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Chapter 2153 Likes from all directions

 "Then he now has two accounts to settle with us."

The video of Hu Lai saying this with a smile and a calm tone spread all over the world the night the game ended.

And it was quickly turned into a meme.

Countless people rushed to reply to Darren Hunter’s previous tweet:

"Congratulations, now you have two accounts to settle with the Chinese team!"

"I heard that you owe the Chinese team another debt?"

"Let me teach you, 0 < 4, so you completely lost to Hu in today's game!"

"After seeing your performance today, I can't figure out how you managed to score a hat trick in the last game. I guess you can't figure it out either, right?"

In addition to Darren Hunt, the accounts of major British media on social networks have also been flooded by fans from all over the world, mainly because these media have tirelessly smeared and smeared Wang Guangwei over the past four years.

Humiliating, this caused dissatisfaction from many passers-by.

"Wang scored your goal with a penalty kick in the game. If you could have scored that penalty four years ago, you would have eliminated the Chinese team. Then why didn't your team do that? Is it because you didn't want to?


"Wang will never join the Premier League? That's such a shame, your players have lost an opportunity to learn from top penalty takers!"

"I don't know if Wang is an Asian-class central defender, but I know his penalty kick level is world-class!"

"What? Wang Guangwei was rated as an Asian-level defender by the British media? How do they have the nerve to make such an assessment? You must know that their penalty kick level is only community level!"

"Thank you for your crazy hype before the game, allowing the whole world to witness the most amazing quarter-finals in the history of the World Cup! Listen to me, thank you, British media!"

"I'm a new fan, I didn't start watching football four years ago. But thanks to the British media, they kept promoting it, and I finally learned that they scored a point at the end of the game four years ago.

As long as the ball can be scored, they can defeat the Chinese team and advance to the quarterfinals. However, they missed the ball and were eliminated! It is too weak! Is this the strength of the fifth-ranked England team?

I'm really curious, how did they become fifth in FIFA?"

"The games between Brazil and France have started, but I still haven't come out of the excitement. First of all, let me say that I am not a Chinese fan, but I am really happy to see England defeated! No. 1 in history, losing six goals, hahaha!!


"Sorry, how did the Chinese team 'steal' your victory this time?"

"The Sun has frequently mentioned that game in the past four years, believing that the World Cup game four years ago should be replayed, otherwise it would be the biggest shame in the history of the World Cup. Now, an English team

They have the two biggest humiliations in the history of the World Cup! England is indeed the country that invented modern football! Kang Rui Raytheon!"

It is said that things must be reversed when things go to extremes. How powerful the British media is, how many people on the Internet hate the British media. Because many people hate the world of public opinion controlled by the British media. They criticize the British media from above and point fingers at others, but avoid their own problems.

The practice of talking about, or whitewashing and beautifying is extremely objectionable.

Now the British media has been severely slapped in the face by the Chinese team. The remarks they used to attack the Chinese team and Wang Guangwei have now turned into boomerangs and hit themselves.

Now after England lost the game, fans from all over the world came to like it one after another, causing a carnival among online fans around the world.

The self-media also joined in. Someone cut together the scene of England's penalty kick in that game four years ago and the scene of Wang Guangwei's penalty kick today, and then told everyone to pay attention to the details:

Four years ago, Pete Williams chose to kick a penalty kick into the lower right corner of the goal, but his shot was saved by Chinese goalkeeper Lin Zhiyuan.

Four years later today, I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not, Wang Guangwei also chose to kick the football to the lower right corner of the goal. This time, England goalkeeper Shim Dickinson simply judged the wrong direction...

After comparing the penalty kicks of the two teams, the person who made the video said this: "...This is why the Chinese team was able to beat England. When the opportunity arose, the Chinese team took it, and England... took it themselves

The opportunity that comes to you is thrown to the ground, discarded like worn out shoes.”

Fans online are so happy, so you can imagine how aggrieved and unhappy the British media must be.

But they didn't go to yell at the fans because they had a purpose to vent their anger.

As soon as the game ended...no, strictly speaking, before the game was over, the British media had already begun to lash out at everyone on the England team.

England coach Ryan Jackson may have also guessed what he would encounter at the post-match press conference, so he just sat down on the chair and before he could ask questions, facing the reporters who raised their arms one after another, he announced bluntly.


"I will take full responsibility for this game. In view of this result, I am no longer suitable to continue to lead this team. So I request to resign."

After speaking, he stood up and left the press conference without giving reporters any chance to respond or ask questions.

From the time I walked in and sat down to the time I stood up and left, it didn't take more than twenty seconds.

Blitzing Western journalists.

As for why we lost and why we lost like this, there seems to be no need to analyze it at the press conference.

Because this game is not a normal game!


Watching Darren Hunter walk into the hotel restaurant like a zombie, Jay Adams whispered to his tablemate Pete Williams: "Have you seen the ridicule of Darren on the Internet?"

Williams was surprised: "How dare you go online?"

Adams curled his lips: "You can hear some of it even if you don't go online. In this information age, can anyone really escape from it?"

Williams fell silent.

After finishing the game yesterday, he turned off his mobile phone.

But he couldn't really turn off his phone forever.

So after getting up this morning, he turned on his phone.

As soon as I turned on my phone, I received a flood of messages.

Of course, there are many people who care about and greet him, but no matter how much they care about him, keywords like "0:6", "fiasco", "shame", "black history"... are always mentioned frequently.

So much so that he sat on the bed and rested for a long time before regaining the strength to get out of bed and wash up.

So in fact, he indirectly knows how public opinion evaluates them now...

When Jay Adams saw that Williams was silent, he continued to ask him: "Aren't you going to provide psychological counseling to Hunter? Look at him, it's like he has lost his soul..."

Pete Williams glanced at Hunter and could see obvious dark circles under his eyes. It was obvious that he had not slept well last night.

However, Williams did not express sympathy for Hunter, but hummed in a low voice: "I still need people to comfort me... Where can I get so much comfort? When you encounter setbacks, you can handle it by yourself.

, there will be a bright future in the future. If you can’t bear it, forget it.”

Perhaps because he felt that his tone was a bit stiff, after a short pause, Pete Williams said again:

"I think this is a good thing for Hunter. Setbacks always make people grow."

Adams sighed: "Yes, young people still have room to grow."

Then he told Williams: "I'm going to quit the national team."

Williams' eyes widened.

"What's that look on your face?" Adams asked. "I'm thirty-five years old. I've decided to devote the rest of my time and energy to the club - isn't that normal?"

"No...no..." Williams shook his head, "I just think...that this game turned out to be your last game with the national team. It's really a bit...regrettable."

Adams didn't care about this: "This is not something I can decide. Do you think that even if the boss resigns, can an old player like me still stay in the team and expect the new head coach to recruit me into the team again?"

Williams sighed softly.

Adams is right.

One emperor and one courtier.

Even he himself is not sure whether he can still stay in the England national team.

The reason why he can serve as the main core of this team is because the head coach Ryan Jackson trusts him and appreciates him very much. After all, he was his head coach in the national youth team.

However, in the past few years when Ryan Jackson has been the team's head coach, England has not been able to win championship honors.

He, the core of the team, is obviously unqualified.

He doesn't know who will become the team's new coach next, but if the new coach wants to overthrow the existing framework, then he may be used for surgery...

He can't even control his own destiny, yet he still worries about Adams... How ironic!

Williams was no longer interested in chatting with Adams. He lowered his head and ate his breakfast in silence.

The same is true for Adams opposite him.

There was only the sound of clinking knives and forks against porcelain plates in the restaurant, and almost no one was talking.

After finishing this meal, they will pack their bags, leave the hotel, and board the plane home.

But I'm afraid no one is willing to go home and face the media and the raging anger of the fans.

When they were eliminated four years ago, they still had Wang Guangwei as a shield.

But this time, in the 0:6 defeat, from the score to the scene, they were completely suppressed by the Chinese team.

Without any reason or excuse, they must face the anger of England.

With the level of development of the English media, one can imagine what kind of public attack and pressure they will suffer...

This chapter has been completed!
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