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Chapter 174 The flames are high when everyone gathers firewood

 "Oh! That reporter is quite fast! It turns out to be a reporter from "Lingnan Evening News"... Hu Lai, look, your story has already been posted on the Internet by the media. I even found you on Douyin!


After the field acclimatization training, on the bus from the stadium back to the hotel, some teammates started shouting on their mobile phones.

When he said this, other people took out their mobile phones one after another, trying to view this video.

But not everyone can succeed: "Why are all the videos of beautiful women on my Douyin, but no videos of Hu Lai..."

"Big data, that means that Brother Han, you only look at these beauties!"

"Pfft, Han Xiangfei, did you expose something?"

"It's really..." Wang Guangwei lowered his head and looked at the video of "Lingnan Evening News" that was displayed on his mobile phone.

It is a video of Hu Lai being interviewed outside the airport. Facing the camera of his mobile phone, Hu Lai said with a smile: "...If it weren't for this Sun... coach who was honest with me and said that I had no future in Poseidon Club,

I will not make up my mind to leave Poseidon and go to Shining Star..."

Seeing this, Wang Guangwei paused and then asked Hu Lai: "Hu Lai, are you going to say 'this grandson' and then change your words temporarily?"

Hu Lai shook his head: "How is it possible? I respect Sun... my guide so much, how could I do such a thing!"

Wang Guangwei nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Then he continued to look.

Chen Xingyi is more concerned about what is said in the comments: "There are more than 200 comments... let's see what is said?"

He signaled Wang Guangwei to stop watching the video and go directly to the comments. Do we still need to understand what Hu Lai said through the video? Didn’t everyone around him hear it clearly?

Wang Guangwei had no choice but to click on the comment.

The first hot comment was: "Did Hu Lai want to say 'this grandson' and then change his words temporarily? Hahaha!"

Chen Xingyi raised his head and glanced at Wang Guangwei: "Did you post this, Lao Wang?"

Wang Guangwei waved his hand quickly: "I can't even look at Douyin without commenting."

They continued to scroll down.

The second hot comment: "Hu Lai's accusation is a bit serious. If there is no evidence, Sun He will sue him for defamation..."

Wang Guangwei and Chen Xingyi looked up at Hu Lai again, and Hu Lai spread his hands: "If you don't accuse him, he is my grandson."

The third hot comment: "It's true! I can testify! That Sun He is nothing special! If it weren't for him, Hu Lai would be a player in Poseidon's first team now, playing in the Chinese Super League!"

Both Chen Xingyi and Wang Guangwei looked at Hu Lai again with surprised eyes. Hu Lai was also surprised: "Holy crap, is there really someone who can testify for me?!"


Gao Youjun has been busy online for a long time, but still found nothing.

Although Hu Lai is very popular now, he was not famous at all at that time, and Sun He was far less controversial than he is now.

Both of them are ordinary people, and people don't pay much attention to them. Regarding this incident that is said to have happened on the sidelines of the training ground, there is even less evidence. After all, there are no reporters present on the sidelines of the training ground, so it is naturally impossible. What images were left behind to record...

Now that Hu Lai is famous, some people will look into his past experiences and understand his growth process, but none of these people have discovered the conversation between Hu Lai and Sun He.

Gao Youjun leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to rest. After resting for half a minute, he picked up his phone and decided to see what feedback the short video received after it was sent out.

The number of views has exceeded 50,000, and the results are not bad...

He muttered something in his mind, then looked at the more than 400 comments below and clicked in.

The first hot comment made his eyes widen.

"It's true! I can testify! That Sun He is nothing special! If it weren't for him, Hu Lai would be a player in Poseidon's first team now, playing in the Chinese Super League!"


"Haha, the Douyin account of "Lingnan Evening News" contacted me!"

In Dormitory No. 407, Dormitory Building No. 21, Nanshan University, Lao Wang shouted.

"What did you do?" Everyone was curious.

"I left them a message saying that I can prove what Hu Lai said is right!" Lao Wang said proudly. "The title of this Douyin post was a question, which shows that the reporter is not sure whether it is true or not. I am I’ve already seen in the comments that someone was cleaning up Sun He and Sun’s thieves, and I couldn’t be more angry..."

Everyone in the dormitory knew that Hu Lai was unknown at the time, so why did Sun He target him? Hu Lai must be suffering from persecution paranoia.

Some people also say that Hu Lai deliberately made such remarks in order to disturb the morale of the Poseidon team before the start of the Football Association Cup semi-finals. This is not a matter of heart, it is simply a black heart!

There are many similar ground-washing remarks.

In addition, some people asked Hu Lai to provide evidence in an objective and neutral manner.

How could Hu Lai have evidence?

Under such circumstances, the fourth child in dormitory 407, Lao Wang, couldn't help but leave a message on Douyin.

And because he was the first person to say that he could testify against Hu Lai, his comment was immediately upvoted by many comments, and eventually became the number one hot comment.

Everyone gathered around to see what the other party had to say when they contacted Lao Wang.

"Hello, I am Gao Youjun, a reporter from Lingnan Evening News. Can you provide me with your contact information? We would like to interview you in detail on this issue."

"What should I do, Da Chu? Do you want to give it to me?" Lao Wang looked back at Chu Yifan, who was standing behind him.

"Give it, why don't you give it? I don't know if anyone else knows about it, but we know it. We kept asking after this, and Hu Lai told us. Now that we know it, we definitely can't let it go Hu Lai suffers this injustice." Chu Yifan said.

"Okay, let's have a nice chat with this Evening News reporter!"


"Ah Yan, have you watched this video?"

Poseidon team captain Chen Faren shared a Douyin video with Liu Yan on WeChat and asked him.

Liu Yan knew what the captain was asking without having to click on it. He had already seen it... Even in the U22 training team group, everyone collectively asked Hu Lai about it. He was criticized by many people at that time.


Liu Yan replied: "I have already seen it, Captain Chen. Do you want to ask me if I know about this?"

"Yes, you and Hu Lai already met at the Olympics. Have you ever heard him talk about this?"

"Not at the time, Team Chen. I only found out today. We just discussed this matter in the WeChat group of our training team..."

"Then do you think what Hu Lai said is true or false?"

"Everyone in the training team asked him this too today, and he said it was true..." Liu Yan recalled Hu Lai's words in the group:

"...Of course it's true. That's a classic quote from Director Sun. I can still recite it in full!"

"Okay, I get it."

As soon as Chen Faren said these words, Liu Yan found that someone was following him in the WeChat group of the Poseidon first team. He clicked in and saw that the problem was exactly the same as that of Team Chen.

I also posted a video and asked him if this really happened...

So Liu Yan asked Chen Faren privately: "Team Chen, what should I say?"

"Tell the truth, just say what you know."

"Okay, Captain Chen."

Then Liu Yan repeated what he just said to Team Chen in the group.

This remark aroused heated discussion among everyone in the group.

"If this is true, someone will be in trouble..."

"I heard that the club only made 500,000 yuan from selling Hu Lai, which is simply a bargain price!"

"I have long said that Sun He's vision is not good. Look, I was right!"

"I think it's a bit exaggerated. Of course Sun He is a fool. But letting Hu Lai go is probably not as pity as some people on the Internet said. I'm not saying that Hu Lai can't do it. I just mean that he went to Flash Star and kicked him out. He can't.

It proves that he can be kicked out even if he stays in Poseidon. Sometimes he can really stand out in a different environment..."

Looking at everyone's discussion, Liu Yan said nothing.

He just couldn't help but wonder, if Director Zhao and Hu Lai had not left the club, what would it be like now?

After being teammates with Hu Lai in the U22 training team for a period of time, Liu Yan increasingly felt that playing against him was a happy thing, but at the same time playing against him was a very troublesome thing. After all, you really don’t

Knowing what he will do to you...

With Hu Lai's ability, he should be able to have a place in the Poseidon first team, right?

He doesn't know what kind of performance Hu Lai can perform in the Chinese Super League, but no matter what he thinks, it should be similar to Guan Xinyan last season... No, maybe better than Guan Xinyan.

Well, anyway, he is definitely stronger than Guan Xinyan this season.


Gao Youjun looked at the screenshot of the chat history on his mobile phone, which was sent to him by his interviewee just now.

The other party claims to be Chu Yifan, Hu Lai’s high school senior and the captain of Hu Lai’s Dongchuan Middle School football team. This screenshot is a conversation between Chu Yifan and Hu Lai on WeChat.

The content of the conversation was related to Sun He. It was Chu Yifan who asked Hu Lai why he was not feeling well. After repeated questioning, Hu Lai finally told his senior the truth about the matter.

Naturally, it was because he had been training with the Poseidon Youth Team for so long, and all the hard work he had put in was wiped out by the words of the new youth training director Sun He.

Hu Lai confided his depression and emotions to the captain of his school team, and also recounted in full what Sun He said to him.

"...Modern football's requirements for centers are getting higher and higher, and they are becoming more and more comprehensive. What's the use if you can only shoot? A center like you does not meet the requirements and definition of modern football... Let me tell the truth, I It’s not that you have no future in Poseidon, I mean that even if you go to other teams, you have no future. Sorry, I am a straight-talking person, but I am doing it for your own good. Rather than wasting everyone’s time like this, it is better to find another way. The way out..."

Gao Youjun couldn't help showing a dumbfounded expression as he watched Hu Lai's retelling. When he first heard Hu Lai say this, he thought Sun He was saying that Hu Lai had no future in Poseidon. In fact, that's okay. Understand, after all, perhaps Sun He thought that Hu Lai did not conform to Poseidon's football philosophy and did not adapt to Poseidon's tactical requirements. Now everyone knows that Hu Lai is a player with outstanding advantages and disadvantages. Maybe Sun He saw this at the time What about a little?

Isn't there someone who used the fact that Hu Lai went to Flash Star to justify Sun He? If Sun He hadn't refused so bluntly, Hu Lai might have been allowed to continue to stay in Poseidon full of fantasy. Did he miss the shining star and the most important choice in his life?

Without knowing what Sun He specifically said, Gao Youjun felt that this statement made some sense.

But now he doesn't feel so.

What the hell... what a grandson!

Does this mean that Hu Lai is not suitable for Poseidon's football philosophy? This is completely denying Hu Lai's value as a professional player - what he said is very clear, not only in Poseidon, but also in other teams, Hu Lai There would be no chance of success. In the end, he even hinted that Hu Lai should give up playing football and find another way out.

It is completely conceivable that if Hu Lai was really not determined enough and listened to his grandson's instigation when he was at his lowest, he gave up football and found another way...

So on the night of March 13, 2023, Chinese football may not have that hearty 3:0, and it will continue to be "fearful of South Korea". We Chinese fans are groping in the dark. Maybe it will be extended for a while longer.

Gao Youjun can completely feel Hu Lai's depression and confusion from this screenshot of the chat history.

Who would have thought that the genius Hu Lai, who scored five goals in the East Asian Cup and won the top scorer, and led the scorer list in the Chinese League One, would actually say, "Team Chu, I really felt that I I’m afraid I won’t be able to walk on the path I have chosen even on my knees.”…

But fortunately, he did not immerse himself in such self-pity for too long. Later, Hu Lai mentioned to Chu Yifan in the chat that he had received a call from Zhao Kangming and planned to transfer back to Anton and join Flash Star. He believes that "there is a bright future in another village, and the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge."

Seeing this, Gao Youjun breathed out as if watching a suspense drama when all the suspense was finally revealed.

Because he knew what happened after Hu Lai went to Flash Star.

The future of Chinese football has been secured...

After heaving a sigh of relief, Gao Youjun became even more unhappy with Sun He.

Thinking of this, he began to devote himself to work with great enthusiasm. He wanted to make all the short videos and articles about this matter that would be published tomorrow.

He is not a Poseidon fan, nor is he a fan of Poseidon's rival South China Tigers. He had no prejudice against the Poseidon team before, but now he has some personal grudges with this idiot named Sun He...


Sun He had already watched the video on Douyin.

When he saw Hu Lai say those words, he really didn't expect that Hu Lai would expose this matter himself.

He was so angry that the hand holding the phone was shaking.

Is this bastard crazy?

You be your football genius, and I will be my Poseidon youth training director. We are all living a good life now, so don’t worry about the bad things in the past, okay?

He had always felt that as long as General Manager Zhang Qiang stopped mentioning Hu Lai in front of him, he could pretend that the past had never happened.

In the end, Sun He never expected that Zhang Qiang didn’t mention it, but Hu Lai mentioned it himself!

He would actually expose his own scars, expose his own ugliness, and tell reporters what happened when he was humiliated by himself...

Damn, this guy is so mean!

Just when Sun He was furiously typing Hu Lai in his mind, his phone rang.

After seeing the caller's name, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Hey, Zhang, Mr. Zhang..." He felt his mouth was a little dry.

Finally want it?

Is this day finally coming?

"Xiao Sun, if you don't have any plans tomorrow, come to Nanshan Stadium to watch the game together. I've reserved a place for you on the podium." Zhang Qiang on the other end of the phone spoke in a gentle tone.

Sun He was stunned. Didn't he come to ask him to accuse him?

"How about it? Can you give me a message, Xiao Sun?"

"Okay, okay, no problem, no problem! Mr. Zhang, I will be there on time!" Sun He agreed quickly.

Generally speaking, first-team games have little to do with him as the director of youth training. He is not qualified to go to the rostrum to watch the game. If he wants to watch it, he can go to the box to watch the game. But Sun He basically will not join in the fun.


Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang took the initiative to invite him to the rostrum to watch the game today...

Sun He thought about it again and felt that Mr. Zhang hadn't seen the video on Douyin yet, so he didn't know what happened.

Otherwise, if Mr. Zhang watched the Douyin video, it would be impossible for him to speak to himself in such a gentle tone, and it would be impossible for him to invite himself to the rostrum to watch the game.

This is good, this is good...

In tomorrow's game, after Flashing Star is eliminated and that kid Hu Lai is completely out of everyone's sight, even if Mr. Zhang knows about the matter between him and Hu Lai, he will have something to say - look at Hu Lai's performance in the Football Association Cup semi-finals

His performance in the Chinese Super League, you can't say that my original opinion was wrong just because he was successful in the Chinese Super League, right? Poseidon is a Chinese Super League team! Hu Lai is just a Chinese League player, how can he be worthy of it?

Play football in our Poseidon!

Sun He let out a sigh of relief, feeling that his crisis was temporarily lifted.

Tomorrow, he will dress up and wait to witness Hu Lai's failure!

This chapter has been completed!
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