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Chapter 119: A hair into the soul

 In fact, during the halftime break, the head coach of the Chinese team Shi Wuyin made arrangements for the situation where Hu Lai was completely frozen by the opponent.

It was pretty much what commentator Yan Kang and the players of the women's national team expected.

Let Hu Lai disrupt the opponent's defense and create opportunities for teammates to score goals.

So the Chinese team had a lot of attacks in the second half, and the targets of the midfielder's forward passes were not for Hu Lai, but for others.

Including Wang Zijian and Wang Hua, as well as the Chinese team players who stepped in from behind.

But none of these people can send the football into the Japanese team's goal.

Either they didn't have a chance to shoot at all, or they shot in a hurry under the pressure of the opponent and didn't even hit the goal frame. There are also, very few, that hit the goal frame, but were hit by Japanese goalkeeper Hiro Ueshima.

Ji was blocked.

All of their combined shots were not as threatening as Hu Lai's shot just now.

While Zhang Zihao was surfing the Internet on his laptop and watching the live broadcast of the game using Tengfei Video, he was chatting with "The Godfather of Champions" investigators from all over the country in the QQ group.

The focus of everyone's discussion is of course Hu Lai.

During this period, they have been paying attention to the East Asian Cup, and they have also tried to coach Hu Lai in the game to feel Hu Lai's ability in the game.

But the result left them disappointed.

Hu Lai in the game is really rubbish...

"Damn, Hu Lai's shooting skills in the game are only 7! I have watched his two and a half games so far. If his shooting skills are only 7, then there will not be many shots in double figures in the whole of China!"

"Yeah, after watching Hu Lai's performance in the East Asian Cup against South Korea, I specially set up a flash star. As a result, almost half of the season, Hu Lai only scored one goal... What a waste!

This is completely inconsistent with the reality!”

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, when the game was released, Hu Lai's first season in the Chinese League One had not yet been completed. Who knew he could perform like this and what data should he give?"

When Zhang Zihao saw this sentence, he wanted to jump out and say, "I knew it!", but the investigator from Zhongshan Qianfan was also in the group. He was the trustee of Shining Star before. He jumped out and said this, not to insult others.


Although he initially applied for the job as an investigator because he was dissatisfied with the investigator's perfunctory attitude, after experiencing the job personally, he also realized how difficult it is to be an investigator for two teams at the same time.


After all, players in reality become data in the game. How many points are assigned to each ability attribute requires a lot of observation.

It also needs to be compared and referenced with the data of other players in the same league to finally give a relatively accurate data.

And this is just one of Hu Lai's attributes.

In addition to technical attributes such as shooting and passing that are relatively easy to quantify, there are also attributes such as psychological quality that are difficult to draw accurate conclusions from just a few games.

In addition, the data of all Flash Star players and clubs are also within the scope of his investigator's work.

Not to mention that doing these tedious and hard work is all voluntary labor. You don’t get paid a penny, but you are given a chance to show up on the credits list.

If you don't love the team you support deeply, who would be willing to do such a thing?

"I think Hu Lai's shots should be at least fourteen now!"

Brother, the data you gave me is one more than what I gave to Mr. H... Mr. H is also in the group, aren't you afraid that he will be embarrassed when he sees it?

Just when Zhang Zihao felt embarrassed for HERO, HERO's private chat window popped up in his QQ: "The data has been reported. I estimate that this update package will be released after the East Asian Cup. But now it seems that this

The data will expire as soon as it comes out, haha!”

Zhang Zihao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Big H seemed to be in a good mood - he was even more afraid that Big H would get angry with him because of his embarrassment...

"It's okay, H Da. I think Hu Lai's data will be closer to reality when it comes out in 2024." Now it was his turn to "comfort" H Da. "After all, there are national-level team competitions to support,' Sports

It is also easier for Rangers to accept the data we submit..."

Of course he couldn't say something like, "That's right, who told you not to listen to me in the first place?"

However, University H apologized to him: "I'm so sorry, I also misjudged it... There are so many talents in this generation. Is it true that our Chinese football is really going to stand out?"

Zhang Zihao chatted awkwardly: "Hahaha! Maybe!"

After he finished chatting with University H, everyone in the group continued to discuss Hu Lai's numerical value. A group of experienced investigators, based on the two and a half games they had seen, were discussing attributes one by one very seriously.


"I think Hu Lai's running without the ball can directly reach the full limit, 20!"

"Isn't 20 a bit exaggerated? It's better to be 18. At least it gives people some room for improvement..."

"What is progress? This is talent. Most people may not be able to catch up with Hu Lai's progress after ten years of hard training!"

"Hu Lai is not without his shortcomings. I hope everyone will not mythologise him endlessly or praise him. For example, I think his physical attributes should not be high. If he has not played the full game in two consecutive games, does it mean that he

Your endurance is not high?"

"I don't think that's the case. Haven't you noticed that although Hu Lai didn't play the full game in two consecutive games, as long as he played, the fatigue of continuous fighting was not reflected at all? Let's just talk about him in the first half.

With Junpei Morikawa running around in the frontcourt, he often can't catch the ball at all, which is a waste of energy. But look at him in the second half, he is still running like this. If a player with poor endurance can run like this?"

"That is, it is possible that Shi Wuyin did not play the whole game just to protect him. After all, Sun Haomin was too dirty in the first game. If Hu Lai had not been lucky, his career would have been ruined!"

"Hu Lai's endurance is not a big problem, but his strength... This is indeed his shortcoming. I guess his strength is not even 10..."

"Do you still want to be strong at 10? Thank God if you can have one with 7 or 8."

When Zhang Zihao saw everyone's discussion, he thought that in the data he submitted to University H last time, Hu Lai's power was exactly 10.

In fact, if we look at the time period when he submitted the data, Hu Lai's strength attribute should not be 10, but the reason why he rated it as 10 is because he compiled all kinds of news and information, and he discovered that the Flashing Star Club

Special strength-building training was prepared for Hu Lai.

Because there is a delay from when he submits the data to when Sports Rangers reacts it to the game.

He believes that when the data is updated, Hu Lai's strength should be almost 10.

Originally, Hu Lai's strength in the original data was only 3, which was a bit too low.

But these were just his speculations. He lacked evidence, so he did not jump into the group to participate in the discussion at this time.

Almost all of Hu Lai's goals so far have been to find space to catch the ball and shoot. When he shoots, there are often no defensive players around him.

The third goal against the South Korean team was an exception, but he also lost his balance after being pushed by Sun Haomin. If it weren't for good luck, his heel knocked out and caused a world wave. Based on the performance of the referee in that game, he might not have even scored in the end.

There were no penalties.

Zhang Zihao feels that if Hu Lai's strength attribute is really as good as the 10 he gave, then his performance in the new season should be even better. After all, sometimes, he always has to fight hand-to-hand with his opponents in the penalty area.

Running in the air won't work. Just like now, he kept running in the first half and the second half, but when the opponent makes it clear that he wants someone to follow you all the time, what should you do?

He took his attention away from the chat and discussion in the group and stared at the live broadcast of the game.

He wanted to see how Hu Lai would deal with this situation.


Junpei Morikawa's breathing was obviously much heavier than in the first half. He got up from the ground, and half of his jersey was stained by the turf.

Hu Lai just completed another shot under his defense. This was his second shot in the game.

Junpei Morikawa is remembered by Hu Lai.

Hu Lai's shot hit the goal frame again.

However, due to his own interference, he hit too hard and was hugged directly by goalkeeper Hiroki Ueshima.

Although these two shots did not result in a goal, Junpei Morikawa still felt a huge wave of emotions in his heart - it shouldn't be! With my close defense, he shouldn't have a chance to shoot!

But Hu Lai just had such an opportunity.

Especially this second shot, he just carried himself and completed the shot.

Unlike the first shot, he took advantage of his distraction to catch him off guard.

Just like everything has a beginning, it will continue. If there is one, there will be two, and if there are two, there will be...

Morikawa Junpei didn't dare to think about it.

He looked at Hu Lai's figure.

The latter turned around, saw him, and smiled at him again.

Junpei Morikawa laughed so hard that his heart went crazy.

Was he laughing at my arrogance just now?

Otherwise, why did he shoot two shots in succession after I said those words?

It's like... it's like he's specifically working against me.

Sure enough, a forward who can score a hat-trick against the Korean team is not that easy to deal with... I seem to have accidentally angered a monster!


Hu Lai smiled at Junpei Morikawa. He said in his heart that this defender is really easy to hit. I just knocked him down in one fell swoop without fouling...

He is very happy.

When the serfs stand up and sing, it’s time for me to knock over others!

The basic strength training scrolls I bought these past few months were not in vain!

In Hu Lai's imagination, he has become a muscle maniac with a body full of tendons, stripping off his clothes to reveal eight-pack abs, and will get whatever he wants in the Japanese team's penalty area.

In the stands, the players of the Chinese women's football team sighed: "The Japanese team's No. 24 has really poor physical resistance..."

"Of course, if you look at his body, he is almost the same as Hu Lai. The two of them can be regarded as equals..."

"In the first half, I thought this defender was very good at marking people. Why can't he be the main player in the Japanese Olympic team... Now I understand why."

"Qingqing, have you seen it a long time ago, so you think he can't guard against Hu Lai?" Shi Yuehua turned to ask Li Qingqing.

Li Qingqing smiled and nodded.

"Hey, that's not right... Hu Lai didn't seem very strong before. Qingqing, why are you so sure that Hu Lai can defeat that Morikawa Junpei?" Xu Wen suddenly asked.

The smile on Li Qingqing's face froze, and he was forced to explain: "The two people are similar in size, and their strength should be about the same. In this case, the attacker takes the initiative, and of course the advantage is greater..."

"Oh, so that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized that what Li Qingqing said made sense.


"Observer" Guo Junfu naturally also saw this round of physical confrontation between Hu Lai and Morikawa Junpei.

He would not simply think like some people that this was an accident and it could not explain anything.

On the contrary, Guo Junfu, who is always observing, does not think this is a coincidence at all. He believes that there should be some kind of necessity hidden behind it.

And it's easy to find out the answer... Just try again!

Four minutes later, the Chinese team got another opportunity to attack.

Guo Junfu retreated to ask for the ball from his teammates, while turning his head to observe Hu Lai's movement.

When he received the pass, Hu Lai also made a diagonal pass to the front point, and Morikawa Junpei was stuck behind him.

This is an opportunity!

Although there were defensive players from the Japanese team between him and Hu Lai, this was not a problem for Guo Junfu. He picked up the football and let it fly over the head of the Japanese team's defense!

And it’s also just in time to see if Hu Lai can hold the ball under the opponent’s physical interference...

Guo Junfu was thinking in his mind while staring at Hu Lai without blinking, wanting to see how he would handle the ball.

During his observation, Hu Lai ran to the landing point of the football. Because it was a high ball, he stopped the football with his chest.

Junpei Morikawa also saw Hu Lai stopping the ball with his chest, which meant that Hu Lai had not completely controlled the football.

He has a chance!

So he bumped into it, trying to interfere with Hu Lai and prevent him from further controlling the ball.

But the scene she imagined didn't happen.

Hu Lai's body swayed slightly, but he did not lose his balance. Under his protection, the football fell from the air.

When he fell to a suitable height, Hu Lai opened his arms and stretched his body to block Morikawa Junpei behind him, and then raised his right leg to kick the football!


Morikawa Junpei, who was behind Hu Lai, clearly heard the muffled sound. He was a little anxious and tried to push Hu Lai down with his arms.

At this time, he no longer cares whether doing this will bring a penalty kick to the team...

He still failed to push Hu Lai down.

After finishing the shot, Hu Lai was pushed and staggered, but the football had already flown out!

Run towards the top corner of the goal!

Japanese Olympic team goalkeeper Hiroki Ueshima jumped up again to save the goal.

But Hu Lai's shot was very powerful and the angle was very tricky. Even Hiroki Ueshima, who had saved the Chinese team's shots many times in the game, had nothing to do against this extremely high-quality shot.

Soaring in the air, he could only watch as the football entered his goal from a theoretical blind spot!

Hu Lai's third shot of the game was a goal!

In the 67th minute, he equalized the score for the Chinese team!

The "observer" Guo Junfu was dumbfounded when he saw this scene - didn't he say he wanted to give it a try? Why did he fall in love immediately?!


PS, the third update is here today, please give me monthly votes, please give me monthly votes, please give me monthly votes!

This chapter has been completed!
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