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Chapter 2228 Overtime

While Zhang Qinghuan walked off the court and enjoyed his own cheers and applause, Qin Lin stayed on the court to give the gathered players a boost:

"Both we and they have physical problems. So the last thirty minutes are actually not a tactical contest, but a pure contest of wills. I believe you in this regard! Because we just tied our opponents!"

In terms of mental will, we will definitely not lose to them! Moreover, they are the side that was equalized, and their morale has been hit even more! So for the next overtime game, you must be confident that we will win!"

Indeed, as he said, overtime often has nothing to do with the head coach's tactical arrangements, or even the players' technical abilities.

It is only closely related to the mental quality and willpower of the players.

Because everyone's physical fitness has bottomed out, under such circumstances, no matter how sophisticated the tactics designed by the head coach are, the players on the field lack physical fitness and cannot execute them.

Overly complicated tactics are meaningless. It is better to tell the players to "defend and counterattack" and "rush and attack", which is more practical.


The Argentine players also gathered around to listen to coach Feisol cheering them on.

"Forget the 90 minutes of the game that just ended, just pretend that the score is 0:0 now. Our previous performance against them has nothing to do with the following overtime! Next is a game that only needs to be played for 30 minutes.

A game that can determine the winner! This is their home court, and they will definitely attack us in the next overtime. All we have to do is withstand their attack, and then wait for an opportunity to counterattack!"

Then Feisol looked at Melly:

"Merry, it's the same as before, don't go back on defense! Don't go back on defense! Use all your strength in counterattack!"

When he said this, Melly was sitting on the ground receiving a massage from the team's physical therapist.

He nodded: "I will."


The television broadcast switched back and forth between the two teams preparing for overtime.

The physical therapy teams from both sides were rushing to massage and relax their players.

The players also took the time to rest.

Because after the regular game time, both teams cannot return to the locker room to rest like halftime.

They made simple adjustments directly on the field.

Every second now is precious.

"...Whether it is the Chinese team or the Argentine team, every player looks very tired. The ultimate battle of the China World Cup has also come to a more tragic part! The thirty-minute overtime, for the players who fought hard for the whole game

For the players on both sides of the game, it is simply torture! But even this kind of torture is better than losing the game in ninety minutes!"

"... Hu's countdown at the last minute gave the Chinese team a chance to play overtime. When he scored, the entire Workers' Stadium was like a violent erupting crater, and the Chinese fans shouted at the loudest volume.

They cheered to celebrate this miracle. But now when they calm down, they have to face a realistic and cruel question - with their physical fitness, can they survive the thirty minutes of overtime?"

"The physical fitness of the Chinese team players has dropped significantly, but Argentina is not much better! The high pressure in the first half made them consume too much energy. They may not have an advantage over the Chinese team in overtime! And the morale of the Chinese team

Even higher! When the game goes like this, morale is more important than strength!"

"No matter what the final result of this game is, who wins or loses, the goals scored by Melly and Hu in the 97th minute and 102nd minute have pushed this game to a climax. It also made this game a

It was the most exciting and classic final in the history of the World Cup!”


The adjustments and rest before overtime ended quickly, and players from both sides returned to the court.

Before the overtime started, the Chinese team took the lead in making substitutions.

Qin Lin replaced Zhang Qinghuan with Pei Weilin.

In fact, if he had a choice, Qin Lin didn't want to use the extra substitution opportunity given in overtime so early.

But on the one hand, Zhang Qinghuan was injured and could not continue to play, so he had to change.

On the other hand, after being scored by Melli, he was eager to equalize the score and made a desperate substitution. If he does not adjust immediately, he will easily be defeated by Argentina when overtime begins.

According to the rules, there are three substitution opportunities in regular matches, with a total of five substitutions.

Substitutions during halftime do not take up these three substitution opportunities.

If these five substitutions and three opportunities are not used up during regular game time, it can be postponed to overtime.

There is an additional substitution opportunity and quota in overtime.

But Qin Lin has used up three substitution opportunities in regular time, although he did not make enough substitutions for five people.

He only had one substitution opportunity in overtime.

In fact, he can also substitute two people at once in this substitution opportunity, using up all the substitution quotas.

But Qin Lin didn't do that.

The main reason is that there is no more suitable substitution candidate, so it is better not to make any substitutions and just stick to the lineup on the field.

After replacing Pei Weilin, the young central defender switched to the defensive midfielder position and stood with Xia Xiaoyu.

Luo Kai, who had temporarily stepped up to play forward, returned to the left midfield position - the right midfielder was left to Xue Ming, and Luo Kai, who could play left or right foot, moved to the left midfielder position.

He usually switches positions with Chen Xingyi during games, so there is nothing uncomfortable about letting him play as a left midfielder.

Peng Weijun, who originally played as a left midfielder, retreated to the left back position.

Right center back Wang Dong was moved to the right back position - as a versatile player at the back, he could have been qualified for this position, and it was not considered a temporary guest appearance.

In this way, the Chinese team's formation changed from the previous 343 to 442.

This was also an adjustment Qin Lin considered for the balance of offense and defense after equalizing the score.

The Chinese team used up the only substitution opportunity at the beginning, while Argentina made no movement. Feisol did not intend to use the extra substitution opportunity at the beginning of overtime.

Compared with the Chinese team, Argentina's bench is thicker and it can have more backup players.

He plans to wait until overtime begins and then decide whether and what kind of adjustments to make based on the actual situation.


There was also a side-picking ceremony before the start of overtime.

This time Wang Guangwei succeeded in reaching the World Cup, but he didn't guess the result.

Merry guessed the coin and claimed the right to kick off the ball.

Wang Guangwei got the right to choose sides. He didn't really change sides, but continued the previous half.

After all the players from both teams were in place, the television broadcast camera gave a close-up shot of each of the core figures of the two teams.

In the camera, Melli is standing in the center circle with a football at his feet.

Although he still plays as an attacking midfielder on the court, if he is the one to kick off the ball, there will probably be no objections from the Argentine team.

Melli, standing in the center circle, stared forward at the Chinese team's goal.

That was his ultimate goal in these thirty minutes of overtime.

Then a close-up shot cuts to Hu Lai.

He stood at the junction of the center circle and the center line, looking down at his feet, as if confirming the position of his feet.

Then he raised his head and glanced at Merry, who was right in front of him.

Then he turned his head towards Argentina's half and looked towards Argentina's goal.

The third shot switches at this moment.

In the close-up picture, Melly is looking sideways to the camera, looking to the left of his own camera. Behind him is Hu Lai, who is facing the camera. He turns to look to the right of the camera.

The bodies of the two people are almost overlapping, and only the heads facing different directions distinguish them.

This shot lasted only two seconds before cutting to a long shot of the main shot from the main stand.

Then, a crisp whistle sounded!

"With the referee's whistle, the overtime of this final officially started! After 103 minutes of fierce battle, the Chinese team and the Argentine team tied 3:3 in the regular time of the final. The next three games

A ten-minute overtime test! During the previous regular time, the players from both teams have told us that anything is possible in this final, and nothing that happens is surprising!"


Melly turned around, passed the football to his teammates in the backcourt, and ran to the frontcourt.

When he turned to pass the ball, Hulay also crossed the center line and rushed towards the Argentine midfielder Dino Sosa who was receiving the ball.

In fact, Hu Lai was also very tired. Even after a short rest and physical therapy massage, he could not recover much.

He could only grit his teeth and hold on.

When the game reaches this point, it is really just a test of will and quality.

Those who can't bear hardships and tiredness really only need to find a reason for themselves "I have tried my best and have no regrets" to collapse quickly and never get back up.

Only those who are unwilling to admit defeat regardless of any objective reasons can grit their teeth and persevere at this time despite fatigue, pain and inertia.

When Hulay rushed forward, Sousa turned and passed the football back to goalkeeper Penalva.

This time it was Zhou Zijing who rushed towards Penalva!

He started running forward from Melli, without stopping or paying attention to Sousa. From the beginning, his target was Penalva, the deepest goalkeeper in Argentina's formation.

If Sosa doesn't pass the ball to Penalva, then his trip was in vain.

But it doesn't matter, running is in vain.

If Sousa really passes to Penalva, he must be able to go up and threaten the opponent, and he must not let the opponent calmly control the ball.

What if Penalva is really forced to scramble and make mistakes?

Of course, Zhou Zijing's wishful thinking failed in the end.

But it's not a complete failure.

Because under his pressure, Penalva took the ball with his big foot and used a long pass to kick the football forward.

But the accuracy of such a long pass is difficult to control.

In the end, the ball passed to Grazzini was headed back by Pei Weilin who had just come on!

“Good job!”

As soon as Pei Weilin landed, he heard Wang Guangwei's loud praise coming from behind him. He turned around and saw the captain giving him a thumbs up.

It's really so magical. Pei Weilin, who was still a little nervous at first, really felt like he wasn't breathing so fast when he saw Team Wang's thumbs up and praise...


This chapter has been completed!
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