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Chapter 2164 'No Man's Land'

 The Shanhai Stadium, which can accommodate 80,000 people, is already packed, and there are still a large number of fans without tickets waiting outside the stadium.

Waiting for someone to refund the ticket.

Even if no one refunds the check, they are unwilling to leave.

This is a historic moment for Chinese football. At this time, everyone wants to get as close to the center of history as possible.

This will give them a strong sense of participation.

Han Shuyu and Li Qingliang are among the lucky ones who have tickets.

They were indeed lucky because tickets to the semi-finals were hard to come by.

The reason why they were able to get the tickets was because a sponsor provided them with tickets. In addition to providing them with tickets, the sponsor also provided them with monetary rewards and required them to promote the sponsorship while filming a VLOG about watching the game.


Han Shuyu and Li Qingliang have graduated from college a long time ago. Now they are no longer just shooting football videos out of love. This is actually their job.

They set up a studio for two people.

Han Shuyu is also the host and photographer, while Li Qingliang is the photographer and post-production staff.

Without this level of status, it would be extremely difficult to watch the Chinese team's semi-finals live - in the games before the semi-finals, they could still get tickets through connections or using their "money power".

But starting from the semi-finals, Chinese football has officially entered a field that has never been involved before. This game is writing new history every minute, and tickets have been sold at sky-high prices.

No matter how much Han Shuyu and Li Qingliang borrow favors from each other, it won't work. Their "money power" is far from enough at this moment.

A regular ticket can cost more than 100,000, and box tickets are even more expensive.

After Li Qingliang finished taking the empty shots and turned off the machine, Han Shuyu said with emotion to the crowded stands: "Oh, we have been shooting football watching VLOGs for so many years. How much money we have made is really nothing. But I feel like today we two

Being able to stand in the stands of the semi-finals is the best reward!"

Li Qingliang also felt that it was an honor to be able to stand at the crossroads of history: "Indeed, this will make me proud for the rest of my life!"

Han Shuyu joked: "Be confident, Lao Li. The good times have just begun. There are still many things that will last us a lifetime!"

Then she started to complain about South Korea: "It's awesome... We reached the semi-finals, and their media even said, 'Congratulations to the Chinese team for becoming the second Asian team to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup'... Oh my god! They

You still have the nerve to mention this! Damn it! Just because of this, I was disgusted for two days!"

The Chinese team defeated England and reached the semi-finals. Everyone on the Chinese Internet was celebrating. Everyone said that the Chinese team had entered a brand new field.

This is of course a self-pleasure move by Chinese fans.

But the Koreans wanted to get involved. Some bad guys translated the remarks on the Chinese Internet and posted them on the Korean Internet, which attracted a group of Korean fans to show off their sense of superiority:

"Chinese football: This is a new area that no one has set foot in! Korean football: Who? Who is talking?"

"Chinese fans: We are the first Asian team besides South Korea to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup!"

"Chinese fans: Map of Asia, but without Korea"

"The Chinese team has reached the semi-finals of the World Cup? It's really pitiful. They will always be the second best."

If it were just Korean fans making fun of me, the Korean media would also join in.

Then came the news that made Han Shuyu feel physically unwell for two days.

"Congratulations to the Chinese team for becoming the second Asian team to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup!"

The Korean media really reported this in a very official and formal tone.

The question is how did the South Korean team become the semi-finalists of the World Cup? The whole world knows that, from fans to official media, they actually have the nerve to show it off as a very honorable thing and show it off everywhere.

Moreover, they compare the fact that the Chinese team reached the semi-finals with their semi-finals. It seems that the Chinese team's semi-finals and their semi-finals are the same thing.

But is it really the same thing?

Can the top four who were obtained in a clean and honest manner and the top four who were obtained through various crooked means be the same thing?

Bangzi's actions simply insulted the Chinese team and Chinese fans.

If the Chinese fans accept and approve of the forced binding of the Chinese team to the Chinese team, it will be equivalent to letting the stick whitewash their top four, or it will appear that the top four of the Chinese team are not from the right origin...

Who can bear this?

"It's okay." Li Qingliang comforted Han Shuyu, "After today, we will be number one in Asia."

Han Shuyu's eyes widened: "Eh? Lao Li, this doesn't look like you..."

In the World Cup 32 years ago, the South Korean team reached the semi-finals by virtue of its "home field advantage". The final result was the third place, which is also the fourth place.

Now the Chinese team has reached the semi-finals. Even if they lose in the semi-finals, they have tied South Korea's "best record of an Asian team in the World Cup".

Li Qingliang said that the Chinese team can become the number one in Asia, which means that he believes that the Chinese team can definitely defeat the Brazilian team today.

After all, if you lose to the Brazilian team, you still have to participate in the third or fourth place finals. What if you are also the runner-up?

With such a vow, there is only one possibility.

The reason why Han Shuyu was surprised was that in her impression, Li Qingliang would not "lose his character" so early.

Facing Han Shuyu's surprised look, Li Qingliang smiled slightly: "We've reached the semi-finals, are we still thinking about losing and not winning? No matter whether we can do it in the end, it's not illegal to think about it, right?"

Han Shuyu liked what Li Qingliang said very much. She nodded happily: "Yes, yes, that's it! Regardless of the result, we can't lose in terms of momentum!"

While the two were talking, a song was played on the stadium radio, and Han Shuyu started laughing as soon as he heard it.

In the chorus part, she simply sang loudly together with all the fans:

"...Today is a good day! Everything you want can come true! Today is a good day..."


When all the players of the Chinese team, wearing uniforms, filed out of the hotel door and walked towards the red bus with a golden dragon pattern on it, the Chinese fans who had been waiting at the scene for a long time burst into loud cheers.

The hotel staff also lined up at the door to see off the players.

"Team China! Come on!"

"Team China! Come on!"

Every Chinese player will wave to the surrounding fans before boarding the bus.

As they moved, the decibel level of the cheers rose and fell like a tidal wave.

Twenty-six Chinese players, many of them got on the bus.

Including Zhang Qinghuan, who was not included in the game squad due to injury.

When Zhang Qinghuan appeared, the cheers were mixed with screams.

The CCTV cameraman also quickly increased the focal length and took a close-up shot.

Zhang Qinghuan in the camera is wearing the same navy blue suit as his teammates. On the left chest is the dragon and auspicious cloud logo of the Chinese men's football national team.

Although he was unable to participate in this semi-final, there was no trace of frustration or loss on his expression.

In the face of those screaming and cheering, he still waved gracefully with a charming smile on his face.

After all the players and coaches got on the bus, the door slowly closed, the lights flashed twice, and then slowly started. The bus full of the Chinese team that made history left amidst shouts, shutter sounds and applause.

Got to the hotel.

With this scene in mind, the CCTV reporter reporting on the scene roared and reported to the studio behind:

"The national football bus has set off! From this moment on, Chinese football has entered a 'no man's land' that has never been set foot in before! Without previous experience, no one knows what is waiting for us in the unknown front! We are the World Cup

The only team among the top four that has not played in the semifinals... But as the national team coach Qin said, a blank sheet of paper is easy to draw on! Inexperience also means that you will not be bound by old experience.

, let us look forward to these young men drawing a grand blueprint for us on a white paper!"


"...A blank piece of paper is easy to draw on! Well said!"

In the studio behind, Yan Kang, who was replaced by Li Qingqing as the live commentator, sighed with emotion.

"This sentence reflects the confidence and determination of Coach Qin. For him and his team, the World Cup semi-finals, which they have never touched before, are not a fearful 'no man's land'. It is a blank sheet of paper.

, with unlimited possibilities. Originally, we had been worried before the game whether the Chinese team would be able to perform at a normal level against the defending champion. After listening to Coach Qin’s words, I personally am still full of confidence in the team’s performance in the game.

Yes, I also believe that these young men will not let us down!"

In July, at eight o'clock in the evening in Jincheng, it had just turned dark, and there were still some colorful clouds in the western sky.

In Laiqing Football Park, an eleven-a-side standard football field of Anton Flash Star Football Club, a giant white curtain is hung on the barbed wire wall, and two huge speakers stand on both sides of the curtain.

Rows of plastic chairs are placed on green artificial turf.

Now all the seats are filled with people.

These people include not only fans wearing Chinese team jerseys, but also maids wearing home clothes. They are waving fans in their hands and chatting with their neighbors about their family affairs before the game starts.

Which vegetable market's ribs are fifty cents cheaper, which supermarket has another discount, which family's children have been admitted to key middle schools, which family's men and women quarreled...

Yan Yan and Chu Yifan, along with the club staff, were distributing mineral water to the neighbors who came to watch the game.

Behind the "auditorium", there are two huge electric fans, which extract the cold air from the water tank behind the fans and continuously transport it to the auditorium in front, bringing everyone the slightest coolness.

All the plastic chairs were occupied, and there were still many people who had no place to sit. They simply brought outdoor folding chairs from home, so that a standard football field was completely packed.

Next to this 11-a-side football field, there is a seven-a-side football field. Before the game starts, many children are running and playing on it chasing the football.

The scene cut from the rear studio to the Shanhai Stadium, where live music was playing.

"...Today is a good day. Everything you want can come true! Today is a good day..."

The singing coming from the distant Shanhai Stadium was mixed with the noisy people in Laiqing Football Park, as well as the laughter and screams of children chasing footballs nearby.

It's like actually being at the game.

This chapter has been completed!
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