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Chapter 72 What do I do with the money?

 That day, my mother started busy in the afternoon and cooked a large table of dishes. It was so rich that Hu Lai felt that he might have leftovers for the next week.

Mom’s explanation for this was “there is more than enough every year.” Hu Lai thought to himself, Mom, have you really brought over all the New Year customs intact?

Does that mean I should be given lucky money when eating?

In the evening, after my father got off work, the family sat around the dining table and had New Year's Eve dinner.

The overall atmosphere of the meeting between Hu Lai and his father was calm and awkward.

Calm means that two people met without any unpleasant quarrels, while embarrassment means that the atmosphere is far from harmonious...

Although he called daddy out of respect, he had no intention of chatting with him.

When the father greeted his son, he said yes and then fell silent.

Xie Lan looked at the two men sitting opposite each other at the dining table and had no choice but to act as a moderator. He would chat with her husband for a while, and then ask his son if this dish was delicious. What interesting stories did you have on the team? That Zhang Qinghuan.

What's the relationship with you... something like that.

Guide Hu Lai to talk about his experience in a professional team to satisfy his curiosity, but more importantly, let his husband understand what his son has experienced in the past.

She knows that men are stubborn, and men are obsessed with saving face. The father and son have been fighting for so many years, and in the end it was so fierce that the son ran away from home, and the husband never called her... Now she wants them to shake hands and talk over a meal.

And, how is that possible?

But in any case, it is already a big improvement for two people to sit at the same table and eat.

Xie Lan is not in a hurry. The rest of her life is still very long. She has plenty of time to rebuild the parent-child relationship between her husband and son.

She believed that with her continuous efforts, sooner or later, she would be able to see the father and son happily together.


Hu Lai was lying on the bed where he had been sleeping since he was a baby. He felt that the bed was a bit too small.

In fact, not only was the bed too small, but when he came back this time, he felt that everything in the house was too small.

When I was taking a shower in the toilet, I found it difficult to turn around. When I was eating in the living room, after the folding table was opened and someone sat down, there was no passage for people behind me.

This 50-square-meter house with two bedrooms and one living room has been his home since he could remember it. He once heard his mother say that, but in fact he was not born here, but moved here when he was four years old.

Then he lives there until now.

All the former neighbors have moved away, there are too many tenants, and the population moves frequently. The environment and safety of the community are far from satisfactory.

The house itself is not comfortable to live in either.

In the narrow and dark corridors, the corridor lights often break, and no one repairs them. The sewers stink from time to time, and a stench permeates the toilet...

Although the house Hu Lai rents in Liucheng District, Jincheng is also in an old community, the hardware and software are still much better than his home in Dongchuan.

They should still be given another house...

However, since the opening of the high-speed rail, housing prices in Dongchuan have skyrocketed, and the price increase has almost caught up with the speed of the high-speed rail.

Nowadays, the unit price of new properties in Dongchuan City is 9,500 for a better one, and 8,000 for a worse one.

To buy a house of 100 square meters, it would cost almost 1 million.

Even if Uncle Yong helped him negotiate a new contract, with an annual salary of one million, it would only be enough to buy a house, and that would still be under the premise of not eating or drinking for one year to cultivate immortality... Oh, actually one year is not enough, because this one hundred

If the annual salary is before tax, it would be good to get half of it after tax is deducted.

He could suddenly understand why Zhang Qinghuan did not buy a house after being depressed, but instead used the money to buy a second-hand Ferrari.

Two million can buy a second-hand supercar, which you can drive to training and nightclubs all day long. It is so eye-catching. It can be called a tool for picking up girls. It is more cost-effective than Xiaomi mobile phones.

The same amount of money would probably be enough to buy a bedroom as big as the one I am currently lying in in the capital.

Zhang Qinghuan must have settled the score, and then realized he was desperate, so he simply squandered all the money in a fit of anger.

If I were in the capital, I probably wouldn't even think about buying a house...

How else to say that Zhang Qinghuan’s father is great? In order to train his son to play football, the house in the capital was sold as soon as it was said to be sold... That was a house in the capital!

It is easy to sell, but difficult to buy back.

Because there has been so much negative news about Chinese football in the past decade or so, Chinese professional players have almost no commercial endorsement contracts. This is because in the eyes of public opinion, Chinese football players have a negative image and are walking scandal-mongers - they are like this

They have "black sheep" like Zhang Qinghuan as evidence for their remarks - which company can't think of anything and would let a Chinese football player endorse its company or products because it thinks its products are selling too well?


Without this kind of product endorsement contract, players' income would basically only be their annual salary and bonuses.

Before the salary limit order was introduced a few years ago, everyone's income was quite good. Later, with the salary limit order, the income of all players was affected. The maximum pre-tax annual salary of domestic players in the Chinese Super League cannot exceed 10 million.

, if a player is selected for the national team, the salary can be increased by up to 20%. The maximum salary for China A is 5 million yuan, and for China B is 3 million yuan.

It is even less possible for a club like Shining Star to offer sky-high contracts to players. Although the salary cap of the Chinese League One is five million, none of the Shining Star team has players who can meet this standard, and Qin Lin only has four


Therefore, if Zhang Qinghuan wants to rely on Shining Star's income to buy a house in the capital, I'm afraid he will have to tighten his belt and live a hard life for a few years...

As for himself, Hu Lai felt that if Uncle Yong could negotiate an annual salary of one million for himself, with his consumption level, he should be able to save enough money to buy a 100-square-meter house in two years.

Of course, the premise is that the speed of saving money can keep up with the speed of rising house prices.

Fortunately, he only wanted to buy a house in Dongchuan, a third-tier city, and not in Jincheng, a quasi-first-tier city. Otherwise, one million yuan in Jincheng might only buy a house similar to his current one, which would be nothing.

What a great location, what a great neighborhood.

I don’t know what kind of contract Uncle Yong will negotiate for himself in the end. Uncle Yong said that his annual salary is guaranteed to be one million, so how much will he be able to get in the end?

When you have so much money, what else will you do with it besides buying a house?

Do you want to buy a car?

Didn’t you buy a car without a driver’s license? And didn’t Zhang Qinghuan buy the car as promised?

Buying luxury goods?

Why buy it?

Hu Lai frowned and thought about it for a long time on the bed. He didn't think about what else he could buy besides buying a house if he had money...

How about saving it and marrying a wife later?

Oh, by the way, if you didn’t spend your first salary to hire a personal trainer, would you be criticized online for not being professional enough?

The main reason is that with your first month’s salary of several thousand yuan, you probably can’t afford a decent personal trainer, right?

What, a personal trainer at the gym?

Don't be ridiculous, okay...

Hu Lai fell asleep in this random thought.


After Hu Lai fell asleep, his bedroom door was gently closed.

Xie Lan returned to her bedroom, and her husband was still sitting on the sofa, scrolling through his cell phone.

"I went to bed at half past ten..." Xie Lan glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

"The habits developed by professional teams show that his professionalism is pretty good." Hu Lixin said while holding his mobile phone.

"Why didn't you say this to your son at the dinner table?" Xie Lan complained.

"Why should I tell him? I am explaining to you." Hu Lixin raised his head and looked at his wife.

"The second part of the sentence, if you praise him, say it face to face. Let him know that you love him."

Hu Lixin seemed to want to explain, but after he opened his mouth, he shook his head: "Too lazy to say."

"You!" The wife naturally knows her husband's temper very well, so in the end, thousands of words can only be reduced to these two words.

Then she changed the subject: "Have you noticed that our son has grown taller?"

"Have you?" Hu Lixin looked at his phone and replied casually.

"Why not? Before you got off work, I measured his height at home. He is now 1.78 meters!" When he said this, Xie Lan's tone was excited. "I remember he was in the first year of high school.

He was only 1.7 meters tall when he was young!"

Xie Lan, who is only 1.55 meters tall in shoes, has always been worried that her children will not grow taller due to the drag on her genes. Especially when Hu Lai is a boy, height is even more important - she has even done so before because her children were not tall enough.

I can't imagine my wife's nightmare. It shows how obsessed she is with this matter.

Hearing the height figure of 1.78 meters, Hu Lixin nodded: "Are you relieved now? I tell you that you don't have to worry about his height."

"Who could have said it accurately before?" Xie Lan said this with a happy face.

Today is really three blessings for her.

First of all, of course, her son has really embarked on the risky road of professional football, and he currently has a bright future.

Secondly, although her son ran away from home and left without saying goodbye, now that he is willing to come home, it means that her son will not be like his father, who will not be ashamed to go back until his parents die. In this way, she naturally does not have to worry about being miserable in the future.

's old age.

The third thing is that her son is as tall as she is. 1.78 meters is not too tall, but it is not too short either. For her, this is a completely acceptable result. The things she has been worrying about since the child was born have finally not changed.

In reality, she felt that the boulder weighing on her heart was gently lifted away.

This "year" has been perfect!

Thinking of this, Xie Lan, who was in a happy mood, came to her husband's side: "Husband, are you today... eh?"

Hu Lixin raised his head and looked at his wife who was blinking at him. How could he not understand what she was going to do? He suddenly felt a headache: "Didn't you just do it the day before yesterday?"

"Then you ate the day before yesterday!" Xie Lan raised her eyebrows when she heard her husband complaining. "Look at you like this, doesn't it mean you have good physical strength for playing football?"

"Who told you?" Hu Lixin protested with his eyes widened.

"Isn't that Zhang Qinghuan? He goes to nightclubs all day long, and the media says he changes women every week..."

"Then didn't you see that Zhang Qinghuan was completely drained?"

When it came to Zhang Qinghuan, Xie Lan remembered again: "Oh, Hu Lai also said during dinner that Zhang Qinghuan moved to the door opposite him... Don't let Hu Lai get into trouble! Our Hu Lai is very simple and obedient.

A child..."

"You're overthinking..." Hu Lixin just said this. Suddenly he remembered that this seemed to be a good topic to divert his wife's attention, so he changed his words: "Of course, your worries are completely justified. I've said it before.

, Professional football is full of all kinds of traps and temptations. If you are not careful, you may make a mistake and regret it forever. Now that your son is becoming more and more famous, all kinds of shitty things may happen in the new season.

Regarding him, I advise you to be mentally prepared first..."

"What kind of mental preparation?" Xie Lan was a little confused.

"Hu Lai may encounter setbacks in the second season. You must be mentally prepared and don't be too anxious. He has only played professionally for half a season and his career will still be long in the future..."

Xie Lan was unhappy: "I said Hu Lixin, why don't you hope that our son will be well?"

"Tsk, I'm just telling the truth. Whether you like it or not, this is the actual situation. Have you heard of the 'rookie wall'?"

"What's the 'rookie wall'?"

Sure enough, his wife was becoming more and more interested in this topic. Hu Lixin mentally praised his intelligence, and then began to explain to his wife the concept of the "rookie wall" and, by extension, why Hu Lai's second

This season is extremely critical, but it is also full of difficulties.

This is his rare patience when it comes to the professional topic of football.

(End of chapter)

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