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Chapter 62 Turn into a Storm

   Qin Lin met head coach Zhao Kangming in the hotel elevator with his suitcase. He took his mobile phone and asked: "Where is Youth Storm?"

 There is a news report on the phone about yesterday’s Super Cup, and the title of the report is exactly what Zhao Kangming said in response to Chen Jianyu’s question: "Zhao Kangming: Our goal is to avoid relegation."

Zhao Kangming laughed: "I thought about it, and it's better to keep a low profile. Let's wait until the storm really blows before saying any nice words."

“You don’t want to put too much pressure on those young people, right?”

"That's right. You see, when I was asked questions by reporters yesterday, I didn't mention Hu Lai and the others at all. But in today's news reports, some media still think that your choice to retire is related to Hu Lai and the others. There are even some

The media said that you chose to retire because Xia Xiaoyu took your place..."

Qin Lin also saw those reports. He shook his head: "In a sense, it does have something to do with them, but it is definitely different from what the media thinks."

"We know in our hearts, but the media doesn't think so, so I decided not to add fuel to the fire. You said you were retiring, and I said the youth storm was blowing. What do others think? This storm will blow you away first.


Qin Lin smiled: "Who said it can only be blown away? Why can't it be like 'the roc rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles'?"

 “You are about to retire, where else can you go?”

"Be a coach. Let me tell you, Lao Zhao, in a few years we may be rivals on the field. At that time, I will definitely tell the media that I had nothing to do with you when I decided to retire!"

"It has nothing to do with me in the first place..." Zhao Kangming suddenly reacted, "No, you are plotting against me!"

 Qin Lin laughed heartily.

From last night to today, the sense of loss and reluctance that I felt because I finally made my decision to retire was all wiped away by the laughter.


When Qin Lin and Zhao Kangming boarded the bus to go to the airport, the originally lively carriage suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Qin Lin who was getting on the bus.

Xia Xiaoyu stood up and said in a panic: "Brother Lin, will you retire because of me..."

 Apparently he also saw the media article.

 Qin Lin glared at Xia Xiaoyu: "You are overthinking. Before you even entered the first team, I decided to retire after this season. If you don't believe me, ask them..."

 He pointed at the other players in the carriage.

Xia Xiaoyu said: "But Hu Lai said it was not the case..."

Qin Lin was very angry: "That kid is full of lies, why do you believe him?"

Hu Lai protested: "Brother Lin, you can't say that to me! I just can't bear to see you retire! All of us can't bear to..."

This time no one in the carriage laughed, everyone nodded along with Hu Lai's words.

Qin Lin's nose felt a little sore, and he calmed down before saying: "I have decided this a long time ago, and it has nothing to do with you, Xiaoyu. Ever since I was injured when I came to Flash Star, I have made up my mind to wait for the contract to arrive.

Qi retired..."

 When he mentioned the injury, Zhang Qinghuan lowered his head.

It was Qin Lin's serious injury that gave him the opportunity, and it was precisely by taking advantage of Qin Lin's injury that he regained appreciation.

 In a sense, he is the beneficiary of Qin Lin's injury.

If Qin Lin had not been seriously injured, no one can say whether he would have had a chance to prove himself again.

Maybe Qin Lin doesn’t have to retire now and can play football for a few more years, but where he is doing now is really unpredictable...

Qin Lin noticed Zhang Qinghuan's lowered head and continued: "But it's not right to say that my decision to retire has nothing to do with you. Director Zhao didn't say some things outside because he was afraid of bringing pressure to you. But

I think we can talk about it behind closed doors internally. The reason why I refused the persuasion of Director Zhao and Manager Dong many times and firmly decided to retire was because I saw you..."

 He cast his eyes on the young faces one by one.

"Seeing that you guys are performing better and better and growing faster and faster, I think I can retire with peace of mind. Everyone knows that Coach Lehman gave us a 'Welcome to Come' at the post-match press conference.

In response to the message from the Chinese Super League, Director Zhao said that our goal is to avoid relegation. But I want to say that Director Zhao was worried about putting too much pressure on you. What he originally wanted to say was..."

 At this point, he looked back at Zhao Kangming and asked: "Director Zhao, can I tell you?"

Zhao Kangming waved his hand: "Let's talk, let's talk. You have already said this. Can I still stop you?"

After getting permission, Qin Lin turned around and said to his teammates in the car: "Director Zhao originally wanted to respond to Coach Lehman's words very simply. He wanted to tell everyone...'The youth storm has been generated and is about to land in the Chinese Super League.'"

Hearing what Director Zhao originally planned to say, many people in the team were shocked and looked at Director Zhao differently.

"Although I don't say this to the outside world, within the team, I hope everyone can work hard to achieve this goal and turn themselves into a storm. No matter what our results are in the end, we must leave a mark for everyone on the stage of the Chinese Super League.

Deep impression! I want them to remember that many, many years later, in the 2024 Chinese Super League, there was a small spark in the storm that became a prairie fire and swept the country!"

When Qin Lin said this, Zhao Kangming saw that the eyes of those young people clearly shined with light.


 Before the plane that the Flash Star team was traveling on arrived at the airport in Jincheng, many local media and fans had already gathered there.

There were not enough people to squeeze into the terminal building, so they poured into the parking lot outside, spreading from the terminal passage to the place where the Shining Star bus was parked.

A reporter from Anton Satellite TV conducted an on-site interview and found that some of the earliest fans were waiting at the airport five hours in advance just so that they could see the Stars players unobstructed when they came out of the exit.

Banner in hand.

The banner read: "A single spark can start a prairie fire!"

This is the best blessing and expectation from Flash Star fans for their home team.

 With the appearance of the Flash Star team, the scene became commotion.

Seeing the enthusiastic fans and media coming to pick up the plane, Zhao Kangming asked the two captains Qin Lin and Li Tielin to take out the Super Cup and show it to everyone present.

The reporters focused their cameras on the trophy, with all the Shining Star players as the background, and pressed the shutter in their hands. The flash lights on the scene lit up, illuminating the room in white.

As the general manager of the club, Dong Wen thanked the media friends and fans on behalf of the whole team at the scene. He kept handing over his hands: "Thank you to the fellow countrymen! Thank you to the relatives! In addition to the friends here, I also want to thank those who traveled with the team.

Away fans and friends! Thank you! Our Flash Star Club's initial construction goal of 'rooting in Anton and facing the country' can be said to have been initially achieved as of today! On behalf of Anton Club here, I solemnly promise to everyone:

Do your best to play well in the next Chinese Super League! Never embarrass Anton football and Anton people!"

 “Okay!!” His speech won bursts of cheers and warm applause from the audience.

Then, under the guidance of the Super Cup, and welcomed by fans and reporters, the players of the team passed through the sea of ​​​​people, boarded the bus, and were escorted by the convoy of Shining Star fans all the way to Shining Star.

Driving to the club's training base in Liucheng District.

Morikawa Junpei was lying on the car window, staring wide-eyed at the star-flashing team flag held up by the fans from the sunroof of the car, honking the horn and cruising on both sides of the bus.

Through this U23 Asian Cup, he knew that Chinese fans are no less passionate about football than Japanese fans, but he never expected that he would be able to see this scene in China. He originally thought that such a scene would only happen in Europe, where football is the most developed.

 And his Chinese teammates didn’t perform much better than him.

“I’ll go... If you want to say that we won the Chinese Super League championship, I believe it...” Chen Xingyi looked at Che He outside and was amazed.

"Last time I won the FA Cup at my home court, it didn't feel too big. This time the walk from the airport was really spectacular..." Zhang Qinghuan, a well-informed person in the capital Longteng, also admires Flash Star very much.

The passion of the fans.

Wang Guangwei looked out the car window and murmured: "I want to be the storm that Brother Lin said."

 “I want to, too.” Hu Lai said next to him, “Then I can use it to show off.”

Wang Guangwei turned to look at him: "How can you pretend?"

“When someone tells us we can’t withstand the storm, we can say to them: No, I am the storm!”

Wang Guangwei was stunned for a moment, and then gave Hu Lai a thumbs up: "You are worthy of being the king of coercion. You are really good at pretending to be cowardly!"

 Outside the car window, the cars of Flash Star fans were driving together on the highway.

 In the car, the Flash Star players watched this scene, yearning to become Stormheart.

This chapter has been completed!
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