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Chapter 103 is looked down upon

"Have you heard? Our opponent in this game is in big trouble!"

In the home team's locker room at the Seoul World Cup Stadium, the players of the Korean Olympic team were sharing the news they had just seen in the evening.

"I heard that it is said that the Chinese media and fans suspect that their number 14 entered the Olympic team through improper means..."

"Yeah, it was quite a big fuss."

"I have long said that Chinese football is very dark. It is not surprising that something like this happened..."

"Haha, God is really helping us! At this time, the Chinese team must be overwhelmed by the domestic news and have no intention of competing at all!"

Park Guixian waved his hand: "What nonsense are you talking about! What does 'God help us' mean? Without such a thing, wouldn't we be able to beat the Chinese team?"

The teammates who were taught a lesson by Park Guixian quickly defended: "Guixian is right. But this should make it easier for us to win, right? After all, after beating the Chinese team, the opponent in the next game will be the Japanese team. If we can win against the Chinese team

If you spend less energy in the competition, you can have more energy to deal with the Japanese!"

Park Guixian said nothing and accepted his teammates' explanation.

There is no suspense about defeating the Chinese team, but wouldn't it be better if they could do so without losing any blood?


When the Chinese team arrived at the visiting team's locker room at the Seoul World Cup Stadium, head coach Shi Wuyin announced the starting lineup for the game.

Hu Lai was among them.

When he pronounced the name "Hu Lai", all the players in the locker room turned their attention to the protagonist of the name.

In fact, if this hadn't happened, they wouldn't have had any surprises. Based on Hu Lai's performance during the training camp and the tendency shown by Shi's guidance, everyone believed that Hu Lai should start in the East Asian Cup.

Of course they would not think that it was because Guan Xinyan did not come that they gave Hu Lai the opportunity to be selected for the Olympic team. But there is a saying that in this East Asian Cup, without Guan Xinyan's Olympic team, Hu Lai will inevitably shoulder the heavy responsibility of scoring.

But after this incident, many people have speculated in their hearts whether head coach Shi will put Hu Lai on the bench and not let him play in the game. After all, the hot topic now is whether Hu Lai will be allowed to play.

Wouldn't it put more pressure on him? Will Hu Lai himself be affected by this?

Now it seems that Director Shi has decided not to be affected by that incident, or does he really think that Hu Lai will not be affected by that incident?

Is he so confident in Hu Lai?

Some people looked at Director Shi and Hu Lai in the wrong way. Is there really some unknown relationship and secret between them?


Xie Lan sat in front of the TV angrily. She finally made up her mind to watch the live broadcast of this game.

Hu Lixin sat next to her and handed her a piece of apple: "I told you before, as his fame increases, he will definitely encounter all kinds of troubles. In the past, it was smooth sailing, but that was because it was not enough.

Being famous, many people don’t notice, and trouble doesn’t bother to come to your door…”

Xie Lan did not accept the apple he handed over, but complained: "Hu Lixin, I found that there is really something wrong with you! Why do you expect our son to have bad luck!"

"How do you say this? Is this what I expected? If I didn't say it, he wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing? I told you, professional football is not that easy to play, and being a star is not that easy.

This is the price he has to pay. This is still trouble off the court. If he doesn't perform well on the court, things on the court will be more troublesome... Remember the 'rookie wall' I told you before? This is it.

A kind of 'rookie wall'."

Xie Lan frowned and stopped talking. He just grabbed the apple and bit into half of it.

Looking at the way she gnashed her teeth and chewed the apple, it seemed that she was chewing not the apple, but the villains who spoke ill of Hu Lai and caused mischief behind her back...


Generally speaking, the East Asian Cup games receive far less attention than the Asian Cup. National team games such as the World Cup qualifiers may not even compare to the football events of the Asian Games.

But today's East Asian Cup match has attracted much attention.

Some bars even put up billboards like "East Asian Cup China-South Korea Battle" directly at the door to attract business.

The reason is very simple. Because of the public opinion incident about Hu Lai on the Internet, everyone is paying special attention to this game now.

Yan Yan, his roommates in his dormitory, and classmates from several nearby dormitories came to this bar outside the campus to watch the game.

When they arrived, nearly half of the people were already sitting in the bar, all waiting to watch the game.

Everyone was discussing the upcoming game, and they all felt that after all the trouble before the game, the Olympic team might no longer be interested in competing, and this game was bound to be lost.

"The result of the game is actually not important. What is important is will Hu Lai play in this game? After being scolded like this, if I were the head coach, I would not let him play. It is probably useless to play. It is like sleepwalking!"

Someone was talking loudly, and Yan Yan was unhappy when he heard this. He stood up and said loudly: "Student, haven't you seen the latest news? The Chinese team has announced the starting lineup, and Hu Lai is among them!"

The man looked back at Yan Yan. The lights in the bar were dim and he couldn't see his face clearly. Since he called him a classmate, he must be a student from the university opposite the bar.

"That's it. Not only is the Chinese team destined to lose, but it will lose even more miserably!" he said loudly and deliberately.

Yan Yan curled his lips when he saw this, no longer paying attention to the other party, and turned to his classmates: "Don't worry about this, let me tell you, Hu Lai has a very strange BUFF - as long as he is in a certain situation

In a game, or in a team's debut, he will definitely score goals and perform well."

Some of the classmates expressed doubts: "It's just luck, right?"

"You're lucky once or twice, but three or four times? Good luck every time? Isn't that even better?" Yan Yan asked back. "Back when he was in the Dongchuan Middle School team, he came on as a substitute for the first time.

The first time he participated in the Anton Cup final, he came on as a substitute and scored a goal. The first time he played in the national competition, he came on as a substitute and scored a goal. Then he went to the Flash Stars and played for the Flash Stars for the first time in the Chinese League One, as a substitute.

Came out and scored."

He counted Hu Lai's "firsts" on his fingers for his classmates.

The person before seemed to have been listening to what Yan Yan and the others were doing. After hearing what Yan Yan said, he snorted: "Let's not discuss this kind of metaphysical topic? Is there any point in discussing it? Middle school competitions and middle school competitions

Game A, to put it bluntly, is an ordinary game. Is the match between the Chinese team and the South Korean team an ordinary game? If this was an ordinary game, we wouldn’t be able to win even once in forty-one years?”

Yan Yan was not afraid when he saw the opponent taking the initiative to find trouble. He stood up and said: "Then if you can't win against South Korea in forty-one years, isn't it just a matter of metaphysics?"

"Don't worry about these things. I'll put it here. If the Chinese team can beat South Korea tonight, I will cover all the expenses tonight! If the Chinese team loses to South Korea, you will cover it!"

Yan Yan shook his head: "Who said whether the Chinese team can beat South Korea? What I said is that Hu Lai will perform well..."

"What an outstanding performance, isn't it just a goal? Well, if Hu Lai can score in this game, I will cover all the expenses. If not, you will cover it! Do you dare to bet?" The man looked at Yan Yan.

, full of provocation.

"Okay, if there's anything you don't dare to gamble on." Although Yan Yan was being pulled by his classmates, he still agreed.

"Okay, you have the guts!" The other party gave Yan Yan a thumbs up and stopped talking. Instead, he sat down and continued chatting with his friends, waiting for the game to start.

Yan Yan also sat down, and his roommates complained in low voices: "Old Yan, my living expenses this month are only so little. If the four of us add up the living expenses, we don't know if it will be enough to pay the bill..."

Yan Yan smiled and said: "Don't worry, who said we have to pay the bill? Didn't I say that? Hu Lai is the 'Chosen Son'. What is the 'Chosen Son'? God appoints pretentious players! We must deal with Hu Lai

Rai is confident!”


In the locker room, the Chinese team players who had finished their warm-up were sitting in their seats, waiting for head coach Shi Wuyin's speech.

In ten minutes, it will be their first game in the East Asian Cup.

Shi Wuyin lifted up a piece of A4 printing paper with writing on it in his hand and raised it, making a clattering sound.

"I got the South Korean team's starting lineup, and it was different from what we expected. They replaced nearly half of the starting lineup. But Park Kyi-hyun is still on the court. Their starting goalkeeper is the original substitute Kim Hyun-yoon, and the central defender combination has also changed.

Main center back Son Ho-min is paired with substitute center back Park Young-gyeol, right back Kim Buk-joo is the substitute. Midfielder Kim Ji-hwan is the substitute. Left midfielder Lee Il-min is the substitute. Starting forward Hwang Seon-sung is the substitute."

He listed all the original substitute players for the Korean Olympic team on the list, and those "substitutes" sounded really harsh.

"It can be seen that the Korean team uses the method of main players and substitutes in every position. What does this mean? It means that the opponent regards us as training objects and is a training partner to increase experience points for the Korean team's substitute players.


As soon as he said this, there was a commotion in the Chinese team's locker room.

Some people couldn't help but yelled: "Damn it! The stick is too bullying!"

Shi Wuyin did not let everyone continue to vent their emotions, but raised his hands and stopped them with a very stern voice: "What are you yelling about! This is a slight to us, but it is also our opportunity! The tactics we formulated before are correct.

Against the South Korean team who underestimated the enemy, we must fight hard from the first minute of the game and actively counterattack in the frontcourt - any time we lose the ball, we are not allowed to retreat, but we must press forward immediately.

, conduct a siege! Forcing them to make mistakes on their own initiative, that is our opportunity! Instead of scolding them here, it is better to go to the court and fight them hard!"


After the South Korean team announced their starting list, their starting list was also discussed on the Internet.

"Oh, the Korean team has announced the starting lineup...it is said that half of the main players have been replaced!"

"I'll go, are you so arrogant?"

"Damn it, you look down on people too much?!"

"I just look down on you, so what can you do? Who made us fail to win a single game against South Korea in forty-one years?"

"This doesn't mean looking down on people, right? You can win with half the main team, so why bother sending all the main players? Besides, aren't the other substitute players from the Korean team? Not to mention half the main players, I think even if they play

With all the substitutes, the Chinese team will lose. I am afraid of South Korea and will be timid before fighting, you know that?"

"Are you so angry that the Korean team didn't send all the main players? I'm a little happy, because this way we can lose a few fewer goals, and maybe we still have a chance not to lose? Always look at the optimistic and positive aspects...



"They're out!"

When huge cheers rang out in the stands, players from the Korean team and the Chinese team walked out of the tunnel. In the almost full house, the Korean fans gave out deafening shouts. While cheering for their teams, they also

Showing off to the Chinese team.

"This home field advantage is even scarier than when we played yesterday..." The women's national team players who were watching the game in the stands couldn't help but change their colors when they saw this scene.

"Hu Lai really started the game. What did Director Shi think? He shouldn't be allowed to play at this time. If it were me, I might not have the heart to compete at all..."

"Who says it isn't?"

"Is it possible that Hu Lai came on the field to prepare for the Olympic team to lose?"

"how to say?"

"If they lose this game, they will have someone to take the blame... At that time, it will be said that the team lost the game because of Hu Lai's poor performance..."

"Impossible." Li Qingqing, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but listened to the discussions among his teammates and retorted loudly.

After everyone looked at him with curious eyes, Li Qingqing continued: "If Hu Lai is to take the blame, he can take the blame whether he plays or not. There is no need to let him play - I believe no coach will take the blame before the game.

When I was playing, I was thinking about how to lose. When Director Shi let Hu Lai play, he must have believed that Hu Lai's performance would not be affected by this incident."

"How can it not be affected?" someone among the teammates asked. "Such a big thing... it has spread on the Internet, and it is said that the leaders of the Football Association have asked about it..."

Li Qingqing shook his head: "I don't know, but I don't rule out that some people have this kind of willpower and big heart."

She did not continue to explain to her teammates that it was indeed difficult for others to understand this kind of thing.

Because even she herself was not sure whether Hu Lai was really unaffected.

She asked Hu Lai on WeChat, and Hu Lai's answer to her every time was "don't worry" with a playful smile.

In this case, there is nothing else I can do except believe in him.

Then believe him.

Come on, Hu Lai!

Let them all see how awesome you are!


PS, I know everyone is waiting impatiently, and I am impatient too, because there are really not even ten chapters in the manuscript. I am afraid that there will be some problems after the outbreak, and there is not even room for maneuver...

Well, I’ll add an extra chapter today, which makes it the third update.

There will be three updates tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow, that is, the 25th, next Tuesday, there will be only one update. In order for me to save some manuscripts again...

Judging from the total number of updates in these four days, ten updates in four days are two more chapters of updates than the fixed two updates per day, which can be considered an explosion.

The advantage of this is that everyone can watch the climax in a short time.

I'll discuss it with everyone. What do you think? Let me know in this chapter.

If possible, we will do three updates in the next two days.

Then the blood will be restored the day after tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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