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Chapter 15 The Birth of a Goal

 Hu Lai exchanged 10,000 points for a lucky bracelet before playing. For him, the reason why this game is of great significance is not that it is his first professional game, but only from the record of appearances in professional games.

, he has completely destroyed his father.

But his performance in this game will directly affect whether he can get a chance to play in the future.

He doesn't know if he can score goals if he comes on the field. Although Director Zhao said, there is no need to worry about improving and scoring goals, and there is no pressure.

But how could you really not care?

Obviously, as long as you can score in your first game, you can naturally play more games in the future, otherwise you don't know when the next opportunity will come.

It's like a game. When you miss a chance to score, you may not score again in this game.

Isn’t Lai Zekai a lesson learned from the past?

He said that he almost scored in the first half, and he was right. That was indeed the closest he came to scoring, when his shot missed the far post and flew out of the baseline.

If he can score this goal, even if he is replaced now, he will definitely not stare at Hu Lai's back with unhappy eyes...

As a shooter who can only score goals, Hu Lai is very aware of how hard-won opportunities are. He cherishes them very much and never squanders them.

So in order to ensure that he could still get a chance to play in the next game, Hu Lai would rather spend 10,000 points to add a little luck to himself.

He doesn't use the lucky bracelet in every game, but he must use it in this first game.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but if this end is successfully opened, the road ahead will naturally become wider and wider.


Hu Lai took Lai Zekai's place after coming on the field. When the game restarted, he quickly got into the game.

Actively run, according to tactical requirements, drop back to respond, pass the football to teammates in better positions, and occasionally participate in defense, not only counterattacking in the frontcourt, but also retreating to the penalty area to stand in a defensive position -

—After all, Flash Stars has conceded the second fewest goals so far, and it depends not only on the performance of four defenders and one goalkeeper.

Under such circumstances, it has been almost ten minutes since he came on the court, and he has not yet had a chance to shoot.

When Lai Zekai saw this scene off the court, he couldn't help but sneered - Boy, do you think the professional game is so easy to play? Do you think that if you can score in training, you can score in the game?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt relieved. He leaned back on the bench's chair, crossed his legs, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked as if he was leisurely ready to watch the show.

He remembered that head coach Zhao Kangming had not made adjustments to the forward line this season. He was once moved to the bench. Various personnel combinations and formations were changed again and again. What was the result?

In the end, isn't he the only one who can cooperate with Murphy?

Therefore, he believed that this was just another futile attempt by Zhao Kangming.

After all, Hu Lai is new here, and he failed to catch up with all the previous attempts...


Xie Lan put down his cell phone long ago, stopped recording, and focused on watching the game instead.

Although she couldn't understand it well, for example, every time Flash Star hit the opponent's penalty area and didn't pass the football to Hu Lai, she would complain to herself on the TV screen: "Pass the ball, pass it to Hu Lai."


In her opinion, if the Shining Star players don't pass the ball to Hu Lai, she won't be able to see Hu Lai's wonderful performance. This is the most important thing. As for whether Shining Star can win, she doesn't care at all.

Now just watching her son keep catching the ball, passing the ball, and running around without knowing what he was doing, she felt like a headless fly. Running like this under the bright sun, apart from wasting energy, what's the point?

Unlike Xie Lan, Li Ziqiang, who was watching the live broadcast of the game in his old house, paid more attention to these "meaningless" details of the game.

He saw that Hu Lai rarely let the football stay at his feet for a long time. If his back is facing the direction of attack, he will pass the football sideways or knock it back directly after receiving the ball.


If he gets the ball facing the attacking direction, he won't dribble the ball, but still chooses to pass the ball out.

He would always pass the football and then run as soon as possible, either widening the angle laterally or turning around and running forward. However, his movements may not necessarily result in him catching the ball, because his teammates will not

Always pass the football to him.

Li Ziqiang could see that this was different from the situation when Hu Lai played for the school team for the first time and no one passed the ball to him. The former was because Hu Lai had not been able to win everyone's trust at that time, and some people were more annoying.

Him, that's why no one passed the ball to him.

In Flash Star, Hu Lai sometimes didn't catch the ball because it was inconvenient for his teammates to pass the ball to him, or there were better passing targets than him. Obviously, although this kid just went to New Jersey

The team has been with the team for a week and a half, but he has already won the most basic trust of his teammates through his performance in training...

Regardless of Hu Lai's final performance in this game, Li Ziqiang thinks this is a good sign.

Another thing that concerns Li Ziqiang is that through these game details, he can see Hu Lai's progress in the year and a half since he left the school team.

Since Hu Lai went to the Poseidon Youth Team, he has never watched Hu Lai play football. There are no live broadcasts, broadcasts or video highlights of the Chinese Super League Youth Team games on TV or online.

He didn't know whether Hu Lai could keep up with the requirements of the professional club after joining the echelon of the professional team, and whether he was really training hard and how much progress he had made - when Hu Lai left, he once said to him

, his talent must be manifested by putting in more effort than others.

He was not sure whether Hu Lai listened to what he said. After all, when he played under him, he was always under his eyes and under special "care". Li Ziqiang was worried that Hu Lai's "obedience" was nothing more than "obedience".

Because he has been staring at him, he went to Poseidon Club, which is a professional team. The coach cannot always stare at one person. Without anyone watching him every day, can Hu Lai still consciously and strictly demand himself?

Being able to train seriously has become what Li Ziqiang cares about most.

After watching the game for ten minutes, he came to a preliminary conclusion - in the past year and a half, Hu Lai did not waste his time and talent. He really trained seriously. And he was on the court.

The performance with ease is proof of this.

You must know that this is his first professional game, but whether he is catching or passing the ball, his solid basic skills can be seen.

It seems that Zhao Kangming really took good care of Hu Lai in the Poseidon youth training and gave him special training based on his technical characteristics.

When Hu Lai went to Poseidon, Li Ziqiang was actually a little worried. He was worried that the Poseidon youth team would make trouble for Hu Lai, such as requiring Hu Lai to be an all-around forward, asking him to dribble, pass the ball, organize, and involve others.

Defensively proficient in everything.

That would make Hu Lai useless...

Li Ziqiang didn't care at all whether Hu Lai could score a goal in this game, but it was the details of the game that made him particularly concerned.

In his opinion, Hu Lai is still young, he has just joined this team, and he has plenty of time. Even if he doesn't score in this game, it doesn't matter.

After all, how many people can score in their first career game?

The vast majority of people cannot even look back on their first career game. A mediocre performance is considered a success. As for performing well in the first game, it is rare and requires excellent luck.


Hu Lai saw Wang Guangwei taking the ball in the backcourt from the front. He did not pass the ball to anyone, but pretended to pass the ball long, but suddenly rushed forward with the ball. Two steps later, he passed the ball diagonally to the backcourt to receive the ball.

of George Waters.

Although Waters' back was facing the direction of the attack at this time, and the football was still in his second half, Hu Lai had already begun to move forward. With his move, Kunyang City's central defender also followed him back.


And not only did he move forward, another forward, Macaulay Murphy, also pressed forward, leading the Kunyang City defender back.

At this time, the football has been passed by Waters to the right back Zhang Hao who came in behind.

Kunyang City players came up to defend Zhang Hao and prevent him from dribbling the ball forward.

Zhang Hao passed the football to Qin Lin who came up to help him.

The space for Qin Lin to catch the ball was created by Hu Lai and Murphy pressing forward - because the two forwards of Flashing Star ran forward and took away Kunyang City's defender.

A not too big gap appeared between the central midfielder line.

Seeing Qin Lin receiving the ball, two midfielders from Kunyang City immediately pounced on him. After all, this is the most threatening player in the Stars midfielder. He may no longer be able to adapt to the team's requirements in the Chinese Super League, but playing

There’s still no pressure at all if I’m in the top tier...

Facing the opponent's pressing, Qin Lin did not take the ball more. He first protected the football and then passed the ball back to his midfielder Ma Wenyi.

As soon as Marvin made a slight adjustment, he started to pass the ball diagonally, moving the football to the left side of the court and giving it to the left back Liu Binwei who came in behind.


"Good shot, beautiful move!" shouted the commentator of Anton TV in front of the TV.

In the TV picture, Liu Binwei received the ball and charged forward with the ball, causing Kunyang City's right back to chase after him desperately. The two started a speed competition on the wing.

At the same time, in the middle of the court, Hu Lai, Murphy and Qin Lin were also racing against Kunyang City's defenders.

Three arrows were fired in unison, heading towards the restricted area of ​​Kunyang City.

Among them, Murphy went straight to the front point, while Hu Lai ran to the back point. Qin Lin was a few positions behind them and headed towards the top of the free throw arc at the edge of Kunyang City's penalty area.

The remaining Flash Star players press forward together according to the requirements in training, covering the space left by the attacking teammates after they advance.

In addition, Leng Jinyu did not follow him to the opponent's penalty area, but changed direction and ran towards Liu Binwei to meet him. If Liu Binwei cannot get rid of the opponent's full-back, then he must be prepared to go up and meet him.

However, Liu Binwei had no intention of passing the football to Leng Jinyu. He accelerated and moved the football forward. After briefly throwing away half of his body, he caught up with the football and started to pass directly!

The football drew an arc and flew high to the door of Kunyang City!


The commentator shouted loudly, followed closely by the commentator who frowned.

"Tsk, it's high!"

It was indeed high. Under the close pressure of the opponent's full-back, Liu Binwei's pass was a bit too hard. The result was that Murphy, who was outflanking the front point, could not reach the ball - Murphy did not take off at all, just in the ball.

He looked up and watched the football fly past him.


The Kunyang City center back in front of the goal jumped up and wanted to kick the ball to save the ball. After jumping up, he got the football, but he didn't push the football out of the dangerous area, but just rubbed it.

Apparently he misjudged the height of the ball...

Just like that, the football suddenly fell down and landed right on Hu Lai who was outflanking him!

Zhao Kangming on the coaching bench reflexively raised half of his buttocks, leaned forward, and wanted to jump up, but his arm was grabbed by the assistant coach next to him, Chen Mo, who didn't care to say anything and continued.

You can completely feel his tension in his firm grip.

Li Ziqiang was stunned for a moment in front of the TV, and then his heart was lifted high.

This ball was so unexpectedly hit by the opponent's central defender. It seemed like an opportunity, but because of this accident, Hu Lai was caught off guard...

He stared at the small figure on the TV screen, and could only hope that Hu Lai's ball stop, which he had trained repeatedly, would work exceptionally well...


Hu Lai saw the football suddenly slipping from the head of the opponent's central defender and raised his right foot reflexively. His mind went blank and he was completely unable to think effectively. Muscle memory and instinct drove his body.

The inside of his right foot gently touched the falling football. The force was not too big but not too small. The timing was not too fast and not too slow. It was just right.

The football hit the inside of his foot, and its falling trend suddenly slowed down. In slow motion, it looked like the football was frozen in the air at this second...

At the same time, Hu Lai opened his arms to maintain balance, took a step to the side with his left leg, turned his body sideways, raised his right leg again, and kicked the football!

In front of him is a half-empty goal!

The opponent's goalkeeper is still on his way back...

But he was too late!

The shot was not very powerful. In order to buy time, Hu Lai did not round his right leg to shoot. He made a very ordinary but standard push shot. The inside of his right foot accurately hit the position one finger height below the center of gravity of the football.

The football exerts a forward force.

There was a very slight "bang".

The football flies towards the goal.

After crossing the white goal line, the Kunyang City goalkeeper's yellow-green gloves pounced.

Chen Mo failed to hold Zhao Kangming this time. After Zhao Kangming shook his hands to break away from him, he rushed out with claws and teeth. Chen Mo, who failed to hold him, followed closely and chased him. This time, he was not trying to hold him back.

Zhao Kangming, but for peace and he hugged and celebrated!

Flash Star’s seventeenth goal of the season was born!


ps, please use Hu Lai’s first goal in his career to ask for some monthly votes from everyone!

Thank you very much, everyone!

This chapter has been completed!
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