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Chapter 7 Flash Star's First Training

 Hu Lai, Qin Lin, and Xu Wentao, under the leadership of team captain Li Tielin, met collectively with his new teammates.

Captain Li Tielin is responsible for introducing each player to the three new players, including the two foreign players in the team.

When they walked up to a person, Qin Lin was still shaking hands with the person, and someone suddenly walked up and stared at Hu Lai and said, "We meet again, Hu Lai."

Hu Lai asked with a confused look: "Sorry, are you..."

Captain Li Tielin, who was standing nearby, quickly came up and introduced: "Oh, this is Wang Guangwei..."

"Holy shit?" Hu Lai exclaimed, then looked at the energetic young man across from him and blurted out the question in his mind: "Where is your big back?"

"Big back hair?" Even captain Li Tielin cast a strange look on the top of Wang Guangwei's head - from the first time he saw Wang Guangwei, this kid has always had this hairstyle and has never seen him change it. Even

...Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that I have never seen my hair grow longer...

Not to mention Li Tielin, everyone else in the locker room looked at Wang Guangwei strangely after hearing Hu Lai's exclamation.

Everyone in the team feels that the short-cut hairstyle is Wang Guangwei's default hairstyle, and everyone is used to seeing Wang Guangwei in this image.

Now I heard Hu Lai say that Wang Guangwei also has a slicked back hair, and immediately everyone's mind came to the image of Wang Guangwei with a slicked back hairstyle.

Then they all shook their heads - they really couldn't imagine Wang Guangwei, a young man with a mature slicked back hair...

When Hu Lai said this, the expression on Wang Guangwei's face was a little unnatural. He didn't expect that almost three years had passed, and this kid still remembered that incident.

But in front of everyone, he still said honestly: "I cut it. I cut my hair like this after that game."

Hu Lai was quite happy when he heard this: "Did you really listen to my advice? Look, from now on, no one can mess up your hair in competitions!"

Li Tielin was even more surprised. He asked Wang Guangwei: "What's going on, Guangwei? Why did you mess up your hair?"

When Wang Guangwei saw everyone in the locker room looking at him expectantly, including big bosses like Qin Lin who had just joined the team, he had no choice but to explain the grudges between him and Hu Lai.


"...That's what happened. After that game, I cut off my hair."

After Wang Guangwei finished speaking, Shi Junde whistled beside him: "Damn, you're going to shave off your will!"

Others turned their attention to Hu Lai.

Of the three players who joined the team this time, everyone is naturally the most familiar with Qin Lin. After all, he is the most famous. As for Xu Wentao, as a Chinese League One player, everyone has also played against each other before. Hu Lai is the only one who knows him well.

It's really not much.

No one knows why the club bought him.

But now from Wang Guangwei's narration, everyone finally has a preliminary understanding of Hu Lai.

Unexpectedly, this new aid and Wang Guangwei had such a... bad relationship.

What surprised everyone even more was that Wang Guangwei, who was considered the most likely to become a professional player in high school, actually stumbled in front of a freshman in high school...

As his teammates, everyone knows what level Wang Guangwei is now. At a young age, he occasionally came to the first team to participate in training last season, and he also had the experience of four substitute appearances. This season he was

Officially transferred to the first team, some local media in Anton believe that Wang Guangwei has outstanding talent and will become a first-class central defender in the future.

And such a person would actually score a goal by the person he was guarding while defending closely...

If Wang Guangwei hadn't admitted it himself, no one would have believed it.

Of course, Wang Guangwei is no longer the young high school player he was back then, but the problem is that Hu Lai is no longer the freshman in high school. He went to the Poseidon Youth Team of the Chinese Super League to receive training for a year and a half, and before that

Everyone agrees that the youth training level of Poseidon Club is first-rate in the country. Hu Lai, who has been training here for a year and a half, will obviously not make any progress, right?

The way some people looked at Hu Lai changed.

For example, the players on the front line.

Originally, they didn't take Hu Lai seriously and didn't regard him as their competitor.

Now that Wang Guangwei has said this... he is somewhat concerned.

Qin Lin's eyes towards Hu Lai also changed, but it was not because he regarded Hu Lai as a competitor.

But after listening to Wang Guangwei's story, he thought that from yesterday's welcome ceremony to now, this young man has given him too many unexpected things...

Whose first thought after coming on the field is not to play well, but to play with the opponent's captain's hair?


After meeting with all his teammates, captain Li Tielin assigned the team's locker to them. The three of them can put some of their daily items in this locker to avoid bringing them every time.


And everyone puts different things in the cabinet. For example, some people pay more attention to maintenance and put some skin cream, sunscreen, etc.

Some people care about their image, so they put mirrors, combs, hairspray, and perfume. Some people may think that the players' locker room seems to be filled with the smell of sneakers, socks, and feet. But in fact, it may be the opposite. The most common smell here is

Various scents of shampoo, shower gel and perfume...

Some people will put some weird things, such as their own lucky coins and amulets.

Some people also post photos of their family members inside the locker. When they open the door every day and sort out the items, they can see them and gain strength from them...

For example, Qin Lin put photos of him, his wife and children on the inside of the cabinet door with transparent tape. Although he is from Andong, his wife is an international student he met when he was studying abroad in Europe. She is from Lingnan, Nanling Province.

.So after returning to China, he joined the South China Tigers of Lingnan.

He settled down in Lingnan, got married and had children.

Although he has transferred back to his hometown, his wife and children are still in Lingnan due to issues such as his children's education. Without being able to see his family, he can only use photos to show them off.

Hu Lai's cabinet is very simple. He has no special beliefs or superstitions. He doesn't like to take care of himself and spray perfume on himself.

So he only kept a bottle of shampoo in his cabinet - for taking a shower and washing his hair in the locker room after training every day.

As for the shower gel…

A straight man of steel, how could he use that thing?

After packing up his locker and changing his clothes, Hu Lai went out to train with his new teammates.

The Chinese league is not played across the New Year like the mainstream European leagues, but one season per natural year. So although the summer transfer window is a holiday in Europe, in domestic football, the league does not stop. It flashes three days later.

The Stars will go to an away game to challenge Tongqi Province Eagle Club.

During the training, Qin Lin quickly became the focus of everyone's attention.

The way he goes all out in training makes it impossible to tell that he is almost forty years old...

As someone who just took a flight from Lingnan to Jincheng two days ago, he didn't show any signs of fatigue at all.

Even Shi Junde, who had been muttering in the locker room before, wisely shut up after seeing Qin Lin's performance.

Everyone remembered what Carlos Reimen said about Qin Lin back then, which was to praise Qin Lin's professional qualities.

Qin Lin has become the focus of everyone's attention and a star player.

Wang Guangwei, who is undergoing defensive training, will always turn his attention to the other side of the training ground every once in a while, where the forwards and midfielders are undergoing offensive training, but unlike other teammates, he does not want to pay attention to Qin Lin's performance.

He looked over there just because Hu Lai was among them.

He doesn't expect to be able to tell Hu Lai's training situation with a quick glance. He can only judge Hu Lai's training situation through his voice - whether the coach will criticize Hu Lai by name.

So far, he has not heard the coach call Hu Lai's name.

Wang Guangwei thinks this should be considered a good performance for Hu Lai, who participated in the team training on the first day, right?


Qin Lin and the other two midfielders were passing the ball back and forth, and while they were passing the ball, the two forwards would turn back at the coach's request. When they ran to the dummy representing the defensive player, they would suddenly turn back.

Enter the restricted area.

At this time, the midfielder holding the ball will have to send a through ball to the forward forward. As for which forward forward the ball is passed to, it completely depends on the observation and judgment of the midfielder holding the ball.

The standards will not be exactly the same for every midfielder, but generally there are some reference standards.

For example, you must not pass the football to a forward who has not retreated enough and then turned back - that would be offside.

It cannot be passed to a forward who has a poor running route after turning back, otherwise the pass is likely to be interrupted.

This kind of offensive training with the ball for forwards and midfielders has three goals. The first is to improve everyone's ability to judge timing. The second is to guide players to learn to use depth and pass through balls when organizing attacks. The third is to improve everyone's ability to judge timing.

The three points are to cultivate the tacit synchronicity of passing and running between players.

For passing players, the timing of passing is very important. For forwards, the timing and route selection of the return run are also very important.

After Qin Lin personally participated in and observed several training sessions on the sidelines, he suddenly discovered something, and he began to focus more on Hu Lai.

In order to ensure that the training is more effective and closer to actual combat, the coaching staff set restrictions before the start of training, requiring that both the midfielder responsible for passing the ball and the forward player running to catch the ball can only touch the ball with two feet at most.

That is to say, once you catch the ball, pass the ball or shoot once, there must be no third touch, otherwise the training will fail and you will have to return to the starting position and start again.

This means that the midfielder cannot hold the football and watch slowly, waiting for the forward to move into position before passing the ball.

Otherwise, it will not have the training effect of improving the ability to judge timing.

Under such conditions, not every pass can be sent out at the right time for the forward to move, nor can it reach the right position every time.

Although when he was with the South China Tigers, due to his position and coaching requirements, he was more like a metronome and was not very responsible for the final pass, but this does not mean that he does not have such ability. Such training requirements require him to be so experienced.

, it is not difficult at all for a veteran whose awareness is much higher than that of other teammates.

But judging the timing is not something he can do well alone. After all, timing is a combination of passing and running, with two parts: passing and running.

He didn't run well and couldn't pass the ball.

After Qin Lin took turns cooperating with many forward players from Flash Star, he discovered that the one who was most in tune with his passing was not the other forwards from Flash Star, but the young man Hu Lai!

His movement, whether in terms of timing or route selection, is almost impeccable.

This feeling is so wonderful that it even makes Qin Lin find it unbelievable - considering Hu Lai's age, he cannot have a lot of experience, so why are his choices always just right?


Outside the training area, Zhao Kangming smiled when he saw Qin Lin passing the football to Hu Lai almost every time whenever Hu Lai and Qin Lin participated in training.

He believed that with Qin Lin's experience and vision, it was impossible not to see the subtle differences between Hu Lai and other forwards.

The pass that was kicked to Hu Lai again and again is proof.

Seeing this scene, the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Whether it is Qin Lin or Xu Wentao, they are both experienced professional players. They have experienced this more than once in their careers when they transfer to a new team and immediately put into training.

But Hu Lai was different. He had been training in the youth team of Poseidon Club before and had no such transfer experience. Zhao Kangming was not sure about his ability to adapt to a strange team and unfamiliar environment.

Even if you know Hu Lai well, you will still be a little worried.

Now, Hu Lai has adapted smoothly to his first training session at Flash Star, and he has performed to his normal level.

That's good.

After all...for Hu Lai, performing normally means performing well.

This chapter has been completed!
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