the wide Binjiang Road via a pedestrian bridge, and go to the station across the road to take a bus back to the youth training base on the outskirts of the city.

It's evening now, it's Saturday, and the square in front of the shopping mall is full of people.

Some like him were going to transfer after coming out of the subway station, some were here specifically to visit the shopping mall, and some residents living nearby came to take a walk.

At the beginning of the lanterns, there are a lot of tourists.

The landscape tree in the center of the square is covered with light strips, and each small bulb emits orange light, bringing some warmth to the upcoming dark night.

A street performer was standing in front of the landscape tree, shouting to people coming and going: "Don't miss it when you pass by! Feel the power of music! For only fifteen yuan, you can get a song sung specifically for you.

! Hit the heart directly and penetrate the soul!"

It’s not like Hu Lai has never seen street singers. Most of them hold a guitar and play and sing at the same time, with a speaker next to them. They do nothing but sing. The singer sings whatever the onlookers listen to. If they think it sounds good, they give money.


Are there any other street singers who shout and drum up business like this? And they even sing specifically for you, so how can they be so enchanting... Isn't this too unrefined?

Hu Lai followed the sound with some curiosity, only to realize that this street performer not only had a strange way of doing things, but also had a strange appearance. He was holding a guitar just like other street singers, but he was carrying...a set of drums on his back!

The drumsticks were connected to his feet and guitar head through steel wires. As he stepped in place and swung the guitar head gently, the drumsticks beat the drum kit behind him rhythmically.

This was the first time Hu Lai had seen a singer dressed up like this... He was pretending to be a band by himself!

Many people, like Hu Lai, were attracted by the singer's unique dress and behavior, and stopped to watch.

But no one was willing to give him fifteen yuan and let him sing a song for him.

Perhaps he felt that the singer's behavior was eccentric and unreliable, or perhaps he was embarrassed to be the first to stand out in public.

In short, everyone just looked, but no one came forward.

The singer continued to shout hard, stamping his feet and beating the drum from time to time to attract more people.

When Hu Lai saw him like this and listened to his Mandarin without any Lingnan accent, he guessed that he was a drifter from the South just like himself. He immediately felt the empathy of "being a stranger in a foreign land".

So he took out his mobile phone and walked forward, scanned the QR code, and transferred fifteen yuan using WeChat.

But he didn't want the other person to sing a song for him, and he didn't plan to stay. He had to catch the car... So he waved to the grateful singer: "You don't have to sing, I just want to show my support to you."


Unexpectedly, the other party said seriously with a straight face: "That won't work! After I collect your money, I must provide you with corresponding services. Otherwise, what's the difference between me and begging on the street? If you don't let me sing, then I will

I’ll give you back the fifteen dollars!”

Seeing that the other party was serious, Hu Lai had no choice but to say: "Okay then, you sing, you sing..."

He retreated into the crowd, intending to wait until the singer started singing and then listen to half of the song to show respect before leaving.

Seeing someone paying, the onlookers became more energetic and stopped to watch, waiting to hear what song the singer was going to sing to the young man who had paid.

The singer tuned the strings and kept looking up at Hu Lai during the tuning process. He saw that he was wearing ordinary sportswear and carrying a backpack, and his identity could not be identified. Finally, he set his sights on Hu Lai.

On Lai's face, he felt that there seemed to be some sad emotions in the customer's eyebrows. Maybe he had encountered something troublesome...

Thinking of his non-local Mandarin accent, he already had some thoughts about what song to sing.

So he plucked the strings and sang:

"You are brave, standing here, with a thin but proud face; in this far distance, there is no one to accompany you, only illusions and worries..."

Hu Lai, who originally didn't take the song this street singer was about to sing seriously, was stunned when he heard the first lyrics.

He originally planned to listen to half of the song and leave, but instead he stood there as if there were roots under his feet and listened to the entire song.

"...Those short-lived brilliance are exploding fireworks; that dazzling flame is burning you and me; that unforgettable love always brings me harm; that ordinary life is hot because of you...

"(Note 1)

After singing, the singer stared at Hu Lai and said to him: "You are brave, standing here, with a thin but proud face. Life is hot because of you. Come on!"

Hu Lai also recovered from the emotions this song brought him, and he laughed when he heard the singer's last words.

The depression caused by the uncertainty about the future has really reduced a lot.

No matter what happens in life, it will always be so hot...

He said to the singer very sincerely: "Thank you!"

At this time, the onlookers came to their senses, and the crowd burst into cheers, whistles and applause.

For the singer's wonderful performance, and for the song he chose, it really touched the audience...

With a successful precedent, more people will naturally be interested in the singer's performance, so everyone rushes to scan the code, hoping that the singer can sing a song that goes straight to his heart.

Amidst such excitement, Hu Lai squeezed out from the crowd and walked towards the overpass at the other end of the square with his bag on his back.

At this time, his mood was completely different and he also had the intention to look at the sky, only to find that there was sunset in the western sky.

The setting sun disappears and appears in the clouds, dyeing the layers of clouds.

Just when he was staying at the hotel to enjoy the sunset, his cell phone rang: "...No one will let you give up, and no one will let you live a careless life. The thinner you get, the more you have to resist, until in the end no one can stop you..." (Note


He picked up the phone and found that it was Director Zhao Kangming calling.

"Oh, Director Zhao, you have called me..."

"Ha, Hu Lai, I'm sorry... Hey, I hear you are so eccentric, why do you think you are in a good mood?" The person speaking on the other end of the phone was indeed Director Zhao Kangming.

"Because I'm looking at the sunset. The sunset in Lingnan is very beautiful today, Director Zhao." Hu Lai held his cell phone and looked at the western sky.

"Watching the sunset? Are you still in the mood to watch the sunset... Then I can rest assured. I left so suddenly, and I felt sorry for you, so I never dared to call you, for fear that you would scold me..."

"Look what you said, Director Zhao, how dare I scold you..."

"Well, when you said that, I knew you had resentment towards me. It's normal to have resentment. After all, this is... it's really fucked up! In addition, I heard that you were not included in the list for three consecutive games.


"Yeah, the new supervisor doesn't seem to like me very much."

"Ha, he regards you as one of my own..." Zhao Kangming on the other end of the phone sneered, and then said: "I called you because I wanted to apologize to you. After all, I was the one who dragged you into this situation.

Poseidon, but I ran away midway...Secondly, I want to ask you, are you interested in playing in the Chinese League One?"

"Mid-level?" Hu Lai was stunned after hearing what Director Zhao said.

"Yes, although it is not the Chinese Super League, young players can actually get more opportunities. I am now the head coach of a Chinese League One team, and I thought of you..."

"But Director Zhao, the transfer has ended."

"It's okay. We can sign an agreement first and wait until the summer transfer window opens before transferring. By the way, it's not a loan. I plan to buy you out directly. What do you think? Are you interested? Chen Mo also comes to me.

I am ambitious to be an assistant coach."

"So Director Zhao, which team are you going to be the head coach of now?" Hu Lai asked.

"Ha! What do you mean by coincidence?" Zhao Kangming on the other end of the phone laughed, "Your hometown team, Anton Shining Stars!"


Note 1: The song is from "Life Is Hot Because of You" by the New Pants Band (also known as "Life Is Hot Because You".

Note 2: The song is from "Until the End" by v89 band.

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