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Chapter 16 This familiar scene...

 When Hu Lai kicked the football and shot it into the goal, although everyone vaguely knew what would happen next, many people were still a little confused when they saw the football really fly into the goal-this ball was really

Just like that? Hu Lai really completed a hat trick like this?

Professional commentators are also quick to respond.

After He Feng saw the football flying into the goal, he raised his arms and shouted: "The ball is in! Beautiful! Beautiful! It's incredible! It's unbelievable! Hu Lai completed the hat in less than four minutes

Trick! He only had two shots in the first half but suddenly broke out in the second half! Three consecutive shots and three consecutive goals! So efficient, so terrifying!"

He tried his best to use words to express his inner ecstasy, but after the words were spoken, he felt that words were so lacking in front of his mood at this moment...

No words can express even one-tenth of his current mood.

After all, just during the intermission, he and Yan Kang were yelling angrily in the studio. If outsiders saw it, they would be surprised that they usually appear in front of the public with a "rational" and "artistic" image.

The commentator He Feng actually has such a gaffe.

But this is not He Feng's fault.

If anyone who watched this game is still indifferent to the first half, it only means that he is not a Chinese fan and does not love Chinese football.

After the scolding, He Feng calmed down a little and talked to Yan Kang about the second half of the game. He was very disappointed.

Because they can't imagine how the Chinese Olympic team can defeat Qatar's targeting methods.

It is obvious that the Chinese team players have been angered by the Qatari players and the Iranian referee and have lost their calm.

As long as the opponent continues to play like this in the second half, the Chinese team will collapse sooner or later.

First there was anger, then despair.

He Feng wished that he was not the commentator for this game. Because if he was not the commentator, but was just an ordinary fan watching the game, and if he was unhappy, he could go online to vent his emotions, or he could turn off the TV and not watch it at all.

But the commentator can't do that. No matter how angry he is, he still has to finish explaining the game, because this is his job.

He Feng thought he would be sickened to death in the second half.

As a result, the situation suddenly changed. What did he see?

I saw a Hu Lai who was going on a killing spree!

He quickly calculated in his mind that it was the fifty-fourth minute when Hu Lai scored the first goal, and now it is close to the fifty-eighth minute. In less than four minutes, Hu Lai scored three goals.

He made very detailed preparations before commentating on this U23 Asian Cup, so he knew that Hu Lai had set a new U23 Asian Cup record, that is, the fastest hat trick!

Even this completion time may be the fastest in the entire Asian football - anyway, according to the information He Feng knows, no matter whether it is the Chinese Super League or the AFC Champions League, there is no faster hat trick than this time.

The originally disappointing game suddenly turned around due to Hu Lai's super-quick hat trick.

The Chinese team is now three goals ahead of Qatar. This advantage is so great that unless the Iranian referee Farhani goes out of his way to send off the Chinese players so wildly that the remaining players will not be able to meet the minimum number of players on the field, causing the Chinese team to be

A direct loss, otherwise He Feng felt that with the current state of the Chinese team, it would be too difficult for Qatar to come back.

Can Farhani do this?

Or does this Iranian referee dare to do this?

He Feng had doubts in his heart.

Although judging from the first half of the game, many of Farhani's penalties were very unpleasant and were obviously biased in favor of Qatar. But in the situation envisioned by He Feng, it was no longer biased in favor of Qatar. He felt that as long as Farhani had a little bit more

With a normal person's logical thinking ability, he shouldn't be so crazy.

Maybe he really accepted the money from Qatar, but I believe the money from Qatar was not enough to buy his life, right?

He Feng felt that the haze in his heart was dispelled.


When Hu Lai made his signature celebration move for the third time, deafening shouts erupted from the scene.

At first, the sound sounded a bit messy from all the stands. But soon, without anyone directing it, the fans found the rhythm and the cheers became unified.

Even if you are not at the scene, you can still clearly hear what the fans are shouting through the TV broadcast signal.

They were shouting someone's name:

"Hu Lai! Hu Lai! Hu Lai!!"

Wang Zijian and his teammates stood in front of the bench, and everyone turned to look at the stands.

More than 50,000 fans in the audience chanted one person's name in unison, as if the shouts came from the sky, like bursts of thunder.

The scene is amazing.

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

This kind of treatment... none of them have ever enjoyed it, but they have seen it.


Hu Lai also noticed the shouts in the stands, and he suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Soon he remembered where he had seen it before - in the time and space he traveled to, Bayern Munich star Lewandowski once scored consecutive goals in nine minutes in a Bundesliga game against Wolfsburg.

Scored five goals and shocked the world of football.

At that time, the entire Allianz Arena was chanting Lewandowski's name.

And he has scored three goals in a short period of time, and he hopes to replicate Lewandowski's "god from heaven" performance in this time and space.

He had learned about the football world in this world when he traveled through time before, and had never heard of any player being able to accomplish this feat in such a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Hu Lai's thoughts came to life...

How about paying tribute to Lewandowski in this time and space?

Hu Lai thought about it, he had already scored three goals, and he was only two away from five goals...

This has happened, it would be a pity not to give it a try.

He made a decision in his mind.

Damn it, Qatar, I’m going to take action on you today!

Thinking of this, he ran back first without waiting for his teammates to come up to celebrate. As he ran, he called everyone back: "It's not enough to lead by three goals. It's not safe! We have to keep scoring goals!"

Chen Xingyi yelled: "Hu Lai, do you think you are speaking humanly? Isn't it safe to be ahead by three goals?!"

Everyone also laughed.

Hu Lai said seriously: "Why is it safe to lead by three goals? You know..."

He originally wanted to give Chen Xingyi an example to prove that it was possible to overturn a three-goal lead. But he suddenly thought that there was no such thing as AC Milan in this world, let alone the Miracle of Istanbul. He would be afraid to give this example.

People will think you are crazy.

So he couldn't give this example, so he had to change his words: "...you know how despicable the referee is, I don't think it's safe to lead by three goals."

He carried the referee out, and everyone immediately felt that what he said made sense.

So they followed Hu Lai and ran back, shouting: "Keep going, a three-goal lead is really not safe!"


When the game restarted, the Qatari players seemed to have finally recovered from Hulay's three goals in a short period of time and knew what they should do——

After their panicked pass in the midfield was intercepted by Zeng Chi, Zeng Chi passed the football to Hu Lai, who retreated to meet him.

After receiving the ball, Hulay was about to turn around, but he was kicked to the ground by Qatar's No. 20 defensive midfielder Al Khairi just halfway through the turn.

When Hulay fell to the ground holding his heels, the referee Farhani's whistle sounded and called a foul on Hairi.

Of course, it is impossible to expect him to show a yellow card to Haili.

He Feng no longer even mentioned the yellow card, because he knew that the entire team of Qatari players should have been given the protective blessing of "no matter how they commit a foul, they will not receive a card."

Of course Hu Lai knew this, so he didn't toss and turn on the ground, but quickly got up from the ground and limped forward at the same time.

He was trying to buy time for what he was going to do next.

Otherwise, even if the opponent's foul player will not receive a yellow card, he will definitely lie on the ground for a while, after all, it can delay time...

Yan Kang also felt strange about this: "Don't get up in a hurry... Oops, lie down a little longer. Why are you so anxious to get up if you are injured? We are in the lead now!"

He thought that since Hu Lai could get up on his own, it must not be serious, but he could actually use this opportunity to delay the game a little longer.

It's just that he was embarrassed to say this clearly, otherwise some people might think that he was encouraging negative competition, which would be a big slap...

Hu Lai on the field was feeling the condition of the heel of his right foot. After limping a few steps, he found that the pain had been greatly reduced. He didn't know if it was the effect of the [broken giant bear shin guard] or the pain.

[Love's Red String] played a role, or both.

But it was obvious that even though the opponent's spikes almost knocked off his sneakers, they did not cause any substantial damage to him.

I have to say that System Dad is strong!

Hu Lai sincerely thanked this salted fish system in his heart.

Although the system did not directly make him stronger, by preventing him from getting injured in this way, it was actually a big setback for him.

Although he was fine, Hu Lai continued to limp forward, with a frown on his face and a grin on his face.

As if he was enduring great pain.


"Is our son okay?" Xie Lan said worriedly in front of the TV. She could no longer see her excited look before, and felt that the commentator was right, "Why doesn't he lie on the ground for a little longer?"

"I don't know..." Hu Lixin answered his wife's two questions in three words.

He didn't know if Hu Lai was okay, or why he didn't lie on the ground for a while.

Viewed in slow motion, the Qatari player's foot stepped firmly on Hulay's back heel, almost knocking off his sneakers.

Judging from Hu Lai's expression and walking posture, he must have been injured.

With the Chinese team's three-goal lead, it's time to delay for a while - Hu Lixin doesn't think delaying is a bad thing, it's just a tactical choice.

So why didn't Hu Lai do this?

He thought about it.

Maybe he still wants to score a goal...

He thought so in his heart, but did not express this thought out loud.

Because he himself was not sure whether this guess was correct or not.


"Hu Lai is being targeted by the opponent, we should replace him." Li Zhifei suggested to Shi Wuyin from the side.

Shi Wuyuan nodded without hesitation: "Let Tan Yunlong warm up, give him five minutes, and you can call him back after five minutes."

Li Zhifei nodded and went to the bench.

Shi Wuyin continued to watch the game.

Thanks to Hu Lai's explosion, the Chinese team is now three goals ahead of Qatar, giving Shi Wuyin confidence.

Even if there is one less player next, as long as the Chinese team shrinks its defense and places a bus in front of its goal, he thinks it can hold on to the victory until the end.

Qualifying for the group is not a problem.

Under such circumstances, of course he would have to consider what to do next.

The goal of the Chinese Olympic team in participating in this U23 Asian Cup is not just to qualify for the group, but to go to Madrid!

If Hu Lai is injured in this game and he is unable to participate in the next game, it will be a fatal blow to the Chinese team.

So Li Zhifei was right to remind him that now is the time to replace Hu Lai, even though the second half of the game has only started fourteen minutes...

Hu Lai is now the lifeblood of the Olympic team. No matter what, he has to keep his roots for the Olympic team.


When Tan Yunlong got up from the bench and ran to the warm-up area behind the Qatar goal, the Chinese team was preparing to take a free kick.

Originally, the number one set kicker of the Olympic team was Guo Junfu, but now he has been sent off.

So the task of taking the free kick fell to full-back Sun Gang.

As a full-back, he has good positioning skills and is the second positioning player of the Olympic team.

The place where Hulay was kicked down was directly opposite the Qatar goal, about 33 meters away from the goal.

This distance has already entered Sun Gang's shooting range.

He carefully arranged the football and stepped back to wait for Qatar to form a human wall.

"The Chinese team got a free kick from a good position. Let's see how this attack goes. Sun Gang came up to take the penalty..."

He Feng introduced it to the audience in front of the TV.

He saw Hu Lai standing in the center of the penalty area, at one end of the human wall.

Qatar's No. 10 player Afef stood next to Hulay and followed him.

But he only glanced at it and turned his attention to the human wall in Qatar.

It was obvious that the Qatari players were not very honest when lining up the human wall. They did not stand strictly at a distance of 9.15 meters, but slowly moved forward by about half a meter.

Don't underestimate this half meter. In many cases, just this small distance can allow the human wall to block the football trying to fly over them from above.

"Qatar is lined with people..." He Feng was speechless.

Although the Chinese team players reminded referee Farhani to pay attention to Qatar's human wall, the latter obviously did not intend to interfere. He just urged Sun Gang to take a free throw.

Sun Gang was so angry that he wanted to roll his eyes.

At this moment, he heard Hu Lai shouting to him in the penalty area: "Don't worry about them, kick it quickly, Sun Gang! The referee will not listen to you!"

Hu Lai is anxious, he wants to pay tribute to Lewandowski!

Sun Gang admitted that Hu Lai was right, so he had no choice but to ignore it and retreat again, preparing to take a free throw.

Now that Qatar's human wall has moved forward, Sun Gang plans to find a breakthrough from next to the human wall, that is, in the middle of the penalty area.

He noticed that Hu Lai was right there. If Hu Lai stepped aside, wouldn't there be a gap?

He knows which way he should kick the football.

After the referee Farhani blew the whistle, Sun Gang kicked the ball towards Hu Lai's position!

Hu Lai, as for Sun Gang, took a step back and ran towards the goal, preparing for a follow-up shot.

At the same time, he did not forget to look back to see where the football flew...

As soon as he turned around, he saw that the football had flown in front of him!

Why is this ball flying towards my head?

When Hu Lai saw the football, he subconsciously raised his head...

He felt like he hit the ball!

"Sun Gang took the free kick...hey! What a goal!" Commentator He Feng suddenly changed his tone and exclaimed.

The football that was supposed to fly to the left side of the goal was hit by Hu Lai after entering the penalty area, and it changed direction and flew to the other side!

At the same time, Qatar's goalkeeper Bakari was already in the air and pounced on the left side of the goal!

His eyes widened in the air, and he watched in horror as the football flew into the goal from the other half!

"Here's the ball! Oh my god! Four goals! Hu Lai completed his four goals! Only... six minutes have passed since he scored the first goal!!" With the experience of the previous three goals, He

While explaining, Feng quickly glanced at the game time. It was now sixty minutes and twelve seconds into the game!

Yan Kang looked dumbfounded next to him and forgot to make a sound.


PS, the third update is here, and the fourth update will be at 8pm.

This chapter has been completed!
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