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Chapter 184 The birth of a new record

  After losing the ball, Zhao Kangming made some adjustments to Flash Star's tactics and significantly strengthened the offense.

He asked Zhang Qinghuan to go from the center to the right, so that Flash Star could pose threats on both sides. At the same time, he pushed Xia Xiaoyu forward, with Qin Lin and Morikawa Junpei behind.

 In this way, the shining star changed from the original 4312 to 4231.

 Relying on their home court advantage, they continued to launch fierce attacks on the South China Tigers' goal.

The South China Tiger avoided its edge. After taking the lead, it first chose to defend firmly and then advance slowly.

  Anyway, they already have a one-goal lead. If they stay like this until the end of the game, they can also become the league champion.

At the same time, they can also take advantage of Flash Star's eagerness to equalize the score and press forward across the board to counterattack Flash Star.

 The game fell into a stalemate for a while.

Flash Star has more offense, but in terms of threats, there is still a lack of opportunities to threaten the goal guarded by Lin Zhiyuan.

 On the other hand, the South China tiger fights back from time to time, which seems to be more threatening...

However, the Stars fans in the stands are still cheering for their team.

 The entire Andong Provincial Sports Center has been filled with roar.

 Let everyone who is in it feel that their heart beats very fast.

Peng Hao in the stands worriedly glanced at his grandfather sitting next to him. Seeing his rosy complexion, he worried that he was too excited, so he leaned into his grandfather's ear and asked loudly: "Grandpa, how do you feel?"

Grandpa did not speak, but made a "V" gesture to him.

Peng Hao looked at his grandmother again, and she also made a scissor hand gesture.

 This made Peng Hao breathe a sigh of relief.


 “Flashing star! Rise up!”

 “Flashing star! Rise up!”

Yan Yan in the stands and the former university classmates around him chanted slogans and high-fived in unison.

 The same goes for the uncle beside him.

 After shouting this round of slogans, they stopped to take a breath.

“Uncle, you are doing a decent job...” Yan Yan turned around and teased his New Year friend.

 The middle-aged man snorted: "Look down on me? When I was young, I could roar in the stands for ninety minutes without stopping!"

Yan Yan smiled, and the commanding voice sounded in his ears again: "Get ready-"

 He and his uncle raised their arms together.

The shouts of shining stars once again sounded in the stands of the Provincial Sports Center.


 Amidst the non-stop shouts from the audience, Flashing Star launched another attack.

Zhang Qinghuan picked up the ball in the right rib, and the South China Tigers' foreign midfielder Alejandro Diaz came up to defend. He turned around deftly, blocked the opponent behind him, protected the ball and waited for the left back Liu Binwei to press up.

When Liu Binwei ran up the sideline, he made a move to pass the football to Liu Binwei, deceiving Diaz behind him to turn to Liu Binwei, but Zhang Qinghuan suddenly turned the football to the inside, intending to go laterally to the middle!

Diaz stretched out his foot to block it, but only kicked Zhang Qinghuan's foot.

 Zhang Qinghuan fell to the ground and the whistle sounded.

"Dias fouled Zhang Qinghuan! Flashing Star won a free kick from the right side of the frontcourt!" Anton TV's commentator glanced at the time and added, "In the 17th minute of the first half, the score is still 0:1.

, Shining Star lags behind..."

For Dias's foul, the referee did not give a card or give a verbal warning.

Diaz quickly retreated into the penalty area, and teammates came up to form a wall.

Flash Star players also ran up one after another, such as Wang Guangwei and Ding Yuanhai, two central defenders with header ability. Of course, they couldn't stay in the backcourt for such a short-distance corner kick.

“Keep an eye on good people!” Lin Zhiyuan shouted loudly in front of the door, and then he saw Hu Lai. He withdrew from the middle and quietly ran to the far end of the crowd, lying in ambush. It was obvious that he wanted to attack the rear point.

 So he waved his hand and pointed at Hu Lai: "Hu Lai is behind! Keep an eye on him! Don't let him run away!"

Hearing this, Hu Lai loudly scolded Lin Zhiyuan: "Damn! Xiao Linzi! Who the hell is going to run away!"

Lin Zhiyuan ignored Hu Lai, with a proud smile on his face: You kid still wants to be invisible? I tell you that I will always keep an eye on you!

South China Tigers midfielder Lou Jiarong went to the back post and stood in front of Hu Lai to defend him.

 After seeing that the loopholes in this area were filled, Lin Zhiyuan turned his attention to other places on the defense line and continued to direct his teammates to set up defenses.

 At the same time, a wall of three South China Tigers players blocked Zhang Qinghuan's direct shot.

Although the ball was a bit wide, we cannot rule out the possibility of Zhang Qinghuan shooting directly. This wall forced Zhang Qinghuan to pass the football into the penalty area, which would make the South China Tigers' defense relatively simple.

Seeing this, Qin Lin ran over and stood on the outside line, facing Zhang Qinghuan.

He can either use his left foot to take the free kick and shoot directly, or he can suddenly run to the outside wing, let Zhang Qinghuan pass the ball to him, pull away the South China Tiger players in the penalty area, and then pass the football back to the goal.


 The other players from both sides are entangled in the middle of the penalty area, making it difficult to distinguish each other.

Zhang Qinghuan, who was standing behind the football, turned his head and looked towards the penalty area.

His eyes passed over Wang Guangwei, Ding Yuanhai and others in the middle, and went straight to Hu Lai at the back.

Hulai was also looking at him.

 There were no gestures or signals. The two people just looked at each other, and Zhang Qinghuan withdrew his gaze.

 After the referee confirms that both players are ready, he exits the penalty area and stands outside blowing the whistle.

Qin Lin suddenly turned around and ran to the wing, but Zhang Qinghuan did not follow him, and the players on both sides of the penalty area were unmoved.

 After Qin Lin pulled away, Zhang Qinghuan leaned forward and started to run.

At the same time, Wang Guangwei in the middle took the lead and sprinted towards the South China Tigers goal. His rush led Ding Yuanhai, Chen Xingyi and others to charge together, and their charge caused the South China Tigers defensive players to follow him and retreat to the goal.


Hu Lai, who was originally at the back, did the opposite. Instead of following him to join in the fun, he suddenly retreated and ran away. Before Lou Jiarong could react, he cut across and ran towards the middle of the penalty area!

Zhang Qinghuan ran to the ball and kicked it with his right foot!

 Instead of picking up the football and kicking it towards the goal, he... kicked the ground ball and dunked the football towards the penalty area line!

 He kicked the football to Hu Lai who was rushing over!

Lou Jiarong was initially distracted by Wang Guangwei's forward charge. By the time he reacted, he had been thrown five or six meters away by Hu Lai, and there was nothing he could do to pursue him.

He could only see the unguarded Hu Lai in the crowd and swung his right leg in front of the rolling football!

 “This ball... Hu Lai——!!”

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There seemed to be thunder exploding over the Provincial Sports Center.

 Amidst the explosion, Hu Lai rubbed the football toward the goal with the inside of his right foot!

 The football flew high and went straight to the upper right corner of the goal!

 Lin Zhiyuan was about to attack with a header that was close at hand, but he saw the football rolling towards the center of the turf, and then Hu Lai appeared there!

 He quickly lowered his center of gravity again and took a fighting stance.

Then the football flew over, and he jumped into the air and stretched out his arms!

 Failed to touch the ball!

Amidst the continuous shouting, the football passed far past his hastily throwing arm, drew an obvious arc, and went straight to the upper corner of the goal!

Lin Zhiyuan turned his head and looked at the spinning football, feeling a huge uneasiness in his heart.

 This ball...

 This goal...looks like it was scored!

As soon as this idea popped into his mind, he saw the football flying into the goal against the lower edge of the crossbar!

 He did not see the next scene, thinking that the football had turned into the goal behind his head and flew out of his sight.


 The entire provincial sports center instantly turned into a violent eruption of a volcano.

"Hu Lai——!! Beautiful!! A beautiful free kick from Flash Star! Hu Lai equalized the score for the team!! He didn't stop the ball and shot directly, fast and accurate!"

“The Flash Stars at home have been attacking, and their efforts have finally paid off! This free kick combination is a classic! Zhang Qinghuan suddenly made a cross, and Hu Lai decided the game with a kick! Beautiful! Good goal!!”

"Viewers! Hu Lai's goal to help the Stars equalize the score is also his 29th goal in the Chinese Super League this season! With this goal, he officially surpassed Shi Wuyin and became the top player in the Chinese Football League.

The player with the most goals in a single season in history! A new record is born here!! This is his first Chinese Super League season... Is there anything else that this young man can't do?! What other record is this?

He can’t break it?!”

 The commentators collectively rioted and roared at the top of their lungs.

 The background sound of their explanation was huge cheers from the scene.

Even though it was broadcast on television, the audience could clearly hear the key words in the cheers.


 All the fans in the stadium were chanting the hero’s name.


“Good goal!!!” Peng Hao jumped up from his seat and clapped his hands vigorously. Then it seemed as if an electric current passed through his mind, jolting him to remember what the most dangerous thing was...

 He quickly turned to look at his grandfather next to him.

To his relief, he did not see his grandfather slowly falling on the seat, clutching his chest, but turned to look at him.

"Help me up, Haohao." In the huge noise, Peng Hao couldn't hear what his grandfather said clearly, but by looking at his mouth movements, he understood what his grandfather meant. So he quickly reached out to help him, and together with his grandmother, he helped his grandfather slowly.

Slowly help you get up from your seat.

 Grandpa then waved his arms, signaling for them to let go.

 After both of them let go, he slowly raised his arms, raised them above his head, toward the sky, and clenched his fists.

 From the fists to the arms...the whole body is trembling slightly...

Peng Hao’s hands were in front of and behind the old man, guarding him, but he did not touch him.

 In his ears, the excited Flash Star fans around him kept shouting his cousin's name.




It seemed as if a jumbo jet flew over his scalp, blowing his hair into a mess.



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