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Chapter 112 Always take that step


 Early on the morning after the game, the Flashing Star team finally said goodbye to the hotel where they stayed for a week and took a flight back.

 The business of the small supermarket on the alley next to the hotel is as good as ever. It cannot be said to be good, but it is definitely not bad either.

This is a famous five-star hotel, and there are usually a lot of guests. Therefore, the supermarket owner will not feel that it is deserted just because a football team has left.

 He stayed in his small shop as always, passing the time by playing on his mobile phone or watching TV.

 A big news in local football is being broadcast on TV:

"...The latest news that our station has learned is that Golden Arrow Football Club officially announced this morning that it has dismissed the team's head coach Wang Xianke... In the statement, the club thanked Wang Xianke for his contribution to the team in regaining the league championship.

Contribution...The club has not officially stated whether this dismissal is related to the grudge between Wang Xianke and Hu Lai, but outsiders speculate that it must be related..."

"...It is rumored that during the halftime of yesterday's game, Jin Yong had a very fierce conflict with Wang Xianke in the locker room, and the two almost even fist-fight... This is also one of the reasons why Golden Arrow completely collapsed in the end.

At the same time, it also proved that Wang Xianke had completely lost control of the locker room and was close to betraying everyone... However, the Golden Arrow Club did not respond to such rumors. Jin Yong did not talk about this matter in the interview after the game.


  The supermarket owner looked down at his cell phone on the table. On his cell phone was a forum post called "Flashing Star is back, and the original poster went to the airport to see Chen Xingyi off."

 The content of the post is about a Golden Arrow fan who made a special trip to see off Chen Xingyi, and it was accompanied by a large number of photos taken by the original poster at the scene.

 The protagonist of the photo is of course Chen Xingyi.

 It can be seen that this is a Chen Xingyi fan who is in Dashun.

 Chen Xingyi in the photo is smiling and waving to the fans who came to see him off.

“…Goodbye Chen Xingyi, we made an appointment to see you in Dashun next year! As a Golden Arrow fan, I can’t wait to see you put on the Golden Arrow jersey again!”


When the Flashing Star team arrived at Jincheng Dongsheng International Airport, they all learned about Wang Xianke’s dismissal from get out of class.

 “Ha, the mission is accomplished!” Zhang Qinghuan slapped Hu Lai on the back, startling the latter.

“Why did you react like this?” Zhang Qinghuan asked strangely.

“Nonsense, you slap someone in the back suddenly, see how much better your reaction is than me, Brother Huan...” Hu Lai rolled his eyes at him.

 But the real reason was that when Hu Lai heard Zhang Qinghuan’s words, he almost thought that Brother Huan knew about the task issued by his system.

 The system task has indeed been completed.

But it has nothing to do with Wang Xianke's dismissal from get out of class. After playing the AFC Champions League game yesterday, the system prompted him that the task was completed, and at the same time, all the task rewards of 300,000 points were received.

This task only requires him to win and score goals in all three games against Dashun Golden Arrow, but it does not require him to dismiss Wang Xianke.

Wang Xianke’s dismissal from get out of class does not require a systematic task at all. Hu Lai will regard it as a very important goal to achieve.

He has also made preparations. If Dashun Golden Arrow really wants to fight with him to the end and wants to protect Wang Xianke, then when Flash Star meets Golden Arrow again in the second half of the season, he will definitely make the opponent realize that he is

How much you mean what you say.

 Now that he saw that Golden Arrow really fired Wang Xianke, he still felt a little... regretful.

It's a pity that the world can't see how true he is of his word!


Hu Lixin was carrying a cross-body sports bag and wearing a hat, standing in the queue. He listened to the people around him discussing with great interest the AFC Champions League quarter-finals last night and the news about Wang Xianke's dismissal from class this morning.


At this moment, he is in the Jincheng Football Association’s training base building in Pujin.

Next to him were twenty-nine students who had signed up for the E-level coaching qualification training and assessment like him. After several months of physical exercise and recovery, he felt that his body was ready, so he set off for Jincheng

Participate in the examination training for the E-level coaching qualification certificate.

The E-Level Coaching Qualification Certificate is an entry-level coaching certificate that anyone can apply for. There are basically no qualification restrictions.

 As long as you love football, even if you don’t plan to be a football coach, you can still take the exam.

It is also very simple to obtain the E-level coaching qualification certificate. As long as you pass the three-day training and have a normal IQ. Of course, in other words, this E-level coaching qualification certificate is almost useless and can only be recognized by the respective local football associations.

, I wouldn’t recognize it if I moved to another place.

 But the E-level coaching qualification certificate is a stepping stone to obtain a more advanced coaching team qualification. Without the E-level coaching qualification certificate, you are not qualified to take the D-level coaching qualification certificate, let alone continue your studies.

There are many young people taking the exam for this certificate, many of whom are even college students.

Fifty-year-old Hu Lixin is the oldest of the group.

For this reason, he asked his wife Xie Lan to dye his hair last night, dyeing his hair completely black, so that he would look slightly younger and less eye-catching.

 He came on the first high-speed train this morning and did not ask his wife to accompany him. Although his wife wanted to come, he refused.

He wants to live here for five days. What does it mean for his wife to come with him? Does Xie Lan still need to work? Although in fact, Xie Lan's work now is almost the same as three days of fishing and two days of netting, but the leader still has to give him face.


Of course he knew why Xie Lan came with him. After all, this was the first time he had been away from home alone for so many days since he became a security guard in Dongchuan... A wife would inevitably feel a little uneasy.

Hu Lixin thought at that time that I was the one who ran away from home alone from Haixi to Baishan to play football... I was only a hundred kilometers away from home, what was there to worry about?

But at this moment, when he was standing in the queue of these people who were much younger than him, feeling the curious looking eyes, he still felt a little nervous.

 I think back then...that was when he was a teenager, and now he is fifty years old.

 Many things are different from those back then.

 At the beginning, he was full of beautiful imaginations and longings for the outside world and his own future.

Now he is over fifty, his temples are gray, and he may be older than his actual age due to the cruel life.

He had never thought before that he would have to start from scratch when he was over fifty.

 The person in front of him finished signing up and stepped out of the way. He walked forward and handed the registration form and physical examination form to the staff.

The other party picked it up and looked at it, then looked up at Hu Lixin and asked in a confirming tone: "Are you Hu Lixin?"

Hu Lixin did not deny it, but took off his hat, nodded and said: "Yes, I am Hu Lixin."

 “Wow!” the staff member exclaimed.

The surrounding students who had signed up for the training also cast their gazes, then exclaimed, and then gathered around excitedly.

Everyone was just discussing yesterday's game and the grudge between Hu Lai and Wang Xianke. Unexpectedly, the central figure in the grudge was right next to them!

This gives them the illusion of a legendary character stepping out of the legend.

Some people looked at his face, trying to find similarities between him and Hu Lai, while others cast curious eyes on his knees...

Hu Lixin knew what they were looking at. These looks were very similar to the way he looked when his identity was exposed when he was working as a security guard, and he was photographed by the owners and watched.

At that time, he was at a loss, so he asked for leave, got off work early, and fled.

Today, he stood in the crowd, letting them look at him, trying to maintain a calm expression on his face.

  He knew that such scrutiny and onlookers would become the norm in his life in the coming days.

He must learn to face those eyes calmly, after all, he no longer wants to stay at home and be a tortoise.

 Having agreed to start over, this step must be taken.

 The crowd of onlookers asked excitedly: "Uncle, are you Hu Lai's father?"

Hu Lixin nodded: "Well, Hu Lai is my son."

 “Uncle, your son is so awesome!”

“Thank you.” Hu Lixin tried his best to smile.

“Uncle, can you... get Zhang Hulai’s autograph for me?!”

 “I want it too, I want it too!”

"Okay, okay!" The staff member finally came to his senses. He came out from behind the table and drove the people around Hu Lixin away, "If you want to chase stars, go to the Provincial Sports Center! This is the place for training!"

After verifying that the registration information submitted by Hu Lixin was correct, he handed Hu Lixin a paper bag, which contained written training materials, room cards, etc., all available.

After Hu Lixin thanked the staff member, he picked up the bag and gave up his seat to the newcomer.

The young students who had already signed up immediately gathered around enthusiastically: "Uncle, can I take you to your room?"

 “Uncle, the elevator is over here...”

“Uncle, which room do you live in?”


Hu Lixin left under the "escort" of this group of people. Those students who had not signed up yet looked over with envy, wanting to leave but not daring to leave.

But this time no staff scolded them, because the staff were also turning their heads and looking over there like them...


PS, because the number of small advertisements posted in the book review area has become very frequent recently, which has increased the management difficulty and workload, so in order to solve the problem of small advertisements once and for all, speech restrictions have been set for this chapter and the book review area. Fans must be worthy

Those who reach 100, that is, can only speak after a reward of 1 yuan.

 Also ask for your understanding.

This chapter has been completed!
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