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Chapter 160 The best auditorium

  Hulay first met national team coach Marcel Wilson on the sidelines of the training ground.

This old German man brought a translator to exchange greetings with Hu Lai, and also planned to explain the situation to him.

 But what surprised him was that Hu Lai greeted him in very fluent German as soon as he came up.

He widened his eyes: "You speak German? No... You are so proficient in German that you sound like a German... But there is no record of living in Germany in your information."

Hu Lai came up with an excuse that he had prepared for a long time: "I took the time to teach myself, Mr. Wilson."

Since using the common language skills book, he expected that many people would know that he could suddenly speak a foreign language. He had no intention of hiding it and could not hide it. If others asked, he would always answer that he learned it on his own.

  As for why he was able to learn so many languages ​​by himself... let’s just assume that he is gifted in languages.

 Besides, he didn’t show off all the languages ​​he knew in one go, so it wasn’t too scary when he said he was learning a language by himself.

Sure enough, although Wilson was a little skeptical and felt that Hu Lai's self-taught ability was really good, he did not dwell on the language issue.

 For football players, knowing multiple languages ​​is certainly a plus, but it’s not something that needs special attention.

 On the contrary, he was very happy: "That's really great. I was worried that my meaning could not be conveyed to you well."

When he said this, the translator next to him was a little embarrassed, but he didn't say anything.

Wilson didn't care about the interpreter's attitude, but continued to say to Hu Lai: "First of all, I want to congratulate you on entering the national team, Hu Lai. Then I have to tell you the truth. What we have to face next is the top 12 games. This

I believe you must know better than me how important this competition is to the team. So I'm sorry, although you have entered the national team, it does not mean that you will definitely get a chance to play. Can you understand what I say?

?We don’t have time to get you and the team familiar with each other through many warm-up games, so..."

 When he said this, he did not continue, but looked at Hu Lai.

Although he had already guessed that this would be the result, before Hu Lai came to the national team, he was really looking forward to it, thinking "what if" and "maybe".

 But now there are no such "in case" and "maybe".

 He sighed regretfully in his heart, but still forced a smile on his face: "I understand, Mr. Wilson. For me, being able to join the national team is a rare learning opportunity."

Wilson was very satisfied with his attitude. He nodded and a smile appeared on his face: "Of course it's best if you can understand. But don't think that the game has nothing to do with you because of this. I hope you will do your best at all times.

Be prepared to be replaced by me at any time."

 “Don’t worry, Mr. Wilson. I will come as soon as you call, and you can fight when you come.” Hu Lai once again gave an answer that satisfied Wilson.

 “Very good, young man, let’s go to training now.”

When Hu Lai ran onto the training ground to warm up with his teammates, Zhang Qinghuan came up to him and secretly asked him: "Why is Wilson looking for you?"

“Tell me not to have too many unrealistic illusions. I am here to learn.” Hu Lai extracted the central idea and said to Zhang Qinghuan.

Zhang Qinghuan sighed after hearing this. Intellectually, he thought the head coach was right, but emotionally he was on Hu Lai's side and felt sorry for Hu Lai.

“Forget it, don’t think too much, just train with peace of mind. Come on, Brother Saihuan, top 12.” Hu Lai looked at it openly and shook his head, as if he had thrown all those unrealistic fantasies out of his mind.


Wilson is indeed not just talking.

 Hulai was on the bench in the first top-12 match of the Chinese team on September 5. Although he went out with his teammates several times to warm up, he was not substituted until the end of the game.

 In this game, the Chinese team defeated the United Arab Emirates 1:0 at home and got a good start in the top 12.

 Although the process was not very smooth, fortunately, we won in the end.

 Because he won the game, neither the media nor the fans paid much attention to the fact that Hu Lai did not play. The focus of everyone's discussion was on the victory itself.

 Before the top 12, when everyone analyzed this competition, they all believed that if the Chinese team wants to obtain the right to participate in the World Cup, there are some games that must be won.

 Including home matches and UAE matches.

After all, the United Arab Emirates is not that strong, and cannot compare with South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Australia. In addition, the Chinese team is at home. If they cannot win such a game, then there is no need to talk about qualifying for the World Cup. There is no chance!

 After getting the three points that everyone thought they deserved, the Chinese team took a short rest and flew to the distant Middle East the next day to challenge their second opponent in the top 12, Saudi Arabia.

Although Saudi Arabia failed to qualify for the last World Cup, it is a veteran team after all and has participated in the World Cup many times. For the Chinese team, it is still a giant.

 In the Chinese team’s plan, a draw with Saudi Arabia in the away game is considered a victory.

 For this purpose, the Chinese team focuses on defense in terms of lineup configuration and tactical choices.

Hu Lai naturally sat on the bench for ninety minutes again. Apart from getting up a few times to warm up, he did not perform much.

  He and his fellow substitute players witnessed the defeat of the Chinese team from the nearest and best seats.

 0:2, the Chinese team was beaten in the away game and was unable to fight back.

Wilson's defensive tactics did not work, and Saudi Arabia used two long-range shots from outside the penalty area to score.

  The Chinese team failed to score a single point as planned and ranked third in the group with three points after two rounds of top-12 matches.

South Korea ranks first in the group with six points from two wins and two, Saudi Arabia is second in the group with one win and a draw and four points. Australia has two draws and ranks fourth. Under the Chinese team, Qatar has one point and fifth place, and the United Arab Emirates has two games.

Total negative points and zero points rank at the bottom.

 This is the situation of this group after two rounds of the top 12 games.


Xie Lan, who stayed until the last second of the two games without seeing his son play, was very dissatisfied with Wilson, the head coach of the Chinese team: "In the end, we were two goals behind. It was a loss anyway, why didn't you give it to us?

My son’s opportunity to play? Even if it’s garbage time, let him go up and feel the atmosphere of the game... Otherwise, won’t this national team go to him in vain?”

Hu Lixin next to him glanced at his wife. He knew that her wife was being picky. From a rational point of view, she did not insist on giving Hu Lai a chance to play.

 But he did not refute his wife's angry words.

 Because he actually hopes that his son can represent the Chinese national team in the top 12 matches.

In fact, it stands to reason that Hu Lai has not played on behalf of the Chinese team - last year's East Asian Cup, although the participating team was the Olympic team, it was nominally the national team to the outside world, so Hu Lai has actually played in three games for the national team.

record, and also has five national team goals.

 It’s just that for most people, they don’t think this is really a national team game and a national team goal. In their view, Hu Lai has not played on behalf of the Chinese national team or scored a goal.

Hu Lixin also holds the same view. He is still waiting for one of his sons to make his first national team appearance.


 Because they lost to Saudi Arabia in an away game, some "disharmonious" voices finally emerged after the game.

“We’ve put Hu Lai on the bench for two consecutive games, so why bring him in? Are you doing it just to show us? You’re just making a fool of yourself!”

  Such questions appeared on the Chinese Internet after the game.

However, some people soon came out to refute this statement, believing that Hu Lai, as a newcomer to the national team, really should not play without being fully familiar with the team.

"It's not like you have to play in the national team. There are more than 20 players in a national team, and a maximum of 14 people can play in a game. So the rest of the players are in vain? This idea is unacceptable.

Don't act like 'everyone in the world is your mother'. You are trying to bring trouble to Hu Lai!"

 Such a statement is still very popular, and it was immediately echoed by many people.

This is also because although we lost the away game, we lost to Saudi Arabia after all. Playing Saudi Arabia away from home is not easy, the goal is to keep a draw, and it is normal to lose the game in the end. It has nothing to do with Hu Laishang not playing.

All in all, everyone is mentally prepared to lose this game. In addition, despite losing to Saudi Arabia, the Chinese team still has three points and ranks third in the group. The results are good or bad, so it is not bad.

As for making the fans so angry that they lose their minds, they will bite them for any reason.

If China had lost to the United Arab Emirates at home in the first game, then maybe the "disharmonious" voice after the game would not be so minor.

Hu Lai also explained in an interview with reporters after the game that he and head coach Wilson had communicated when he first joined the team. He understood and supported the head coach's approach, and what he cared about was not whether he could play or not.

This problem is about the team's performance.

The away defeat to Saudi Arabia was regrettable, but he still looks forward to being selected for the national team on the next national team match day.

This time Hu Lai did not open his mouth during the interview, make a big news, blast the national team coach or something... which also made many people relieved.


“I really went to be the audience for two games, and I don’t know whether we should be happy or regretful...” Chen Mo said to Zhao Kangming with emotion.

I am happy because I thought that Hu Lai did not use up his energy in the national team game, nor was he injured because of the game. He was a healthy person when he went to the national team, and he is still a healthy person when he returns to the club from the national team.


 This is the biggest good news for club team coaches.

 It is a good thing if nothing happens.

 But Hu Lai failed to play on behalf of the national team and show his abilities on the real national team stage, which made everyone who cared about him and supported him feel regretful.

 Not to mention that the Chinese team lost in the last game.

Everyone can't help but wonder, if Hu Lai can play, can he perform?

"I'm not happy or sorry." Zhao Kangming said. "Don't think about the national team, Lao Chen. In the next twenty days, we have five games, four of which are league games. If we can't grasp these four league games,

, our goal of participating in the AFC Champions League next season will be lost."

Chen Mo said: "I have seen the schedule, and the next opponents are not easy to deal with. Lingnan Nanhai has to fight for relegation, Dashun Golden Arrow is holding back its energy to seek revenge from us, and there is also an AFC Champions League game in between.

The quarter-finals...otherwise we just give up on the AFC Champions League, let the young players and substitute players go and forget about it, and the main players stay at home?"

Zhao Kangming shook his head: "You can't do this, then the meaning of giving up will be too obvious, and it will give the players bad ideas. How to play in the AFC Champions League."

“Aren’t you afraid that the team will be exhausted due to tossing it back and forth?”

“We have just experienced a one-month offseason. If we are exhausted from double matches a week, we might as well not participate in the AFC Champions League next season.” Zhao Kangming said with a smile.

“But after the AFC Champions League, the next step is the Golden Arrow..."

 "Old Chen, you have to believe in Hu Lai..."

“Why should I believe him? Wang Xianke has already left Golden Arrow!”

"Ah..." Zhao Kangming patted his forehead, and then defended. "It doesn't matter, I still believe in those young people. The Golden Arrow is still the same people after changing the coach. Since they can lose to us three times, they can lose the third time."

Four times. And this time it’s our home court.”


 PS, during the double monthly pass period, please continue to ask for monthly passes~~

This chapter has been completed!
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