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Chapter 27 The Genius of the Past

 Anton Shining Star defeated the invading Xiaojiang Lulin 2:1 at their home court. After this battle, their league ranking returned to eleventh place.

In terms of points, they are ten points more than the 16th-ranked Jingyang Shengjing team of Haining Province.

The relegation situation is very good.

Even from this point difference, it cannot be said that the goal of Flash Star is to avoid relegation.

This change all happened when Hu Lai started playing in the team. He has currently played four rounds of league games for the team, including two substitute appearances and two appearances. Flash Star's record is three wins and one loss, and he has won nine points.


It can be said that Hu Lai brought these nine points to the team. The evidence is that in these four games, the Flash Star team scored a total of six goals, and Hu Lai scored four goals.

Flashstar's defense is as good as ever, conceding only two goals in four games, so the ranking has risen so much entirely because the team has improved offensively.

After the game, everyone was in high spirits on the bus returning to the training base from the stadium. Some people sang songs, which were echoed by others.

For a team coach, if he wants to have a good atmosphere within the team, it is actually very simple to just keep winning.

As long as we win, the atmosphere in the team will be great. Everyone is a brother, and there will be no infighting or discord at all.

In fact, everyone understands this truth.

But winning is easier said than done?

After Zhao Kangming came to this team, it took him half a season to gradually find the feeling of coaching the first team. It was not until the arrival of Hu Lai and Qin Lin that he saw hope of solving the team's poor offense.

Qin Lin's dispatching and wonderful passes in the midfield, coupled with Hu Lai's ability to seize opportunities, made the team's current victory seem natural.

Behind this success is the hard work, attempts, and sacrifices of countless people.

For example, Lai Zekai sacrificed his playing opportunities and may even lose his position in the team.

After playing in two consecutive games and scoring a goal, no one will care whether Hulay will be on the roster in the next game. It's like people are worried that a healthy Selius Caesar will not be on the roster.

?Of course not, because as long as the head coach of the team is still in his right mind, it is impossible to remove Caesar from the lineup...


Sitting in the front row of the bus, listening to the players singing and laughing behind them, Zhao Kangming and Chen Mo were in a good mood.

Because they finally found the way forward in the fog.

This is something even more gratifying than these two victories.

In addition to Hu Lai's performance making them happy, Qin Lin was also a signing that surprised them.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect that the 38-year-old Qin Lin could still have such a state and physical fitness. He played the whole game in a row and was still able to run until the last moment of the game. The pursuit at the last moment today was so timely.

, it is hard to believe that this is the performance of a person who is almost forty years old..."

Chen Mo said with emotion.

The timely pursuit he was talking about happened in the penultimate minute of stoppage time in today's game. At that time, Xiao Jiang and Lulin launched a fast break attack. It was Qin Lin who chased back from the midfield and forced the opponent's ball player into the corner.

In the flag area, other Shining Star players were given time to return to defense, otherwise Green Forest might have equalized the score.

This scene attracted cheers from countless fans in the stands. Everyone was impressed by Qin Lin's professional attitude and fighting spirit.

Zhao Kangming is forty-seven years old this year, nine years older than Qin Lin, but he retired at the age of thirty-five. In fact, retirement at this age is already considered late among Chinese players, and many of them retire around the age of thirty-three.


The 35-year-old Qin Lin also led the Lingnan South China Tigers to the Chinese Super League championship as captain.

Zhao Kangming was teammates with Qin Lin for a period of time in the national team, mainly in the 2004 Asian Cup held in China. At that time, they were central defender partners. Qin Lin was still a young man at that time, while Zhao Kangming was already famous.

Long time senior.

In this cup, the two people cooperated tacitly.

Qin Lin will use his speed and technical advantages from time to time to dribble the ball in and participate in the attack.

In the finals, Qin Lin once made such a good show of riding thousands of miles alone, almost breaking the Japanese team's goal.

When he stepped in to participate in the attack, Zhao Kangming was left behind to protect him. The Chinese team's ability to reach the final of the Asian Cup was inseparable from the tacit cooperation of their two central defenders.


Unfortunately, in the World Cup qualifiers a year after the Asian Cup, Zhao Kangming was sent off due to that "stupid red card" as a reporter from a newspaper said. The Chinese team also lost a key game and missed the final top ten.

, and even missed the World Cup finals.

After that game, although Zhao Kangming was only thirty years old, he had basically faded out of the national team. Although he never said anything about retiring from the national team, no matter who became the head coach after that, whether it was a foreign or local coach,

He was drafted.

Qin Lin grew rapidly in the national team and eventually became the well-deserved leader of the Chinese national team.

However, the 2004 Asian Cup runner-up jointly won with Zhao Kangming is still the veteran's best result in the national team...

Speaking of Qin Lin, Zhao Kangming was also a little embarrassed. He said to Chen Mo: "When Dong Wen insisted on signing Qin Lin at first, I was not particularly cold... But now it seems that Dong Wen has done something

This good deal not only increased the value of the team's brand, but also helped us solve the problem of midfield commander. At that time, I still believed that Zhang Qinghuan could turn around..."

When the name Zhang Qinghuan was mentioned, the two people suddenly fell into a slightly awkward silence.

Until Chen Mo sighed and whispered: "Speaking of Zhang Qinghuan, he seems to be coming back from the reserve team..."

The smile that was still on Zhao Kangming's face disappeared, and he snorted hard: "Don't even think about appearing when you come back!"

Seeing Zhao Kangming like this, Chen Mo knew that Zhao was really disappointed with Zhang Qinghuan this time.

But it would probably be like this for anyone else. Zhang Qinghuan... it's too difficult to describe.

As a player in the first team of Flash Stars, Zhang Qinghuan was sent to the reserve team to play for a month. Why?

Because he was caught driving under the influence before this, he was detained administratively for ten days.

And this is not the first time he has drunk driving.

Two years ago, when he was playing football in the capital Tamron, he was on the social news page for drunk driving. It was his first drunk driving at the time, so he did not need to be detained, but the scene where he was blocked by reporters in the office of the traffic police squadron quickly spread throughout the country.

It has aroused heated discussion and attention from everyone across the country.

Why does a player's first drunk driving cause such a big reaction from public opinion?

It's really because Zhang Qinghuan was so famous before. As a talented player trained by the Capital Tenglong Football Club, Zhang Qinghuan had high hopes from countless people. As a midfielder, he is full of aura, exquisite skills, and has a good overall view. Just now, he

When he debuted, he was hailed as "Francis of China" by the media.

Louis Francis, a Frenchman, is currently the world's top midfielder and master organizer, nicknamed "The Grand Commander". He currently plays for the Spanish giant Madrid Kings.

Being able to be called "Francis of China" by the media shows Zhang Qinghuan's strength.

Many fans have pinned their dreams of the rise of Chinese football on Zhang Qinghuan, hoping that he can lead the Chinese team to the World Cup finals in the future.

Zhang Qinghuan is indeed a talented genius, but such geniuses generally have perverse personalities and are difficult to discipline. In sharp contrast to his talent, he is uninhibited and unruly.

After making his debut in the Chinese Super League at the age of seventeen, he played well for two years and then swelled up. He drove his Ferrari 488 around major nightclubs all day long and indulged in the sensual life.

Because he was famous in the capital's nightclub circles, he was later nicknamed "King of Workers' Sports by Mr. Qinghuan". The Workers' Stadium is Tenglong's home ground, but this "King of Workers' Sports" does not mean that Zhang Qinghuan performed well on the court.

Conquered the Workers' Stadium, but refers to the fact that he conquered a circle of nightclubs around the Workers' Stadium, hence his nickname.

As for "Francis of China", no one has mentioned it for a long time...

Against this background, his first drunk driving incident naturally became big news. A super genius who had high hopes in the past has now fallen into the social news. How could he not attract attention?

Watching him confess in front of the camera with a dejected look on his face, vowing never to do it again. I don’t know how many people felt heartbroken for him, and how many people just saw it as a joke...

After the drunk driving hit the social news this time, "Master Qinghuan" has indeed been honest for a while, trained hard, never arrived late or left early, and said goodbye to the nightclub. It seems that he really wants to change his mind and start a new life.

And his performance in the team is also gratifying. He has provided beautiful assists to his teammates many times and scored goals himself. He has once again become the "Francis of China" who is cheered and loved by the fans on the court. This time it seems that he is going to become

The real "king of work sports".

But the good times did not last long. Just when everyone thought that the super genius was back, Zhang Qinghuan returned to his old ways. He was photographed by reporters entering and leaving nightclubs, holding a woman in his arms and getting into his red Ferrari sports car.

What follows is a particularly cliche story, in which a much-anticipated super genius gradually degenerates into an uncontrollable nightclub prince. The media, fans and clubs all lose patience with him. The fans who loved him so much at the beginning,

Later I scolded him as hard as I could.

And the Capital Tenglong Football Club, which trained him and always gave him opportunities and tolerated his repeated mistakes, also lost patience with him.

Finally, during the transfer period at the beginning of this year, Flash Star signed Zhang Qinghuan on a rent-and-buy basis and brought him from the capital to Andong Jincheng.

The person who decided to sign him was Zhao Kangming, who had just become the head coach of Flash Stars.

This coach who is good at training young players feels particularly sorry that Zhang Qinghuan has fallen like this. He hopes to help him return to the right path. After all, Zhang Qinghuan's talent is really incredible. In terms of talent alone, Zhang Qinghuan may be the best player in the country.

,none of them.

But after Zhang Qinghuan came, his performance was no different from his performance in the capital Tenglong. He was honest for a while when he first came, and he did perform well on the court, which seemed to prove that Flash Star had made a good deal. Therefore, Zhao Kangming

Cai was not interested in Qin Lin's arrival because he already had a midfielder. Wouldn't it be a conflict to have another one?

As a result, not long after, after the red Ferrari sports car, which was well-known in the capital's nightclub circles, was consigned to Jincheng, he began to frequent Jincheng's major nightclubs again.

Not to mention being late for training from time to time, even when I arrived at the training ground, I was yawning all day and was out of energy, and my performance on the field was naturally not much better.

Finally, he was caught by the traffic police again for drunk driving.

This second time he was driving drunk, he was not so lucky. He could no longer be fooled by saying a few words of repentance to the camera... He was detained for ten days and his motor vehicle driving license was also revoked.

Before Hu Lai and Qin Lin transferred to Flash Star, this was the biggest news for Flash Star.

It was also because the social repercussions of this news were so bad. In order to dilute everyone's attention on this matter, Chen Jianyu suddenly broke the news about Flash Star signing Qin Lin, the former captain of the Chinese national team. Otherwise, everyone would still be holding on to it.

Don’t let this matter go…

Zhao Kangming had high hopes for Zhang Qinghuan at the beginning, hoping that he could turn around and realize that he had fallen from the traditional strong team of the Chinese Super League to the Chinese League One team. If he didn't work hard to get up, his career would be over...

Moreover, Zhao Kangming is a little arrogant and thinks that he can do things that others cannot do. Other head coaches can't do it with Zhang Qinghuan. How can he, who is good at training young players, do the same?

The results of it……

This is how Zhang Qinghuan repays Zhao Kangming.

Arrested for drunk driving.

Zhao Kangming was slapped hard on the face by Zhang Qinghuan.

After this incident came out, Chen Mo remembered that Dong Wen, the general manager of the club, wanted to bail Zhang Qinghuan out. After all, if this matter was revealed, it would be a scandal for Flash Star and it would not be good for the image of Flash Star Club.

However, Zhao Kangming strongly opposed the club's bail for him, saying that he would stay in the detention center for ten days and not let him out for a minute less.

Just by hearing these words, Chen Mo knew that Old Zhao was really angry.

When facing players, especially young players, he always had a smile on his face and looked at the very kind old Zhao. To be so angry, Chen Mo felt that Zhang Qinghuan was indeed a genius...

The lease-before-buy contract signed between Flash Star and Tenglong does not limit the need to buy out after the loan: after a season of loan, Flash Star can decide whether to activate the buyout clause in the contract based on Zhang Qinghuan's performance during the loan period. If

If you are not satisfied, you can actually return it.

Chen Mo felt that Zhang Qinghuan's arrest for drunk driving should have ruined his future in Flash Star. Neither the club nor the coaching staff would feel the need to spend money on a "negative news generator."

For the Flash Star Club, it was a timely stop loss. For the Tamron Club, they had to deal with the headache of how to deal with this former genius.

As for Zhang Qinghuan himself... Chen Mo doesn't know if he will regret his youth and frivolity when he looks back on his career in the future.

But what does that have to do with him? After being in contact with Zhang Qinghuan for half a season, Chen Mo no longer even has any regrets.

It’s not like there have never been people like Zhang Qinghuan in Chinese professional football before. Even looking at the entire world of football, there is no shortage of such people.

Who knows how much talent these "geniuses" have squandered in their indulgence and willfulness.

This chapter has been completed!
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