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Chapter 2132 They are not strong

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel like the police presence outside the stadium has increased today... The security checks are stricter than in previous games we've seen..."

Han Shuyu and Li Qingliang squirmed slowly in the long queue, their goal was the security checkpoint.

The queue was long and progressed slowly.

Li Qingliang just used the telephoto lens of his camera to investigate and found that in the security area at the front of the queue, every fan had to undergo bag opening inspection.

So he replied:

"It's not an illusion, security checks are indeed stricter than before."

"It's all those British media's fault!" Han Shuyu cursed angrily.

Li Qingliang quickly shook the camera at her, indicating that the machine was on and the microphone was working, so everything she just said was recorded.

Han Shuyu didn't care: "It will be fine if we cut it out later. Besides, we are not afraid of slanted shadows. The British media is really hateful. They stirred up this matter before the game."

Li Qingliang analyzed:

"Actually, I don't really believe that they, a group of professional sports media, don't know that the foul committed by the Kings is nothing to say. It was intentional handball in front of the goal line and a penalty kick opportunity was used to replace a must-goal. This situation is not from the beginning.

It's never happened before. Ordinary fans rarely see it, and professional media people like them are certainly not uncommon. But they still insist on using "disgraceful means" to speculate. I think they may be trying to disturb our military morale."

Han Shuyu felt that Li Qingliang’s analysis was right: “I think so too. Some of our fans online mocked the British media for being stupid, but they are actually not stupid, but bad.”

Li Qingliang nodded and continued: "So although many people on the Internet are criticizing the arrangement of the Chinese team's pre-match press conference, I think it is right. You just can't fall into the rhythm of the British, they beat them,

We are playing our own game. We cannot involve the players at this time. We must isolate them from public opinion and let them concentrate on preparing for the game."

"But... Lao Li, in this era, unless you confiscate the players' mobile phones, how can you really isolate them?" Han Shuyu still expressed his worries.

"As long as the players are not allowed to come into direct contact with public opinion and the players are not allowed to confront British reporters, some of the impact can be mitigated to some extent. After all, if Chinese players respond, the Internet will definitely be more lively now. Think about it, don't you?


Han Shuyu thought about it seriously and nodded in agreement. Nowadays, all the people carousing online are self-media and netizens, so the situation is still under control.

No one from the Chinese team spoke out.

Even if some people with ulterior motives want to open fire, they can't find a target to attack.

They can only bombard the Chinese team as a whole, and even Chinese football as a whole, so that the pressure is shared. The relationship between pressure and force-bearing area is still easy to understand, right?

So it seems that the Chinese team has indeed lost face and taken the initiative to show weakness.

But maybe we can win Riko?


Yan Yan, Chu Yifan and their friends were in the team, slowly walking forward with the team.

But this long waiting process is not boring, because they have very important things to do.

About three meters away from them was a team composed mostly of England fans.

This can be seen from the distinct colors of the two queues:

The Chinese fans are all in red. Those with Chinese team jerseys wear Chinese team jerseys, and those without Chinese team jerseys wear red T-shirts instead.

England fans naturally wear England's white jerseys. On the white jerseys there is a red "St. George's Cross", a long and slender red cross.

Between the red and white colors is a black "wall" - two rows of police officers standing back to back, one row facing the Chinese fans and the other facing the English fans.

Separate the fans of the two countries with flesh and blood.

This is the dividing line between Chinese fans and English fans. Both sides enter the stadium through the designated gate and then sit in the designated stand area.

There was no such situation in the Chinese team's previous four World Cup games.

This is a temporary measure.

As for why, everyone knows it.

The English fans kept singing, just like they do in the Premier League, using singing to build momentum.

While they were singing, Yan Yan, Chu Yifan and other Chinese fans around them shouted: "Team China! Rise up! Team China! Rise up!!"

Use shouts to attack and interrupt the singing of England fans.

After shouting, they will also sing songs that are familiar to Chinese people, and guide the Chinese fans at the scene to complete the chorus with them.

Relying on their numerical advantage, the Chinese fans finally succeeded in completely suppressing the English fans in singing, making their voices almost impossible to be heard.

However, England fans did not shut up.

As long as the voices of Chinese fans are slightly incoherent, their singing can come out through the gaps.

The English fans kept singing, and the Chinese fans naturally did not dare to stop.

The two sides seemed to have started an "endurance race" off the court in advance.

And in such competition, the process of slowly squirming forward in line does not seem to be so difficult...


As soon as Yan Yan, Chu Yifan and the others entered the stand area, their attention was attracted by the busy crowd next to them.

"It's Wu Yue!"

"They've already started it!"

"Let's go, let's go too!"

Although Wu Yue belongs to their "rival", the Jincheng Jiaxiang High School fan club. But at this time, in the stands of this stadium, there is no distinction between Jincheng Jiaxiang and Dongchuan Middle School. People are not divided into men and women.

Regardless of north or south, as long as they wear red clothes, they are all fans of the Chinese team.

When Wu Yue saw Yan Yan and the others coming, he complained: "Why is it so late?"

While Yan Yan helped them tie the knots, he boasted: "We fought with those English people outside!"

Wu Yue stopped what he was doing, looked at Yan Yan in surprise, and then curled his lips: "Brother Huo, you don't even have any injuries on your face."

"What are you thinking? It's singing! We and the English fans are singing! We just didn't let them make a sound!"

Wu Yue curled his lips: "Don't break your throat by shouting first."

"That's not possible! Ah——" Yan Yan opened his mouth and motioned for Wu Yue to look.

"Claw?" Wu Yue was confused.

"Golden Throat, lozenges!" Yan Yan indicated that he had a throat lozenge in his mouth.

"Bang!" Wu Yue gave Yan Yan a roll of his eyes, and then checked the knots tied by Yan Yan and the others. "It needs to be tied tighter, because the TIFO will hang down from here."

They were at the railing of the third-level stands.

Looking down are the second and first-floor stands, with a vertical drop of nearly 40 meters.

Yan Yan glanced down, and then sighed: "If you fall from here, you will be dead..."

Chu Yifan patted him on the back: "Say something nice!"

Then he asked Wu Yue: "Why are they one by one?"

He was referring to the TIFO they tied together with Wu Yue. It was not a huge piece of cloth like before, but strips one by one, each about five meters wide. They were tied side by side to the railings and connected together, eventually forming a complete


In Chu Yifan's opinion, this is a bit unnecessary - if a whole piece of TIFO is too big and heavy, then it only needs to be divided into three or four parts, and there is no need to cut it into such fine pieces.

"It will make it easier for us to change the pattern." Wu Yue said proudly, "It will look like the LED screen has been refreshed. The visual effect is very touching! They say that European TIFO is the most powerful. Today we are going to give those Europeans 100 million yuan

A little shocking!”

Chu Yifan suddenly understood. He thought about the scene and nodded in agreement with Wu Yue's words.


"Oh! What is that huge bundle of cloth?"

"I guess... it should be the tied Chinese flag?" Javier guessed as he looked at the bundle of rolled up red cloth strips.

"My God, how big is that?" the companion exclaimed. "It looks like one of their traditional activities. What is it called?"

"I guess you meant 'Dragon Dance'?"

"Yes, yes! Dragon dance!"

In the eyes of this group of Spanish fans, about a dozen Chinese fans were walking through the front aisle of the stands carrying a rolled up red cloth strip about 40 meters long.

Wherever they pass, they will arouse cheers and applause from nearby Chinese fans.

There were also many people taking out their mobile phones to take photos and videos.

Javier looked at the red "long dragon" and then looked down at the Chinese flag in his hand. It was really a small thing compared to a big one.

A companion beside him lamented: "Chinese fans even moved out such a big guy. It seems that they are planning to give England fans some color in this game..."

"I'm afraid it's not just the color." Mantorez Alvarez said, "The Chinese fans have made the battle so big. If they lose in the end... it will be unimaginable."

Everyone turned to look at him. Javier, who was holding the Chinese flag, asked: "So, for the Chinese team, this game can only be won, not lost?"

Alvarez nodded: "Yes. If they lose... they will not only lose a World Cup match, they may also lose the confidence of Chinese football."

Everyone was silenced by Alvarez's serious tone until someone tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

"No, Mantores, you look down on England too much, don't you? Although I don't like England, if the Chinese team really loses to England... that's a normal thing. How can it hurt the confidence of Chinese football?


Mantores Alvarez glanced at his companion who said this: "Because both the Chinese team and the Chinese fans think they can beat England. Or to put it another way, in their eyes, this England is no better than the Chinese team.



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