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Chapter 83: To the Flashing Star

 "Luo Kai actually rejected us and chose to go to Lingnan Nanhai..."

After Zhao Kangming learned about the latest developments of the player he had been pursuing so hard in the news, he felt a little emotional.

"I really don't understand what he is thinking. Wouldn't it be nice to go back to his hometown team?" Chen Mo, the assistant coach next to him, frowned.

Luo Kai is very important in Zhao Kangming's preparation plan for the new season.

After last season, especially the team's performance in the second half of last season, both Chen Mo and Zhao Kangming knew what problems the team still had offensively.

If Qin Lin can return from injury, he will be a qualified midfield commander. Zhang Qinghuan will not have to worry about organizing the offense after the prodigal son returns.

With Hu Lai on the front line, he can score goals.

But this offensive tactic has its shortcomings when faced with an opponent's tight defense.

To put it simply, after Zhang Qinghuan lost his explosive power, his breakthroughs were naturally not as sharp as before.

Flashstar's frontcourt offense lacks such a blaster who can attack and change the situation when the original offensive system fails to work.

To put it bluntly, the goal is to diversify the offense.

Zhao Kangming knew Luo Kai, and he even started to pay attention to Hu Lai because Luo Kai participated in the national competition for the first time at Dongchuan Middle School at that time. He noticed Luo Kai, a talented player with super personal ability.

But after watching a few games of Dongchuan Middle School, he discovered that Hu Lai was a treasure boy, so he turned his attention to Hu Lai.

I observed him from his freshman year to his sophomore year, and finally signed him after he became the top scorer and best player in the national competition.

Although he prefers Hu Lai, Zhao Kangming also admits Luo Kai's greatness.

When Luo Kai went to Hedong Thunder but failed to play, the idea of ​​​​nurturing young players became active again in his heart, and he wanted to loan Luo Kai over and train him to prevent him from living up to his talent.

Moreover, he had watched Luo Kai's last few national competitions at Dongchuan Middle School, and knew that Luo Kai and Hu Lai could actually work together, and there was no tactical conflict.

Because Hulay is not the kind of player who needs the ball, he can give the ball to Luo Kai.

From a technical and tactical perspective, Luo Kai is a player suitable for joining Flash Stars.

Of course, the result was that Luo Kai did not agree to come to Shining Star, and instead chose to go to Lingnan Nanhai, which failed to achieve the Super League last season.

Chen Mo wasn't very sure why, Zhao Kangming thought maybe I know why...

I heard that the relationship between Hu Lai and Luo Kai is not very harmonious. This may be the reason why Luo Kai does not come to Flash Star.

I just didn't expect Luo Kai's resentment towards Hu Lai to be so deep... Zhao Kangming initially thought that the two people had a dispute of spirit when they were students. Now, so many years have passed, and everyone has gotten rid of their status as students, and

What kind of things can't be laughed off and grudges forgotten?

That's why he suggested that the club rent Luo Kai.

Who would have thought that Luo Kai's resentment towards Hu Lai seems to be more than ordinary...

I'm surprised there's no shining star.

"Since he doesn't want to come, it has nothing to do with us. It doesn't matter why he doesn't want to come. But we still have to find a similar player..." Zhao Kangming waved his hand and put Luo Kai's matter aside. "

What do you think of Chen Xingyi?"

Chen Mo thought for a while and said: "Didn't Golden Arrow require that the team that rents Chen Xingyi must specify in the loan contract that he will play no less than twenty times in the new team's season? And he can only play in a single game.

It takes more than fifteen minutes to enter the number of appearances...Who is willing to agree to such harsh conditions? Isn't this obviously to train players for them? "

Zhao Kangming smiled and said: "You can train as long as you train. In the end, it is all about cultivating talents for our country. Old Chen, do you think that if Chen Xingyi comes to our team, he will be able to have twenty appearances a season?"

"I can't say..." Chen Mo shook his head slowly, "It depends on his performance. He was a marginal member of the first team in Golden Arrow for a season. Wang Xianke put him in the game squad but did not let him play.

It's better to let him play in the youth team or reserve team. After wasting a year like this with Golden Arrow, I don't know how much spirit he still has left in campus games."

"Actually, I think it's okay. I think as long as Chen Xingyi can perform at a normal level, he should have a place in Flash Star." Zhao Kangming said.

Chen Mo looked at his old partner and said strangely: "Why do you have so much confidence in him?"

Zhao Kangming smiled: "I don't have confidence in Chen Xingyi, I have confidence in Hu Lai."

"What does this have to do with Hu Lai?"

"Zhang Qinghuan is such a useless person. Did you think he could stay in our team?"

Hearing what Zhao Kangming said, Chen Mo fell silent. Hu Lai's role in Zhang Qinghuan's matter was indeed very important, and it could even be said that he played a key role.

Seeing that his old partner stopped talking, Zhao Kangming continued: "I just thought, since a person like Zhang Qinghuan, who was almost sentenced to death, could be brought back by Hu Lai, how could he win the national competition with him?

When our opponent Chen Xingyi comes to our team and meets Hu Lai, can we have some chemical reaction with him?"

Zhao Kangming's remarks made Chen Mo unable to refute. After all, with the example of Zhang Qinghuan, Hu Lai really changed a person's future destiny.

Zhang Qinghuan can change, let alone Chen Xingyi?

At this moment, Zhao Kangming's cell phone suddenly rang, and a call came in.

He answered the phone in front of Chen Mo, without walking out by himself or asking Chen Mo to avoid it. The relationship between him and Chen Mo no longer needed to be superficial.

"Yes, I am Zhao Kangming, what can I do?"

Chen Mo's expression changed when he saw Old Zhao say this. First his eyes widened in surprise, then he frowned and looked troubled.

"Okay, okay, I will notify them."

After speaking, Zhao Kangming put down the phone.

"What's wrong? Who called?" Chen Mo asked.

"Football Association."

"Football Association? Why are they calling you?"

"Well, let me know that Hu Lai and Wang Guangwei have been selected into the U22 training squad and will be transferred to Hongmaple Ridge for half a month."

Chen Mo opened his mouth wide.

"Old Chen, what's your expression? Are you surprised that they were selected for the Olympic team?"

"That's true..." Chen Mo also came to his senses, "Based on their performance last season, they are qualified to join the national team. I just didn't expect it to be so soon... I don't know that those two young men know

How happy should I be?"

"It's a good thing for them, but not for us. The new season is about to begin... If the two of them perform well during the fifteen-day training period, they will go to South Korea with the team to participate in the East Asian Cup. Finally

At least we won’t be able to play in the first two rounds of the league..." Zhao Kangming frowned.

Only then did Chen Mo realize why he was troubled just now. If you include the time they took to recover and rest, they might miss the first three rounds of the league...

The main forward and the main defender are missing two people one behind the other, which will have a negative impact on both the team's defense and offense.

"Maybe we should decisively try to rent Chen Xingyi, so that we can make up for it..." Chen Mo came up with an idea.

Zhao Kangming thought of another point: "Is Chen Xingyi on the U22 training roster?"

Then he picked up his phone and said, "Let me ask Shi Wuyin."


Shi Wuyin has already submitted the training list to the Football Association after discussing it with Li Zhifei. All he has to do next is to wait for the Football Association to notify each club and let the players selected for the training list report to the Hongmangling training base before the specified time.

By then, this national-level training base will be bustling again.

He and Li Zhifei strolled around the training ground, checking the condition of the turf and taking a walk.

Then he received a call from Zhao Kangming.

"Old Zhao, what do you want from me?"

When Li Zhifei next to him heard what Shi Wuyuan said, he immediately raised his head, his eyes widened, and he raised his ears and leaned over, wanting to hear what Zhao Kangming was saying on the other side of the phone.

Shi Wuyin noticed his partner's behavior and turned to the side in disgust to prevent the gossiping Li Zhifei from hearing Zhao Kangming's voice.

"What? Him? No, I don't think he's good enough and needs to train, so Lao Li and I didn't put him on the training list... Is that why you came here to ask about this?"

"What else? Do you still want me to call you and ask you to accuse me?" Zhao Kangming said solemnly on the other end of the phone.

"Ha! Look what you said, why would I think that? The friendship between us is not that... Ha! Don't worry, I will help you take good care of them both. It doesn't matter the first time. They are not the only ones on the training list this time.

This is the first time for both of us. We are all young people, and it is easier to get along with us than with the real national team... I will just hang up if nothing happens, I am still busy here..."

Seeing that Shi Wuyuan quickly hung up the phone, Li Zhifei approached him and asked, "Did Zhao Kangming come to ask you why you picked him out of the two core players in one go?"

"How is that possible?" Shi Wuyin curled his lips, "As far as my friendship with Lao Zhao...he just came to ask me if Chen Xingyi is on the training list."

"Why is he asking this? He is not Chen Xingyi's coach?"

"Who knows..."

Shi Wuyin shrugged and continued walking on the training ground with Li Zhifei.


"Chen Xingyi was not selected for the training list." Zhao Kangming put down the phone and said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo clapped his hands: "Then let's quickly apply for a loan to Golden Arrow!"

Zhao Kangming nodded and picked up the phone again: "Let me tell Dong Wen."

Chen Mo was very happy: "If Chen Xingyi can come... our Flash Star's attack firepower can be upgraded to a new level in the new season."


"Go to Flashing Star?" Chen Xingyi's eyes widened when he heard his father say this on the phone.

"Yes, Flash Star has agreed to all the requirements of Golden Arrow. They are willing to write at least twenty games into the contract and pay every penny of the loan fee. Son, the transfer deadline is coming, you

You have to make a decision quickly, whether to leave or stay."

Chen Xingyi thought of Hu Lai and Wang Guangwei, whom he had blocked, and hesitated.

On the other end of the phone, his father was still persuading his son: "I think you can actually go to Flash Star. That Zhao Kangming is really good at training young players. Look at that Wang Guangwei, the opponent you met in the national competition, before Zhao Kangming went

I didn’t think he was that good in Flash Star, but last season was nothing short of earth-shaking. And Hu Lai..."

"Dad, stop talking, I've thought about it." Chen Xingyi interrupted his father. "I'm going to Flashing Star."

Chen Hantang on the other end of the phone was obviously relieved and smiled with relief: "Okay, then I will help you reply to the club."

Chen Xingyi hung up the phone, looked at his WeChat, thought for a while, and decided not to tell those two bitches. When he went to Flashing Star, he would make a surprise attack on them...

He laughed when he thought that he would see the surprised expressions of the two people.

Those two people definitely didn’t expect that I would come directly to their door!

This chapter has been completed!
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