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Chapter 93 Women's and men's football

 Guo Junfu has seen all the comments about Hu Lai from outside.

Some of his teammates at the club even sent him WeChat messages, asking him if he knew a man named Hu Lai and what happened...

This is out of the circle.

Guo Junfu thought to himself.

He was previously worried that what Hu Lai said would make him the target of public criticism and affect his training in the team. He was also worried that his words would bring trouble and controversy to the training team.

Now it seems that his worries were not groundless.

Some marketing accounts and self-media are obviously very rhythmic on the Internet. They extend the matter of Hu Lai to the entire training team. They start by talking about Hu Lai's matter, which may not be 200 words, and the rest of the article is all

We are discussing the Olympic team and the training team.

Some words really made him, a player on the Olympic team, feel very uncomfortable after reading them.

Under such circumstances, Guo Junfu paid more attention to Hu Lai - he wanted to see how this kid would perform in such an external environment.

If you pretend too much, will you regret it?

It could have been a low-key development, but it ended up being so high-profile. Is it because you were full?

But what surprised Guo Junfu was that in normal training, Hu Lai behaved normally in his eyes, and there was no abnormal behavior such as absent-mindedness or restlessness.

How normal players train in training is how Hu Lai trains.

And not only that, he also talked and laughed with his familiar teammates during training, with a smile on his face, and often made those around him laugh.

How does this look like being besieged by cynicism and abuse online?

Doesn’t he know what some people on the Internet are saying about him now?

Is it a forced composure?

But look at his performance in training. If he can force himself to be calm, then his acting skills must be too good, right?

And if he can force himself to be calm to this extent, it is not forced, but it shows that his heart is so strong...

In addition to this, Guo Junfu is still observing Hu Lai's level.

As a player who scored 11 goals in the Chinese League One last season, Hu Lai is the player in their team who has scored the most goals in the first-team league in a single season.

So what's so great about him?

Guo Junfu didn't know Hu Lai well before, but after he said those words, Guo Junfu decided to get to know this person in depth.

Through his observation, he found that Hu Lai's performance seemed... quite satisfactory.

The difference is definitely not bad. After all, you can score eleven goals in the Chinese League One. Even if a few goals are scored by luck, how can you still score all eleven goals by luck?

If that were the case, this would be more impressive than scoring eleven goals by relying on one's own ability.

But to say it's good...

Guo Junfu felt that it was not as powerful as they said, at least it would not be astonishing to people.

The basic skills are pretty solid, but the features are really single.

He is really good at shooting, and he is often the best performer in the team's shooting training.

But other than that...that's it.

He doesn't know how to dribble. It's obvious that he almost never dribbles the ball in the team's group games.

In terms of passing, Hu Lai rarely chooses those more risky but imaginative passing methods, but always uses the safest and most basic method of passing. For example, pushing the ball with the inside of the foot, which is the safest.

, but sometimes it seems too dogmatic and rigid.

The passing power is not enough, so he rarely makes long passes and always passes the football to his teammates who are closer to him, even if there is a teammate in a better position far away from him.

This shows that his passing ability is quite average, so he does not dare to choose risky passes.

In addition, other abilities, such as speed, are average. The team has a 30-meter sprint speed test. Hu Lai’s 30-meter sprint score is 4″75. The average score of the team’s forwards is 4″55.

Behind the average score of the forwards.

So he is not that kind of speed forward.

Strength, just looking at his figure, is definitely not his strong point.

However, Guo Junfu also admitted that this kid is quite flexible. Although his sprint speed is not fast, his reaction speed is very good.

Generally speaking, Hu Lai is such a player with outstanding advantages and disadvantages, but to say that he is any higher than others, it is not that much.

Guo Junfu thought, how could this guy, who was neither as good nor as good as other U22 players, be able to score 11 goals in the Chinese League One?

Is it really like Xiao Xiao said, relying on strong midfield support?

Flash Star has Qin Lin. Even though Lin is old and has little chance to play in the Chinese Super League, he should still be able to cope with it in the Chinese Super League.

There is also Zhang Qinghuan, who was reactivated in the final sprint of the league. They are both midfield organizers, and they are only one year apart. Guo Junfu is very convinced of Zhang Qinghuan's level and talent.

With these two people here... it doesn't seem unbelievable that Hu Lai, who is in front, can score eleven goals. After all, he is standing on the shoulders of giants...

Of course, for Xiao Xiao to say that his grandma can also score goals is too exaggerated and unintelligent.


Before the end of the training camp, the U22 national team played a warm-up match with the Tenglong reserve team, which also trained at the Tenglong training base next door.

The women's national football team played a warm-up match against Tenglong U15.

Why does the Olympic team play with reserve teams, but the national team can only play warm-up matches with youth teams like U15?

Do you look down on women’s football? Is it gender discrimination? Can the world be better? I’m chilling on a hot day...

Wait, don't rush to punch yet.

If the principle of parity is adhered to in football, then women's football teams will not be able to compete on the same field as men's football teams.

After all, the physical fitness of the two sides is very different.

The club's reserve team is mainly composed of young players over 19 years old and players who are temporarily unable to play in the first team, and can be regarded as the adult team.

If these people compete with the women's football team, even if the opponent is the women's national football team, one of the top ten women's football national teams in the world, without changing the rules, the women's football team can still play without any power to fight back. A big score.

Massacre is inevitable.

Unless physical contact is not allowed.

But football is originally a sport that requires physical contact, and it was not the original basketball sport. Basketball initially did not allow physical contact and was called a "gentleman's sport."

Moreover, even if there is no physical contact, it is very difficult for the women's football team to win against the men's football team - when the male football players take the ball and face the defense of the female football players, they can directly accelerate the ball and rely on speed to force breakthroughs and overtakes, which can be regarded as "no physical contact"

Kick style.

Therefore, under normal rules, the only way to supplement the women's football team is to lower the age of their opponents and seek balance.

But even so, the women's football team has a high chance of not winning.

In the time and space that Hu Lai traveled to, news such as the women's national football team being beaten by the youth team was not uncommon.

For example, in 2016, the Japanese national women's team - which had won the runner-up in the Women's World Cup the previous year - lost to the Shizuoka Gakuen High School men's football team in a friendly match with a score of 0:12. The head coach

During the interview, I had tears in my eyes, saying that I haven’t had such a tragic game in many years...

There is also the Australian women's national football team. In order to prepare for the 2016 Rio Olympics, they chose to play a warm-up match with the U16 Newcastle Jets of the Australian Super League. As a result, they were beaten 0:7. Is it miserable?

The Swedish women's football team played a match against the U17 men's football team, requiring the opponent to have one less player, and ended up losing 0:3.

Of course, if there are elite players, it is because the level of men's football in foreign countries is highly developed, and even young players are at a very high level. Then there are similar examples in China.

I remember when the Chinese women's football team was at its peak, the Shanghai women's football team with Sun Wen and the Chinese men's table tennis team training in Shanghai - yes, you read that right, it's the men's table tennis, table tennis players, not football players - had a warm-up match.

- Playing football, not table tennis - In the end, the amateur men's table tennis team defeated the professional Shanghai women's football team 8:6. Wang Liqin scored six goals in that game.

In 2006, the Chinese women's national football team played a match with the U16 men's national team. It was a real match. They neither asked the U16 men's football team to lose one player, nor asked them not to use headers or physical contact.

Tackles are not allowed. Even though the U16 national team let off steam in the second half, they lost 0:9.

The difference is so big, there is no water added at all.

The women's football team is far behind men's players of the same age in terms of physical strength and speed, so even the women's national team can only play games with teams like U16 and U15, and they often lose.

The coach of the men's football team had to secretly order his players to let off steam, and they were absolutely not allowed to score in double digits.

This is an objective difference in the physical fitness between men and women. It is not based on people's subjective wishes. It does not mean shouting a few slogans of "equality between men and women" or saying a few weird words about "shuddering". These objective differences

The physical differences will disappear.

The reason why Li Qingqing is so powerful has a lot to do with her physical fitness.

Standing 1.75 meters tall, she does not have a slender and soft figure. Just looking at her strong and powerful thighs, you can feel that there seems to be explosive power contained in them.

These long legs make her speed completely unique among female football players. Even among male football players, she can rank in the middle and upper reaches. At the very least, she will definitely run faster than Hu Lai.

In addition to being fast, Li Qingqing's body is also considered to be strong among female football players. Her frame, which is wider than that of ordinary girls, was inherited from her father, which provided her with a foundation of strength. Coupled with her hard training-lifting her clothes

If you just look at the abdominal muscles, Hu Lai is really a "white chicken" brother in front of Li Qingqing.

With a height of 1.75 meters and a weight of 68 kilograms, Li Qingqing is like a Valkyrie born out of nowhere in the women's football field.

In addition, he has very, very, very good, historic foot skills.

That's why Li Qingqing was selected for the national team at a young age and became a core player of the national team.

Some professionals already believe that Li Qingqing's achievements in football are definitely more than this, and she will have a brighter future - provided she does not get injured.

But no matter in the past time and space, or in today's time and space, there is always a shortage of people who don't understand football at all to use the women's football team to ridicule the men's football team and ask some very mentally retarded questions, such as "What can "the world's number one women's football team" be?

Can we beat our national football team?" What commentator on Pheasant TV can speak so brazenly and swear that "Who said women are inferior to men? If we pull out the men's football team and play with the women's football team, the women's football team has a 99% chance of winning."

To be honest, the people who raise such questions and say such things are not actually trying to express their respect and love for the women's football team. They just want to hold up the banner of women's football to humiliate the disgusting men's football team. After all, the Chinese men's football team

Poor level and poor image will be humiliated by everyone.

But this approach actually humiliates not the men's football team, but the women's football team - you compare something with a low status in your mind with something with a high status. Who is being humiliated?

In essence, they still have the low opinion that "women are inferior to men, so it's embarrassing that your men's football team can't even play women's football."

Putting aside the true equality between men and women, isn't it normal for men to lose to women? Just like losing to men, what's there to be ashamed of?

Let’s just say that the women’s football team can’t beat the men’s football team...

Even with Li Qingqing on the line, the women's national football team still lost in the warm-up match against Tenglong U15.

After losing 2:5, Li Qingqing scored the only two goals for the women's national team, which saved a little face for the national team.

Yan Encai, the head coach of the women's national football team, was already very happy as his head was not shaved and he only lost three goals.

He believes that if the team can continue its performance in this game, it will be able to compete with the world-class Japanese women's football team in the East Asian Cup.

This chapter has been completed!
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