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Chapter 2234 The game is over!

When Hu Lai scored with an overhead kick, Qin Lin excitedly rushed out from the coaching bench and ran onto the court.

Then he hugged assistant coach Ding Gaoyi and team leader Hong Renjie who rushed up after him.

But their celebration did not last long. Qin Lin was the first to wake up. He pushed the two away and said: "The game is not over yet! There are still a few minutes! Don't be too happy now!"

Hong Renjie was very optimistic: "Da Qin, don't be too nervous, Argentina has been beaten! Look at them, Meili has his hands on his hips and can't even raise his head!"

That's exactly what Merry looks like on the court.

In addition to him, many Argentine players simply lay down on the turf and covered their faces with their hands.

Look at their current performance and compare it with the performance of the Chinese team players after Melli scored in stoppage time. The contrast is obvious.

The Chinese team players quickly cheered up after losing the ball, which is why Hu Lai's goal of the century was achieved in the end.

As for the Argentinian players, who collapsed on the ground one by one, looking dejected, how could they possibly repeat the Chinese team's miracle after the game restarted?

It’s not that Hong Renjie is blindly optimistic.

The contrast is too stark, the scene with the Chinese team happened just over 20 minutes ago.

After seeing such a stark contrast, who can still think that Argentina can make a comeback?

But Qin Lin doesn't think so.

The most important thing about a football match is the "unknown".

No one knows what will happen in the next second.

In the same game, Argentina was tied with Hulay just how long after Melli's quasi-win?

Did the Argentinian players think that Hulay could still tie after Melli scored?

Perhaps in the hearts of team leaders like Hong Renjie, they only think that it was because the Chinese team was all excited and Hu Lai made the final decision that such a miracle was created.

But Qin Lin didn't dare to be so optimistic. He only thought that the Chinese team was lucky.

Luck is hard to say.

I have been very fond of the Chinese team before, but who knows if I will show a smile to Argentina again next time?

So he felt that in the last few minutes, no matter how cautious he was, it was always right.

So he turned around and ran towards the celebrating Chinese team players.

In the eyes of the commentators, that is: "The head coach of the Chinese team, Qin Ben, went to the celebrating players and obviously wanted to celebrate with his players!"

But he went there to give instructions and make arrangements in person.

In fact, there is nothing to arrange.

It is nothing more than warning his players not to get carried away, to guard against stubbornness, to make clean clearances when getting the ball in the backcourt, never to be greedy for the ball, and to be careful of Argentina's high press again...

These are all nonsense.

Everyone understands the truth, so why do some people always make mistakes and take detours?

Because it is easy to make mistakes when executing.

Will the players on the Chinese team make mistakes in their execution?

Qin Lin still believes in his players.

He is just afraid of some accidents.

He didn't know what the accident was specifically - if he knew, could it still be called an accident?

He just wanted to minimize the probability of accidents through his own efforts.

Running to the celebrating Chinese team players, Qin Lin pulled away all the people gathered outside and advanced deeper into the crowd.

It looked like he was looking for Hulay to hug and celebrate the goal.

But when he squeezed in, instead of hugging Hu Lai, he clenched his fists and said to them:

"The game is not over yet! Let's calm down first! Withstand Argentina's final offensive! You must not make mistakes at this time! I know you are all exhausted, and you are all relying on that tone! So after this goal, thousands of people

Don’t vent your anger! Grit your teeth and hold on! No one is allowed to slip up at this critical moment! Do you hear me!”

As the last real big boss of Chinese football, Qin Lin's style of getting along with the players is more like a big brother taking care of the younger ones even after he became the head coach, and he often has a "command" tone when speaking.

But the players of the Chinese team recognize this because it makes them feel friendly.

They all call Qin Lin "Brother Lin" in private, instead of the official name of "Director Qin".

So after Qin Lin gave them instructions in a big brother tone, none of these excited Chinese team players took it seriously. They all calmed down and replied loudly: "I heard you!!"

Qin Lin was very satisfied with the attitude of the players, and then he hugged Hu Lai who scored the goal, and hugged the biggest hero with his arms.

But he didn't praise him, but said: "You kid!"

All the feelings are contained in the strong arms and these three words.

He still remembers the first time he met Hu Lai. At the press conference for him to join his hometown team Anton Shining Stars, the kid said in front of his face that he grew up watching him play...

It seems like just yesterday.

At that time, he was actually a little disheartened about returning to Anton Flash Star.

He felt that his career would end in a first-division team, just like his national team career, which was a huge failure and finally said goodbye in obscurity.

But his fate changed from the moment he met Hu Lai.

He never imagined that he would be able to win the Chinese Super League championship again in the last season of his career.

The most important thing is that he saw hope in spending time with young people like Hu Lai and others, which strengthened his ambition after retirement.

It was the boy in front of him who encouraged him!

This boy is the... noble person in his life!

Qin Lin let go of Hu Lai's hand and raised his hand to ruffle his hair. The degree of intimacy was completely different from that of other national team players.

But no one thought there was anything wrong with this.

Who is so full that he can compete with Hu Lai for favor?

Given Hu Lai's status, is there anything wrong with all the special treatment he enjoys?


After Qin Lin finished his instructions, the Chinese team players on the field ran back to their own half, and the substitute players walked back to the bench.

Despite the instructions from the head coach, the faces of these substitute players were filled with unabashed smiles.

Anyway, it is the players on the field who need to be careful. Those on the bench just need to enjoy the joy.

They know very well that they are only a few minutes away from becoming the World Cup champion in history!

And the Chinese team players who took to the field were trying to stay calm...

Except Hu Lai.

As he walked towards his own half, he seemed to feel that the cheers in the stadium had dropped slightly, so he waved his arms to encourage the fans in the stands to cheer again.

After he did this, the Chinese fans in the stands really cooperated and let out huge cheers.

All the commentators in the commentary box had to raise their voices:

"After Hu Lai scored, the game is not over yet! There should be four minutes left in the game. So we cannot say now that the Chinese team will definitely win the championship, and the Chinese team must not let down their vigilance because of this! Hold on to the last one

Just a few minutes, cheers for the Chinese team!!"

"We still have a chance! Since Hu can tie them in the last three minutes, why can't we tie them in the last four minutes?! Come on! Argentina!!"

"This World Cup final is coming to an end and will also usher in the biggest climax! The Chinese team is currently leading Argentina with a score of 4:3, but considering the 'stories' that happened between the two sides in the last moments of the 90-minute game, I am afraid who will

It’s impossible to really think that the Chinese team has already won, right?”

"I don't know if Argentina will fight back and drag this game into a brutal penalty shootout! It can be said that as long as this is the case, Argentina will have the upper hand in the penalty shootout!"

"Melly Banega! is considered the legal heir to 'Ball King' Igovara. Can he turn the tide and save Argentina in the final stage of the game? In this World Cup, it was his outstanding performance that led the team

Argentina reached the final! This time, if anyone can stand up, it must be Melli!"


Although many people, especially Melli's fans, place all their hopes on the successor to the football championship.

But some physical laws cannot be changed.

After experiencing a high press in the first half, the Argentine team's physical energy was exhausted very quickly.

Otherwise, they would not have been tied 3:3 by the Chinese team and dragged the game into overtime.

If they really have super physical fitness, then they should defeat the Chinese team in regular time. At this time, they are holding the World Cup trophy in their hands and showing it around the field several times.

Rather than still playing overtime with the Chinese team.

They once threatened the Chinese team's goal continuously in overtime and even caused a penalty kick, but that was just a return to the past.

In fact, Hu Lai's goal also belongs to the Chinese team's return to glory.

The only difference between the two sides is that Argentina's rebound failed to turn into a goal, while the Chinese team had Hu Lai, a super efficient shooter, so their rebound eventually turned into a goal and changed the score.

To be fair, Melli is excellent in many places, even better than Hulay. However, he lags behind Hulay in terms of shot conversion rate and goal rate.

This huge gap completely conceals his advantages over Hu Lai in other aspects.

So in this World Cup final, he worked hard and scored two goals.

Hu Lai scored three goals with not many opportunities.

Just one more ball than him.

It was this ball that determined the current mental state of the two of them.

As the team leader, Melly's mental state also affects the entire team.

The must-goal was blocked by the goal line and the penalty kick was saved, which was a heavy blow to the mentality of the Argentine players.

The chicken blood effect disappeared, the recovery phase ended, and huge fatigue overwhelmed them all.

In the remaining few minutes, Argentina failed to organize any threatening offensive. Many players could not run on the court at all and could only stand and play.

Even Melli couldn't use his dribbling to create a threat.

After the restart, Argentinian fans cheered for their team.

But as time passed and they saw that the Argentinian players on the field could no longer pose any threat, their cheers became smaller and smaller.

When the television broadcast cameras swept across the stands, the Argentine fans were not only silent, but many of them even cried.

Because they are in deep despair and know that their dream of world championship is gradually leaving them.

At the same time, loud singing sounded again:

"The five-star red flag flutters in the wind! How loud the victory song is!!"

"Sing our dear motherland! From now on we will be prosperous and strong!!"

During the song, at the 124th minute of the game, when Farias' ball was tackled to the ground by Hulay, the referee blew the whistle.

But he didn't call Hu Lai a foul, but after one whistle, he quickly followed up with the second and third whistle!

"The game is over——!!!" He Feng roared at the top of his lungs, "The game is over!!! We won! We won! The Chinese team! They are the champions! They are the world champions!!!"


PS, the competition is over and this book is coming to an end.

The single update will start tomorrow, thank you all for your company and support along the way! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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