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Chapter 136 He is right

 When Hu Lai, Zhang Qinghuan, and Wang Guangwei walked into the locker room, they found that the noisy locker room suddenly became quiet. Everyone turned to look at the three people who came in, or to be precise, looked at the three people inside.

Hu Lai in the center.

Facing everyone's gaze, Hu Lai's first reaction was to lower his head and look down. At the same time, he touched the crotch zipper of his jeans with his guarding hand.

"Damn, you two didn't know to remind me that my pants were not zipped up..." He was still complaining about the two people next to him, but before he could finish his words, "Huh? My zipper is zipped up!"

So what do they see me doing?

Just when Hu Lai was confused, Chen Xingyi raised his cell phone and said: "Hu Lai, let me tell you, you must ignore that kid, he is obviously a cheater, you will lose if you look at him


He spoke with indignation, but Hu Lai always felt that there was a hint of gloating hidden in Little Xingxing's tone...

Captain Li Tielin stood up and asked Hu Lai: "Have you read the news, Hu Lai? That goalkeeper Lin Zhiyuan who just joined the South China Tigers..."

Hu Lai suddenly realized: "Oh, I know what you were talking about. I even chatted with them on the way here."

Wang Guangwei looked at Chen Xingyi and sneered: "Chen Xingyi, Zhang Qinghuan already said this once on the way here. Let me tell you, be careful not to cause fire until the end."

Chen Xingyi looked at Zhang Qinghuan with an embarrassed expression.

Zhang Qinghuan spread his hands: "Hu Lai actually thinks that what he said is right."

"That's right." Hu Lai said to his teammates in the locker room, "I just scored three goals for the South Korean team in the East Asian Cup, and I just helped the Chinese team win the East Asian Cup championship.

The Golden Boot and Golden Ball of the East Asian Cup... It’s just the East Asian Cup. We are sending the Olympic team, not the national team. The gold content of this competition is actually not high..."

Qin Lin suddenly said: "Hu Lai, if you want to show humility next time, don't list your honors in such detail. It will make people think you are showing off."

Everyone burst into laughter.

"He must be just showing off, Brother Lin!"

"That's right, Brother Lin, you know Hu Lai!"

"Brother Lin, you can remove the word 'will make people feel'..."


After the training, Hu Lai, Wang Guangwei, and Zhang Qinghuan went home together. When Wang Guangwei just drove out of the south gate of the training base, he was blocked by reporters and fans.

This scene is no longer unfamiliar to the three of them. Ever since they learned that the three of them like to go through the back door of the training base, many reporters and fans have come here to wait for them.

Fans came to them to ask for autographs, while reporters came to Hu Lai to ask questions.

The question asked is naturally related to what Lin Zhiyuan said at the ceremony to join the South China Tigers yesterday.

"I think he's right." Hu Lai, who was in the back seat, opened the car window and answered the reporter's question. He said exactly the same thing as what he said to Wang Guangwei and Zhang Qinghuan when he arrived. "I didn't think I was anything at all.

The representative of success is the label that you reporters gave me. Let me tell you, I am still far from success? I have just started on the road, what height can I speak of? To talk about height... I used to be lying on the ground.

And now I have just squatted down, and it is still early for me to walk upright. So there is nothing to say, he is right..."

He waved his hands to the reporters and raised the car window glass again.

After the car finally drove out of the "encirclement", Wang Guangwei, who was sitting in the driver's seat, asked Hu Lai while driving: "Hu Lai, you said this in front of reporters, aren't you afraid that others really think that is what you think?


"That's what I really think." Hu Lai shook his head and sighed, "Why don't you believe it?"

"Perhaps it's because you talk too much nonsense?" Zhang Qinghuan gave the answer.

"Go away, I am such a frank and sincere person. But Brother Huan, when you were picking up girls, you told countless duplicitous lies!"

"Haha, sir, I never rely on lies to pick up girls. I take every relationship seriously, but the shelf life of my love is too short..."

"This is the first time I've heard someone describe 'scum' in such a sober and refined manner." Hu Lai sneered.

At this time, Wang Guangwei, who was driving, suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" The two people looked at Wang Guangwei strangely.

"No, I just suddenly wondered, Zhang Qinghuan, whether your love has a short shelf life or something else is too short..."

Hu Lai was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Zhang Qinghuan suddenly changed his expression: "Speak nicely, what kind of car are you driving!"

"I was driving..." The driver Wang Guangwei felt aggrieved.

"Drive well and say anything!"

Hu Lai was still laughing. When Zhang Qinghuan saw this, he had to change the subject: "Hey Hu Lai, don't blame me for not reminding you. What if the media reports that you said this and the other party thinks you have given up? How embarrassing.


"Is it embarrassing? Don't you think so?" Hu Lai still had a smile on his face and shook his head. "Others can think whatever they want. If you are a coward, let's talk about it during the game. He has just joined the South China Tiger Echelon.

I probably won’t meet anyone in two years, so there’s no need to care too much about what a passerby thinks of me. Otherwise, if I care about what other people think of me all day long, I can’t live a good life myself?”

"Then don't be angry, everyone said that..."

"You're angry, or else we spend money to find someone to go to Lingnan and beat that kid up?"

"Crack down on gangsters and eliminate evil..."

"Right." Hu Lai spread his hands, "Then what else can I do? Open fire with him in the media and spit at each other?"

Zhang Qinghuan thought about it carefully, and there really was no good way to respond. He could only sigh: "It would be great if we play the South China Tigers in the next game!"

"Wake up, we are in the Chinese Premier League, and the South China Tigers are in the Chinese Super League. And even if we really beat the South China Tigers, that person may not be the one guarding the goal."

"That's right..." Zhang Qinghuan shook his head and stopped talking.


"Zhiyuan, I read the media reports, and it is true, as I said yesterday, your casual words will turn into a crisis of public opinion here." In the hotel room, a paunchy, bald, middle-aged man frowned.

He told Lin Zhiyuan that he was Lin Zhiyuan's agent Qiu Xinrong.

"Oh, Lao Qiu..."

"Call me uncle!"

"Okay, old Uncle Qiu..."

Qiu Xinrong rolled his eyes, but did not continue to correct Lin Zhiyuan's address to him.

"You know I've been in Germany for too long, and I'm not used to the way people behave in the country..."

"Don't use this as an excuse. There are too few people in European football telling lies? Why do you think I can't control it? Anyway, you have to control your mouth for me. Do you know how much prestige Hu Lai has now?

How tall and famous is he? He is the one who just ended his 'Korean phobia'!"

When Lin Zhiyuan heard this, he curled his lips and said, "That's because I'm not here. If I were here, I would still be able to beat the Korean team without him."

Qiu Xinrong laughed angrily when he heard what he said: "Then why aren't you here?"

"I didn't just return to China last summer. Let me tell you, Lao Qiu, if I had returned a year earlier and caught up with the national competition in my freshman year of high school, maybe I would have been the goalkeeper in the East Asian Cup!" Lin Zhiyuan said with his thumb.

Poke yourself and look very confident.

"Then why don't you just go to the professional echelon? You have to go to some high school..." Qiu Xinrong snorted coldly, "I advised you to join a domestic club directly, but you didn't listen. Only if you really go to the echelon will you have hope.

We are playing in the East Asian Cup."

Lin Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and then said with some embarrassment: "Isn't it because I read some articles about domestic national competitions on the Internet? Each and every one of them wrote about the national competitions as passionate as in Japanese boy comics, what youth, dreams

Ah, our old enemy...seeing this makes my blood boil. I must experience our own national competition..."

"As a result, you won the national championship in just one year."

"Yeah...yeah, that's the problem...it only took me one year to become the national champion, and the strength of Yuntai Middle School is still quite average...what can I do, I'm also very

Desperate!" Lin Zhiyuan spread his hands, "It's so boring! There is no challenge at all. Alas, Lao Qiu, if I had known, I would have listened to you and gone directly to a professional club. Maybe I will be the main player in the first team now.


Seeing that Lin Zhiyuan also knew that he had taken a detour, Qiu Xinrong no longer blamed him for not listening to him, but comforted him: "Look at the best, if you didn't go to the national competition and come back as a champion, you might not be able to do this.

I successfully joined the South China Tigers. Now that I have become a professional player, I will try my best to play in the first team."

"What's the point of just playing in games? I want to be the main force in the first team! The main force in the Chinese Super League!" Lin Zhiyuan said proudly. "I have inquired about Chen Xingyi, who is known as the 'strongest high school student', and which student players have joined the professional team.

The number one player, Luo Kai, has not been able to make it in the Chinese Super League team, and now he has gone to the Chinese Super League in despair. Then I will be the first one to play the main role in the Chinese Super League!"

Upon hearing Lin Zhiyuan's "wild words", Qiu Xinrong did not refute him, but smiled.

Because in his heart, Lin Zhiyuan can do it as a matter of course.

He has this strength, he is a super genius.

His only problem is to control his bad mouth. After all, this country does not like people who are too ostentatious, even if this person has matching strength.

It's too arrogant and annoying, and it also affects the commercial value in this country.

This chapter has been completed!
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