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Chapter one hundred and eighty sixth

 When Zhao Kangming saw his first-team players on the training ground, he suddenly felt that there were a lot less people, so he asked his assistant coach Chen Mo: "Is it my imagination? I feel like there are a lot of people today.


Chen Mo laughed: "Why are you late? I was transferred to play for the national team and the Olympic team!"

Only then did Zhao Kangming react. He smiled self-deprecatingly: "Well, I have never encountered such a thing before. I didn't realize it the first time..."

"You will be very experienced in the future, Lao Zhao."

Shining Star's first team is indeed missing some players, but these people are not late, but they did not come to participate in the training at all.

Due to the outstanding performance of Flash Star in the league and FA Cup this season, many of Flash Star's players have also entered the talent selection field of the national team.

Let’s not talk about Hu Lai and Wang Guangwei. If Zhao Kangming hadn’t pressured them, both of them might have gone to the national team.

On this international match day, the two of them were selected by the Olympic team to participate in the three warm-up matches of the Olympic team.

In addition, Chen Xingyi also joined the Olympic team with Hu Lai and Wang Guangwei due to his outstanding performance in Flash Star this season.

Zhang Qinghuan was also selected for the Chinese national team again after three years because of his performance this season.

He is also the only player in this national team from the Chinese League One team.

However, he will not feel any pressure because of this. After all, he is an "old player" of the Chinese national team...

"Alas..." Zhao Kangming sighed, "Our Flash Stars will actually have to face the situation of not having all the personnel on the international match day. Who would have thought of this?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "This shows that our work has been recognized."

"I just hope that the FIFA virus will have less impact on us." Zhao Kangming made a wish from the perspective of a club head coach.

This is a very serious question, and Chen Mo can't laugh anymore.

Sending players to play for a nationally renowned team to bring honor to the country is of course a good thing, and it also shows the club's level of talent training.

But on the other hand, players also have to bear the risk of bringing glory to the country. After all, if a player is injured in a national team game, the club's game is also delayed, and the club also has to spend money to treat the player's injury while he is recovering from his injury.

He still has to pay the medium salary, so we support him like this.

Although the national team will provide certain compensation, the money is just better than nothing and does not solve the actual problem at all.

Moreover, after the injury, the club has nothing to complain about. It cannot even complain, otherwise it will be attacked by public opinion.

So this is really a dumb thing to eat Coptis chinensis.

"I hope they all come back healthy and safe." Chen Mo could only say this in the end.


"Tsk, this training session turned out to be on Feiyu Island in the mountains and seas, not in Hongfeng Ridge in the capital." Sitting on the plane, looking through the portholes at the densely populated mountains and seas suburbs below the plane, as well as the faintly visible coastline in the distance, Hu

Rai complained.

"Is there anything wrong?" Chen Xingyi asked.

"I know Hong Maple Ridge well. I will take you with you when the time comes. At least you know how to get to the restaurant so you won't go hungry."

Wang Guangwei next to him couldn't hold back: "Hu Lai, don't say that Chen Xingyi is like an idiot."

Hu Lai pointed at Wang Guangwei, who was sitting on the other side of the aisle, and said to Chen Xingyi in the middle: "Well, you heard it. It was Lao Wang who said that, and I didn't say that."

Chen Xingyi ignored them two bitches, but lowered his head to study the list of the training, and then said to Hu Lai: "Luo Kai will also go this time."

"Just go." Hu Lai didn't care very much.

"I want to settle the score with him!" Chen Xingyi said.

"What? Did he steal your girlfriend?" Hu Lai asked.

“Ask him why he blocked me on WeChat!”

"Haha." Hu Lai and Wang Guangwei laughed dryly, neither of them wanted to talk to this bitch.

Then Chen Xingyi said: "Hey, Guan Xinyan was also selected..."

"Who is Guan Xinyan?" Hu Lai blurted out this question like a conditioned reflex.

Chen Xingyi turned to look at him: "Did you do it on purpose?"

Hu Lai was stunned for a moment and waved his hand quickly: "No, no, it's really not... Oh, I remembered, he has always been the main player before, isn't it normal to be selected?"

"I counted, including the two of us, Luo Kai, and Guan Xinyan... we recruited a total of seven forwards for this warm-up match. Isn't this a bit too much?" Chen Xingyi said.

"In the warm-up match, Director Shi definitely wants to inspect more players. How can we inspect more players if we don't organize more people?" Hu Lai said.

"That's what I say, but the competition will be fierce enough..."

"Let's be fierce, little Xingxing, are you still afraid of competition?"

"I'm afraid of a hammer!" Chen Xingyi snorted. After staying in Jincheng for almost a year, he has mastered some Jincheng dialects, mainly "Jincheng swear words".


"Xinyan, look what I said before? Don't worry, no matter what, there will definitely be a place for you in the National Olympic team. Isn't Director Shi going to recruit you this time? What does that mean? It means you must still be in the National Olympic team.

An important member of the Olympic team's front line! Chen Xingyi and Luo Kai are all newcomers and can't threaten your position at all. It's Hu Lai who is the troublesome one..."

There were two people in the distance ahead, pulling their suitcases and walking into the Haishan Football Association training base on Feiyu Island. This is also the training base where the National Olympic team is preparing for training.

One of the tall men was talking to the person next to him, his voice was so loud that it was blown by the wind.

Luo Kai, who was hanging behind them, heard his name in the gossip. He didn't pay much attention at first and asked Liu Jinge beside him: "Who are those two people?"

Liu Jinge looked up and said: "Oh, Xiao Xiao and Guan Xinyan. The tall one is Xiao Xiao, the substitute goalkeeper. The one next to him is Guan Xinyan..."

Speaking of this, Liu Jinge suddenly thought of a rumor and laughed: "I heard that Guan Xinyan has a crush on Li Qingqing!"

After Luo Kai heard the keyword, he took a deep look at Liu Jinge: "Is there still such a thing?"

Liu Jinge smiled happily and did not notice the deep meaning in Luo Kai's eyes: "Yes, why not? Aren't he and Li Qingqing both in the same club? They both belong to Shanhai Lanyue. Once, the Blue Moon Club joined forces with Shanhai. The school held a promotional event for bringing football into the campus, and he and Li Qingqing were selected by the club as partners to cooperate with the promotion. After that event, Guan Xinyan's fans spread a rumor that Guan Xinyan and Li Qingqing were from the Shanhai football circle. 'Golden Girl'... His fans initially scolded Hu Lai for being Guan Xinyan's spare tire before joining the Olympic team. Unexpectedly, Hu Lai slapped them in the face in the Olympic team. The scene was so embarrassing, ha! "

Luo Kai turned his attention to the figure next to the tall man in the distance.


Today is the day for all players of the Olympic team to report. Starting from the morning until the evening, players will continue to report to the Shanhai Football Association training base on Feiyu Island in the northeastern suburbs of Shanhai.

By chance, we met at the check-in counter, and we greeted each other when we met. We got on good terms with each other and chatted together, recounting what had happened since the end of the East Asian Cup until now.

Some players who have already signed in will show up at the registration office, waiting for their teammates and watching the fun.

In addition to the staff of the Football Association and the base who were busy signing in, there were also some players from the Shanhai Football Association's youth team who came to volunteer.

These teenagers are responsible for leading the way for their senior brothers, answering their questions, and running various errands.

For them, this is an opportunity to see their role models and idols. It is also very interesting to watch the big brothers of the Olympic team chatting up close. They can inquire about the gossip of the Olympic team and go back to the team. With bragging rights, most youth team players are quite happy to sacrifice their rest time to volunteer.

Now these teenagers looked at Guan Xinyan who came up with envy and admiration.

When Guan Xinyan and Xiao Xiao arrived, they first met Ran Jiachang, the leader of the Olympic team. The latter shook hands with him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Long time no see, Xinyan!"

The team leader's kind and friendly attitude made Guan Xinyan feel warm in his heart - and sure enough, Team Leader Ran still remembered him!

After saying hello, Ran Jiachang pointed to the sign-in table next to them and said to them, "Go sign in first."

Guan Xinyan and Xiao Xiao went to sign and at the same time greeted their teammates behind them.

He saw Guo Junfu among his teammates and happily greeted Guo Junfu: "Lao Guo, where is your luggage?"

"I have completed the formalities a long time ago and put my luggage in the room." Guo Junfu explained, but the expression on his face was not very happy. He frowned and came to Guan Xinyan and whispered: "Xinyan, you are in the club. What's going on?"

The smile on Guan Xinyan's face froze. He knew that Guo Junfu was talking about his club's poor performance.

It is indeed not good, Guan Xinyan admits this, but overall, his performance in the second half of the season is better than that of the first half. In the last four Chinese Super League games, he has played three times, two of which were starts, and he scored one goal.

This performance is quite good.

He felt that his condition was gradually recovering, and his heart sank, not as impetuous as before.

Xiao Xiao heard Guo Junfu say this from the side and was unhappy: "What's wrong with Xinyan's performance in the club? Isn't it good? He just scored a goal..."

Guo Junfu ignored Xiao Xiao, but stared at Guan Xinyan and said in a low voice: "I remind you, Xinyan. Today's Olympic team is completely different from before. Did you notice? This time, Director Shi recruited seven forwards.

The competition is very fierce, you can't take it lightly..."

When he saw that his teammates who were in front of him had finished signing in, he pointed to the sign-in table: "You guys should check in first..." and then stepped aside.

Guan Xinyan looked back at his former friend from the National Youth Team and the National Olympic Team and frowned. He really didn't expect that after not seeing him for a long time, the other party would come to pour cold water on him.

They signed in quickly and were about to go to the staff next to them to get their room cards when they heard someone talking next to them: "Liu Jinge from Lingnan Nanhai, he is..."

"Luo Kai." A strange voice sounded.

The female staff member of the training base who originally planned to assign room cards to Guan Xinyan and Xiao Xiao heard this voice and raised her eyes. However, when she saw the tall and handsome young man standing next to Guan Xinyan, she was stunned for a moment.

Guan Xinyan noticed the crazy attitude of the female staff member and turned to look over.

I found that the man who called himself Luo Kai was also looking at me.

But what surprised him was that when the newcomer to the Olympic team looked at him, he actually felt a hint of... hostility in his eyes?

This is outrageous. I have never had any contact with him before. If I don't know him, what can I do about it?

How could there be hostility?

Is it your own illusion?

But after seeing this man's appearance clearly, Guan Xinyan also frowned - this man seemed to be more handsome than himself...

Originally, Guan Xinyan thought he was the most handsome in the Olympic team, but now he feels a strong threat.

Perhaps the hostility of the other party comes from this: handsome guys are always hostile to other handsome guys...

The female staff member's confusion only lasted for a moment. She quickly returned to normal and knew what her responsibilities were.

She rummaged through a pile of room cards for a while, then handed them the room cards with the names written on Xinyan and Xiao Xiao, and pointed to the left: "The elevator is over there."

Guan Xinyan and Xiao Xiao took the room card, but did not leave immediately. Instead, they looked at Luo Kai and Liu Jinge.

They saw team leader Ran Jiachang also walking up. He first greeted Liu Jinge, then looked at Luo Kai and asked, "Are you Luo Kai?"

Luo Kai nodded: "I'm Luo Kai, hello, leader Ran."

"Okay, okay." Ran Jiachang said hello twice and raised his hand to pat his shoulder.

This action made Guan Xinyan a little concerned.

Because Leader Ran also patted his own shoulder just now, but Xiao Xiao, who was next to him, didn’t pat my shoulder, but specifically patted my shoulder. Do I need to explain the meaning of this action?

Obviously only players who have enough weight in the heart of Team Leader Ran can receive this special treatment.

As a result, Team Leader Ran patted Luo Kai's shoulder again. He didn't pat Liu Jinge's, but patted Luo Kai's...

Does this mean that in Leader Ran’s heart, this Olympic newcomer has the same status as himself?

He thought again of what Guo Junfu said to him before. Director Shi recruited seven forwards this time, and this Luo Kai... seemed to be one of them.

He looked at Luo Kai now with even more hostility in his eyes.

Luo Kai seemed to have noticed Guan Xinyan's eyes. He turned his head and looked at him expressionlessly.

The eyes of the two people collided silently in the air, as if sparks flashed out.

At this moment, the young volunteers suddenly started to make a commotion. Not only that, but the Olympic team players who were gathered around the sign-in desk to watch the excitement and meet their friends also made a noise.

This aroused the dissatisfaction of the team leader Ran Jiachang. He was about to scold him when he suddenly saw three people walking from a distance.

Not only did he understand why the young volunteers were commotion and the Olympic team players were making noise, he even took the initiative to go up to them!

Because the man in the middle of the three people who came was none other than Hu Lai!


"Let me tell you little star, although this is the Feiyu training base of the Shanhai Football Association and I'm not familiar with it, it doesn't matter. I can get along well in the Olympic team now, so if you follow me, you don't have to worry about not being able to integrate.


Hu Lai was bragging with Chen Xingyi.

Chen Xingyi sneered: "Then why don't all the players of the Olympic team come out to greet you..."

At this moment, he and Hu Lai saw a figure walking towards them in front of them.

"That's Ran Jiachang, leader of the Olympic team, leader Ran," said Wang Guangwei, who was dragging his suitcase.

Hu Lai laughed: "Have you seen, little Xingxing, what is a card face?"

After saying that, he walked quickly to meet her.

Chen Xingyi said behind him: "If you have the ability, don't go up to him..."

"I'm not stupid!" Hu Lai dropped these words and walked up to Ran Jiachang in two steps. He bowed respectfully: "Hello, leader Ran!"

Ran Jiachang didn't expect Hu Lai to take the initiative to bow to him, but it made him feel particularly good - it was already good when he saw Hu Lai, but it's even better now...

He laughed loudly, opened his arms, patted Hu Lai's shoulders from two directions at the same time, and then grabbed his arm hard: "You kid! I watched your FA Cup match against Poseidon, and you played so beautifully!"

Hu Lai nodded quickly and bowed: "Thank you, Team Leader Ran..."

"I told you, Coach Shi, whether you would like to contribute your set-piece tactics to the Olympic team? Didn't Zhao Kangming already tell you, were those set-piece tactics your idea?" Ran Jiachang said with a smile.


"Of course it's no problem, Team Leader Ran!" Hu Lai patted his chest, "Serve the country and do your best!"

Ran Jiachang got the answer he wanted, and happily hugged Hu Lai, put his arms around his neck, and exerted all his strength.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, Leader Ran..." Hu Lai stuck out his tongue, bared his teeth and claws, and shouted exaggeratedly.

Ran Jiachang didn't care. After letting go of Hu Lai, he kicked him on the butt.

"Hurry up and sign in!"

Everyone watching this scene was stunned.

Newcomer Chen Xingyi asked Wang Guangwei in a low voice from behind: "Is Team Leader Ran so easy to get along with?"

Wang Guangwei shook his head: "No, he only does this to Hu Lai..."


PS, I wish you all a happy National Day!

When you read this chapter, I was driving on the highway with my wife, children and family - I set off at 5:30 in the morning because I was afraid of traffic jams, and I probably haven't reached my destination yet.

In fact, given my temper, I don’t want to go out on national statutory holidays such as National Day and May Day because there are traffic jams everywhere, there are too many cars on the road, and there are too many people in the scenic spots.

In the past, I could still laugh at those people who were stuck in traffic and restricted areas on Weibo and Moments at home.

But now, as my children grow older, I have become the one I laugh at...

After all, this is the only time when my children have time to go out and play. No matter how free I am in my career, if my children are not free, I will not be free either.

Fortunately, I have saved the manuscript, so I have set up regular updates for the past few days.

Let me report it to everyone.

If there are any beautiful scenery during the trip, I will also send Easter egg stamps to share with you.

In addition, it is still during the double monthly ticket period. Everyone’s guaranteed monthly ticket is now worth two. Please vote!

thank you all!

This chapter has been completed!
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