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Chapter 2170 Adjustments to the Brazilian Team

 When Kabangka walked into the locker room, he slapped the door of the locker room hard.

The noise he created attracted the attention of all his teammates.

Everyone looked at him.

In full view of everyone, he asked loudly:

"I know there will be people who don't believe me when I tell you how we felt eight years ago and think I'm exaggerating. So what about now? How do you feel now? If the referee hadn't blown the whistle at the end of the first half in time

, we were almost defeated by the Chinese team! After conceding the ball, I said the key is that we have to respond! So is this our response? Being beaten by the Chinese team, we can only shrink into our own half, and then go to

God pray?!”

Facing the captain's series of questions, everyone was speechless.

After conceding the goal in the first half, their performance was indeed poor.

It was thirty-five minutes when Xia Xiaoyu scored, and it was fifty-one minutes when the referee blew the whistle to end the first half.

In 16 minutes, the Brazilian team only had two shots, and these two shots did not hit the goal frame. The other time, the Chinese team was pressed in their own half and beaten.

Even if you put aside the grudges between the Chinese team and Brazil, just looking at this incident will feel very abnormal.

Brazil team!

Seven-star Brazil!

Defending champion!

For more than ten minutes, he was completely at a disadvantage!

Can you believe it?

A team that can suppress Brazil like this should be one of the top five teams in the world, right?

It has to be archrival Argentina, right?

Or will we be Germany, our lifelong enemy?

Otherwise, it has to be the "golden generation" Spain in the 2026 World Cup, right?


It is the Chinese team ranked 20th in the world!

Even if this team has the host advantage bonus, shouldn't it be so unbelievable?

"So, do some people still think that it is impossible for us to be overwhelmed by the Chinese team? Some people think that we were not lucky to qualify in the group eight years ago? Do some people still think that I just made up a story for you?"

After repeated rhetorical questions, Kabangka walked back to his seat and began to change clothes.

He stopped talking.

But his silence was more deafening than his questioning just now.

Everyone is considering the last ten minutes of the first half and thinking carefully about every word the captain said.

The locker room, which was always inseparable from music and samba, became very quiet.

Netolela once again thought of what the captain said before - I'm sorry that he kept thinking of the captain's words today, because it really felt like déjà vu.

He remembered the captain saying that after that game eight years ago, the Brazilian team, which had advanced to the knockout rounds as the first in the group, returned to the locker room but no one celebrated.

At that time, many young players, including Nettorella, felt it was unbelievable and could not imagine such a scene at all.

But now, without their imagination, they seem to have traveled through time and space and are in that scene!


Pedro Garcia heard no sound coming from the locker room outside the locker room, so he decided to show up.

It's not that he's afraid of embarrassment.

Mainly to give the players a chance to reflect, if he had just finished speaking in Kabangka, he would immediately appear in the locker room.

Then all the team members' attention will be attracted by him, and I'm afraid not a few people will seriously think about and feel what Kabangka just said.

Garcia thinks what Cabonca said is right, and he also supports the team's captain to stand up and perform the captain's duties at this time - scolding the players is not something that only the head coach can do.

Now that Kabunca has criticized the player, there is no need for Garcia to continue to hold on to him.

After entering the locker room, he really attracted the attention and attention of the entire team.

Under their gaze, Garcia did not speak, but turned around and began to draw the lineups of both sides on the whiteboard.

The Chinese team’s 4222 and the Brazilian team’s 433.

After drawing this, he turned around and said to his players: "There are still forty-five minutes in the game, and we can do a lot of things to change the result. Just being behind by one goal is not the end of the world. Now, we have to make adjustments.


Having said this, Garcia looked at Netolera: "Almeida."

Almeida Netolella, whose name was called, watched the head coach turn around and erase his name on the whiteboard...

His eyes widened, thinking that the head coach was going to replace him!

Fortunately, he saw the head coach re-write his name next to the Chinese team's "Hu Lai".

After finishing writing, Garcia turned back and looked at Netolera and said: "You have strong defensive ability. In the second half, your position is further back than the midfielder, almost standing in the central defender position. Tangle Hu and make sure

Cut off the connection between him and other Chinese team players, do you understand?"

Netolera nodded reflexively.

It was only after he nodded that he realized - are you asking me to play as a central defender?

Such a question just flashed through his mind, and coach Garcia had already answered it for him:

"It doesn't mean you have to be a centre-back, because Hu also has a wide range of movement. He is not fixed in the penalty area and neither will you."

After the explanation, Garcia wrote the name of Cardoso Tonini next to midfielder Gonçalves, and at the same time erased the names of forward Gabriel Blau and Lesinho.

Then re-write Lesinho's name next to Reynaldo Lima.

After doing this, Garcia turned around and looked at his players and said: "Cardoso, you come on in the second half and play as a defensive midfielder."

Tonyny nodded in understanding.

Because Netolera is responsible for guarding Hulay, the original defensive midfielder position is inevitably empty. It is really not safe to rely on Gonçalves alone.

So Garcia decided to ask Toni to cooperate with Gonsalves to strengthen the defense in the midfield.

Tonini was originally a left midfielder and left winger, but as he grew older, his position gradually dropped back.

In the past year, he was transformed into a central midfielder by the Madrid Pirates and also has certain defensive abilities.

And more importantly, letting Tonini play can not only make up for the defense in the midfield, but also increase the offensive ability during the transition between offense and defense.

Although Gonsalves is also a midfielder with both offense and defense, in terms of offensive attributes, Toni is obviously better.

This is one of the plans that Garcia prepared before the game:

If the Brazilian team lags behind the Chinese team in the game, how can it further curb the Chinese team's offense, especially when marking Hulay, while also strengthening the Brazilian team's offense and striving to equalize the score?

The answer given by Garcia is to let Netolera specifically defend Jule, while letting Tonini, who has good offensive attributes, play as a defensive midfielder.

The Brazilian team went from the opening 433 to 41,212.

Gabriel Blau, the left winger who was sacrificed, was a little unhappy, but he did not express his emotions when facing head coach Garcia.

After all, the team is lagging behind now and must make adjustments.

To make adjustments, someone has to make sacrifices.

If his sacrifice allows the team to reach the finals, then he is willing to accept this result.

"...When we attack, we need to be simple and direct. Don't deal with them in the midfield, and don't get caught up in their close combat in the midfield and frontcourt..."

Garcia didn't notice Blau's mood, or even if he did, he didn't care. He had more important things to do.

In the last ten minutes of the first half, why was the Brazilian team so embarrassed? It was because the Chinese team adopted a very exaggerated high-position press.

It became difficult to grab the ball from the Brazilian players.

Yes, it can make it difficult for Brazilian players who are known for their footwork skills to hit the ball. You can imagine how exaggerated the Chinese team's high-position pressing is - even players like Hulay are like mad dogs on every ball.

The ball runs back and forth between Brazilian players.

The Chinese team relies on high morale and tacit cooperation to ensure that it can form a siege of two to three people every time.

What should I do if I really can’t grab it?

Foul, decisive foul.

In response to the situation of the Chinese team, Garcia's current strategy is to abandon the delicate playing style of Brazilian football and play more simply and directly.

Finally, Garcia said loudly: "Look down at your chests. How many stars are there? Seven! Brazil has never missed the World Cup and is the team with the most World Cup titles on the planet! The genes of the World Cup are flowing in us.

In the blood! When facing failure, everyone can find various reasons for themselves. But we can’t! Because we are Brazil! In the last two World Cups, we have reached the finals. The semi-finals are other

The team's highest goal is only Brazil's lowest limit! We raise our heads and let our opponents and the whole world figure out one thing in the second half - why only Brazil can have seven gold stars tattooed on its chest!"


"Well done! Well done to you!"

As soon as he returned to the locker room, the Chinese team's head coach Qin Lin loudly praised the players' performance.

"If there were two more minutes of stoppage time in the first half, I believe we could have led Brazil by two goals in the first half! But although we failed to score, you still did a good job!"

After scoring in the first half, the Chinese team completely suppressed the Brazilian team on the scene.

Not only the fans in the stands were excited to watch, but even the head coach Qin Lin was also infected.

He used exaggerated body language many times to express his emotions on the sidelines.

Seeing Zhou Zijing's high kick, he simply fell to the ground and slapped the turf hard.

Then he stood up and applauded and praised the Chinese team's offensive performance.

It can be seen that he is different from those experienced coaches. Faced with leading the defending champion in the World Cup semi-finals, he cannot be calm and relaxed.

"I believe that during the halftime break, the Brazilian team will definitely make adjustments and they will strengthen their offense. And that's our chance at that time! So we must stick to the way we played in the last ten minutes of the first half and keep playing without stopping.

Put pressure on them!”

After Qin Lin praised his players hard, he continued to encourage them.

"When the Brazilian team attacks, our two wingers must dare to press forward, give full play to their speed advantage, and focus on attacking the space behind them!"

After saying that, Qin Lin turned to look at Hu Lai: "You did a good job in the first half. In the second half, you should continue to expand your running range, disrupt their defense, and create opportunities for your teammates."

Hu Lai nodded and agreed.

Qin Lin wanted him to sacrifice his own goals and create more scoring opportunities for his teammates.

Hu Lai has no opinion on this. As long as it helps the team win, he doesn't really care about things like "single World Cup goal record" and "World Cup consecutive goal record".

In other words, if the system issued a task at this time, Hu Lai would accept it without hesitation if he failed to score a goal in this game and the next game in exchange for the Chinese team winning the World Cup.

Many people always think that since Hu Lai has scored so many goals, he must be very persistent in scoring goals.

This is actually a kind of misunderstanding.

Hu Lai is not obsessed with scoring goals, but is obsessed with scoring Hu Lai - he has never scored goals for himself, regardless of the interests of the team. If a teammate is in a better position than him and has a better opportunity than him, he will not hesitate to score a goal.

The scoring opportunity is given to his teammates. But the problem is... most of the time, his position is better than his teammate's, and his chances are better than his teammate's.

Hu Lai, who accepted Lin Ge's arrangement, opened his system vision, and the locker room was filled with white light - a white chain of light connecting him and his teammates.

Since the opening game of the World Cup, Hu Lai has not stopped using [Lingxi Card].

After the validity period of three games has expired, it will be renewed immediately.

It happens to be the sixth game now, the last game during the validity period of the second batch of [Lingxi Cards].

After finishing this game and reaching the finals, he will try again.

He is not afraid of waste. Anyway, he has accumulated a lot of points in the past four years. He is reluctant to use them in the club, just to save them for the World Cup.

Good steel should be used on the blade.

Not only the [Lingxi Card], Hu Lai also entered the virtual locker room and confirmed again that the three [World Wave Experience Cards] were still lying there.

He now has three [World Wave Experience Cards] worth one million points, which he prepared for the remaining two games.

If the semi-finals don't go well, he will use one first to ensure that the team can reach the finals.

When they reach the finals, there are still two [World Wave Experience Cards]. Regardless of whether the opponent is Melli or Albertazzi, this is the "surprise" prepared for them.

Regarding cheating, Hu Lai, who has been cheating for fifteen years, has no psychological burden at all.

He also doesn’t care about the moral question of whether winning the World Cup by cheating counts as cheating.

Anyway, no one in the world except him knows that he cheated. The whole world will only know that the Chinese team won the World Cup and made history.

As long as he doesn't say anything, there's no cheating!

After Qin Lin arranged the tactical adjustments for the second half, he mobilized his players for the last time:

"Although we have made history in Chinese football by reaching the semi-finals, we can continue to make history! Don't stop, move forward, keep moving forward!"

This chapter has been completed!
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